Louisiana Research

Louisiana Research

Stay informed about upcoming conferences and research projects at Louisiana Museum of Modern Art in Denmark

Terry Smith: Keynote 31/01/2018

In the opening keynote lecture of the Multiple Modernisms symposium professor Terry Smith discusses art history's turn towards the global and the status of the "multiple modernities project". See the whole lecture here: http://research.louisiana.dk/videos/terry-smith #.WnHJD6jiY2w

Terry Smith: Keynote The ways in which artistic modernism and social modernity are being remembered and historicized have been profoundly impacted by the advent of contemporary art, and, more generally, our passage into global contemporaneity. How do we now see the history of mainstream modernism? Does the “multiple m...

Louisiana Research | Louisiana Research 05/01/2018

Louisiana Research now present videos of all the contributions to our conference "Multiple Modernisms. A Symposium on Globalism in Postwar Art", November 2017. What is better than to start the new year with the insigths and knowledge. Enjoy and feel free to share with your network.

Louisiana Research | Louisiana Research

Fra Cairo til Beijing – de oversete modernismer 08/11/2017

Missede du sidste uges konference på Louisiana - eller skal den bare genopfriskes? Kunstkritikk rapporterer fra Multiple Modernisms

Fra Cairo til Beijing – de oversete modernismer – I Vesten har vi så travlt med at rette op på alt det, vi har gjort galt, at vi glemmer, at der også er noget, der ikke er postkolonialisme, lød det på modernisme-konference på Louisiana.

Fra Cairo til Beijing – de oversete modernismer 08/11/2017

Kunstkritikk has published an essay on the Multiple Modernisms conference summing up key discussions and examples of the presentations. Read art critic Louise Steiwer's great reportage here (in Danish): http://www.kunstkritikk.dk/artikler/de-oversete-modernismer-fra-cairo-til-beijing/?d=dk

Fra Cairo til Beijing – de oversete modernismer


Hiroko Ikegami presenting the global enterprises of Robert Rauschenberg. Videos of all the lectures from Multiple Modernisms will be published on Louisiana's homepage soon.


Sam Bardaouil presenting Surrealism in Egypt at Multiple Modernisms. Videos of the lectures will be published on Louisiana's homepage.


Thanks for all your amazing contributions! We have all been informed and inspired and got new colleagues from around the world. Enjoy Louisiana and Copenhagen and see you for future Louisiana Research events.


How should an art history of a global modernism be researched and curated? This is the topic of the Louisiana Research conference 'Multiple Modernisms. A Symposium on Globalism in Postwar Art'.

Keynote speakers include:
Terry Smith: "Multiple Modernisms to Global Contemporaneity",
Romy Golan: "Guttuso’s Boogie Woogie, A Geopolitical Tableau"
and Pamela M. Lee: "1973: or, the Arché of Neoliberalism".

Also featuring presentations of “Art et Liberté. Surrealism in Egypt” by curator Sam Bardaouil and on the history of the Louisiana Museum by Michael Sheridan.

Registration until October 31 at: http://bit.ly/2xZDXyp

Illustration: Renato Guttuso: "Boogie Woogie", 1953.


Did an era end in 1973 giving way to our contemporary condition? And how did the computer system Cybersyn unite technology, economics and aesthetics in Chile?
Professor Pamela M. Lee's keynote lecture "1973: or, the Arché of Neoliberalism" will analyze the history and afterlife of Cybersyn (1971 – 1973) as the arché of neoliberalism: as both cosmography and commandment of a cold war history bleeding into the neoliberal present.
See the full program of "Multiple Modernisms" and register at: https://www.louisiana.dk/multiple-modernisms

Terry Smith 12/10/2017

Keynote speaker Terry Smith is a leading thinker and theoretician on the relationship between our contemporaneity and the modernist past. Learn more about his seminal works at: http://www.terryesmith.net/web/ - and be sure to attend his opening lecture "Multiple Modernisms to Global Contemporaneity: Where, When, How, Why, and In Whose Interests?" Thursday November 2nd.

Terry Smith


Information on the workshop for ph.d.-students, "Europe in a global perspective", before the symposium on November 1st, lead by Professor Romy Golan and Nikolas Drosos: https://phdcourses.dk/Course/59343 #.WdvOV-kznq8

Europe in a global perspective - PhD courses in Denmark Phdcourses.dk is a national database for PhD-courses offered from the universities in Denmark.

Kunstsammlung NRW: Art et Liberté 02/10/2017

"Art et Liberté. Surrealism in Egypt, 1938-1948 are currently touring European museums. Sam Bardaouil will present his work with this remarkable exhibition at our conference in November. Read about the project at: http://www.artreoriented.com/exhibitions/art-et-liberte

Kunstsammlung NRW: Art et Liberté Herzlich Willkommen in der Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen: K20 Grabbeplatz, K21 Ständehaus und Schmela Haus in Düsseldorf

Multiple Modernisms 02/10/2017

NB - program addition: Sam Bardaouil, curator and researcher, co-founder of Art Reoriented: "Surrealism in Egypt and the making of the exhibition Art et Liberté". See the conference program and register at: https://www.louisiana.dk/multiple-modernisms

Multiple Modernisms A Symposium on Globalism in Postwar Art is organized by Louisiana Research as part of the program Multiple Modernities. The symposium Multiple Modernisms will take place at Louisiana Museum of Modern Art on 2-3 November 2017.The symposium will be held in English. Accordingly, the information on this...

Multiple Modernisms 23/08/2017

We are happy to announce the program of the Louisiana Research symposium "Multiple Modernisms": an art historical symposium at Louisiana setting the stage for an intensive two-day exchange of new research and perspectives from leading scholars. Global Modernism(s) and a new understanding of the postwar era will be the subject of this meeting, discussing the art history and museum of a multiple modernity. Find the complete program and further information at:
https://www.louisiana.dk/multiple-modernisms and register at: http://www.tilmeld.dk/MultipleModernisms

Multiple Modernisms A Symposium on Globalism in Postwar Art is organized by Louisiana Research as part of the program Multiple Modernities. The symposium Multiple Modernisms will take place at Louisiana Museum of Modern Art on 2-3 November 2017.The symposium will be held in English. Accordingly, the information on this...

Museums and Immaterial Art 20/08/2017

Louisiana and Statens Museum for Kunst present "Museums and Immaterial Art": an interdisciplinary symposium on temporal and ephemeral art in the museum's work. Join us at September 8th at Louisiana. See the program and register here: https://en.louisiana.dk/museums-and-immaterial-art

Museums and Immaterial Art Museums and Immaterial Art is an interdisciplinary symposium that will focus on the intersecting fields of conservation, research and education and learning in the museums’ work with temporal and ephemeral art. The symposium will take place at Louisiana Museum of Modern Art Friday 8 September 2017.


New article on Louisiana in an international perspective and curating the present in 1959 by Kristian Handberg in OnCurating # 33: "documenta. Curating the History of the Present": http://www.on-curating.org/issue-33-reader/the-shock-of-the-contemporary-documenta-ii-and-the-louisiana-museum.html #.WUeiGevyjIU

The Shock of the Contemporary: documenta II and the Louisiana Museum - ONCURATING Knud W. Jensen (1916-2000), founder and director of Denmark’s Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, often referred to his visit to

SYMPOSIUM 2017 09/06/2017

We have received a large amount of interesting proposals for the Open Call for Papers for the Louisiana Research Symposium "Multiple Modernisms" and want to thank all the contributors. From this rich material we are looking forward to select the program. Follow the symposium at: https://www.louisiana.dk/symposium-2017

SYMPOSIUM 2017 Multiple Modernisms: A Symposium on Globalism in Postwar Art is organized by Louisiana Research as part of the program Multiple Modernities. The symposium will take place at LOUISIANA Museum of Modern Art on 2-3 November 2017.

CALL FOR PAPERS 11/05/2017

Please notice the Call for Papers for the Louisiana Research conference in November. Deadline: May 26th: https://www.louisiana.dk/call-for-papers

CALL FOR PAPERS Multiple Modernisms: A Symposium on Globalism in Postwar Art is organized by Louisiana Research as part of the program Multiple Modernities. The symposium will take place at LOUISIANA Museum of Modern Art on 2-3 November 2017.


We are happy to announce the Call for Papers of the Louisiana Research conference: "Multiple Modernisms: a symposium on globalism in postwar art", Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, November 2nd-3rd 2017. Deadline of the CfP is May 26th. Further info at: https://www.louisiana.dk/call-papers-0

CALL FOR PAPERS Multiple Modernisms: A Symposium on Globalism in Postwar Art is organized by Louisiana Research as part of the program Multiple Modernities. The symposium will take place at LOUISIANA Museum of Modern Art on 2-3 November 2017.

Alexander Nagel — Lecture — 10.11.2016 17/10/2016

Join us for Alexander Nagel's lecture — NEITHER DEAD NOR ALIVE: ART AND THANATOSIS — on 10 November, where Nagel will discuss how art manages a boundary between life and death, how it stages a series of experiments where that boundary is crossed and recrossed, drawn and redrawn.

Alexander Nagel is Professor of Renaissance art history and Director of Graduate Studies at The Institute of Fine Arts, New York University.

Alexander Nagel — Lecture — 10.11.2016 The lecture is held as a part of the conference Dead or Alive! Tracing the Animation of Matter in Art and Visual Culture — organized by the Department of Arts and Cultural Studies, University of Copenhagen.

Modernisms: Concepts, Contexts, and Circulation, São Paulo 2016 26/07/2016

Louisiana Research was present at the Transregional Academy on Modernisms: Concepts, Contexts and Circulation in São Paulo, July 2016: an international meeting of art history scholars with the aim to facilitate an exchange on concepts and variations of modernism across nations and regions. See more on this event at: https://academies.hypotheses.org/modernisms-concepts-contexts-and-circulation

Modernisms: Concepts, Contexts, and Circulation, São Paulo 2016 The transregional academy will be held 16–24 July 2016 in São Paulo. The goal of the academy is to facilitate an exchange on concepts and variations of modernism across nations...

Issue #4 - Between the Discursive and the Immersive - Stedelijk Studies 05/07/2016

Great papers from last year's conference Between the Discursive and the Immersive are now online in the new issue of Stedelijk Studies, co-edited by Louisiana. Here you can explore how sensorial experience and theoretical ideas merge in recent curatorial formats - and how contemporary art museums navigate the field between in-depth research and experience culture.

Issue #4 - Between the Discursive and the Immersive - Stedelijk Studies June 27, 2016/by DorineBetween the Discursive and the Immersive – EditorialBy Marie Laurberg and Margriet Schavemaker ...→


The catalogue accompanying "Poul Gernes: I cannot do it alone - want to join in?" presents a series of new perspectives on the artist and his artistic environment.
Read about how Gernes shocked Louisiana and its founder Knud W. Jensen in the article by curator Anders Kold: https://assets.louisiana.dk/s3fs-public/pdf/poul_gernes_ak_reduceret.pdf?Xfzbbyxqnu.Ddc8ZbZpc.7iuXYRuH1tN


Lecture - mini-seminar - Poul Gernes og Avantgarden - 7.6.2016 01/06/2016

Louisiana presents the big Poul Gernes exhibition "I cannot do it alone – want to join in?". The Nordic Network of Avantgarde Studies invites to join in for a mini-seminar on the great Danish artist and the avant-garde at Louisiana on June 7th. https://www.louisiana.dk/event/lecture-mini-seminar-poul-gernes-og-avantgarden-762016

Lecture - mini-seminar - Poul Gernes og Avantgarden - 7.6.2016 Intens og inspirerende aften om Poul Gernes og hans tid. Mini-seminaret tager udgangspunkt i Louisianas netop åbnede udstilling og i Nordisk Netværk for Avantgardestudiers arbejde med at skrive de nordiske avantgardestrømningers kulturhistorie på tværs af kunstarter og landegrænser.

The world goes modern: new globalized framings of the postwar era in the contemporary... 13/05/2016

New article published from the research project "Multiple Modernities". Read an analysis of current curatorial presentations of the postwar era in a globalized perspective in The Journal of Arts and Culture by Kristian Handberg, postdoc at Louisiana:

The world goes modern: new globalized framings of the postwar era in the contemporary... The world goes modern: new globalized framings of the postwar era in the contemporary exhibitions After Year Zero and The World Goes Pop

João Enxuto & Erica Love: From an Institution of Critique to an Administration
of Disruption 23/04/2016

With the rise of performativity and social networking, the public is now seen as a researcher contributing to the creation of knowledge within the museum.

Artists João Enxuto and Erica Love show how digital platforms filter and monetize audience participation in museums’ activities. While digital strategies fostered by Instagram, Google, Facebook, and Twitter are becoming ubiquitous, they often remain at odds with stated museum missions. Are digital museum strategies failing to deliver on promised results, and why?

João Enxuto & Erica Love: From an Institution of Critique to an Administration of Disruption With the rise of performativity and social networking, the public is seen as a researcher contributing to the creation of knowledge within the museum.

Sipei Lu: From ‘Historicizing’ to ‘Participating’: Research through Curating Socially Engage 21/04/2016

“Museums are not considered to be social spaces in China...” But what happens when socially engaged artistic practices are invited in at Chinese art museums? Watch Sipei Lu’s talk on the topic.

Sipei Lu: From ‘Historicizing’ to ‘Participating’: Research through Curating Socially Engage Recent years have witnessed an increasing curatorial interest in process-oriented, time-based socially engaged artistic practices (SEAPs) in China. This study will investigate the agency of curating SEAPs in facilitating research activities for both SEAP practitioners and museums, in addition to off…

Valentijn Byvanck: Reading the Senses 19/04/2016

What would it be like to turn an art museum into a sensorial experience that is not about understanding art but feeling it?

Two years ago Valentijn Byvanck and his team at Marres, Centre for Contemporary Culture launched a program focused on creating a vocabulary for the senses.

Valentijn Byvanck: Reading the Senses Two years ago Marres, House for Contemporary Culture in Maastricht, launched a program focused on the senses to develop alternatives to the visually induced cognitive model that rules most exhibition spaces. We wanted to explore a vocabulary for the senses that bridged the world of art and everyday…

Anne-Mette Villumsen: The Immersive Art Exhibition: Working with the Sensorial and Dramaturgical 16/04/2016

What happens with audience engagement when sensorial rather than theoretical parameters are used as guidelines for curating an exhibition?

Director of Skovgaard Museet Anne-Mette Villumsen investigates how immersive art exhibitions can activate audiences by staging ‘theatrical’ experiences.

Anne-Mette Villumsen: The Immersive Art Exhibition: Working with the Sensorial and Dramaturgical Contemporary artistic practice is often based on theoretical rather than sensorial or experiential knowledge. What happens with audience engagement when an immersive rather than a discursive approach is employed, and when sensorial rather than theoretical parameters are used as guidelines for curati…

Felicity Fenner: Signs of Life 14/04/2016

A dynamic laboratory for artistic and scientific research, UNSW Art & Design is inviting e.g. artists and cognitive neuropsychologists to nurture new experimental exhibition formats.

Felicity Fenner: Signs of Life Research-led curatorial projects have the unique capacity to reveal the driving factors of research investigations and the impact in everyday life of research outcomes. By deploying creative and interactive curatorial approaches…

Anselm Franke: Notes on the Research-Based Exhibition 12/04/2016

Mastermind of the ‘essay exhibition’ and one of the contemporary art scene's agenda-setting curators: Anselm Franke shares his perspectives on thematic exhibition making and critical knowledge production.

Anselm Franke: Notes on the Research-Based Exhibition This presentation analyzes the problems of presenting research and contextual materials in theme-based exhibitions. It reflects on the medium of non-art exhibitions as linked to certain genealogies of positivist knowledge and juxtaposes them with art-historical lineages that have historically addres…

Tone Hansen: Looters, Smugglers and Collectors: Provenance Research and the Market 10/04/2016

What do you do when you realize that an artwork in your museum’s collection was stolen from its owners during World War II?

Recently appointed Head of the Arts Council Norway and Director of Henie Onstad Kunstsenter, Tone Hansen, shares the story of digging into the history of one’s own museum.

Tone Hansen: Looters, Smugglers and Collectors: Provenance Research and the Market The presentation seeks to broaden the definition of provenance research to include a consideration of the social life of an artwork, i.e., an extensive examination of the social and societal constructs art has moved through, and the obliterating consequences of contemporary looting for cultural exis…

Emily Pringle: Constructing the Practitioner-Researcher within the Art Museum 08/04/2016

Questions that have never been asked before…

Head of Learning Practice and Research at Tate Emily Pringle describes practice as research as a means to bring new knowledge to society by asking questions that have never been asked before. Taking Tate Gallery in London as a case study, she explores how practitioner-researchers draw on both theoretical “know what” and experiential “know how” in the production of knowledge within the museum.

Emily Pringle: Constructing the Practitioner-Researcher within the Art Museum Drawing on theories of professional epistemology, this presentation takes Tate Gallery in London as a case study to explore how practitioner-researchers draw on both theoretical “know what” and experiential “know how” in the production of knowledge within the museum. The challenges and opportunities…

Francesco Manacorda: Collective Scholarship: Knowledge Production in the Museum 07/04/2016

Can research be turned into a public movement?

Using the metaphor "the museum as a learning machine", Director of Tate Liverpool Francesco Manacorda suggests that museums can learn from the public, and not only vice versa, by sharing their research projects and hereby generating collective scholarship.

Francesco Manacorda: Collective Scholarship: Knowledge Production in the Museum The presentation focuses on the possibility for exhibitions and displays to become occasions for live knowledge production rather than mere knowledge distribution. Can research as a project be shared with the public? Is there such thing as…

Mark Wigley: The Museum is the Massage 05/04/2016

"Does a museum ever deal with a question less big then 'what it means to be a human on this planet?' I don't think so."

Mark Wigley has recently been appointed curator of the upcoming İstanbul Tasarım Bienali (Istanbul Design Biennial) - watch his talk on the anesthetic power of museum exhibitions in the information age.

Mark Wigley: The Museum is the Massage What does it mean for museums to perfect an art of immersion in a time in which life is suspended within countless ubiquitous overlapping flows of information? How immersive is the museum experience of immersion? What kind of education is this? Or to say the same thing, what role might the museum pl…
