Robuki WAVE in the time of Covid-19

Robuki WAVE in the time of Covid-19

The ROBUKI WAVE is a way for the international shakuhachi community to send out good vibration through robuki, feel unity, and heal the earth.

We will do ROBUKI at 12 noon local time from Monday 23rd March 2020 to make the wave of ro go around.


We are looking for MCs for our epic 24.hour Online Shakuhachi gathering on World Shakuhachi Day 10.8 (Oct 8)

日本語はこの下。On World Shakuhachi Day 10.8 (October 8) 2024, we will host a 24 hour Online Shakuhachi Gathering. Like the 2 previous years, it will start at 10:00 JST and now lasting for 24 hours. Also like the 2 previous years, we will have 10 minute slots where shakuhachi lovers from all over the world can play (or talk) and share their love for the shakuhachi with all of us across the globe.
For that, we need bi-lingual (Japanese-English) MCs who can be in charge during a 2 hour slot that fits their time zone. Would anyone like to be an MC? Basically you have to introduce very shortly the next person, who will play. If someone doesn't show, we might have some videos you can activate instead. It is not a hard job. Please let me know here or: [email protected] if you would like to give us a hand in order to make this epic 24-hour shakuhachi gathering a success. 🙏
そのために、日英バイリンガルのMCが必要です。自分の時間帯に合った2時間の枠を担当お願いしたいと思います。どなたかMCをやってみませんか?基本的には、次に演奏する人を紹介し、もし誰かが来なかった場合は、代わりに起動できるビデオがあるかもしれません。難しい仕事ではありません。この壮大な24時間尺八の集いを成功させるために手を貸してくださる方は、こちらか[email protected]


You can now see 6 hours and 30 minutes of LOVE from shakuhachi players around the world playing ROBUKI and lullabies for WORLD PEACE! What a great community we have!!! ❤
You can also see it here:
The photo is of most players in the video.


Known Global Toll Reaches 200 Million Virus Infections!
The official tally stands at more than 614,000 deaths in the United States. More than 550,000 in Brazil. More than 425,000 in India. Mexico has recorded more than 240,000 fatalities, and Peru nearly 200,000. Britain, Colombia, France, Italy, and Russia have all recorded well north of 100,000 deaths. The global toll as of Wednesday was 4.2 million, itself a rough estimate given the discrepancies in the way nations record Covid-19 deaths.
Southeast Asia, Latin America, Africa…. The pandemic is not over. Let’s continue to blow ro to connect to each other and to send empathy. Rooooo….!


We should not forget that while some countries open up after vaccinating their populations others such as in Colombia, nearly five hundred people a day have died of the coronavirus over the last three weeks, the nation’s most dramatic daily death rates yet. Argentina is going through the “worst moment since the pandemic began,” according to its president. Scores are dying daily in Paraguay and Uruguay, which now have the highest reported fatality rates per person in the world. Let’s continue our ROBUKI practice with the aim of healing the world and connect together as one big family.


Let us play RO for the people in India, Brazil and many other places where Covid-19 is destroying people’s lives. A ROBUKI for each individual catastrophe! We can do it if we are together 💚🦋


The world’s Covid-19 death toll surpassed 3 million. Many more have been/are ill. Many many more struggle to make a living. Let’s unite in our RO! 🙏

What happened at Fukushima 10 years ago? BBC World Service 11/03/2021

10 years on after the terrible earthquake in northeastern Japan....
And it wasn't just Fukushima... it was the whole northern cost of East Honshu that was hit by an earthquake, then tsunami and then nuclear disaster! More than 17,000 people lost their lives or are unaccounted for.
Maybe we can play ROBUKI for this today - us shakuhachi players - with the aim of giving relief and sending empathy and uniting the world in peace.

What happened at Fukushima 10 years ago? BBC World Service On 11 March 2011, Japan's most powerful earthquake on record triggered a tsunami, which then caused a meltdown at a nuclear power plant. It wiped entire town...


With the hope you are all well out there and still blowing RO for the precious shakuhachi community, beautiful planet with all its living beings! The world needs the vibrations of RO and empathic vibes from all of us! Please stay safe!


January 2021: Despite the arrival of several vaccines, the number of Covid-19 cases, deaths and seriously ill surge. The world needs healing. ROBUKI is one way of offering healing to the world, and to ourselves. The fact that we know many of us do ROBUKI is comforting. Let's continue! 💚


We have now stepped into 2021 - the year we hope to see this group become unnecessary. Most have large expectations of the vaccines. However, before the effects of vaccines kick in it is still getting worse: the new variant of covid-19 first found in the UK is spreading fast around the world. Global number of cases passed 80 mill. On the first day of the year, the US passed 20 mill cases and native American communities have been particularly vulneable. The countries on the continent of Africa had so far not been so severely hit by covid-19 but today it is feared it will become worse in the near future. It is still necessary we continue our robuki practice. Once a day, at any time let’s focus our mind into sending healing vibrations out to people sufflering and connect together as a community. Roooooooo! 💚


21-27 December 2020: 40 countries have banned travel from the UK due to a new mutation of covid-19. Cases are soaring! Let us blow RO towards the end of 2020, a year that has caused so much pain. Let us do ROBUKI so no-one will be mistaken that we are united in the hope for 2021.


7-13 December 2020: Total number of cases passes 67.1 million: USA breaks record for most deaths in a week, in North Dakota one in every 10 residents has contracted the virus, and hospitalisation is higher than during spring. Gaza runs out of test kits due to the blockage. Japan and South Korea see a surge in new cases. There will be restrictions for many people over the holiday season in Europe and elsewhere as cases continue to surge. Shakuhachi players, please keep sameand let’s continue to do ROBUKI together apart.


30 November - 6 December 2020: The total number of coronavirus cases in the United States for November surpassed 4 million on Saturday, more than double the record set in October of 1.9 million cases. Indonesia has reported a record rise in coronavirus inections, after 6,267 new cases and 169 deaths, according to its Covid-19 task force. Brazil has registered 51,922 additional coronavirus cases over the last 24 hours and 587 new deaths, according to the country’s health ministry. Mexico reported 10,008 new confirmed coronavirus infections and 586 additional deaths on Saturday. This brings the official number of cases to 1,100,683 with a total death toll of 105,459. And then to something one could see as a kind of positive news (which can quickly change of course): Africa has recorded about 37,000 deaths, compared with roughly 580,000 in the Americas, 230,000 in Europe, and 205,000 in Asia. There seem to be 4 reasons: 1: Quick action; 2: Public support; 3: Young population - and few old-age homes; 4: Favourable climate. In any case there are good reasons for us shakuhachi players to continue to have the intension of sending out empathy and to connect together as a community.


23-29 November 2020: The world nears 60,000,000 cases. The US suffers a covid death every minute. Much of Europe is on lockdown, millions of minks were culled in Denmark due to a mutated covid virus was found on them. Japan is also seeing a surge in new cases etc etc...
Let’s keep on doing our ROBUKI practice!


16-22 November 2020: There are 15,353,267 currently active infected patients of Covid-19 around the world. Only 1% of them are in a serious or critical state. But in numbers that is 98,827 human beings who are someone's mother, father, brother, sister, partner, daughter, son and friend.
The worst hit countries on the African continent are South Africa (749,182), Morocco (288,211), Egypt (110,547), Ethiopia (102,321) and Tunisia (79,339);
Asia: India (8,814,579), Iran (749,525), Iraq (516,915), Indonesia (463,007) and Bangladesh (430,496);
And on the American continent all 5 countries worst hit have number of cases more than a million: United States (10,904,891), Brazil (5,848,959), Argentina (1,304,831), Colombia (1,191,004) and Mexico (1,003,253);
and the same in Europe: France (1,954,599), Russia (1,903,253), Spain (1,458,591), United Kingdom (1,344,356) and Italy (1,144,552).
We have all the reasons to continue to blow ROBUKI to heal our hearts and to stay in touch with the seriousness of this pandemic. ROOOOOOOOOOO!


9 - 15 November 2020. We have been through a week where Covid did not take up much space in the media, however:
• Confirmed cases of COVID-19 have now passed 48.7 million globally
• Confirmed cases in Brazil have gone past 5.6 million, after 22,294 new cases were reported.
• India has now recorded more than 8.4 million confirmed COVID-19 cases, with nearly 125,000 deaths.
• Much of Europe is back in lockdown.
• Denmark will cull its entire mink population, and announced a strict new lockdown in its north, to prevent a mutated strain of COVID-19 from spreading from the animals to humans.
• Confirmed cases in the United States rose by at least 120,276 yesterday, according to a Reuters tally. It represents the second consecutive record daily rise. As of Sunday morning (8 Nov), there have been at least 1,008,985 cases and 19,219 deaths in Texas since the beginning of the pandemic.
Let's blow ROOOO together!


2 - 8 Novmeber 2020: PLEASE JOIN US AGAIN IN DOING ROBUKI FOR THE WORLD: Many countries have introduced lockdowns or other strict measurements due to the second wave of the covid-19 pandemic. These countries are: Israel (lockdown from already 18 Sept); Spain (new state of emergency and nationwide curfew); Italy (sweeping new measures); France (second national lockdown); Ukraine; Canada; parts of USA; UK (lockdown and spread "worse than worst-case scenario"); Ireland; Austria; Belgium (22:00 curfew, closure of all shops 20:00, wearing masks at all times outside home and work); Czech Republic (new national lockdown); Germany (partial lockdown); Greece (curfew in Athens); Northern Ireland (new partial national lockdown); Wales; the Netherlands (partial lockdown); Portugal (local lockdowns); Denmark (restrictions of social activity); Sweden (some stricter local guidelines). Italy had 31,000 new cases a day, the US 100,233 new daily cases on 30 Oct. The US had the worst week with 500,000 new cases. Last week we wrote here that the USA had surpasses 8 mill cases. Less than one week after is was 9 mill. Russia has more than 15,000 dayly new cases but not many restrictions. We will continue to blow ROBUKI for the people dying, their loved ones and for the world to heal and to connect to each other as a community!


26 Oct - 1 Nov: Columbia surpasses 1 million Covid-19 cases and is now the 8th country to top a million cases. The other countries are: USA, India, Brazil, Russia, Argentina, Spain and France! Peru and Mexico are expected to follow. Harder restrictions are emposed on many of us! We will continue our ROBUKI practice to heal the world and to connect with each other. Roooooo 💚


19-25 October 2020: United States surpasses 8 million COVID-19 cases; Iran imposes new restrictions as COVID-19 deaths surpass 30,000; Paris heads into curfew as Europe battles soaring COVID caseload; World Health Organization says there is a 44 percent rise in European cases; Many many children have seen their school closed across the world.... there are many good reasons for us shakuhachi players to continue our ROBUKI practice!


12-18 Octover 2020: The past week many shakuhachi players joined the World Shakuhachi Day and played 108 RO "in order to blow away Covid-19". That was a very touching experience. And it was necessary because the Covid-19 situation is not looking good. Russia had 13,634 new cases last week. Countries with more than 3000 case last week were: Mexico, Iran, Indonesia, Ukraine, Netherlands, Belgium, Poland while more than a 1000 new cases were countries such as USA, India, Bangladesh, Philippines, Romania, Nepal, UAE, Oman, Libya, Hungary, Slovakia... and maybe we miss information from some places. This means ROBUKI in the time of Covid-19 will continue. Let's hope we can end it soon.... but until then: ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!


Covid-19 is on the rise across the globe. Following countries have seen their state leaders become ill: USA, UK, Brazil, Monaco, Guatemala, Bolivia, Dominican Republic, and Belarus. World-wide registered Covid-19 Cases: 35,400,650 and deaths: 1,041,824! And probably many more unregistered cases... We have good reason to continue our unifying, empathic ROBUKI! Don’t forget to blow 108 RO on Thursday 10.8 (8 Oct) - on the first ever World Shakuhachi Day! ❤️


France records more than 14,000 new Covid cases; Colombia passes 800,000 infections; Denmark had 619 new cases in a day - which is a high number for a small country; US new cases 42,707; India, Brazil, Mexico, Ukraine, Belgium are among the many countries seeing a surge in new cases. The shakuhachi community will continue blowing RO!


21-27 September 2020: At least 73 countries are seeing surges in newly detected Covid-19 cases, and in regions where cold weather is approaching, worries are mounting. The global death toll is close to 1 mill. The shakuhachi community will continue being united and full of empathy in our hearts. ❤️ Roooooooooooooooooooooo


14-20 September 2020.
It was really a surprise to see this photo for a video on the BBC app. That the "R number", here shown as RO is "really important in the fight against coronavirus". And it is! So we continue our ROBUKI practice when we can in a world where total wordwide cases has passes 29 mill; Israel has for the second time closed down the country in order to fight the virus; India has seen more than 90,000 new cases every day for a week.... Take good care everybody and let's play together! More than ever the world needs humans to connect and have empathy!


7 - 13 September 2020. These headlines from last week say it all. Let's all continue our ROBUKI practice in order to connect and express the empathy for everyone affected by Covid-19.


31 August - 6 September: The global covid-19 cases exceed 25 million! Total death is 843,000! Good news is that 16.4 million have recovered.... however delayed injuries have been observed! India’s Ministry of Health announced on Sunday at least 78,761 new infections in 24 hours!!!!! Behind each number is a human being with feelings and with family and friends! ROBUKI in the time of Covid-19 will continue! For empathy and for connecting!

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Opening Hours

Monday 12:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 12:00 - 12:10
Wednesday 12:00 - 12:10
Thursday 12:00 - 12:10
Friday 12:00 - 12:10
Saturday 12:00 - 12:10
Sunday 12:00 - 12:10