Sound bath with Signe // Lydbad med Signe

Sound bath with Signe // Lydbad med Signe


** Upcoming sound bath sessions will be advertised as separate events.

Signe leads sound bath sessions for deep relaxation, inviting you to ‘bathe’ in the sound waves of Himalayan singing bowls

// Signe skaber lydbade, der afspænder kroppen, hvor du inviteres til at 'bade' i lydbølgerne fra Himalaya klangskåle Please get in touch if you would like to organise a private session in your home, at your workplace or at your yoga studio**

I empower people to rest and con


Oktober har været magisk ✨

Jeg har drysset lyde i Lisbeths Rum for individuelle og i grupper - og været med til at skabe ro på nervesystemet på Urban Ro Retreat denne weekend💜

Jeg ELSKER at dele denne form for ro for krop og sind. Derfor deler jeg lidt mere i november 🥰

✨ Kom med til lydbad denne onsdag d.1 november kl 19.00 ✨

Det er sidste chance for at komme til lydbad med mig dette år.

Mange kærlige ønsker om en blid og god start på ugen,

Ekstranummer til at berolige dit nervesystem 💫

Efter to magiske lydbade, med Sound bath with Signe // Lydbad med Signe som dirigent, har Signe heldigvis sagt ja til at lave to ekstranumre ✨🕯️🍂

Tak Signe 🫶

Tider for ekstra lydbade er:

✨ Onsdag den 1. november 19.00 - 20.30
✨ Tirsdag den 7. november 18.00 - 19.30 (er allerede udsolgt)

Vi glæder os til at Signes healende lyd fylder Lisbeths Rum igen 🙏

Skriv en mail til Signe på [email protected] hvis din krop og sjæl skal have en ordentlig omgang selvomsorg på onsdag 🧡

Eventbeskrivelse i kommentar.

Mobile uploads 20/10/2023

Din kærlige mulighed for at komme gratis med på Urban Ro Retreat næste weekend d.28 og d.29 oktober 🌟

Yin yoga, meditation og ro 🧘‍♀️
..og et lydbad til at afslutte hver dag, så roen integreres og vibreres dybt i dit nervesystem 💛

Photos from Lisbeths Rum's post 17/10/2023

Oktober ER bare en god måned 🌟🧡🍂

Der er én plads tilbage til lydbad d.25 oktober.

Der kommer flere datoer til lydbad i november 🙌


Indflytningsdag i Lisbeths Rum 🥰

Jeg kan slet ikke vente med at pakke alle instrumenterne ud 🤩

🧡 Rigtig god weekend 🧡


🍂 Oktober Lydbad 🍂

Mærker du også efteråret, der sniger sig ind? 💛

Jeg glæder mig utrolig meget til at kunne invitere dig til afslapning, nydelse og ro i Lisbeths Rum. Det har vi ekstra meget brug for, når vi går de mørkere tider i møde 🤗 - og når kalenderen gradvis fyldes op af arbejde og aktiviteter.

Tre måder du kan nyde et lydbad på i oktober:

🧡 Lydbad d.25 oktober kl. 18.00 - 19.30
🧡 Individuel klangmassage d.19, 20 og 24 oktober
🧡 Urban Ro Retreat d.28 - d.29 oktober med yoga, meditation og lydbad

Mere info om de tre events finder du i kommentarerne herunder. Har du spørgsmål, er du altid velkommen til at skrive til mig på [email protected] 🙌

Jeg glæder mig til at dele lydene med dig og nære dit nervesystem 🧘‍♀️


Sound baths are available to us everywhere 🤗

Like these cowbells in the French Alps 😍 (sound on 🔊)

Today, I'm headed to Denmark and look forward to share a few sound bath events with you in Copenhagen in October 🙌


It's been a little quiet 🧘‍♀️

At the start of the year, I travelled to Canada for a few months 🌎

With my instruments safely stored in Denmark, I am indulging in the sounds and stillness of nature here 🩵

Sharing a quiet moment with you from one of my favourite hikes in British Columbia 🏔

Soothening sounds are everywhere 🎵

May you find them and let them replenish you 🤗

Photos from Sound bath with Signe // Lydbad med Signe's post 24/11/2022

💛 Gong glæde 💛

Jeg var med på det skønneste yoga og meditations retreat sidste weekend ✨️

Den store gong var med til Samsø og tilbage igen 🙆‍♀️

I stilheden kunne der gonges igennem med udsigt til marker og hav 🌊

Der var noget helt særligt ved at give 1:1 sessioner og bade deltagerne i et stort lydbad den sidste aften.

En smuk landing på 4 dage sammen 🧘‍♀️


Om to uger er jeg lige her på smukke Samsø på silent retreat. Jeg glæder mig! 🤗

Jeg har glæden af at lave lydbad for alle deltagerne samt tilbyde 1:1 lydsessioner.

Der er stadig enkelte pladser tilbage, hvis du vil med på retreat 🧡 Lisbeth Johansen er den skønneste facilitator!

Se mere info i linket nedenfor eller skriv 🤗


*Study mode activated* 🤓

Happiness level 1000 preparing for Sound healing Nepal to teach me how to treat this big beauty and continue my practice ✨️

It's 3,5 years ago since I received my fist teachings in all things sound and singing bowls 🙆‍♀️
..and while I've been a student ever since, I am so grateful I could get into a full-on study and practice mode with the same wonderful teacher online 🧘‍♀️

The sound of this thing is next level 😍 I look forward to introducing her!


Klar til at forkæle nogle skønne mennesker denne søndag og imorgen ✨️

Det er for mig den bedste slutning på en weekend og den dejligste start på en ny uge at lave lydbad for andre 🧘‍♀️
.fordi det nærer mig, skaber ro og balance at give lydene og vibrationer videre til andre 🌸

Det er en ægte win-win 🙌

Photos from Sound bath with Signe // Lydbad med Signe's post 01/09/2022

This beautiful big baby is here 😍 It may be September but it feels like Christmas ✨️

She has arrived safe and sound all the way from Nepal 💛

I can't wait to introduce her deep sounds this autumn in Copenhagen 🤗

Photos from Sound bath with Signe // Lydbad med Signe's post 23/11/2021

If there is one thing that can pull me back to Denmark, it is having the opportunity to visit another Danish island - Samsø - with my sound gear on wheels 🙋‍♀️

Waves on the ferry to get there 🌊
Waves of sounds for participants 🎶
Waves of silence 🧘‍♀️

The combination of a silent retreat and sound baths is magical 🦄

Some things we only truly can hear in silence ✨

Deeply restoring and restful in the late autumn darkness in the Northern hemisphere 🌌


Sound baths in nature 🌿

--- sound: ON 🔊 ---

I'm spending a few weeks in Spain - away from my singing bowls - and reminded that the best kinds of soundbath are available at all times 💚

May you find the sounds - and silence - that soothe you 🧘‍♀️

Photos from Sound bath with Signe // Lydbad med Signe's post 06/07/2021

Special moments facilitating a bachelorette gathering 🌿

I would never have thought of combining sound baths with such a ritual - yet it makes so much sense 🌸

⚓ Anchoring friendships
⚓ Anchoring love
⚓ Anchoring sisterhood

I'm deeply grateful for being asked 🙏
.and I LOVE how new experiences keep arising with these little bowls 🎶

Experiences I could never have thought of developing on my own 🧘‍♀️


The most soothing sound for me is that of the sea 🧘‍♀️

May the weekend wave wash over you with grace and rejuvenation 🌊


I still hear the sounds resonating in this beautiful location 🌳

I am so grateful for experiencing what sound can do during a silent retreat 💜

Join my last sound bath session before the summer holiday season this Sunday, 20th of June at 19.00 - and discover a bit of (inner) silence and relaxation 🧘‍♀️

You can find more info about the event here or simply message me directly 🌸



Big reason for big Sunday smiles 😊

I can't hide the excitement that we are allowed to gather again *and* that I've found the most wonderful location to host two sound bath sessions in June 🎉

Join me on:
- Wednesday 2nd of June at 19.00
- Sunday 20th of June at 19.00

At Ro & Mag - Frederiksberg

There are 8 spots available and both events are posted on the page. Alternatively feel free to reach out to me directly 💫

I can't wait to welcome you 🤗


While I patiently wait in anticipation of the weather getting warmer and the opportunity of doing sound baths again, I have played around with recording a snippet of my singing bowls 🎙️

My first ever 🙆‍♀️

I recorded this for a friend who wanted a gentler alarm for the timer on her phone 🌸

You can download the short soundbite directly onto your phone in the link in the comments 📲

Let me know if you give it a try 🎧

May you surround yourself with gentle, soothing and beautiful sounds – you deserve it! ☀️

Photos from Sound bath with Signe // Lydbad med Signe's post 08/02/2021

Sound bath delivery on wheels 🚴‍♀️

If it's cold outside let it always be (heart)-warming inside 💜


Playing with borrowed bowls on my floor this morning before returning them to their wonderful owner 💛

When three of my bowls were stolen this summer, a generous and gifted sound-soul borrowed me some 🙏🏻

It has been one of the most beautiful experiences I've had through my singing bowls - an absolute stranger (although no longer!) trusting me with her precious instruments for months without expecting anything in return 🌠

She reminded me to a little more..and juuust a little more 🌱

Photos from Sound bath with Signe // Lydbad med Signe's post 27/11/2020

Last weekend I was lucky enough to be invited in as a surprise to end a yoga retreat 🎶

It is always so special to see what people get out of the sounds - this time in light of three days of intense yoga and meditation 🧘‍♀️ Magic!

And how cute are these handmade Christmas decorations the retreat host gifted us all! ✨

Wishing you all a warm and cosy weekend ahead - and a smooth landing into the December month 🎄


There has been a technical glitch with the events on my page - when I tried to re-arrange one event, they all got cancelled 🤦‍♀️

Here are the dates for the remainder of 2020:

- Thursday 26th of November at 19:30
*** note that the event on the 25th is cancelled ***
- Wednesday 2nd of December at 19:00
- Wednesday 9th of December at 19:00

If you are confused, reach out to me 🙆‍♀️

All my love 🌠


Thank you for being a part of growing this little community to 100 people this week 🌱
.and for following my sound bath adventures 🙆‍♀️

My singing bowls have gotten some new friends to travel with them too 🐻

Warm hugs ☀️

Photos from Sound bath with Signe // Lydbad med Signe's post 28/10/2020

Travelling sound bath! 🚊

Just before the new restrictions kicked in, I was lucky enough to travel last weekend and share a sound bath with a lovely group of people on a remote Danish island (Rømø) on the far west side of the country.

Travelling with my singing bowls, my gong and my childhood friend to experience an island with such raw nature recharged me in every possible way. I keep being amazed by all the adventures I get to experience on my sound bath path 🙆‍♀️

I am now back in Copenhagen and hosting sound baths in November on:
- Sunday the 1st of November at 5pm
- Wednesday the 4th of November at 7pm
- Wednesday the 25th of November at 7pm

I have reduced the participant number to 6 (7 including me). I recommend you bring your own mat and blanket.

Stay safe 🙌


I started my week with a very special delivery from Nepal ✉️
.beautiful bowls radiating in the rays of sunshine on my living room floor! Nothing less than a small miracle 🦄

I can't wait to play them tomorrow 🌠

All my love and deep appreciation to the dear Anup and Sound healing Nepal for facilitating this package with so much grace and love!


September byder velkommen til efteråret, længere nætter, svingende temperaturer og (måske) nye begyndelser og udfordringer på job- og studie fronten 🍂

I denne overgangsfase kan det være særlig rart at give sig selv en pause, koble fra og pakke sig ind i et lunt tæppe 🧘‍♀️

Jeg hjælper dig på vej med et lydbad, hvor der ikke forventes andet af dig end at møde op, lægge dig til rette og lade lydene berolige kroppen og sindet 🎼

Datoerne for september er:
- Torsdag d.17 kl. 19.00 i Tinkuy
- Søndag d. 27 kl. 19.00 i Tinkuy

Du reserverer din plads ved at skrive en besked til mig her eller på 60549066.

Jeg har reduceret antallet af pladser til 6, så der er tryg afstand og rum til nærvær 👨‍👨‍👦‍👦


Skal du med til lydbad i morgen aften? 🎶

Jeg har stadig et par pladser tilbage, hvis du trænger til en (altid!) velfortjent pause, afslapning og fornyet energi.

Jeg vil elske at byde dig velkommen ☀️

Mere info findes her:


Starting my week energised, grateful and 💚-warmed by the 10 humans who participated in my opening sound bath session at Tinkuy last night ☀️

I have a few more evening sessions lined up over the next months and would love to welcome you:
- Thursday 6 August (guided in Danish)
- Sunday 30 August (guided in English)
- Thursday 17 September (guided in Danish)
- Sunday 27 September (TBC)

I always keep the max. number of participants to 10. You find more details in the events on this page and feel free to reach out!

📸 Special thank you to Rebekka for capturing the opening 🤗

Photos from Sound bath with Signe // Lydbad med Signe's post 01/07/2020

⭐️ New home for my singing bowls // Nyt hjem til mine klangskåle ⭐️

I cannot wait to welcome you for sound bath sessions in the spacious rooms of the warm-hearted community Tinkuy - Spirituelt Fitnesscenter in Badestuestræde, Copenhagen 💃

Jeg glæder mig til at lave lydbade for jer i de skønne lokaler i det varme fællesskab hos Tinkuy i Badestuestræde, KBH K 🤗

Videos (show all)

Sound baths are available to us everywhere 🤗Like these cowbells in the French Alps 😍 (sound on 🔊)Today, I'm headed to De...
It's been a little quiet 🧘‍♀️ At the start of the year, I travelled to Canada for a few months 🌎With my instruments safe...
Om to uger er jeg lige her på smukke Samsø på silent retreat. Jeg glæder mig! 🤗Jeg har glæden af at lave lydbad for alle...
Nature sound bath
Sea waves 🌊🎶

