Iris Luckhaus

Iris Luckhaus

Freelance illustrator, stylist and designer, currently residing in Wuppertal and Berlin, Germany.


For the time being, I guess I'll stay and see how things evolve around here, but at the same time explore new playgrounds...

I already claimed my profile last year, but haven't used it yet. After starting to upload some beloved old projects and connecting to several collegues this week, I actually really like ! It feels like coming home in a way.

So, if you lovely people would like to connect on yet another channel, I'd love to see you over there! You can find me as , just like everywhere else.

Thank you so much, !

Photos from Iris Luckhaus's post 03/06/2024

February was , when shared a new figure drawing video every day – and I absolutely loved it! I almost forgot to post this one, but without Astrid, who posed on day 15, my little series here just wouldn’t be complete.

I really enjoyed drawing Astrid’s elegant long lines and those beautiful red braids, but most of all how there is something very mysterious about her. I struggled with that chair in the 2nd sketch and when I just couldn’t get it right, I tried to toggle the layer off so that Astrid floats in the air, and realised this kind of worked really well in a Lynch sort of way, so I kept it like that.

Here, you can see more sketches of the series:
(or link in bio and scroll!)

Thank you so much, and ❤

PS: By the way, I started to move into (as , and happy to connect!), but for the time being, I'll keep one foot here to see how things evolve.


Photos from Iris Luckhaus's post 15/03/2024

February was , when shared a new figure drawing video every day.

The model on day 21 was Nova, who has an amazing number of very different faces – and for whom they built a tiny pond (!) in the studio!

I had made a firm resolution to only sketch briefly in real time now, and not to spend all night on very detailed drawings (my days are busy enough right now…), but that was decidedly impossible here – just as much because of Nova's many facets, but also because of this pond, and the reflections in the water!

To match the pond, I added my own background, which I drew from several photos I had taken in a young forest of birch and beech trees in Westerholt, Remscheid.

Figuary was quite sleep depriving, but it also made me very happy! :)

Here, you can see more sketches of the series:
(or link in bio and scroll!)

Thank you so much, and ❤



February was , when shared a new figure drawing video every day!

After being already very impressed by Heff on day 3, Luke on day 4 and Helen on day 6, I was happy to see Léa Déru again on day 7, one of our favourite models from last autumn!

I really like Léas elegance, her soft edginess and the way her poses are always so special and recognisable, like a handwriting. To me, that's an art form of its own, and another good reason to once more pause the videos and draw longer than 1-5 minutes.

We first sketched Léa right after subscribing, when we couldn't decide where to start and just typed a random number – which referred to one of Léa's videos! That was a perfect start.

This time I was particularly enamoured by the variety of ways in which Léa incorporates her scarf into her poses. If there had been more poses, she likely would have found even more interesting ways to use it!

Here, you can see more sketches of the series:
(or link in bio and scroll!)

Thank you so much, .deru and ❤



February was , when posted a new 15-minute figure drawing video every day.

Good male models, who are comfortable in the situation, know how to pose and hold a pose, are about as rare as unicorns. Luke, model of day 4, is definitely one of these unicorns – and not only good at posing, but actually (as you can see!) great at it!

One of the things I love about Figuary is that you don’t get to choose the models you find interesting at first sight, but simply draw what you’re shown, every day, and I found a couple of surprisingly amazing models I may not have clicked otherwise!

I usually sketch late at night, when everything else is done, and sometimes I like models and poses so much that I keep drawing far longer than the 15 minute video… my February was sleep deprived, but happy! Editing had to wait until March though.

Here, you can see more sketches of the series:
(or link in bio and scroll!)

Thank you so much, and ❤



February is , when posts a new video every day!

I usually sketch very late at night, when everything else is done, and sometimes I like models and poses so much that I keep drawing far longer than the 15 minute video… My February was rather sleep deprived, but very happy! Editing had to wait until March though.

This was day 6 of Figuary, with the beautiful Helen posing with a Japanese scarf. It was such a pleasure to draw her! The thing that particularly fascinated me about Helen, and what I am trying to portray here, is her incredibly kind, cheerful charisma, sort of a quiet glow, mixed with an enchantingly girlish mischievousness!

Here‘s the complete series of 6 poses:
(or link in bio and scroll!)

Thank you so much, and ❤



February was , when posted a new video every day, and I've drawn along the entire month!

This was day 3 with Heff, and I may have taken more time than 1-5 minutes, because model and poses were decidedly too great to just rush by. I really liked how Heff posed on and around a stool which stayed in place during the session, so I wondered how "illustrated double exposure" might work with the movement here, and actually liked it. I hope you do too!

You can see the entire series with drafts and sketches here:
(or link in bio and scroll!)

Thank you so much, and


Ich freue mich sehr, nun eine der Wupperfrauen zu sein, die auf der gleichnamigen Website mit Biografie vorgestellt werden – und zwar in so illustrer Gesellschaft wie Pina Bausch, Sulamith Wülfing oder Else Lasker-Schüler!


Die Website macht "Biografien interessanter Wuppertalerinnen" sichtbar und setzt sich besonders dafür ein, dass mehr Straßen nach Frauen benannt werden. Aktuell sind das nämlich nur mickrige 3% – was tatsächlich um so merkwürdiger erscheint, wenn man durch die Biografien blättert und feststellt, was für überaus großartige Frauen es hier gab und gibt!

Mein dort genanntes Geburtsdatum ist aus Datenschutzgründen fiktiv.



Februar ist die Zeit der Vorfreude!

Nachdem wir in den letzten Wochen gemerkt haben, wieviel länger es schon wieder hell ist, Wildgänse auf ihrem Heimweg gehört und gesehen sowie die ersten Schneeglöckchen entdeckt haben, können wir kaum erwarten, dass es endlich richtig Frühling wird, und die Bäume wieder Blätter tragen… Leider dauert das dann doch immer noch überraschend lange, aber dafür ist jetzt die beste Zeit, um Baumknospen zu bestimmen und anhand einiger Lieblingsbäume zu beobachten, wie die sich langsam verändern und zu Blättern entfalten!


Diese Schautafel mit den Knospen und Trieben heimischer Bäume habe ich vor 4 Jahren in Zusammenarbeit mit den Niedersächsischen Landesforsten für deren “Waldstück”-Magazin entwickelt, und sie ist seither als Poster, Kunstdruck oder Produkt in Deutsch oder Englisch bei Posterlounge, Redbubble und Søciety6 erhältlich. Die jeweiligen Produktlinks findet Ihr im verlinkten Beitrag.

Mit Hilfe dieses äußerst praktischen Bogen lassen sich die Knospen und Triebe verschiedener heimischer Bäume wie Ahorn, Birke, Buche, Eberesche, Eiche, Erle, Esche, Hainbuche, Hasel, Kastanie, Kirsche, Linde, Pappel, Platane, Ulme und Weide nun auch im Spätherbst oder Winter ganz einfach bestimmen, zuordnen und auswendig lernen.

Ich wünsche viel Freude beim Bestimmen!


In February, Croquis Café posts a new video every day for , and I was particularly impressed by , who posed on day 3. When I had a little waiting time that day, with the video still open, I more or less accidentally started painting her portrait :)


In between, I considered adding a tree bumblebee queen as a companion for Heff, but I like her artist model gaze so much, which seems more inward than outward and radiates such a dignified calm, and didn't want the bumblebee to interfere with that.



Unter dem Hashtag hat Anna Lena Wollny auf Instagram eine gezeichnete Menschenkette für Demokratie und Vielfalt ins Leben gerufen – und ich reihe mich da mit den Regenbogenkindern, die ich letztes Jahr für ein Logo entworfen habe, das dann doch ganz anders geworden ist, ein!


Für eine Aussendung der Schweizer Wissensolympiade habe ich meine Schautafel für Heimische Laubbäume mit Formen, Blättern, Früchten und Knospen der 12 häufigsten Baumarten ins Postkartenformat gebracht, und neben den deutschen Namen der Bäume auch die französischen Namen ergänzt.

Die Frage, die die Schweizer Wissensolympiade den Teilnehmenden auf der Rückseite der Postkarte stellt, lautet: »Kannst du das Höchstalter dieser Bäume schätzen?«. Wer selbst mal schätzen möchte, kann die Antworten auf der Website der Wissensolympiade (Link im Blogbeitrag) nachlesen!



Photos from Iris Luckhaus's post 17/01/2024

Last fall, I discovered figure drawing online, and on the iPad!

I still really enjoy the very fast 1-2 minute poses, which force me to concentrate and switch off my perfectionism, not even considering if the end result will look any good.

Sometimes though, when I am particularly fond of the poses, I pause the video, sometimes add layers and let my sketches turn into slightly more elaborate drawings... This little series ended up somewhere inbetween!

You can see the entire series of 14 sketches in my blog:

Big thanks to my beautiful model Zoé of Croquis Café, and to True Grit Texture Supply for their amazing pencil brushes!

What are your favorite resources for figure / gesture drawing online, and what are the brushes you like to use?



Wir wünschen Euch und all Euren Lieben frohe, tannenduftende und herzerwärmende Feiertage sowie ein wundervolles, gesundes, sorgenfreies und glückliches neues Jahr!

We wish you and all your loved ones merry and heartwarming holidays (whatever you are celebrating!) as well as a wonderful, healthy, worriless and happy new year!

(or link in bio and scroll!)


Since drawing in Procreate feels so surprisingly real, I've finally started to transfer some of my analog styles to digital.

Once more, I've drawn this fabulous model possibly called RS (I wish I knew her actual name!) photographed by Grafit Studio, and tried to capture her very specific mixture of defensiveness and vulnerability. This time, I combined my favorite brushes from the pack by Jimmy Jing Xia and the by Max Ulichney, and they complement each other perfectly.

While working on this little series of two portraits, I got stung by this year's very last wasp (which survived, and flew away happily when brought outside!) – and somehow, this wasp tricked her way right into my paintings...

I haven’t been this curious about where this journey will take me in quite some time, and if my profession didn’t feel threatened by AI right now, I’d probably be the happiest illustrator in the world!

Here's the full story (or link in bio and scroll):



Recently, I've started transferring my analog styles to digital, since drawing in Procreate feels so surprisingly real.

I've been drawing with reference by Grafit Studio (and once more, this fabulous model possibly called RS... I wish I knew her actual name!) and the brushes by Jimmy Jing Xia, and I very much enjoyed their easy, powdery chalkiness!

I haven’t been this curious about where this journey will take me in quite some time, and if my profession didn’t feel threatened by AI right now, I’d probably be the happiest illustrator in the world.

Here's the full story (or link in bio and scroll):



I've recently started transferring my analog styles to digital, since drawing in Procreate feels so surprisingly real – and this is my second try with digital oil colors.

Using reference from Grafit Studio (and a fabulous model possibly called RS... I wish I knew her actual name!), I've been painting with the by Max Ulichney mostly – and once more, it was so much more fun than expected!

While working on her portrait, I got stung by this year's very last wasp (which survived, and flew away happily when brought outside!) – and somehow, this wasp tricked her way right into my painting...

It's not by any means flawless and I still have so much to learn, but right now, I'm really looking forward to that


Ich habe schon lange damit geliebäugelt, meine analogen Stile ins Digitale zu übertragen, besonders nachdem sich das Zeichnen in Procreate so überraschend echt anfühlt – und vor einigen Wochen hat es sich dann fast von allein ergeben!

Mit Vorlagen von Grafit Studio (und einem fabelhaften Modell, das möglicherweise RS heißt) habe ich die Marker von True Grit sowie Aquarell- und Ölfarben von Max Ulichney ausprobiert, die ich allesamt ganz großartig finde, und es hat deutlich mehr Spaß gemacht als erwartet!

Das ist kein bisschen perfekt und ich habe noch außerordentlich viel zu lernen, aber ich freue mich da sehr drauf

Ich habe schon lange damit geliebäugelt, meine analogen Stile ins Digitale zu übertragen, besonders nachdem sich das Zeichnen in Procreate so überraschend echt anfühlt – und vor einigen Wochen hat es sich dann fast von allein ergeben!

Mit Vorlagen von Grafit Studio (und einem fabelhaften Modell, das möglicherweise RS heißt) habe ich hier die Marker von True Grit Texture Supply ausprobiert, die ich ganz großartig finde, und es hat deutlich mehr Spaß gemacht als erwartet!

Das ist kein bisschen perfekt und ich habe noch außerordentlich viel zu lernen, aber ich freue mich da sehr drauf ❤

Hier gibt's die komplette Geschichte samt Detailbildern:



Die ILLUSTRATOREN ORGANISATION hat mit dem "Bildwerk Verlagswesen" ein “Potpourri hochklassiger Illustrationen” für den Verlagsbereich zusammengestellt – und ich freue mich sehr, dass vier meiner Arbeiten dafür ausgewählt wurden!

Photos from Lily Lux's post 30/11/2023

Es ist wieder soweit!

Photos from Iris Luckhaus's post 22/10/2023

Es ist wieder die Zeit des Jahres, wo man ganz herrlich Memory mit Blättern und Bäumen spielen kann – und nachdem wir zwischenzeitlich so viel wieder vergessen hatten, freuen wir uns nun um so mehr, dass ich diese unfassbar aufwendige Schautafel im letzten Herbst tatsächlich fertig gestellt habe!

Und deshalb fand ich, dass meine Baum- und Strauchblätter einen Repost (s.u.) verdient haben. Viel Spaß beim Bestimmen!


Ich freue mich sehr, dass mein Statement “Nein zu KI-generierten Bildern” von Dezember (seither allerdings zigmal überarbeitet) mittlerweile als Lehrmaterial für den Ethikunterricht an einer Berliner Schule benutzt wird!

Herzlichen Dank an Matthias Klesse fürs Aufarbeiten und Zeigen!


A few months ago, I was commissioned to create a fresh logo for a day-care centre called "Unterm Regenbogen" ("Under the Rainbow"). After all, the staff preferred to keep their old logo, which had been painted by the children. That's why the design stayed a draft – but I like it (and the five main characters!) so much that I want to show it here anyway!

Vor einigen Monaten erhielt ich den Auftrag, für eine Kita “Unterm Regenbogen” ein frisches Logo zu gestalten. Die Mitarbeiterinnen wollten dann allerdings doch lieber ihr altes, von Kindern gemaltes Logo behalten. Deshalb ist es beim Entwurf geblieben – aber ich mag den (und die fünf Hauptdarsteller!) so gern, dass ich ihn trotzdem hier zeigen möchte!




I just realized that I hadn't posted those sketches here, yet this is where I started my figure / gesture drawing online, on a tuesday evening (of course :)) in July!


Thanks to Sarah Forde from AdorkaStock for some great poses, and to RetroSupply Co. for brushes that feel like the real thing!

Digital figure sketches of Sarah Forde of Adorkastock sleeping and turning around, in red and cyan.


In early summer, I had the pleasure of portraying the six partners of Spawning – the people behind the opt-out website Have I been Trained, with whom I had been in contact since I found my work in LAION’s dataset and asked if I could opt out my entire site – for their new website.

I’ve never drawn portraits for clients before, but sketched speedy analogue portraits along with figure drawing, or developed detailed digital characters resembling celebrities, so I was very excited to finally combine both! I used Procreate, as the app itself feels like a hybrid between analogue and digital drawing.

In order to to depict not just the face of a stranger but the actual person, I created a questionnaire, asking Holly, Mat, Jordan, Patrick, Nick and Cullen about themselves as well as about all the others, and worked with a wide range of photos and videos.

These portraits will be featured on the new Spawning website in the “Team” section as well as for presentations, and some of them are using their portraits as profile pictures in social media.



Photos from Iris Luckhaus's post 05/10/2023

After a couple of years without life drawing, I recently discovered figure drawing online! I still particularly enjoy the very fast poses, which force me to concentrate and switch off my perfectionism, not even considering if the end result will look any good.

Here are the very first 1-2 minute sketches I've started with a couple of weeks ago. They're by no means perfect (or even good), but I think my happiness of rediscovering gesture is very visible in the lines (to me at least!), so I'll post them anyways!

Big thanks to my beautiful model Katie from , and to Lane Brown for amazing charcoal brushes!


What are your favorite resources for figure / gesture drawing online, and what are the brushes you like to use?



Zur Feier des 20. Geburtstags der Posterlounge gibt es mit dem Rabatt-Code »CELEBRATE« stolze 20% Rabatt auf alle Artikel. Ich gratuliere ganz herzlich zum runden Geburtstag, bedanke mich für die langjährige schöne Zusammenarbeit, und wünsche Euch (und uns :)) viele weitere erfolgreiche Jahre!


Ich bin tatsächlich schon ganze 17 Jahre selbst mit an Bord – zuerst nur mit Illustrationen, aber seit 7 Jahren auch mit meinen Schautafeln und Infografiken, und finde das immer eine großartige Motivation, mich in neue Themen einzuarbeiten!


Ich freue mich sehr (und bin auch ein klitzekleines bisschen stolz!), dass meine Schautafeln mit Nützlichen Knoten sowie Morsezeichen und Funkalphabet nun auf dem Familiendeck des Ostfriesisches Landesmuseum Emden ausgestellt werden – und zwar zusammen mit Stationen zum Ausprobieren!


Außerdem gibt es im dazugehörigen Museumshop 1820diekunst auch eine Postkarte mit meinen Nützlichen Knoten zu kaufen!

