Venus & Mars Art Gallery

Venus & Mars Art Gallery

Art gallery for artistic photographers.

Current Exhibition 12/03/2017

Visit our website to see the series "Shame" by Marit Beer

Current Exhibition

Journal 12/02/2017

Meet Gundula Blumi


Current Exhibition 31/01/2017

The first exhibition "Still for a While" by Phoebe Jane Barrett is now online.

See more of her artwork here:

Current Exhibition


Venus & Mars is an online art gallery that is offering the opportunity to those artistic photographers who want to showcase their works to be part of a collective in which ideas and projects are shared. The purpose is to create new standards and norms within photography. Venus & Mars figures are icons that represent the ambivalence of two separate worlds with different connotations, but still capable to converge and intertwine one with the other to create something greater.
The gallery´s aim is to discover and visualise the in between by featuring emerging artists on the weekly journal and to show selected artwork in a monthly exhibition, focusing on a specific concept or on free projects.
All artists who will take part to the exhibition will be added to the website with their own profile.