Lost Ancestors

Lost Ancestors

Lost Ancestors voluntary projects is a compilation of information gathered by volunteers from unusual sources. http://www.lostancestors.eu

Our goal is to provide a free resource of useful historical data on our website. Ideas and new contributions are welcome at any time.


A further memorial from Monmouthshire, Wales is uploaded. Steve Day was so kind to visit Caerleon for taken pictures of the local memorial. Many thanks, Steve. Information and pictures of a lot of soldiers are added. Click the following link to enter the page.


A further memorial from North Yorkshire is installed. Linda Robertson visited Burnsall and took nice pictures of the local memorial. Thousand thanks, Linda. Information has been added.
The memorial from Askrigg in North Yorkshire is updated. A lot of pictures and information could be added. Please find the link to it on the memorial entry page.
The letters A to S are updated on "Names and That". Please click the refresh button of your browser when you are on the pages.


The next memorial is from Lincolnshire. Mick Peck visited the Church of St. Mary and St. Peter in Harlaxton and took nice pictures of the memorial panels which are represented inside of the church. Many thanks, Mick. Information has been added.
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Carolyn Day's son Steve was travelling in Monmouthshire, Wales and took a break in Langstone. He discovered the war memorial there and took nice pictures of it. Many thanks, Chris. Information has been added.
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We are back in Scotland. We installed the memorial from Croy in Highland. The pictures were provided by Linda Robertson. Thousand thanks, Linda. Information has been added. We couldn't identify some soldiers from Croy. Help is required.
Unfortunately is it difficult to find information about people from Scotland. A lot of documents are in the hand of the National Archive and are copyrighted. Other sources didn't take over the information.
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Kent is something like an orphan on our project site and so we are happy to add an additional memorial to it. Linda Robertson was in High Halden and took nice pictures of the local memorial. Thanks a lot, Linda. Information has been added.
Click the following link to enter the page.

Please also take a look at "Names and That". A new information is added to "Christmas".


A new memorial is installed. Mick Peck visited Holton-le-Moor in Lincolnshire and provided the pictures and information of the local memorial. Many thanks, Mick.
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It was in 2004 when Linda Robertson had the idea to start a genealogy group. Microsoft offered the opportunity to do so on its social media corner MSN at that time. It didn't take long to form a group of like-minded people and Lost Ancestors were growing up.
The members searched for information about their ancestors and in many cases help was found. An almost endless list of postings was created.
My time came in 2006. I am Wolfgang, but the whole world calls me Wolf. I live in Germany and was looking for a Buchhorn who went from Hanover to London and Lost Ancestors seemed to be a good address. Of course, they were able to help me too. But one thing bothered me. The endless list of postings. My idea was to install project-pages on MSN. Linda turned me into a moderator and the idea was implemented.
The joy didn't last long and MSN closed its doors. Microsoft recommended a provider as its successor which was based in Indonesia at the time. We accepted and moved. It was a hard work to transfer all information to the new community. Links had to be changed, postings had to be transferred, but eventually that was done too. However, the new provider was not very successful. A large proportion of our members did not follow us and new members were few and far between.
This provider also closed its doors. We were challenged again. This time we wanted to choose a popular provider and we switched to Facebook. We've been there for several years now. We bought our own domain for our projects and it took me over a year to recreate all the pages.
Linda and I were not alone, of course. We had several members who also decided to be moderators, but many soon dropped out again. Carolyn Day and Tracy Cote Dunn joined Linda and myself as moderators of the group. We have all enjoyed working together to make the group what it is today. We celebrate 20 years this year.

Maybe you have ideas to improve Lost Ancestors. What do you think about our project site? What should we change? I guess the navigation is a little bit difficult . . . too many sub-steps? We also would be happy to get your support. Maybe you have old newspapers and we could add the one or other report to our pages. Take pictures of the memorial in your residence. Maybe you also want to tell us about your ancestors . . . family story? Would be great.


A further memorial we installed is from Wales. Carolyn Day's son Chris visited Magor in Monmouthshire and took nice pictures of the local memorial. Many thanks, Chris. We also added information but unfortunately not for all soldiers. Help is required. Please click the following link to enter the page.


The next memorial is also from Suffolk. Linda Robertson took pictures of the memorial panels which can be found in St. Peter's Church in Charsfield. Many thanks, Linda. Information has been added. Click the following link to enter the page.


Linda Robertson was in Chillesford in Suffolk and visited the Church of St. Peter. She found two interesting pictures for which we installed a page on our memorial site. Information has been added. Many thanks, Linda.
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Mick Peck visited Ropsley in Lincolnshire and took pictures of the local memorial and also visited the church of St. Peter and found a memorial panel and an interesting window there. Many thanks, Mick. Information has been added.
Please click the following link to enter the page and please don't forget to click the refresh button of your browser when you are on the pages.
Have a look at our Names and That project. We updating names which start with the letters Sh at the time.


It took a while, but it was worth to do it. We have updated the page about the Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia, USA. A lot of names, pictures and information could be added. It's not only something for our American friends also foreign persons were interred there and the one or other friend could find interesting things.
Please take a look at http://www.lostancestors.eu/memwar/A/Arlington01.htm


Three smaller memorials are installed. Two from Northumberland, from Alnham and Staley, and one from Fowlis Wester, Perth and Kinross. The pictures were provided by Linda Robertson. Many thanks, Linda.
Please visit our War Memorial Entry page. The new memorials are mentioned and linked on it.


Beside our update of our "Names and That" site did we install a new memorial. Mick Peck took some pictures of the memorial panels which can be found in the church of St. Andrew in West Deeping, Lincolnshire. He also provided the information of the soldiers. Many thanks, Mick.
Please click the following link to enter the page.

Home-Page "Memorials" 08/02/2024

We have updated some of our memorials. Pictures and information are added. Please take a look at the list of "Latest Updates" on our memorial entry page.

Home-Page "Memorials"


The pages about the monument in Appleby, Cumbria, England are updated. A lot of names, pictures and information.
Please click the refresh button of your browser when you are on the pages. It's possible you can't see the changes without it.
Click the following link to enter the page.


First of all a very happy and bright 2024 to all our followers and their families.
The first memorial we installed in 2024 is the memorial what can be found mounted at the heritage hub in Nant-y-Moel in Bridgend, Wales. Unfortunately did we have problems with the subscription of the panels and also to find the right information for the one or other soldier. We hope for your help. Maybe you have pictures of the panels in a higher solution. We would be happy to get them.
Please click the following link to enter the page.


The next memorial we installed is also a larger one. A lot of names. Carolyn Day visited New Pitsligo in Aberdeenshire, Scotland and provided the pictures of the local memorial. Many thanks, Carolyn. Information has been added.
Click the following link to enter the page.


We added some memorial plaques to our "Memorial Seats" project. The new or updated names can be found on our entry page.
Please click the refresh-button of your browser otherwise is it possible you can't see the changes.
Maybe you have pictures of such plaques or you you have additional pictures. We would be happy to add them to our site.


Almost three weeks hard work and a new memorial is installed. Around 160 names can be found on our new pages. The pictures and information were provided by Mick Peck. Many thanks, Mick. We added additional information and pictures and I am sure we have highly interesting pages now.
Mick Peck visited the town of Egremont in Cumbria, England.
Please click the following link to enter the page.


We discovered an interesting site with Australian war memorials. All pictures are covered by a Creative Commons licence and so we will install memorials from Australia from time to time. I guess a good information for our Australian friends.
The first memorial from Queensland is uploaded. It's located in Goodna. Information has been added.
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Carolyn Day spent some interesting days in Scotland. She also visited Strichen in Aberdeenshire and took nice pictures of the local memorial. Many thanks, Carolyn. Information has been added.
Please click the following link to enter the page.

Family Tree Researcher: Dictionary of Old Occupations - G 19/10/2023

Old jobs are sometimes difficult to identify. Here is a great help to do it.

Family Tree Researcher: Dictionary of Old Occupations - G A glossary of definitions for old occupations, historic job titles, trades and professions beginning with G. This page lists the old jobs I have identified so far beginning with the letter G, part 1.


We are still in Cumbria. Linda Robertson discovered the memorial in Kirkbride and took nice pictures of it. Thank you, Linda. Information has been added. Click the following link to enter the page.


Another memorial is installed. Linda Robertson visited Castle Carrock in Cumbria and took nice pictures of the memorial. Many thanks, Linda. Information has been added.
Click the following link to enter the page.


A memorial from Wales is completely updated. I installed it long time ago but unfortunately under a wrong place. It's the Cross Oak memorial and it's located at the B4558 between Talybont-on-Usk and Pencelli in Powys. Information for each soldier has been added.
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Mick Peck visited the Church of St. Botolph in Quarrington, Lincolnshire and took nice pictures of some memorial panels and also of an interesting window. Thousand thanks, Mick. Information has been added.
Click the following link to enter the page.
Please also take a look at our Names and That site. The names will be updated at the time. The letter R is in work. Maybe it's interesting for you.


We "jumped" to East Riding of Yorkshire and installed a further memorial on our site. Mick Peck discovered for Lost Ancestors the memorial in Walkington. Many thanks, Mick. Information has been added.
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