Xegara Estate

Xegara Estate

Erfülle dir deinen Traum mit Immobilien auf Nordzypern


Find Your Dream Home!
Looking for Apartment, Villa, Bungalow or are you trying to relocate into sunny North Cyprus? ☀️
We have a wide variety of property selection designed to fit your preferences.
Looking to invest and increase your wealth with real estate in the Mediterranean, we will take you through step by step process to insure that your investment is running safely. 💸

The change has come - XEGARA WORLD


Finde deine Traumimmobilie!
Du suchst ein Apartment, Villa, Bungalow oder du möchtest ins sonnige Nordzypern auswandern?☀️
Wir haben eine große Auswahl an Immobilien, die genau auf Ihre Vorlieben zugeschnitten sind. Wenn Sie in Immobilien im Mittelmeerraum investieren und Ihr Vermögen vermehren möchten, führen wir Sie Schritt für Schritt durch den Prozess, um sicherzustellen, dass Ihre Investition sicher abläuft.💸

The change has come - XEGARA WORLD


🤩 Warum investieren so viele Deutsche aktuell in Nordzypern?

💥 Es ist Fakt, das wir derzeit in einer schwierigen Marktsituation befinden.
Die Immobilienpreise in Deutschland sind in den letzten Jahren sehr stark gestiegen und für die meisten Menschen nicht mehr zu bezahlen. Dazu kommt noch die Zinserhöhung bei den Banken, das macht eine Finanzierung und Kauf einer Immobilie nicht mehr so attraktiv. 😬
❗Und als ob das noch nicht genug ist, haben wir mit einer hohen Inflation zu kämpfen.
✅ Genau deshalb haben wir nach einer Lösung gesucht und diese nun gefunden.
✅ Wir haben uns viele Länder und Immobilienmärkte auf der ganzen Welt angesehen.
☑️ Und wir haben in Nordzypern eines der derzeit lukrativsten Möglichkeiten zum Investieren gefunden ✋

🔝 Hier kannst du schon ab 59.000€ eine Traum-Immobilie mit Meerblick kaufen.

✅ Klicke jetzt auf den Button und finde in 53 Sekunden heraus, ob Nordzypern Immobilien was für dich wäre.

✅ Und erhalte die Chance auf ein unverbindliches Beratungsgespräch. Mit persönlichem Ansprechpartner!

Wir freuen uns auf dich! ❤️


Enjoy the silence on your own mansion. 🏝

Feel the moment, be one with yourself and breath freely. We can give you advice for the best mansions in Northern Cyprus. Enjoy the luxurious life in the Swings Villa. 🏠

Dreaming of your own beachfront property? What are you waiting for? Leave us a DM for more information. 📩

Our team is from all over the world. So we can service you with all these languages:


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The medical standards in Northern Cyprus are very high! 💉

Medical facilities are equipped with the newest technologies and treatments. Many patients are visiting the best clinics in Northern Cyprus to get high quality treatments. 🏥

Medical travel is very popular on this island. Northern Cyprus is ahead of its time and has a plenty of options for great investments! 📈

Did you know that XEGARA takes part in building process of the largest wellness and anti aging clinic in Europe? Leave us a DM for further information! 📩

Our team is from all over the world. So we can service you with all these languages:


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Your new residence is right here! 🏡

We offer you assistance by choosing your dream property on Northern Cyprus. Our well experienced advisors help you with any questions. We are doing the work while you keep getting inspired by this great island. 🏝

How does your dream property look like? Let us know in the comments! 💭

Our team is from all over the world. So we can service you with all these languages:


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Find your personal palace in Northern Cyprus. 🏡

When it comes to purchasing properties for self use, nothing is more important than the feeling. The feeling of comfortability, relaxation and trust. These are huge points of our large project „Maldives Homes“. On this island you can enjoy your life, grow your business and share it with many different people. 🏝

Maldives Homes is a place to connect people. A place, where everyone of you can forget the all day worries. 💭

You would like to connect to us? Just leave us a DM! 📩

Our team is from all over the world. So we can service you with all these languages:


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Life in Northern Cyprus. 🏝

On this island, all your dreams come to one clue. Everything is possible and you can express yourself the way you want to. Luxurious properties, endless opportunities for growing your business and great experiences. 🔥

Northern Cyprus - the place to be!

You need more information? Write us a message with all your questions! 📩

Our team is from all over the world. So we can service you with all these languages:


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Tired of grey skies, expanding prices and everyday life? ☁️

Northern Cyprus will show you an alternate life. A life besides all stress, filled with opportunities and freedom. Come and visit us on our beautiful Mediterranean island! ☀️

You need more information? Leave us a message! 📩

Our team is from all over the world. So we can service you with all these languages:


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