endomomo.endometriosis real
Endometriosis related researching studies, health communication, natural remedies and organic beauty.
It’s summer and it’s hot! 🌼🌼🌼
Do you know the best drinks to help you soothe your gut and get you through the heat of the summer days?
endomomo.endometriosis real Endometriosis related researching studies, health communication, natural remedies and organic beauty.
After the discovery of bacterial compartments translocating to different organs of the human body, leaky gut has been perceived as a risk factor for various autoimmune diseases.
Research scientists have extensively investigated the intestinal barrier integrity and have found the efficacy of the Aloe Vera Gel in alleviating the leaky gut condition.
Besides the well known anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidative, and healing properties, the results of the study indicated that exposure to Aloe Vera Gel reinforces the intestinal tight junction.
Gut health plays a major role in managing the horror of endometriosis pain on a day to day basis. Fresh Aloe Vera drink or capsules might change your life a little.
Read more about this researching work and its fantastic results by following the link below.
The Role of Processed Aloe vera Gel in Intestinal Tight Junction: An In Vivo and In Vitro Study Leaky gut is a condition of increased paracellular permeability of the intestine due to compromised tight junction barriers. In recent years, this affliction has drawn the attention of scientists from different fields, as a myriad of studies prosecuted ...
Leaky gut syndrome (LGS) is a digestive condition where the intestinal lining allows bacteria and toxins into the bloodstream.
Leaky gut is often associated with inflammatory bowel disease and irritable bowel syndrome, as well as other intestinal diseases, like heart diseases, obesity, type 1 diabetes mellitus, and celiac disease.
The research study attached bellow better explains the leaky gut syndrome and its negative impact upon our general well-being.
Leaky Gut and the Ingredients That Help Treat It: A Review The human body is in daily contact with potentially toxic and infectious substances in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). The GIT has the most significant load of antigens. The GIT can protect the intestinal integrity by allowing the passage of beneficial ...
There is only that much you can eat, when you know you have endometriosis. You might find that your abdominal pains improve, once you start to focus on your gut’s health and all the inflammatory foods that affect it.
Pictured below is an example of a simple, yet delicious dinner, made of mushed avocado, garlic, tumeric, black pepper, lime and olive oil. It is lovely served with gluten free quinoa bread and some fresh oregano. Bon Appetit!
Scientific study that reveals the potential negative impact of the hormones present in dairy foods. Increasing evidence comes to suggest that these hormones, estrogen and insulin like growth factor-1 might cause breast, prostate and endometrial tumours.
Hormones in Dairy Foods and Their Impact on Public Health - A Narrative Review Article The presence of hormones in milk and dairy foods was discussed decades ago but rather more concerns attended to that with respect to finding hormones as biomarkers in milk for diseases and pregnancy diagnosis. Moreover, considerable amount of studies ...
But what can really be done for women with endometriosis? Read the expert views of 20 health care professionals who express their competent ideas on how to tackle the illness.
What needs to be done for women with endometriosis? – Endometriosis.org On International Women’s Day ( ) we re-publish wishes and hopes for those with endometriosis on why – and what – change is needed to prevent endometriosis in the next generation.
Endometriosis sufferer saw 20 doctors before diagnosis Dearbhail Ormond was diagnosed with endometriosis after seeing 20 doctors across 18 years.
Five years ago today, I had my first abdominal surgery at a private hospital, in London. It was a very difficult time, both for myself, and for my husband. The op took longer than expected and it did, indeed, confirm that I had stage III endometriosis. I was overwhelmed by the diagnostic, realising that, after all, things were not going to end there. The post op recovery was long. Emotionally I was a wreck.
A recurring question that I get from people “so what should I prepare for the surgery?”
From my experience “not much”. The most important thing is to prepare yourself mentally. Expect that it will not be easy. That the healing will take time. That you will need time to observe and understand your symptoms, to manage your emotions. And if there is something to pack with you, then remember these 3 things: large high wasted pants, mint or calendulae tea, and pads. Have faith that you can go through it, believe in yourself, and everything will be fine.
Book recommendation! Wholeheartedly recommend you to read this book and discover for yourself the miraculous, healing powers of magnesium. 🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼
CEC Medical Director Dr. Ken Sinervo is known worldwide not only as an expert endometriosis surgeon, but more importantly, as a humble, compassionate doctor who truly cares for all of his patients from every walk of life and every corner of the globe. He has won countless awards for his dedicated service and is known to always go well above and beyond for all those in his care - and for the worldwide endometriosis community at large. He is honest about expectations and outcomes and selflessly dedicated to improving the lives of his patients.
A world-class Board-Certified surgeon, he also serves as a committed teacher and mentor. He is respected by patients, staff and peers alike, and leads his team by example through high integrity and dedication to true patient care.
Read more about Dr. Sinervo’s clinic @
prioritize your health now. listen to your body. write down your symptoms. do your research well and find a qualified endometriosis specialist in your local area. it really helps to know that your illness has been diagnosed by a knowledgeable doctor that you can trust and who believes you. 💛
I stood and looked at this Mimosa’s gorgeous yellow flowers today. And my heart felt so heavy at the realisation that, for each of them yellow flowers, there is a woman, who is silently suffering of the crippling pain.
A woman who misses school, or work, a woman who cannot keep a relationship, or a pregnancy.
A woman who has yet to be diagnosed. A woman who is embarking on a long and tiring journey made of unending medical appointments, complex surgeries, severe symptoms, dieting sacrifices, psychological and emotional life changing situations.
Women who feel lonely, misunderstood, or simply unheard. Women who fight each day, and make ends meet heroically, despite the unending, unbearable physical and mental pain they are in each day.
One in nine women have endometriosis.
That means that if you know nine women, one of them suffers with endometriosis. 💛
Endometriosis: Could an altered gut microbiome have a role? The gut microbiome and certain gut metabolites may contribute to the progression of endometriosis and lesion growth, a new study finds.
Scientists at the School of Medicine want to delay menopause. Should they? - Yale Daily News A technique to freeze and transplant portions of the o***y could prolong menopause indefinitely, helping women improve fertility and skirt menopause symptoms. But some experts are dubious: just because scientists can prolong — or even end — menopause, does that mean they should?
Happy Valentine’s Day to all of you!
You are loved 💛
Interesting article ⬇️
Wodurch entstehen Darmentzündungen?
Dioxinähnliche, polychlorierte Biphenyle und Acetylacetat in Kuh-Milch aus der Massentierhaltung, Fleisch, Eiern und Fisch schädigen die Leber, die Hormone, die Schilddrüse und das Immunsystem. Sie gehören zu den gefährlichsten Giften in den Lebensmitteln.
Bisphenole A als Weichmacher in Dosen sind krebserregend, weil sie östrogen-analoge Wirkungen haben.�Außerdem verursachen sie Darmentzündungen Herz-Kreislauf Erkrankungen und Diabetes.
5. Fast alle chemischen Arzneimittel
können eine Magen- und Darmschleimhaut Entzündung verursachen, vor allem nicht-steroidale Antirheumatika (NSAR) mit schmerzlindernden, fiebersenkenden und entzündungshemmenden Eigenschaften, denn sie sind fast immer Säuren, wie z.B. Aspirin, Ibuprofen oder Diclofenac und lösen selber Entzündungen aus.
6. Toxine in Kosmetika aus Erdölprodukten: Stearine, Vaseline, die Konservierungsmittel Parabene, chemische Lichtschutzfilter in Sonnencremes, Aluminium in Deoderants sind Gift für die Haut und Schleimhaut.
Auszug aus „St. Hildegard Brief 116 - Januar 2023“
Weitere Informationen: https://www.st-hildegard.com/de/
Maria I Zervou et al. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2022 researched this particular topic. Below are her findings. See link in comments.
Pain management is definitely one of the most challenging issues to deal with, when you suffer with endometriosis. That is why, a healthy diet plays a hugely important role in dealing with the illness.
But, do you know your inflammatory food ingredients? And, more importantly, are you able to distinguish between what is good and bad for your digestive system, more specifically your gut?
Take a look at what was on my plate today. Which of these do you think is more likely to cause inflammation in the gut?
Eating organic, gluten free food has had a huge impact on my life with endometriosis.
Here is a very simple delicious dinner prepared in less than 30 minutes. 🦊 Keep an eye out for the upcoming recipe of this one!
At the beginning of this year, I went to see a lung specialist knowing that something was not right with my lungs. I had already been diagnosed with endometriosis in the abdominal cavity, and I was fearful that the endometriosis might have travelled up to my lungs. Within 40 minutes, after a few questions and a spirometry test, the renowned lung specialist told me, in the most patronising tone, that Endometriosis was very rare, “maybe there are some cases somewhere in the world” and that I needed to go swimming, because what I had was most likely muscular fever at the back of my thorax. This, after I tried to explain that I have had a long year of living with excruciating should blade pain, feeling that I can’t breathe, that my lungs feel like they stick to the chest cavity whilst I try to catch my breath, and other symptoms, which all prompted me to seek medical help. I felt belittled, laughed at quite literally, by someone who was supposed to be there to help and exhibit empathy. A medical professional who should have read that 1 in 9 women worldwide suffer with endometriosis.
“You deserve to be a self-advocate, you have permission to be your own self-advocate and you have a right to practice self-advocacy – now get out there and be your own self-advocate.” Kathleen King
* Kathleen King is the former chair of the Endometriosis Association of Ireland and works as a Medical Scientist in an acute hospital. She is a former member of the World Endometriosis Organisations steering committee and current member of the ESHRE Endometriosis Guidelines Review group. Kathleen King MSc Biomedical Science, MSc Healthcare Informatics.
Speak up and Speak Your Truth: Heather Guidone on the Power of Self-Advocacy - Orlagh Reid Psychotherapy and Coaching Heather Guidone wants you to know that self-advocacy is directly akin to self-empowerment and we owe it to ourselves to be on top of our health priorities. Improved health literacy, […]
An article about how important it is to listen to our bladder.
Read This If You Always P*e 'Just In Case,' Even If You Don't Have To Go Listen to your bladder, not your schedule.
Marilyn Monroe and her struggle with severe endometriosis.
In his book, “They Knew Marilyn Monroe: Famous Persons in the Life of the Hollywood Icon”, Les Harding wrote that above all, "Marilyn yearned for what she never had: a normal family life."
In April of 1952, the actress was admitted to the Cedars of Lebanon hospital where she was to have her appendix removed.
It has been written that as the procedure was about to begin, doctors pulled back her gown to find a note taped to her stomach.
The letter, addressed to her surgeon, Dr. Marcus Rabwin, begged him to keep her ovaries intact.
Marylin was "desperate" to become a mother.
"Cut as little as possible...I know it seems vain but that doesn't really enter in to it," Monroe wrote.
"The fact I'm a woman is important and means much to me.
"Save please (I can't ask enough) what you can – I'm in your hands. You have children and you must know what it means – please Dr Rabwin – I know somehow you will!”
"Thank you – thank you – thank you – For God's sakes Dear Doctor no ovaries removed – please again do whatever you can to prevent large scars.
"Thanking you with all my heart."
Her surgeon obeyed her wishes, but Monroe's dream of becoming a mum would never be realised. In mid-1957, she had to terminate an ectopic pregnancy. Just a year later, she suffered a miscarriage. […]
Many have even linked the star's addiction to barbiturates and painkillers - which ultimately lead to her death at just 36 years old - to her endometriosis, but this has never been proven.
“Patients with diagnosed pelvic endometriosis showed a significantly higher rate of endometrial implants and histologically confirmed endometriosis lesions in the chest cavity, through VATS, than patients without pelvic endometriosis.” (Bricelj K et al, 2017)
*VATS (video assisted thoracic surgery)
One can get endometriosis on the outside of their body too. Read this study about umbilical endometriosis. There is also skin endometriosis. The size of the endometrioma has nothing to do with the amount of pain one feels. A microscopic amount of endometriosis on one’s diaphragm can cause a hell of a lot of damage, therefore the pain can be, most of the times, too much to handle. Opioids, morphine and other strong painkillers might help with pain management. However, in most of the cases, only surgery will be efficient in getting some actual pain relief (at least for a while).
Clinical Features and Management of Umbilical Endometriosis: A 30 Years’ Monocentric Retrospective Study Introduction: Umbilical endometriosis (UE) is defined as the presence of endometrial-like tissue within the umbilicus and represents around 0.5–1% of all cases of endometriosis. UE is classified into primary or secondary UE. In this retrospective study, we aimed to assess symptoms, signs, recurren...
This page was created for all those who are on a difficult journey whilst they suffer from endometriosis. Please know that you are not alone and that your everyday pain and struggles are real. Let us all join together in sharing our knowledge and personal life experiences in winning this long and hard battle.
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