Human Design Empowerment

Human Design Empowerment

This page is for people who are into the empowerment potential of the Human Design System.

Here you can find Human Design services, advice, inspiration and education. I honour the lineage of Ra Uru Hu, via the International School of Human Design.


What's this hd thing all about? I've not posted recently because my mood, response and inner authority haven't called me. But this share feels good so here I go. Merry life and truth to all xx

Merry Christmas Everyone!

"At the very basis of Human Design is a goal — the goal to liberate the self, the being, the unique being, the individual. And of course, the only way you can do that is you have to move away from mind because there is no way in which you can live out the potential of what your life can be if your mind is making the decisions. It simply doesn't work. It cannot work.

As long as you're making decisions with your mind, you are cut off from your unique Life Force and spending your whole life tapping into everybody else's, tapping into what the program imposes on you so that you think it is your force, and it's not. It is this unique Life Force in each of us that, when you're operating correctly, is what begins to emerge. Its power begins to be displayed as its correctness becomes your frequency.

The Channels are the very root for all of us because what they're really pointing to is the fixed, narrow imprint that we are here to fulfill. You’re not here to fulfill the potential of the Not-Self. You can't; there is no such thing. This is just about becoming homogenized. It’s falling into the rest of the sadness and frustration and pain that is the nature of being on this planet. The normal world is filled with human beings who are deeply disturbed, and they are disturbed because they are not connected to their unique life force. They are always trying to accommodate, fit in, work with, and be like what they‘re not.

The Channels themselves lay a foundation for what we are here to perfect, after all. The moment you express your nature correctly is the moment that perfection is what it is. It is the same word as saying ‘unique’, because there is no comparison. But there is something else. When you live out your true nature, you tap into this force — it’s your life force. It has to do with your health, your vitality, your spirit, and your mental acuity. Because this is where your power is, this is where your essence is. This is where your gifts are, where your promise is. This is where you’re different from anybody else. And it's about tapping into it. You don't do that by ‘thinking it.’

At the very basis of Human Design is a very simple thing. What we have been able to learn from the revealed mechanics is a way of understanding how we can navigate on this plane in such a way that we get to live out our true potential — the potential of the form, the potential of our vehicles, because it is the vehicle that is the life. It is the vehicle that empowers this life force. When you're operating correctly, what you're doing is enriching the potential of this holistic being because you bring out the essence of yourself. It's there in the Channel." Ra Uru Hu

Timeline photos 21/11/2020

I'm grounded (earth position) in 34.3, "machismo".

When I live in response I am empowered by my sacral life force energy with charisma (34-20) and power (34-57). This power helps to protect my individuality. Its resulted in me barking down street dogs and growling down leacherous men in ally ways. My power is my tool to LIVE. But it needs to come from my bodys response. If directed by my mind, watch out for the s**t storm.

Used carelessly (governed by a notself mind) rampant power can result in powerlessness.

It's a blessing to have power and a blessing to develop wisdom around its use. I'm so grateful for HD teachings showing me my path of power and powerlessness are a key part of my sacred dance of life.

Gate 34, Power – The Power of the Great from Nov 21 - 26


Power is only great when its display or use serves the common good.

This transit’s energy brings the potential of self-empowerment by being present to follow your own convictions … expressing your power in the now.

Said another way, it may be selfish NOT to be selfish.

Humanity needs the wildly individual and differentiated being that you’re designed to be. Only then can you use your inborn gifts, strengths and talents to make your unique contribution to the world. And, when you do … this charisma can empower others.

As we journey through the Quarter of Mutation you may start to recognize that the heart and soul of mutation and transformation is a deeply individual process.

And, when you love yourself enough to trust yourself and follow your inner knowing … the correct transformation has an opportunity to emerge.

There is a deep potential to be busy and active during this transit. This surge of energy when responding to life can be healthy for you. However, getting distracted by what you think you should do can lead to wasting energy rather than empowering your purpose.

This Solar Transit invites powerful self-empowerment to do what you love. In this way you can display and celebrate your uniqueness in the world. Self-empowerment allows the piece of the puzzle that you’re here to express to emerge naturally.

Will you seek to be independent and unique, to act on your convictions, and to triumph? Do you have the courage to be ‘you’?

And, will you wait for correct timing to act? When you exert force, you may encounter resistance. The greatest strength has patience and a willingness to adapt. It doesn’t engage until events call for movement.

There’s no need to demonstrate force when you’re on the path of greatness. Benevolence allows you to transform obstacles into an opportunity to fortify your authentic power.

One of my dearest friends has the Channel of Charisma (Personality Sun & Earth in this transit) … it’s beautiful and brilliant to watch her self-empower and align her uniqueness to the truth of who she is. She self-empowers with grace and benevolence which empowers so many around her to want to be the best they can be. Happy Birthday, Kathy!


Love Yourself,
Ruth Brennan


Heres Ra speaking about conditioning.

"Remember something about the nature of conditioning: Conditioning is not the enemy. Conditioning is not bad, conditioning is not to be eliminated, conditioning is everything. It is what we call life. It’s absolutely gorgeous. It’s just about not being identified with what is conditioning in your life, but it is not about not experiencing it or taking advantage of it. Think about the Generator that through the 20 transit suddenly becomes a Manifestor. Now it doesn’t mean that they can act like a Manifestor, but it does mean that when somebody asks them for their response, that when they respond they can work like a Manifestor. In other words, they can really jump in at the manifesting level and they can take advantage of that.

It’s not about eliminating conditioning, it’s about eliminating the ignorance of the conditioning. You see, any center that is open in you is your opportunity for wisdom. This is your opportunity through that filtering process that once you stop identifying with what’s moving through you, you can take advantage of what’s moving through you.

Like you, I went through the same process. I went through the process of my great distaste for being controlled through those open centers of mine. And that sense in me, given that I have three gate of aloneness, to say, “Well, the hell with all of them, I’m just going to stay out of the aura.” But of course you can’t; you can’t. Not only can you not because you cannot avoid the program, but you can’t because it’s life. It’s no fun without all that stuff no matter how you’re defined or undefined. It’s part of what we’re here for.

So don’t turn conditioning into an enemy and don’t think that because you are being conditioned in one way or another that your Type has changed, for example, that that’s something for you not to use and not to fall into. It’s not true. If you’re entering in according to your Type, you can take advantage of any transit. I mean that’s what it’s there for. I took advantage for seven years of Pluto dominating my Sacral. Now, it was exhausting as hell but, I did not resist that. What am I going to do against Pluto? I did not resist that.

- Ra Uru Hu


I've got an open (undefined) head, ajna, G centre and a totally open heart/ego centre. From my experience and experiment I can absolutely attest to the suffering that comes from an open centre's impact on a mind that wants to believe what it tells itself.

The open head things about things that don't matter.
The open ajna tries to be certain and pretends to be clever.
The open G is seeking love, direction and identity.
The open heart/ego wants to prove itself because it doesn't have the self worth of someone with defined will.

Suffering comes from trying to follow that conditioned "not-self" mind which chats away and tells us this and that about how life should be lives. This chatter, if listened to and followed, leads us away from our true self.

Our openness is where we dance with our shadows. In this dance we learn to live and love our openness. We are not here to get rid of our shadows. We are here to witness the not self mind, chuckle at its efforts and instead, be guided by our bodies. This is the empowerment of Human Design.

Through learning my strategy and inner authority to make decisions as myself, I'm witnessing my life unfold one correct decision (and at times some incorrect ones as well) at a time.

I am a Manifesting Generator with a Generator Aura which is open, enveloping, generating life force energy. I am here to respond to life not to my mind. And I am here to be guided by my emotional authority, the waves of wisdom that wash over me over time.

I am not here to try to solve everyone else problems (thinking about things that don't matter), I am not here to be certain, I am not here to 'find' love, direction or identity. And perhaps most of all, I am not here to prove myself.

Knowing my own shadow dance empowers me to be danced my the music of my soul. This dance is a mystery, especially to me, because I have no idea how it will unfold because I am here to respond, not to initiate from my mind. But I'm a witness to so much that delights me so I know this dance is a good one for me.


The Openness Conditions the Way the Mind Thinks and Makes Decisions

So, the first thing to understand about our openness is that this is what takes in the deep, deep, deep conditioning. But the second thing, the most devastating thing is that it goes directly to your mind. Not only does it go directly to your mind, but it's going to condition the way in which your mind is going to think and the way in which you are going to make decisions with that mind. This is the not-self. And it is a deeply, deeply, deeply powerful thing. You never get rid of it.

It is one of the great ironies of openness. If you're unaware and you're operating according to what your mind tells you to do, you're never going to live your life. You're never going to have that life. Never. And all of those open centers become your enemy, guiding the way in which your mind distorts the nature of what it thinks its purpose is. But that openness is also something else because when you are correct, when you're operating out of your Strategy and Authority what happens is that openness becomes the source of your wisdom.

I'm somebody that has an open Solar Plexus Center, undefined emotional system. I can remember in my life when it ruled both my body and my mind. I can remember how clearly it distorted everything about the nature of my life. For over two decades now I watch what goes through my Solar Plexus system. It's allowed me to become very wise about the nature of emotionality and emotional beings. It's allowed me to be of service to them. It's allowed me a deeper understanding of its nature and how it works.


There are 4 'types' of people in Human Design. Type gives us our strategy to make decisions as our true selves.

Manifestors have the strategy of 'informing' others who they will inpact.

Generators and Manifesting Generators have the strategy of waiting to respond to something outside of them.

Projectors have the strategy of waiting for recognition and an invitation from another before they decide to guide another.

Reflectors have the strategy of waiting through cycles (especially lunar cycles) before they make big decisions.

As well as strategy we are guided in our timing by our inner authority.


This meme is a bit of an in joke, it's funny if you've been in HD long enough to come across some who claim there are 5 types, and you've learned that doesn't match up with basic HD mechanics.

For this reason I don't recommend folks buy Chetlan Parkyn's books. Yes he just won a court case defending his right to use the Human Design name, yes his books are cheap and are available at Book Depository, and yes they are inventive HD rather than mechanical and they aren't going to take you to the uniqueness of your design so I wouldn't waste your cashola.


Our head is not our enemy, at times thoughts are our allies. We're just not here to make decisions with them.


"It's why the education of individual children is difficult. It's difficult because it may never truely be for them. But then we have the way in which our society is structured and it makes it very difficult to give them that opportunity to just be who they are, to just nurture that. My work with young people is to encourage individuals to enjoy being different, to enjoy being a freak." Ra Uru Hu, Channels by Type.


If you don't have accurate birth time then your body graph is a guess. A guess on a map can be a big detour. So accurate birth time to save time and avoid more not you conditioning (the point of hd) could be a motivating factor if you're drawn to HD knowledge. There are ways of working it out, someone like Glenda Anderson can do chart rectification, vedic astrologers do this kind of thing too, and a quality kinesiologist who focuses a session on birth time can also sort you out.

Accurate time of birth is super important in Human Design, near enough may not be good enough. 🙌


This is the most incredible example of transformation, matamorphos. Grow, shed your skin, eat it, digest, repeat, build a cacoon, mutate then spread your wings and fly. Did this Caterpillar know it was really a moth? Or did it just live as itself and become one? Beautiful HD example of living your design and no choice.


Planning life is never as satisfying, success bringing, peaceful or surprising as following our strategy and authority and living as our trueselves. 2020 has brought a lot of challenges but personally I've found human design has been an empowering tool to observe the drama and fly my giant dog dragon in between the swamp horse dragging moments of life.


Learning about where we are open to conditioning in our Design (the whiteness) can be a way we can come to observe the 'hidden biases' that are hiding away in our not-self minds.

I love my emotional authority - Human Design 13/07/2020

I'm an Emotional authority Manifesting Generator with the channel of emoting, 39-55, a design of moodiness, defined.

This afternoon I felt my energy drop and my mood descend. I had so many things to do but I didn't feel like doing anything anymore. My family was away in town and I felt drawn to the river. I took a cup of Cacao and walked on down the road, over the gate and through the bush to the rivers edge.

I sat by the river in silence watching the sunlight dance across the water. I attempted to sing, but my voice was flat. I felt a deep melancholy and enjoyed it by myself.

I lay down on the sand and closed my eyes. I listened to the sounds of river life. I fell asleep. I don't know what time passed.

Over time I felt something shift in me. I started to listen more intently. Then I heard something I haven't heard in months. Ever since the floods ripped through this valley in February this year I have been missing the songs of my favourite bird- the Lyre birds. These incredible birds have an ancient lineage. I have heard them described by an Indigenous local Elder as being the first birds of Australia. They are incredible because they sing the sounds that are around them. They are said to carry the voices of the Ancients. The can also mimic car alarms and chain saws.

Lying on the sand with the winter sun in my face I heard the chorus of song coming from one Lyre bird on the opposite side of the river bank. One bird with so many songs within it, the bell bird, the kookaburra, the whip bird....One bird singing its heart out. I listened and my heart reverberated with the resonance of this gift.

When it finished I sat up. Said goodbye to the river and walked home.

I felt my energy rising for the everyday tasks I needed to do- that I now felt like doing. I got so much done because I had honoured my emotions and had let myself ride my emo-down wave with grace.

The piece i've linked is written by an emotional Projector who I admire for his knowledge of Human Design and his respect for the system.

I love my emotional authority - Human Design a blog about Projector & Human Design


I'm not going to pretend to be a Human Design expert on this page. I've got an undefined Ajna and so for me, i'm not here to be certain about anything. I am here to be aware of my openness and to become wise about what concepts are worth thinking about.

I have been in my strategy and authority (S&A) experiment for a little over two years. I have peeked and prodded in the online world of HD for about a year and a half. During that time I've observed the Dunning-Kruger effect coming through the posts and websites of some 'readers' (predominantly 'intuitive' ones), some who have literally explored human for months as opposed to the years it takes for someone to actually become a certified analyst. Even quality 'uncertified' ones have years as opposed to months of experience in experimenting with their design before bringing out their Human Design services to others.

What i've noticed from those people is that they have a tendency to sell an 'inspirational' version of Human Design, which doesn't reveal the rich complexities of the system.

For me, Human Design offers a map of each persons unique differentiation potential. It is not about churning out bright sparkly 'live your best life' humans who don't know how to dance with their shadow. It is an invitation for each individual to awaken to the truth of who they are. And that truth can be challenging to work with. Damn thats some responsibility.

Understanding that I am a Manifesting Generator- a generator aura type who has a tendency to race ahead and to miss steps- is a motivating factor for why I am currently taking my time working my way through International Human Design school teaching materials and courses. I love that I get to experiment with using my S&A through this process (in terms of when the timing for courses and people feel drawn to learning from aligns in satisfying ways) and this feels really valuable to me even if I never go the full certification route.


I have a totally open heart center. Learning, living and loving the mantra "I'm not here to prove myself" and "im not here to improve myself" has been so transformative to me.

It can be a catch 22- I am not here to prove I have nothing to prove. My strategy and inner authority are what guide me to knowing when to prove myself or not.

The notself undefined heart/ego centre is always trying to improve itself, which is detrimental to health and wellbeing instead of being supportive. The notself is quite the trickster, be aware. Follow your Human Design strategy and inner authority, love your Self and enjoy the ride ❤


I can highly recommend working with Glenda Anderson, a founder of the Human Design Australia and long time Human Design teacher and practitioner.

Glenda trained with Ra back in the day and so has the direct fractal lineage with him, as well as her own personal style and flair that comes from many years of studying and embodying the Human Design system (as well as other wellbeing and healing modalities.)

I have completed both the Living Your Design and Rave ABC's with Glenda and I loved that she offers 1-1 bespoke classes- so perfect for an individual like myself.

You can contact Glenda through her page Human Design Australia. She's a great example of a generator who sits back and waits for something to respond to, rather than initiating and promoting herself endlessly (which would not be in alignment with her strategy).

She also has some of the best Human Design Meme's going, so her page is well worth joining just to get little tidbits of wisdom from her on a daily basis.

Personally I adore the Human Design System rabbit hole, 21 years and it's more magical than ever. If you want to have a reading or take a class message me ❤


I love Human Design because it's about each of us as individuals awakening to our own unique potential. This sounds so simple but it can be such a challenge.

Ra Uru Hu had a way with words that don't resonate with everyone. Human Design via the source (Ra) is not always easy knowledge to digest. It can take time and patience and sometimes a little support. But it's worth the struggle if it's something you are drawn to exploring.

I'm happy to offer empowerment if this post raises any questions about the journey towards uniqueness, I can recommend analysts and offer my own experience, so fire away with comments.

Ra Uru Hu on the Human Design System:

"The revealed mechanics that are there in the Human Design system provide the ability for every single human being to be able to find a way to realize their own truth, to realize their own perfection and their own uniqueness. I think the thing to grasp the most about Human Design, and to understand why it is so truly different from everything else that you will see around you is that every other kind of knowledge on this planet tries to draw you together with the other. It's what it does. All that knowledge is there to bond you to the other so that you and the other can feel comfortable with each other because you are into the same thing, into the same God, into the same story, into the same everything. It's not what Human Design is about.

Human Design is only and specifically for the transformation of an individual, one person at a time. It's not about what somebody else does or thinks. This is the old way in which everyone is a sheep looking for some kind of wolf to guide them and abuse them and use them, take advantage of them, fool them. It's not what this is about.

The first thing I learned in my work in Human Design is that human beings don't like themselves. I was really surprised. Some of that dislike is hate, but they don't know who they are and they've never had a chance to live out who they are. This is about you. It may be a long story. I love these long stories. I don't mind taking a ride on the journey like this, it’s beautiful. The knowledge is beautiful. It's not about the knowledge. It's about the way in which you're going to live your life. This is what Human Design brings.

It's not just a matter that it's interesting. It's the most important thing that you're going to meet in your life because it's the only thing that's ever going to offer you an opportunity to realize your potential. And you don't know what that is. It isn't about what your fantasy assumes. To become yourself is quite something. To shed this mind that controls everything, that rules you, that distorts your life, to allow you to find a place within yourself that what we are as nine-centered beings is the grace that we do not have to be afraid, because it's not up to us to decide…

It always comes back same thing. It comes back to Strategy and Authority. It comes back to your life, not my blah, blah, and how you're going to live it on this crazy plane where people are so hungry, so angry, their hands so bloodstained.

Don't forget the privilege you have in watching this. It offers you an opportunity to transcend that, the homogenized world, the madness that is there, the ignorance that is there. Human Design is the mechanics of the maia; it's here to enhance your awareness. Strip the veil away from those eyes so that you can begin to see. That you can begin to discover self-love; it's a nice thing to see the beauty in what it is to be you. Not simply just to see the beauty of what it is to be you, but to live it, to live your signature, to find out what peace and satisfaction and success and surprise can really mean in your life, how it enriches it.

I always have a concern about knowledge and journeys. So many people avoid the truth by looking for it. You're not going to find your answer in this journey. You're going to find stimulation. The answer is within yourself. It cannot be anyplace else. It is about whether it is your serendipity, not choice, but whether it is your serendipity to surrender, and to surrender to your vehicle.

Whatever Human Design is in the end, it is here to transform the form principle. It is here to teach us an extraordinary essential lesson that the body is the life. If you do not allow this body to operate in the way that it was intended to operate you screw up your life; boom. It's not about your head trip. It's not about what your mind thinks, not about all the bulls**t you go through, all the machinations, this and that, this and that. This is the madness of the world. The beauty of the form principle is that when you relax into surrender, into the integrity of your form you will see that it delivers, it gives you your life.

We have been so overwhelmed in our philosophies by the assumption of intent in the creation of the totality. We have been so brainwashed and homogenized into the assumption of intent, that in fact anyone who stands up and claims otherwise makes themselves a target in the madness of this homogenized world. One has to be on very careful ground to suggest that no great power was there before the start waving their whatever's to initiate this journey. But yet, in Rave Cosmology there is no great intent at the start. There's the magic of serendipity that what can happen, can happen...

One of the interesting things about us, we creatures, we have a limitation in the way in which we see. And what we can't see in no matter what way we translate the value of that word, then it's simply not there. And there is so much about the nature of being that is empty and full at the same time, truly."

~Ra Uru Hu

Human Design Empowerment

My name is Nicola Grace and I am a 3/4, Manifesting Generator with Emotional Authority who is born under the Right Angle Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix.

As someone who is born with only individual and integration channels I am here to be self empowered and to empower those who resonate with me and at times those who don’t.

What is Human Design?

Jym Zen, the analyst who introduced me to Human Design, cheekily describes the system as ‘the bastard love child of the I-Ching and astrology.”

