Achim Kampker

Achim Kampker

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Achim Kampker MBA, Lehrstuhlinhaber Chair of Production Engineering of E-Mobility Com


Guten Morgen 😘


Du stehst kurz vor dem Abschluss Deines Studiums oder hast es schon erfolgreich beendet? 🌟 Du möchtest promovieren, bist Dir aber noch unsicher, wie der Weg zur Promotion aussieht? 🎓 Keine Sorge – wir helfen Dir! 🤝 Am 20. Oktober hast Du von 16 bis 17:30 Uhr die Gelegenheit, Professor Heiner Heimes persönlich kennenzulernen und Einblicke in den Dissertationsprozess des Lehrstuhls PEM zu erhalten. 📚 Professor Heimes wird von seinen eigenen Erfahrungen als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter berichten und Dir alle Deine Fragen beantworten. 🤔💬 Interessiert? Dann melde Dich per E-Mail bei [email protected] an. Falls Du an diesem Termin nicht teilnehmen kannst, gibt es am 16. Januar 2024 die nächste Chance. 📅 Bereite Dich auf Deine akademische Reise vor und lass uns gemeinsam den Weg zur Promotion erkunden! 🚀

Photos from PEM Motion's post 08/09/2023

🧩 So fügt sich alles zusammen: Hier ist unser erstes von bisher fünf aktuellen Whitepapers, die im renommierten „World Electric Vehicle Journal“ von MDPI erschienen sind. In Teil 1 hat ein Autoren-Team um Professor Achim Kampker (Achim Kampker) ein Konzept für digitale Produktzwillinge in der Batteriezellenproduktion diskutiert. 🔋
Hier gehtʼs zum kostenfreien Download des „Open Access“-Dokuments! 👉


Are you looking to implement digitalization applications quickly and cost-effectively?⏳💰 We are pleased to introduce our solution, PEM Modular Electronics (PEM ME). It is an electronics platform equipped with modular control and communication units. By combining separate, pre-existing plug-in modules, you can build customer-specific hardware systems during the early stages of development. Leveraging the existing firmware as a solid foundation, you can also apply software tailored to your specific target application.

The PEM ME product features a central processor unit and a range of plug-in modules for various control and communication applications, all mounted on a versatile platform. Currently, we provide a choice of three processors and three plug-in modules, such as WiFi/BTLE, RFID, and GPS. Furthermore, we have plans to develop additional plug-in modules for motor controllers and sensors in the near future.🚀

If you're interested in streamlining your electronics design process, we invite you to visit our website and discover more about our product. Don't hesitate to reach out to us for further information.


▷ Mobile charging robots complementing EV infrastructure ramp-up | Keynote by Achim Kampker & Jonathan Gerz 12/08/2023

▷ Mobile charging robots complementing EV infrastructure ramp-up | Keynote by Achim Kampker & Jonathan Gerz The market ramp-up of electric mobility depends on the establishment of a comprehensive charging infrastructure. Large differ...


Exciting News! 🔌⚡️ This is our latest venture into fast-charging solutions for electric vehicles! 🚗✨ With our sights set on innovation, we've recently acquired a state-of-the-art toolset designed to empower us in building, testing, and debugging our cutting-edge charging platform within the confines of our advanced lab environment.

At the heart of our new capabilities lies the remarkable Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) EV simulator, enabling us to simulate seamless communication between electric cars and charging equipment. By leveraging this simulator, we can now validate compliance with DIN 70121 and ISO/IEC 15118 standards. This invaluable tool assumes responsibility for all protocol layers, resulting in the creation of a standardized and dependable remote station. 💪

Futhermore, our simulator goes above and beyond in adhering to industry norms by offering comprehensive support for Powerline Communication (including HPGP and SLAC) and seamless integration with IEC 61851 Control Pilot (CP) handling. It boasts impressive features such as pulse width modulation and precise voltage reading/control, further establishing its role as a reliable and compliant solution. 📐🔋

Photos from PEM RWTH Aachen University's post 24/07/2023

Drive the future with PEM Solutions! Revolutionizing Mobility Electrification ⚡

In response to the fast-paced electrification trend in the mobility sector, we have developed a groundbreaking concept. Our High Voltage Power Delivery Unit (PDU) offers rapid adaptability and customization to fulfill diverse customer requirements. It seamlessly integrates multiple energy sources, including batteries, fuel cells, and pantographs. The number of inputs and outputs can be precisely tailored to suit any application.

What sets us apart? We have established a strong in-house manufacturing capability and a robust partner network. This empowers us to swiftly prototype and manufacture most of the PDU's components, enabling us to deliver solutions promptly.✅

To learn more about our cutting-edge PDU solutions, click here: 🤓. Or contact our specialists in this solucion: Melek Eker and Daniel Niesel.


„Wegen des hohen Anteils des straßengebundenen Gütertransports am deutschlandweiten CO2-Ausstoß muss auch der Lkw-Verkehr dringend dekarbonisiert werden“, sagt PEM-Leiter Professor Achim Kampker (Achim Kampker) im aktuellen Beitrag von Automobil Industrie: „Schnellstmöglich funktioniert das durch eine Umrüstung der Bestandsfahrzeuge.“ Das Magazin berichtet in größerem Umfang über unsere Forschungsprojekte zu Elektro-Trucks. 🚛⚡🔋

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