

Grafikdesigner und Illustratorin und was mir sonst noch einfällt ;)


One of my first tattoos. Healed with some touch ups. Thanks again
What do you think?
If you want a tattoo by me, just write me a DM. I am a happy tattooapprentice if I can tattoo you! Wanna Dos are priorities cause I am still working fulltime and I am a mom😅 so my time is limited. Mostly I tattoo at the weekend.


Sneak peak to a design I am going to tattoo next month. Is there anyone who loves Janosch as much as I? I am really hyped to make this 😄


One of my most beloved ideas are te****les of kraken, octopus etc. So it wasn't a surprise I practice this design too. Loved to make the shading. What di you think? Yay or nay?
Done .ink



[English below]
Wie in jedem Jahr ist Oktober Zeit, um auf Brustkrebs aufmerksam zu machen. Im letzten Jahr haben Melina und ich ein Gewinnspiel veranstaltet, um Geld für Discovering Hands zu sammeln. Dieses Jahr möchte ich eine andere Aktion machen: Jeder, der im Oktober einen Tattoo-Termin bei mir bucht, spendet automatisch 10€ mit. Die Tattoopreise bleiben aber gleich. Ihr bezahlt nicht mehr. Ihr dürft aber gern beim Termin mehr in die Spendenkasse legen. Ich freue mich über viele Termine. Gern auch teilen!

It's october and as every year it's
Last year I raised some money together with
This year I would like to make something similar. With every tattoo appointment in october I will donate 10€ each to
The price for your tattoos will not increase but you can donate also if you like. So I would appreciate if you book an appointment with me this month. I am free mostly on every weekend. See ya!
Please share so we can raise a lot of money together!



As I said I love shells and it seems you like them too!
Today I tattooed one of my best friends. She wasn't quite sure how the shell should look and so I made a very fine version and one with more shading and black. What do you think she went for?


Ich habe gestern im Zug nochmal ein paar weitere Muschel-WannaDos gezeichnet. Heute beim Termin haben wir uns dann auch spontan für eine andere Muschel entschieden. Die T06 ist damit jetzt schon weg🐚
Schaut gern in meinen Highlights für alle verfügbaren WannaDos.

Yesterday I drew 3 more shell wannados. Today we changed the original shell idea and switched to T06. So this one is already tattooed.
Have a look in my highlights for more wannados.

Photos from Gre-nadine's post 10/09/2023

Before I show you yesterdays work here is a tattoodesign I made before I started tattooing. This symmetrical shell design was my first attempt to practice my own designs. This will be a wanna do later when I am feeling more experienced.
Done .ink
Design by me

Photos from Gre-nadine's post 06/09/2023

After the rose I tried some freehand leaves and shading for the first time. Loved how they turned out. I fehlt so comfortable with these that the first tattoo were also some leaves.

Photos from Gre-nadine's post 02/09/2023

This was after some lines my very first tattoo on synthetic skin. The rose was the perfect beginning. I loved the clean lines.
Was I proud when I finished this nearly half a year ago😅


Here you can see the two sketches I made for
She chose the first one with sketchy lines and without shading. What would you choose?


So there is only one leave wanna do left. If you are interested to get tattooed by an apprentice with this one just write me a DM. Thanks!

Ein letztes WannaDo meiner Blättersammlung ist noch übrig. Wer Interesse hat, sich dieses Motiv von mir als Anfängerin stechen zu lassen, meldet sich bitte.

Photos from Gre-nadine's post 18/08/2023

Here you can see my first try to tattoo on food. It was shortly after I started my apprenticeship .ink
I will definitely do it again soon.


Hat jemand spontan Lust diesen Samstag oder Sonntag sich eins dieser 4 Blätter tättowieren zu lassen? Als Anfängerin bezahlt ihr nur die Materialkosten. Ihr seid euch dafür bewusst, dass ich erst angefangen habe zu tättowieren und es kein perfektes Ergebnis werden könnte.
Ich freue mich auf euch!

LG, Dine


Here you can see my very very first tattoo session on fake skin. It was the first time I ever held a tattoo machine. 😅🤣
It was like I couldn't draw at all. Very strange feeling after drawing for so long now.



ALOHA! Just a little reminder I am still in vacation but my shops are still open! (Link in Bio)
Here is the little lettuce slug which I made as a postcard.


One of my latest linolprint. I really love the orca. Hope you like it as much as I do! 💙


It's just me wishing you a wonderful start of the weekend.


Sneaky wendsday.
Love this combination of mandala and snake. Perhaps I should draw one again. What do you think?
This one is still available to buy!


These days it feels like I am a cacti too. I am worn out by this temperature. What do you do against the sun?


Well I didn't had the time this year to make a new illustration cause a lot is going on in my life. But I made this illustration for my KoFi-Account. And it is obviously an illustration with many sea and ocean vibes.
Do you know what is? You can support people with buying them a coffee. The amount you donate is up to you and how many times you donate to. This is a great idea to support artists etc even without have to buy their art. You can now find me there.
It was a hard decision to make, but I am a young mum with lots of passion for illustration and tattooing and making stuff and it would mean the world to me if you think about supporting me there ❤️



This was my from last year. It was so complex, it took my long after may to finish this one. But I am still very happy how it came out.
This was my first digital mermaydrawing I made.


One of my fav mermays I ever made yet.
This one I made totally different. I used a watercolour background and drew the mermaid on a different sheet of paper, cut it out and fixed it on the finished background. At last I applied a sheet of gold on the mermaid.
What do you think of this one?


This was my second mermay I made at all. What do you think? I don't like it anymore😅 but that means I am growing and changing and that isn't bad at all.


This was a mermay/dtiys I made two years ago. Loved the kraken hat when I saw the original pic.


My zombie-mermaid I made some years ago. Still like this one.
I will show you my mermays till now.


As many of you know, I love the ocean and seaanimals. When I was visiting Iceland some years ago I took part on a whalewatching tour. That was so great. We sailed with an old shoner and had the best weather.
I made this print to remind everyone and myself that we are responsible for the pollution in our environment.
This print is available in my Etsy-Shop and on Instagram. I will also take it with me on this sunday to the market at Toestedt. Hope you love it as I do.
Many thanks to my brother .de to print this one in high quality on aquarell paper.


Till now I havn't drawn a yet. But I hope you like thus one too.
Inspired by the beautiful and fully talented
Check her out. I also love the turquoise touch she adds to her drawings!

Have a lovely day everyone!


See ya today.


I also brought the Harry Potter-stuff I illustrated for and her Etsy-Shop.


Presenting your work at a market is always challenging cause I love all my products and often I have to decide which ones I will present.
Hope this works for today

See ya there and have a lovely monday.

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