Intergovernmental body established to strengthen the science-policy interface for biodiversity and ecosystem services.

The Olympic windsurfers and rowers fighting invasive alien species 05/08/2024

watersports athletes are preventing the spread of by following a “check, clean, dry” process on equipment.

People and across the globe are threatened by invasive species.
—IPBES IAS Assessment


The Olympic windsurfers and rowers fighting invasive alien species British windsurfers, sailors and rowers have been helping in the fight against invasive species – showing big sporting events like the Olympics can leave a legacy of biodiversity.


More than 50% of the tropical forest area is represented by moist tropical forests, characterized by high tree-species diversity and high biomass density? 🌳🌴
—IPBES for the

‌Every tree counts, let's protect these vital habitats.🦜🐒

Large birds can boost forest carbon storage — if deforestation doesn’t interfere 04/08/2024

🐦✨Big birds, big impact!

Habitat fragmentation reduces seed dispersal of frugivorous birds such as toucans, thus reducing potential biomass in future forests by 38%

Maintaining forest connectivity is key!🍃🌎

📰 Mongabay.com

Large birds can boost forest carbon storage — if deforestation doesn’t interfere Think of a toucan and you’ll probably picture a toco toucan, with its orange bill and white throat. The largest member of the toucan family, the toco toucan (Ramphastos toco) can have a wingspan of more than 1 meter (3 feet) and fly more than 90 meters. On these journeys, it often carries somethin...



comes in many colours.

Green is commonly linked to nature.🟢

It's a time to recall the need to preserve and protect the green spaces that support biodiversity.


📢 Vacancy announcement!

What? Lead Program Officer: TSU on‌ IPBES
Where? This position is located in Montreal, Quebec. 🇨🇦
When? Apply by 7 August. ⤵️

Lead Program Officer: https://www.ipbes.net/vacancies/program-officer-JR0000056211


🆕💡 A new online interactive tool to help countries assess the sustainability of wildlife trade has been launched by UN Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre and IUCN.

The tool is directly linked to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

Find out more: https://iucn.org/news/202403/new-tool-launched-help-countries-ensure-wildlife-trade-sustainable

These oldest inhabited termite mounds have been active for 34,000 years 01/08/2024

🐜Unveiling history!

Termite mounds in South Africa have been continuously inhabited for 34,000 years, making them the oldest known active termite hills.🏜️

These ancient "apartment complexes" offer insights into prehistoric climates.🌍

✍️ Gerald Imray

These oldest inhabited termite mounds have been active for 34,000 years Scientists in South Africa have been stunned to discover that termite mounds that are still inhabited in an arid region of the country are more than 30,000 years old, meaning they are the oldest known active termite hills.


🗞️Good news!

The IPBES Report Summary for Policymakers is now available in German 🇩🇪.

Access it here: https://www.ipbes.net/ias


The Americas region is incredibly rich in , but it's under pressure.🌴🌍

17 % of the Amazon forest in South America has been transformed into human-dominated landscapes.

Human activities, such as deforestation, ranching, mining & urbanisation, threaten natural wealth.
—IPBES Regional Assessment for the Americas



A Liter of Light (Isang Litrong Liwanag) recently achieved a Guinness World Record for the world’s largest solar artwork. The artwork "Tree of Light" is meant as a warning of the extinction faced by one million species, as revealed in IPBES Report.

🔗 https://bit.ly/3zJDPIO

‘Mind-blowing’ new orchid species found in Madagascar forest canopy 30/07/2024

NEW orchid w/ith the longest nectar spur relative to its flower size, found in Madagascar's forest canopy. 🇲🇬
—Cell Press study by João Farminhão et al.

Conservation efforts are vital as its habitat is threatened by deforestation and mining.

✍️ Liz Kimbrough

‘Mind-blowing’ new orchid species found in Madagascar forest canopy Scientists from Madagascar, the U.S. and Europe have described a new orchid species found up in the forest canopies of central Madagascar. The orchid, named Solenangis impraedicta, boasts a nectar spur that reaches 33 centimeters (13 inches) in length, making it the longest of any known plant relati...


🌍 Urgent solutions are needed to tackle climate change & protect .

‌But what does taking climate action look like?

Don't miss the United Nations Development Programme - UNDP video series "Climate Action Explained" & explore many climate solutions already underway worldwide.

🔗 https://climatepromise.undp.org/climate-action-explained


💡Curious to know more about invasive alien species?

Indigenous Peoples and local communities can be valuable partners in co-developing policies and strategies to address biological invasions. ⬇️

📖 Find out more with the IPBES Report : https://www.ipbes.net/ias


Tigers are at the top of the jungle food chain, but they face many threats:
🌳Habitat fragmentation driven by linear infrastructure development, land-use change, and urbanization
🪵Logging and wood harvesting
🌪️Severe weather

On , let's remember to celebrate & protect these magnificent felines! 🐯

Chimps are lifelong learners, study on tool use shows 28/07/2024

🐒Amazing discovery!

continue to learn & refine their tool use skills throughout their lives, much like humans.
—Study by Malherbe M et al., in PLOS Biology

This adaptation is crucial to their survival in a changing climate.

Chimps are lifelong learners, study on tool use shows Chimpanzees, like humans, can use a variety of tools to perform tasks such as getting food from hard-to-reach places. Now, a study published in PLOS Biology has found that, also like humans, chimps continue learning and refining those skills well into adulthood. This lifelong learning and continual....


🌱Happy !

‌ are climate heroes. They:
🌊Protect against extreme weather & disasters
🐾Are a haven for threatened animals
🌾Boost food security
🔄Store large amounts of carbon

‌Let's celebrate these critical habitats .🦎

📷 Wetlands International

Photos from IPBES's post 26/07/2024

Today marks the start of the . 🏅 Which species would win gold if nature had its own Olympics? 🤔

Here are just a few of our best guesses! 🌿

What other animal Olympians can you think of? Tell us in the comments below. ✍️⤵️

Deep dive into the feeding habits of chinstrap penguins 25/07/2024

🐧Fascinating research alert💡

These chinstrap penguins are wearing tiny video cameras to enable scientists to monitor them. 🎥

‌This could guide the conservation of this Antarctic species & help manage krill fishing in the Southern Ocean.

Deep dive into the feeding habits of chinstrap penguins Data from penguins wearing video cameras used to train algorithms to analyse krill hunting patterns


Cross-pollination is essential for genetic variation, increasing plant diversity and adaptability in changing environments? 🐝🌻🦋

But what is according to IPBES?👇


How to talk about a crisis without evoking hopelessness? 🤨

Find out more about the power and responsibility of the media in communicating the crisis in this episode from the IPBES podcast Nature Insight.



Healthy soil requires chemical balance⚖️

Some of the chemicals in soil are vital for plant growth, for example:
🌿Nitrogen promotes leaf growth
🌱Phosphorus helps roots to grow strong
🌼Potassium helps flowers and fruits to develop

Infographic from Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) 👇

‘We rarely see them now’: just how vulnerable are Vanuatu’s dugongs? 23/07/2024

🚨Dugongs are vanishing!

‌Once a common sight, these “sea cows” are now rarely seen.

They're facing threats from to seagrass loss, gillnet fishing, boat traffic and hunting.🐠

Let's protect these gentle giants.🌊

‘We rarely see them now’: just how vulnerable are Vanuatu’s dugongs? A study of the sea cow population in the South Pacific islands is urgently needed, say experts, as numbers fall dramatically


🌊The climate crisis is devastating the ocean.

Degraded ocean health is often an indicator of . 🌡

The ocean regulates global climate by mediating temperature, driving weather, influencing rainfall, droughts and floods.



📢 Governments & relevant organizations/institutions are invited to submit offers to host the technical support unit for advanced work on knowledge and data – knowledge generation catalysis.

Learn more 👉 https://www.ipbes.net/knowledge-generation/cfo-to-host-tsu


Human pressures like overfishing, climate change & pollution are threatening our ocean? 🌊

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Network - BES-Net is hard at work contributing to ocean protection. ‌For example, by transforming scientific knowledge such as IPBES findings into actionable solutions for safeguarding marine ecosystems. 🐋🪸🐟

‌Learn more with this infographic ⤵️



Biodiversity sparkles in a profusion of colours.

Blue is most often associated with the vast, yet fragile, diversity of the ocean & fresh water. 🔵

Let's celebrate the immense found in all ecosystems from water to sky.


We know that being in boosts our mood. But if you can’t go outside this weekend, practice mindfulness by coloring one of these cute critters designed by Millie Marotta or download the activity book for the little nature-lover in your life. 🦉


From fish to fungi, the world is filled with beautiful glowing creatures. 🍄🐟

Here are just a few of the many bioluminescent organisms present in various ecosystems around the planet.

🖌️ Infographic by Eleanor Mohren.


Bees pollinate 75% of the leading global crop types. 🐝

Here are 7 fruits & veggies that get ‘a buzz’ from bee pollination:



💡 Curious to unlock the findings of the ‌IPBES Report? 📖

The number of alien species has been rising continuously for centuries in all regions and is expected to keep increasing in the future. ⬇️

🔍 Learn more: https://www.ipbes.net/ias

IPBES - Science and Policy for
People and Nature

The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) is an independent intergovernmental body, established by member States in 2012. We provide policymakers with objective scientific assessments about the state of knowledge regarding the planet’s biodiversity, ecosystems and the benefits they provide to people, as well as the tools and methods to protect and sustainably use these vital natural assets.

Biodiversity and nature’s contributions to people underpin almost every aspect of human development and are key to the success of the Sustainable Development Goals. They help to produce food, clean water, regulate climate and even control disease. Yet they are being depleted and degraded faster than at any other point in human history.

IPBES is unique – harnessing the best expertise from across all scientific disciplines and knowledge communities – to provide policy-relevant knowledge and to catalyze the implementation of knowledge-based policies at all levels in government, the private sector and civil society.

IPBES currently has 136 member States. A large number of NGOs, organizations, conventions and civil society groupings also participate in the formal IPBES process as observers, with several thousand individual stakeholders: ranging from scientific experts to representatives of academic and research institutions, local and indigenous knowledge communities and the private sector – contributing to and benefiting from our work.

Videos (show all)

Climate Action Explained
Have you ever seen a bird with blue feet? 🤔⤵️#DYK Blue-footed boobies live off the western coasts of Central & South Ame...
#DYK that female sand vipers can be recognized by the fact that they have a black tail & are larger than males?🤔If you h...
🌊Have you ever seen a fish swim majestically like a ribbon?#DidYouKnow Ribbon eels have fascinating life cycles which in...
environment day
health nature
Biodiversity Expert Answers Your Questions
