

Freelance photography, videography and video editing. Offering beautiful and unique creative portray

Photos from Joeight's post 28/02/2023

A weekend of beautiful aerial moments and movements.
Check out the event
📷: &


We've planned, we're packing and soon we'll be embarking on a massive journey!
Big up to the team & sponsors for making this adventure possible! 🌄
I would majorly appreciate, if you feel inspired, to share this with your loved ones!

Timeline photos 26/05/2021

Balance is on the inside.

Timeline photos 12/11/2020

Look ma! No hands 🌝

Timeline photos 11/11/2020

enjoying the morning fog, rising over the quarry.

Timeline photos 06/11/2020

Life’s a wild ride, just hold on!

Photos from Joeight Creations's post 05/11/2020

These pictures are taken around the same time, one year a apart.
Its amazing how comparatively small the world has gotten in the recent decades.
One winter I spent sliding over the frozen scandinavian lake�The next, surfing the waves of the southern Atlantic Ocean
What a magical time to be alive.

Photos from Joeight Creations's post 02/11/2020

Hot days on black rock 🖤

Timeline photos 29/10/2020

Dont underestimate a prolonged weekend

Timeline photos 28/10/2020




Shared from Instagram.
You can find the 4K version on

Danced and Choreographed by: Copenhagen based, Sheba Hunter Anastasija Olescuka Emma Bondo & Malou Dee
Exclusive and unreleased track by Anna Majidson
Filmed and directed Joeight Creations
Loved this collaboration,
Hope you enjoy it too.


Timeline photos 06/10/2020

What will it bring?
How will you face it?


We’re stepping into the darkness
The equinox has passed
The summer is behind us
Or far in front of us,


.caleau walking through the clouds!


Don’t mind .caleau passing by as you scroll. He’s just on his way over the 2 kilometer line.


An unexpected saturday night. In the (not so) quiet Swedish woods. There are more clips from this night in my stories.

Timeline photos 02/10/2020

taking the virgin steps on the webbing, used for the 2k line.


Freelance photography, videography and video editing.

Offering beautiful and unique creative portray of your,

𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐬/𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐢𝐜𝐞 · 𝐀𝐫𝐭/𝐌𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐜 𝐕𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐨 & 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬.

Hit me up!

Timeline photos 25/09/2020

lean back levitating over abiksojokk.
(This line was setup, with permission by the nature reserve and with the nature in mind. No trees were hurt in the making 🌲)


2K Slackline in Abisko - The Lapporten Project 23/09/2020

Truly an adventurous journey. Was happy to be there to capture the atmosphere!
Hope you will enjoy tagging along on this journey we had.
If you enjoy, please feel free to share! This is just the beginning.

2K Slackline in Abisko - The Lapporten Project The main objective of the trip and project was to get together as a team and scout a massive and iconic line in the Abisko area. Rigg a 2k Highline in the va...

Timeline photos 22/09/2020

I’ve been through every pixel of this photo, I couldn’t find a single f given by line master


Se spektakulära linvandringen över Abisko 21/09/2020

A few clips from my recent trip to Abisko.
More to come,

Se spektakulära linvandringen över Abisko Försöket att gå på lina över Lapporten fick avbrytas när höstvindarna blev för starka. Men den alternativa linvandringen i dalen intill slutade i ett tangerat världsrekord, goda lärdomar och spektakulära bilder över Abisko.


The little fairy, on the 280m line in

Timeline photos 20/09/2020

Taking in the last rays of the sunset

Korp B - Highline Session 20/07/2020

Some Sunday Stockholm Slacktivity

Korp B - Highline Session Super Sick Sunday Slackline Session - Stockholm Song: Sierra Nevada - Chancha via Circuito Put together by Jo @


Video & Photography,
I am available for co-creation,
hit me up, with your project!
[email protected]


(english below)
Det er en gunstig tid for kreativiteten! Efter uger med potentiel kontemplering er jeg sikker på at mange af os har valgt at træde ad nye stier.
Det er tid til at skabe, at dele ud af sin kreativitet og inspirere til forandring.
Med denne ekstra tid i hænderne, kan der ske muligheder der i den hverdag vi har kendt, ikke var så lette.
SÅ står du med et projekt eller en idé du gerne vil have portrætteret. Har du brug for en video, foto, eller sparring?
Så lad mig være til rådighed, dont be shy. Joeight Creations
It is an auspicious time for creativity! I am certain that many of us has chosen to step unto new paths, after weeks with potential contemplation.
It is time to create, to share ones creativity and inspire the change.
With this extra time in our hands, are there opportunities that perhaps wasn’t so eager, beforehand.
SO have you got a project or idea that you need portrayed. Do you need a video, photo or sparring?
Let me be of service, reach out, don’t be shy. Email: [email protected]

Venice, the capital of quarantine. 02/04/2020

The practice of quarantine, as we know it, began during the 14th century in an effort to protect coastal cities from plague epidemics. Ships arriving in Venice from infected ports were required to sit at anchor for 40 days before landing. This practice, called quarantine, was derived from the Italian words quaranta giorni which mean 40 days.

I didnt get to spend much time in Venice, i just had a week there, working on a project for the Biennale, before the madness really kicked in. We caught the last flight out, but we didnt escape the quarantine.

Photos from Joeight Creations's post 31/03/2020

its not about the size

Creativity is key

Joeight Creations is at service for creativity.
In these times that call for following ones intuition, leaving behind the uncalled for fear and jumping into creating that kickstarting project you’ve daydreamed about, you’re gonna need a video or portraits for your homepage. Maybe a series to portray your talents. Send an email to [email protected] with the projects you are or wish to work on and lets create something beautiful together.

I have a passion in lifting potential, helping important causes and through the magic of the media spread rings in the water to inspire.

Joeight Creations til tjeneste for kreativiteten.
I disse tider, der kalder på at følge sin intuition, efterlade frygten og springe ud i at skabe det kickstarter-projekt du har drømt om, skal du bruge en video eller portrætter til din hjemmeside. Måske en serie til at vise dine talenter frem. Send en e-mail til [email protected] med dit projekt, du er igang med eller ønsker at arbejde på, og lad os skabe noget smukt sammen.

Jeg har en passion for at løfte potentiale, hjælpe vigtige budskaber frem og gennem mediernes magi sprede ringe i vandet til videre at inspirere.

Videos (show all)

Sometimes you feel it when you're walking through a forest, a sensation that you're not just passing through, but someho...
Think for a moment about your own life—those instances where someone else's experience has mirrored your own feelings so...
In a chapter that touched me deeply, Eisenstein speaks to our undeniable connection to everything. This isn't about a my...
In 'The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible', Eisenstein nudges us away from contempt and toward a profound...
Ever wonder what ties us together, what unseen threads weave through the tapestry of our collective existence? 🌐 In "The...
Escaping Pain" whispers a truth many of us dodge: our frenzied consumption is often a bandage over wounds we scarcely ad...
In these times of upheaval, it's natural to feel unmoored, as if the anchors of our past understanding are no longer suf...
As we witness the breakdown of familiar systems, there's a strange comfort in acknowledging our shared vulnerability. It...
In this dance between worlds, as old stories crumble, do you find yourself yearning for a new truth? It's as if we're co...
As the old-world narratives show their cracks, do you find yourself questioning what's truly important? This period of t...
Ever find yourself drawn to the latest catastrophe news, secretly feeling disappointed when the predicted doom doesn't u...
In this dance between worlds, as old stories crumble, do you find yourself yearning for a new truth? It's as if we're co...
