Marina Lommel

Marina Lommel

Marina Lommel


Expertin für ketogene Ernährung. Gründerin Foodpunk GmbH

Autorin Low Carb typgerecht


Sounds simple but actually it is that simple 😎 Most successful people are just the last ones standing. The ones who kept on keeping on when all others already stopped.

Be the one who keeps on keeping on 💫


Welcome to our kitchen 🎉

Soon the wait is over and our phenomenal 100sqm studio kitchen will arrive at our , the world’s first center for personalized nutrition technology.

At the intersection of science and content production, our center houses state-of-the-art facilities, including a video kitchen, content studio, podcast studio, science room, and IT hub. This synergy allows scientists, software developers, content producers, and sales teams to collaborate seamlessly, pooling their expertise for a transformative vision: enhancing global health through digital, data-driven, personalized nutrition solutions. 🌍💻🍏

Our crown jewel? The impressive show kitchen, doubling as a high-quality cooking school, where culinary innovation meets nutritional excellence. 🍽️👩‍🍳

🔬 The PNT Experience:
Imagine a place where knowledge, inspiration, and networking converge! Regular events immerse participants in the fascinating world of nutrition, providing a unique opportunity to engage with the latest advancements in personalized nutrition technology. 🤓🌱

👷‍♂️ Team Effort:
This endeavor is a testament to the collaborative spirit fueling the PNT Center. Our dedicated team, comprising medical professionals, health experts, nutrition specialists, and enthusiastic consumers, is working hand-in-hand to shape the future of nutrition. Together, we’re on a mission to transform lives through personalized, data-driven solutions.

🎉 Join Us on this Journey:
As we inch closer to the completion of our show kitchen, we invite you to be part of this incredible journey. Stay tuned for updates, events, and opportunities to connect with a community that’s passionate about revolutionizing health through nutrition.

Save the date: Our big opening is on 16th of March, including lots of press from all over the country 🎉


Is this you? ✨

I’m currently creating a 30 day challenge that helps you reach any goal you set your mind to. Comment GOALS if you want to be one of the first to get access.


Rätätä morgen hamma Schädelweh

This is a song from Munich Oktoberfest... but it is playing in my mind all day long already.... because I am doing a caffeine detox.

In our Total Body Reset we challenge our participants to abstain from coffee for only 3 days. And I myself am the biggest addict I can imagine. I go to bed already dreaming about my first Italian double espresso thickly running out of my portafilter machine.

And now on my first day without coffee I suffer „Schädelweh“ which is a severe headache comparable to the one you get after drinking to many beer at the Oktoberfest.

But why is that and why does a coffee detox really make sense from time to time?

Caffeine works by blocking adenosine receptors in the brain. Adenosine is a neurotransmitter that promotes sleep and relaxation. By blocking these receptors, caffeine increases the release of other neurotransmitters like dopamine and norepinephrine, leading to increased alertness and reduced feelings of fatigue.

With regular caffeine consumption, the brain may respond by increasing the number of adenosine receptors. This upregulation can lead to a diminished response to the same dose of caffeine over time, requiring higher amounts to achieve the same stimulant effect.

The body can become less sensitive to the stimulating effects of caffeine as tolerance develops. This reduced sensitivity may lead individuals to consume higher doses in an attempt to counteract this diminished response.

When regular caffeine consumption is suddenly reduced or stopped, individuals may experience withdrawal symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, irritability, and difficulty concentrating. Higher doses may be sought to alleviate these symptoms.

A coffee detox, in the sense of temporarily abstaining from caffeine, may allow the body to reset its sensitivity to adenosine receptors. This could potentially reduce tolerance and make lower doses of caffeine more effective in the future.

Photos from Marina Lommel's post 06/01/2024

Damn 2023 - you were a ride. Look how tired I look on this picture. Since mid-july when we decided that we will build the and rent the 1.000sqm office I took no days off and my calendar was fully booked from morning to night. Investors meetings, employee meetings, we changed the team, let people go, hired people. All to create a crew that is united in vision and drive. So many people believe in our mission. Our team is stronger than ever.

But the sea is still rough, we’re 3 years into the economic crisis. We move fast, keep our focus and navigate towards our north star: Changing Germany’s (and the world’s) health system through preventative nutrition. Changing 1 million lives until 2025.

Ever since we heard from our Ukrainian developers about the war, ever since I drove with truckloads of food with unknown people to the Ukrainian border during a trip we organized in 48 hours. Ever since we slept at minus 5 degree in our truck. Ever since we saw that even this is a luxury… ever since then my mindset has changed. Ever since then I discovered our united strength to change the world.

This experience in February 2022 showed me how much strength we can unleash and how fast we can be when we are united in our vision. But I almost lost myself back then, I tried to help but couldn’t change the world. Stories of people I knew made me sit on the floor in our warehouse, hide from my team and cry.

Then I realized I can’t lose myself on a mission without end. I have responsibility at home for my clients and employees. And I suddenly became aware of… what if I used the same strength and the same vision and energy to change the world with my team with what we can do best?

This has changed and me ever since. Only through this experience I believe much more is possible when we set energy free and synch our efforts. Only through this experience was I able to raise half a million in 2 weeks and invest far more than that in software, team and interior to build the world’s first center for personalized nutrition technology. We change the world through personalized nutrition. We do so since 9 years already and now we added extra speed and boldness 😎


My brain doesn’t care about the dress I wear. Sorry to break it to you.


Success and likeability are positively correlated for the men and negatively correlated for the women.

Reflecting on Sheryl Sandberg’s profound insight about success and likeability, it brings to mind the revealing Heidi Howard experiment that underlines the disparities between perceptions of men and women in the professional sphere. 📊

The Heidi Howard experiment, conducted by researchers at Columbia Business School, involved presenting the same case study to participants with one crucial difference – the protagonist’s name was either Howard or Heidi. The findings were staggering. Howard was perceived as competent, strong, and fit for leadership roles, while Heidi, despite embodying the same qualities, faced backlash for being too aggressive or not likable.

This experiment serves as a stark illustration of the biases ingrained in our perceptions of success and likability, highlighting the challenges women often encounter on their paths to success. It becomes evident that the road to breaking gender stereotypes and achieving true equality is lined with obstacles that require our collective efforts to dismantle.

As we navigate through the implications of Sandberg’s observation, it’s crucial to acknowledge the real-world experiments like Heidi Howard that lay bare the systemic issues we must address. It’s a call to action for a more equitable future, where success is a universally celebrated trait, irrespective of gender. 🌐

Let’s amplify the lessons from such experiments, challenge our own biases, and strive for a world where the narrative around success and likability is rewritten for everyone, free from the constraints of gender expectations. 💪 Together, let’s reshape the conversation and forge a path towards true gender equality in every professional sphere. 🚀




How do you control wether your people are working if they work from home? F*** control.

Trust is the glue that binds a remote-first business together. It starts with hiring individuals whose values align with the company’s mission and cultivating an environment where transparency is paramount. 🤝 In a virtual setting, trust is not just earned; it’s consistently nurtured through open communication, accountability, and mutual respect.

Leadership in remote work goes beyond traditional management styles. It’s about empowering your team to excel independently while providing the support they need. Effective leaders understand that flexibility is key, recognizing that each team member has a unique work style and rhythm. 🌟

Embrace a results-oriented mindset. Focus on the outcome rather than micromanaging the process. By fostering a culture of autonomy, you allow your team to leverage their strengths and contribute meaningfully to the collective success of the business. 🚀

Regular check-ins become the heartbeat of remote teams. Schedule virtual meetings, but also embrace asynchronous communication tools to accommodate diverse schedules and time zones. This ensures everyone’s voice is heard and valued. 🗣️💻

Invest in technology that facilitates collaboration. From project management tools to video conferencing platforms, leverage the latest advancements to bridge the virtual gap. Creating a seamless digital workspace fosters teamwork and innovation. 🤖🔗

Remember, it’s not just about the work. Nurture a strong sense of camaraderie through virtual team-building activities, casual conversations, and recognizing achievements. Celebrate wins, both big and small, as a united remote family. 🎉

In the remote landscape, trust and leadership are reciprocal. Leaders must trust their team’s capabilities, and team members reciprocate by delivering exceptional results. It’s a dynamic dance that propels the business forward. 🕺💃


2023 you were a blast. You brought new business connections, awesome new team members, so many opportunities and a whole new office 🤩

You showed us that we as a team can do so much more than what many people think is possible. We are happy that through all we do we are allowed to change lives day in and day out.

We partner with the biggest insurance company in Germany now, after we have won against every competitor, we were able to support a study by the university of cologne with our meal plans.

In the background we are working on new companies and we are in the middle of building the with lovadesign. I did countless investor meetings to realize and so many people are supporting the future of nutrition. Our PR manager and our team are preparing the grand opening with lots of press.

This year I launched a podcast, which jumped into the Top 5 of apples health podcasts in the first month.

My relationship is thriving and better than I ever imagined.

I founded a female career circle and I am thankful that I can inspire and empower other women.

And this week we even had a video call with but pssst 🤫 Don’t tell that to my 14-year old me she’ll freak out 🫣

Also I joined EO this year which is an interesting experience. .munich is a chapter of a worldwide organization for entrepreneurs with at lease 1 million of revenue (we passed that a few years back).

I stopped counting the travels I made and speeches I gave. The final panel talk was at in Munich which honored me the most.

This year was so positive and it was so easy to reach every goal (from business, to relationship, to sixpack) that I often times had the feeling “where is the end?”, “what is the catch?” - so this will be my goal for 2024: Learning to accept that everything is allowed to be easy.

My new year’s resolution has nothing to do with getting fit, getting in shape, getting wealthy or whatever - cause these goals are easy and I figured them out.

My new year’s resolution is to become calm and peaceful starting with daily meditation and yoga. 🧘‍♀️ 2024 it’s time to reach a higher frequency ✨

What are your goals?


Promise me to remember that you are a queen and you‘re unstoppable every day of 2024 🎉


This is my view since 25th of December and I will not stand up from this couch before the 2nd of January. Just me, Santa, tea, coffee, chocolate and a nice fire in the evening. I left hundreds of messages unread. While I usually do as much as possible, right now I am doing as little as possible. And this is so recharging.

So thank you for understanding that you won’t get a personal Christmas or New years message from me, because my finger tips have worked on too many emails, letters and posts in 2023. My neurons deserve a good rest and yours do too. See you in 2024 💫


By the way, I definitely succeeded in this 10 week sixpackchallenge 😎


2014 vs. 2023 🔥 Same dress color, different life 😎


I believe that if you put a dream into motion, the universe secretly pulls the strings to make it reality. This might happen in a way you didn’t expect.

And all challenges you face on your way to your dreams are the universe testing you if you really want it bad enough and teaching you the skills to be ready for this new life.

Every challenge is a lesson. Your visions sets you into motion towards the right direction.

The key lies in visualization—painting vivid mental pictures of your goals. These visions are more than daydreams; they serve as blueprints for your future. Envision success (what ever that means to you personally), feel the emotions it brings, and let that energy propel you forward.

But it’s not just about wishful thinking; it’s about aligning your actions with your aspirations. Your subconscious mind, influenced by your visions, guides you toward decisions and steps that lead to your desired destination.

Picture yourself thriving in your career, radiating positivity in relationships, or achieving personal milestones. By doing so, you cultivate a mindset that naturally attracts opportunities aligned with your dreams. It’s like when you buy a new car and suddenly you see the same model everywhere on the street. The cars have always been there but your focus shifted. If you create a strong, vivid and emotional vision you’ll find opportunities magically appear on every corner. But they have always been there. It’s just your focus that shifted. Train your subconscious mind with regular visualization and it will direct you towards the right opportunities and help you make the right decisions.

The Law of Attraction isn’t a shortcut; it’s a mindset shift. It challenges you to let go of negativity, doubts, and fears, replacing them with optimism and belief.

Every thought you entertain is a seed planted in the garden of your reality. Nurture positive thoughts, water them with action, and watch your envisioned future blossom.

Photos from Marina Lommel's post 14/12/2023

You can be a lover or a fighter, whatever you desire
Life is like a runway and you’re the designer
Wings of a butterfly, eyes of a tiger
Whatever you want, baby, choose your fighter


This is a test 😃 How well do you know me? Name 5 things that I love 😇 And do you have an idea what I am filming in this moment that makes me smile? ☺️


✨ Ever felt the burning desire to achieve a goal but found yourself stuck in the labyrinth of self-doubt? Well, I’ve got some magic words for you: SMART Goals and Unshakeable Self-Trust! 🌟

Imagine this: You set a goal that ignites your soul, a goal that seems like a distant star in the vast universe of possibilities. Now, let’s sprinkle some magic dust and turn that distant star into a reality that shines bright in your everyday life. ✨

Step 1: 🎯 SMART Goals

First things first – make your goals SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Break down that colossal dream into bite-sized, actionable steps. Instead of saying, „I want to be fit,“ try, „I’ll hit the gym three times a week for an hour each, and within three months, I’ll run a 5K.“ Clarity is your compass!

Step 2: 🗺️ Craft Your Plan

Now that your SMART goals are in place, it’s time to chart your course. Create a plan that’s as detailed as a treasure map. Identify potential obstacles, plot your milestones, and set up a reward system for each achievement. Remember, a goal without a plan is just a wish.

Step 3: 🚀 Trust the Plan, Silence the Doubt

Here’s where the magic really happens – trust! Once your plan is in motion, resist the urge to second-guess yourself. Doubt is the dark wizard that can turn your dreams into mere illusions. Silence the doubt, and let the magic unfold.

Avoid discussing your plan with the toughest critic – yourself. When doubt creeps in, shut it out. Trust the plan you’ve meticulously crafted, and let action speak louder than self-talk.
🌈 Break Free, Achieve the Impossible

When you stop standing in your own way, when you release the self-imposed shackles, you unlock the power to achieve the seemingly impossible. Magical things happen when you trust your own potential, when you let your actions echo louder than your doubts.
The universe is conspiring to make your dreams come true; all you have to do is believe and take that first step. 🚀✨

Photos from Marina Lommel's post 23/11/2023

PNT Investment Endspurt 🔥 Wir brauchen deinen Support 🚀 Nur noch wenige Monate bis zur Eröffnung.

Heute habe ich einen neuen Newsletter für unsere Investitionsinteressierten und aktiven Investoren verfasst. Du möchtest auch auf den Newsletterverteiler und regelmäßig Updates und Investitionsmöglichkeiten erhalten? Dann schreibe mir eine Kurzinfo zu dir mit Email-Adresse.


Letzte Woche war das große Design Meeting. Unsere Interior Designerin Mery hat uns die 3D-Visualisierungen unseres neuen Büros erstellt. Ihr Auftrag war klar: Übersetze das digitale Design von Foodpunk in einen dreidimensionalen Raum mit Showküche, Podcaststudio, Videostudio und Atriumeingang mit Baristabar. Et voilá!

Wir sind extrem begeistert, wie toll das PNT Center nächstes Jahr aussehen wird. Videoproduktionen, Community-Events, Branchen-Events und vieles mehr. Die Vorfreude steig.

Um alles Realisieren zu können wie geplant, benötigen wir eure Unterstützung als InvestorInnen.

Bis dahin wird es nochmal intensiv. Im Hintergrund baut unser Team alle Vorbereitungen für den großen Total Body Reset 2024. Durch die Reichweite und Bekanntheit, die wir dieses Jahr aufgebaut haben, machen wir uns auf einen großen Andrang gefasst.

Um alle Ausbauziele zu erreichen inkl. Technik, Schreinerarbeiten, Maler etc. benötigen wir noch 100.000 € Investitionsgelder in diesem Jahr.

Wir sind glücklich, dass wir bereits vor Unterzeichnung des Mietvertrags unser erstes Investziel erreichen konnten, um Miete, Teamaufbau und Software-Entwicklung abzusichern. Der allergrößte Teil der PNT Entwicklung ist damit finanziert.

Hier daher der Last Call für 2023 an alle Investitionsinteressierten :-)

Du spielst mit dem Gedanken in das Foodpunk PNT Center zu investieren und dabei bis zu 10% Zinsen p.a. zu erhalten? Dann antworte mir auf diese Mail, du erhältst unser Infodeck und wir können einen Termin für ein Erstgespräch finden.

Gemeinsam mit euch sind wir unaufhaltbar. Ich freue mich auf die Zukunft.

Viele Grüße


This is why you should lift heavy weights as an entrepreneur 💪

As a scientifically trained entrepreneur I love to look deeper into our bodies. So let me advise you that you should incorporate lifting heavy weights as part of your body hygiene as an entrepreneur and here’s why 👇 👇

Strength training is more than just building muscles; it’s a game-changer affecting biochemistry, enhancing neuroplasticity, and combating aging.

1️⃣ Growth Hormone (GH) - The Catalyst:

GH is a cornerstone of health and business success, and resistance training ignites its release. Here’s why it’s vital:

a. Muscle Growth: GH stimulates muscle protein synthesis, boosting physical performance, confidence, and energy.
b. Fat Loss: GH breaks down fat for energy, improving productivity and well-being.
c. Cognitive Function: GH enhances brain function, vital in the fast-paced world of entrepreneurship.

2️⃣ Neuroplasticity - Your Entrepreneurial Edge:

Neuroplasticity empowers you to adapt and thrive. Resistance training aids it by:

a. BDNF Boost: Resistance training triggers Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF), enhancing adaptability and problem-solving.
b. Stress Resilience: Resistance training equips your brain to handle entrepreneurial challenges with grace.

3️⃣ Anti-Aging Magic:

Aging is inevitable, but you can slow it down:

a. Cellular Health: Resistance training improves mitochondrial function, providing youthful energy levels.
b. Bone Density: It fortifies bones, crucial for an entrepreneur’s journey.
c. Skin Health: Enhanced circulation and collagen production create a youthful appearance.

Resistance training is a potent tool for entrepreneurs, reshaping biochemistry, enhancing neuroplasticity, and combating aging. Make it a daily habit to equip yourself to conquer entrepreneurial challenges with vigor and vitality. Your body and business will thank you. 💪🧠🕰️


Absolutely thrilled to have had the opportunity to present at the information event in Frankfurt today with my colleague Barbara organized by Lipocuras medical director Dr. Katrin Lossagk.

We’re profoundly grateful for the invitation to discuss the vital role of nutrition in the management of lipedema.

This year, our team has had the privilege of participating in Lipocura information events across various cities, including Münster, Basel, Leipzig, and now Frankfurt. Our next stop is Hamburg, and we’re looking forward to continuing the dialogue on this critical topic.

We’re excited that our mission to make a positive impact on health through nutrition is gaining momentum. With the trust and support of over 200 B2B partners, including clinics, doctors, universities, nutritionists, personal trainers, naturopaths, and most recently, the health insurance company, we’re making significant strides in achieving our vision.

Our vision is clear: we aim to promote nutrition as a preventive and supportive therapy for various health conditions. Through our partnerships, we’re working together to create a healthier and more informed world, one where nutrition is recognized as a powerful tool in managing and preventing diseases.

We’re honored to be on this journey, and we’re incredibly thankful for the trust and collaboration of our partners.

Thank you to the Lipocura team for the invitation, and to all our partners who share our commitment to advancing the role of nutrition in healthcare. Together, we’re making a difference, one step at a time. 🌱💪


✨ Three women are leading Foodpunk GmbH and we don’t fit into the statistics. ✨

The proportion of women in start-ups remains low worldwide. But the trend is positive: the proportion of female founders has been increasing for several years and reached 20 percent in Germany last year. The number of founding teams with at least one woman is also increasing - currently it is 37 percent, whereas a year ago it was only 31 percent.

Women are significantly more likely to start up alone, with 13 percent of female solo-founders compared to only 6 percent of male solo-founders.

However, there are significant hurdles that women entrepreneurs continue to face.

💰 The Funding Gap:

Female-led startups tend to have smaller teams, with an average of 7 members compared to 28 in male-led teams. The gender gap extends to funding, where women receive, on average, 1.1 million euros, while men secure nine times more with an average of 9.7 million euros. This funding gap is a real obstacle to the growth and success of women-led startups, leading to the urgent need for change.

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Balancing Family and Entrepreneurship:

The age at which many entrepreneurs start their journey often coincides with family planning. This poses unique challenges, particularly for women. Female founders with children face a reduction in working hours of nearly 6 hours on average, underscoring the need for better support in reconciling family and entrepreneurship.

🌐 The Power of Networks and Initiatives:

Supportive networks are pivotal to the success of startups. Female founders often venture into entrepreneurship alone, which limits their access to resources, expertise, and connections. However, when these networks exist, they have a profound impact. Female teams within a supportive ecosystem are much more likely to rate their experience positively.

Mark the female founders that you know to give them visibility 🙌

Source: Female Founders Monitor by Startup Verband


🔥 PNT Center task force at work! 🔥

On August 1st, we took a leap of faith and rented the incredible PNT center. Before we did that we set ourselves a challenge: secure over half a million Euros in investments in just 2 weeks. Guess what? We did it! More than that 🚀 Now, the real fun begins as we transform this space into something extraordinary.

🔨 Our latest project involves crafting a jaw-dropping show kitchen sprawled across 100 sqm! We went all in—removed walls, revamped the floor, and joined forces with the amazing and .

Meet the team behind this culinary adventure: Mery, our talented interior designer, will be weaving her magic along with her team from . Then there’s Francesco, the maestro in the kitchen and our food stylist extraordinaire, who’s been with us since years. Fun fact: Francesco isn’t just a culinary wizard; he’s a seasoned restaurant owner and a private chef who’s worked in top-notch catering and large households.🎉

Francesco’s dream has been brewing for years, and now it’s about to become a reality. Our show kitchen isn’t just about looking fabulous; it’s a space where we’ll be hosting cooking classes! 🍳✨ Francesco will guide you through the process, proving that whipping up a delectable Foodpunk meal is easier than you think.

Stay tuned for behind-the-scenes sneak peeks, delicious recipes, and, of course, details on when you can join us for some hands-on cooking fun. This is more than a kitchen; it’s a Foodpunk experience waiting to happen! 🌮🎉


👉 Only 15% of Tech Startup Founders Are Female 🤯

It’s my passion to inspire others and here are three reasons why we should actively work towards empowering more women to become entrepreneurs:

1️⃣ Catalyzing Economic Growth: Beyond promoting equality, empowering women in entrepreneurship directly correlates with economic advancement. Studies consistently show that diverse businesses perform better financially. By unlocking the entrepreneurial potential of women, we stimulate economic growth, create jobs, and foster prosperity on a global scale.

2️⃣ Breaking Stereotypes and Shaping Role Models: Encouraging women to venture into entrepreneurship challenges traditional gender roles and perceptions. When more women succeed as founders, they become role models for the next generation, inspiring young girls to pursue their entrepreneurial dreams. This not only contributes to a cultural shift but also helps dismantle stereotypes surrounding women’s capabilities in business.

3️⃣ Fostering a Culture of Inclusion: Actively promoting women in entrepreneurship contributes to building a more inclusive business culture. It sends a powerful message that the entrepreneurial landscape is open to everyone, regardless of gender. This inclusivity not only benefits women but enriches the entire business ecosystem by tapping into a diverse range of talents, skills, and perspectives.

Where are my career women at? 🙌🙌🙌


👋 Hey there, to all the new faces here, I’m Marina Lommel, 34, the founder and CEO of Foodpunk, based in Munich.

Since childhood, I’ve been captivated by the wonders of science and biochemistry. Legend has it that even at 3 years old, I was solving problems that left the grown-ups scratching their heads. Learning, understanding, and creating have always been my passions.

At 14, I was soldering robots and made an appearance as the ‚Kikanier of the Week‘ with this strange hobby on German TV. I also obtained an amateur radio license, soldered circuit boards in my free time, and observed the ISS at night using Kepler’s data.

Imagine a 14-year-old girl in a room full of 40+ year-old men, the only one to ace an amateur radio exam covering electrical engineering and radio communication.

Later, I discovered my love for biochemistry and delved into a 40-page mathematical curve analysis for a school project.

I pursued a degree in nutrition science while working behind the scenes in TV productions on weekends, attending extra lectures in neurogenetics and neurobiology, and working in the field of Parkinson’s research in a lab.

At 25, I founded Foodpunk GmbH and developed a method to create personalized meal plans in just minutes, which usually would have taken 40 hours per plan, thanks to thousand lines of Excel algorithms.

The company has grown steadily over the years, and we’ve recently moved into a 1,000 sqm office, content, and event space. While building the company I’ve authored 5 books on the biochemistry of nutrition.

In my podcast ‚Eat Better Not Less,‘ I interview intriguing personalities each week about the wonders of nutrition, which holds incredible power. I’m passionate about inspiring others with to lead a healthy lifestyle and nourishing diet.

We offer top-notch software, an app and a team of nutrition scientists for personalized meal plans, making your journey to a healthier diet a breeze. You have a goal, and we have the plan.

Excited to have you on board!“ 🌱💪

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