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Μουσικοί Περίπατοι: Keras Horn Ensemble 10/03/2024

Μουσικοί Περίπατοι: Keras Horn Ensemble Το "Keras Horn Ensemble" είναι ένα ανοιχτό σύνολο κόρνων. Με τον όρο "ανοιχτό" εννοούµε ότι δεν υπάρχει συγκεκριµένος αριθµός µελών, συγκεκριµένη ηλικία, ούτε καν συγκεκριµέν...

JAZZ ELECTRIC BASS : Playing the electric bass from traditional to contemporary jazz - VOLUME 1 -Techniques and basic concepts for comping (2022. 137 S.) 09/06/2023

JAZZ ELECTRIC BASS : Playing the electric bass from traditional to contemporary jazz - VOLUME 1 -Techniques and basic concepts for comping (2022. 137 S.) 電子書籍ストアKinoppy、本や雑誌やコミックのお求めは、紀伊國屋書店ウェブストア! 1927年創業で全国主要都市や海外に店舗を展開する紀伊國屋書店のECサイトです。ウェブストアでは3,000円以上のお買い上げで送料無料とな....

Annotated Bibliography of music for bassoon and string quartet : Kommentierte Bibliographie des Repertoriums für Fagott und Streichquartett (2020. 288 S. 25 cm) 09/06/2023

Annotated Bibliography of music for bassoon and string quartet : Kommentierte Bibliographie des Repertoriums für Fagott und Streichquartett (2020. 288 S. 25 cm) 電子書籍ストアKinoppy、本や雑誌やコミックのお求めは、紀伊國屋書店ウェブストア! 1927年創業で全国主要都市や海外に店舗を展開する紀伊國屋書店のECサイトです。ウェブストアでは3,000円以上のお買い上げで送料無料とな....


Amici bassisti,
Sabato 29 aprile dalle ore 10 alle 12 farò un nuovo appuntamento live con la Presentazione del mio nuovo libro 📕 “Play The Bass Now” edito da e distribuito da .edizioni presso il negozio di strumenti musicali

Durante l’incontro potrete scoprire tante curiosità sul mondo del BASSO ELETTRICO, dalla didattica al ruolo in una band! 🎸

Vi aspetto numerosi


Now available in stores!

Isuku Tradition, Schönheit und Bewusstsein

JAZZ ELECTRIC BASS: Playing the electric bass from traditional to contemporary jazz - VOLUME 1 -Techniques and basic concepts for comping 20/03/2023

JAZZ ELECTRIC BASS: Playing the electric bass from traditional to contemporary jazz - VOLUME 1 -Techniques and basic concepts for comping intended for the use of teachers and students of Music Conservatories and Musical Institutes Preliminary remarks and indications for using the method The electric bass first appeared on the international music scene in the early 1950s, and for almost twenty years, it maintained a marginal role in...

Play The Bass Now! di Alex Carreri 27/02/2023

Play The Bass Now! di Alex Carreri Play The Bass Now! è la dispensa di materiale didattico per basso elettrico realizzata da Alex Carreri per Isuku Verlag.