BSS Hochspannungstechnik GmbH

BSS Hochspannungstechnik GmbH

Hochfrequente Messtechnik für alle Netzebenen


Read “Partial Discharge Monitoring of Power Transformers by UHF Sensors” authored by Prof. Stefan Tenbohlen in Transformers Magazine.

Photos from BSS Hochspannungstechnik GmbH's post 14/04/2020

Together we will master the COVID-19 crisis!
A few weeks ago, we at BSS have already produced hand sanitizers for our employees and the colleagues at Stuttgart University.
Now, we are producing face shields for the local hospital using our 3D printer and laser cutter.

Calibration Proposal for UHF Partial Discharge Measurements at Power Transformers 06/04/2020

For the calibration of UHF PD measurement instruments, a defined reference signal is needed which is described in the MDPI-Energies publication linked below. The new BSS reference signal generator CAL-500 is a battery powered handheld device generating UHF reference signals as proposed in this publication.

For more information, visit:

Energies Paper:

Calibration Proposal for UHF Partial Discharge Measurements at Power Transformers The continuous, non-intermitted service of electrical grids relies on the reliability of their assets, e.g., power transformers. Local insulation defects can result in serve failures such as breakdowns with severe subsequent costs. The prevention of such events is crucial. Hence, partial discharge (...


With an increasing interest in ultra-high frequency (UHF) partial discharge (PD) measurements for the continuous monitoring of power transformers, it is necessary to know where to place the UHF sensors on the tank wall. Placing a sensor in an area with many obstructions may lead to a decrease in sensitivity to the UHF signals.
In this paper in MDPI Energies from Stuttgart University, a previously validated simulation model of a three-phase 300 MVA, 420 kV power transformer is used to perform a sensitivity analysis to determine the most sensitive sensor positions on the tank wall when PD activity occurs inside the windings.

Just a moment...

Calibration Proposal for UHF Partial Discharge Measurements at Power Transformers 03/02/2020

In our publication in MDPI Energies, a calibration procedure is proposed for the UHF PD measurement method. The calibration process is required to ensure both, reproducibility and comparability of UHF measurements. The proposed calibration method considers two factors: The influence of the UHF-antenna’s sensitivity and the PD recorder characteristics including accessories such as cable damping, pre-amplifier, etc. The former is addressed by a characterization of UHF sensors using the standard antenna factor (AF) in a GTEM cell. The PD recorder’s influence is corrected by using a defined, invariable test signal as reference for all recording devices. A practical evaluation of the proposed calibration procedure is performed in a laboratory setup using different UHF recording devices and UHF sensors using artificial PD signals and real voltage-driven PD sources.

Calibration Proposal for UHF Partial Discharge Measurements at Power Transformers The continuous, non-intermitted service of electrical grids relies on the reliability of their assets, e.g., power transformers. Local insulation defects can result in serve failures such as breakdowns with severe subsequent costs. The prevention of such events is crucial. Hence, partial discharge (...


Together with the University of Stuttgart and Pfisterer Kontaktsysteme GmbH as well as Netze BW GmbH as an associated partner, BSS Hochspannungstechnik GmbH is starting a three-year research and development project. The aim of the project is to determine the condition of assets such as cable joints and transformers by suitable measurement technology and to predict their overload capacity. The project is supported by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy. BSS will develop a measurement system and a data platform for temperature and partial discharge measurement data of cable joints and transformers.

Photos from BSS Hochspannungstechnik GmbH's post 12/09/2019

The BSS PDM-600 partial discharge monitoring system now has a new, platform-independent graphical user interface.

Das BSS Teilentladungs-Monitoringsystem PDM-600 hat jetzt eine neue, plattformunabhängige grafische Benutzeroberfläche.