Manfred Honeck
Manfred Honeck is the Music Director of the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra since 2008/09 and regularl
Excited to conduct Liszt's 2nd piano concerto with Alexandre Kantorow this weekend. Also on the program with the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra: Nancy Galbraith's Tormenta del Sur and Prokofiev's Romeo and Julia. Concerts tonight, Sat. & Sun.
Vienna, tomorrow night!
Tonight live at 8pm from Stuttgart!
Reife Leistung, Herr Prof. ! Im Alter von 60 Jahren landet der Österreicher durch seine siebte den ersten Welterfolg. Mit diesem Großwerk und Schönbergs Bearbeitung von Bachs Präludium und Fuge Es-Dur startet das SWR Symphonieorchester ins neue Jahr. Zu Gast am Pult ist Dirigent Manfred Honeck.
My thoughts were with my much esteemed predecessor today. RIP.
Impressions from Lillehammer with the Oslo-filharmonien!
Beethoven 9 live from Leipzig in about 3 hrs!
Tomorrow live on German TV MDR (and live stream): my Beethoven 9 with the Gewandhausorchester from Leipzig!
Ludwig van Beethoven: Sinfonie Nr. 9 d-Moll op. 125 Aufführungen von Beethovens Neunter mit dem Schlusschor über Schillers Ode „An die Freude“ haben in Leipzig eine lange Tradition. Bereits 1826, zwei Jahre nach der Uraufführung in Wien, kam es in Leipzig zur ersten vollständigen Wiedergabe mit dem Gewandhausorchester. Endgültig hat dann Fel...
Had a good time in Cologne last week!
Danke, Münchner Philharmoniker & Kirill Gerstein für’s gemeinsame Musizieren an diesem Wochenende!
Pittsburgh and Saint Vincent College last week!
Dear fb friends & followers, please note that the page “Manfred Honeck Livechat“ which has been answering to some of your comments is fake and most likely a fishing tool. As a page policy, we generally don’t answer to comments (as much as we would love to, but it’s managed pro bono and would blow time resources out of proportion)
Manfred Honeck and his team have nothing to do with it. Please block it.
Good mood in Pittsburgh
Happy Thanksgiving!
Recording sessions with Jan Lisiecki (Mozart) and the Bamberger Symphonikern!
Deutsche Grammophon - DG
This weekend!
Tonight! Come and see!
Bruckner VIII with the Wiener Symphoniker at the Wiener Konzerthaus!
Rome impressions. Next concert tonight, tomorrow Milan, Saturday again Rome!
First concert in Rome tonight!
Impressions from Munich!
Münchner Philharmoniker María Dueñas · violinist
Tonight, live from Frankfurt: Shostakovich with Pablo Ferrández - Cellist, Samy Moussa’s Elysium, and Beethoven 7 (hr-Sinfonieorchester - Frankfurt Radio Symphony). Tune in!
Frankfurt Radio Symphony Live: Pablo Ferrández & Manfred Honeck with Schostakowitsch, Beethoven … Samy Moussa: Elysium (Deutsche Erstaufführung) Dmitrij Schostakowitsch: 1. Cellokonzert Ludwig van Beethoven: 7. Sinfonie hr-Sinfonieorchester – Frankfu...
Tonight, we’ll have a special Beethoven 7 in Heinz Hall, with interactive features such as texting live questions to be answered on stage. If you have nothing planned tonight, take a look! (and bring your friends, also those who have never been to a classical concert!!)
Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra Musicians of the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra
Beethoven 7 / Schumann Violin Concerto (David McCarroll) / John Adams “Short Ride in a Fast Machine” impressions from Pittsburgh! (Maestro’s flowers went to Keith who celebrated his birthday listening to the PSO at Heinz Hall)
Happening this morning: we welcome some of our donors on stage for an open Beethoven 7 rehearsal!
Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra
Looking forward to my concerts with Helene Grimaud and the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra this weekend!
Erlauben Sie mir, dieses schöne Interview mit meinem Sohn Matthias zu teilen, der gemeinsam mit meiner Tochter Anna Maria die alpenarte übernommen hat! Eine tolle Geschichte für außergewöhnliche, junge Talente! Toi toi toi von meiner Seite!
Der Himmel voller Geigen Matthias Honeck präsentiert das Musikfestival :alpenarte im Bregenzerwald im Oktober, dessen Leitung er mit seiner Schwester übernommen hat.
Gala Impressions! Welcoming a new season in Pittsburgh!
Renée Fleming Pittsburgh Symphony OrchestraMusicians of the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra
Impressions from Georgia 🇬🇪 !
Tsinandali Festival
Had a wonderful time in Bucharest!
Rehearsals in Prague!