Let's Yoga Denmark

Let's Yoga Denmark

Cosy yoga classes: Flow, Dynamic Flow, Yin, Beginners, Pregnancy, Mother & Baby, Yoga Nidra, and Workshops.

I also offer private lessons, yoga for businesses, and online yoga. The classes are non competitive and theme centered to deepen the practice.


This week’s theme 🧘‍♀️
Be Kind ❣️
A kind act can make someone’s day. If we are having a terrible day and someone is kind to us it can help change our mood or at the very least make us feel supported through the rough emotions we are experiencing. Even on a normal day if you are doing a mundane activity, let’s say riding the bus, and the bus driver is super kind to you. What happens? Most likely the bus ride will be just that little bit less mundane, perhaps even joyful. What about the barista in the cafe? Might the coffee taste slightly better because they were kind to you when making it?
As with other things in life it all circles back to YOU, are you kind to yourself? Do you practice self love and how is your self worth? It’s really hard to be kind to others if we are not kind to ourselves.
I invite you to notice how you treat yourself. Are there ways you can increase your self worth and be kinder to yourself? What actions do you need to take to do this? You can even run it as an experiment. What changes when you are actively kinder to yourself? You might even find that you become a kinder person.
Johanna 🙏
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This week’s theme 🧘‍♀️
Evolve & continue to grow 🌱
Some of the opinions I held 20 years ago are in complete opposition to ones I hold today. That is because I evolved as a human, I continued to grow. This is an important and essential part of life. When we grow we can show our magnificent colours, we can become better versions of ourselves, and be true in our nature. We are allowed to change our opinions or go back on something we said because we no longer believe in that idea. It is ok.
You’ve heard the expression that old dogs can’t learn new tricks, right? I think that saying should be banished. Why should we stop evolving or learning just because we are getting older? The opposite should be true. I may have grey hairs, but I affectionately call them my silver strands of wisdom. I’ll probably get more and I’m proud of them. Imagine the awesome human being you can become if you continue to grow and evolve. I say keep it up! Water the seeds and watch them grow, grow, grow 🌳
Johanna 🙏
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This week’s theme 🧘‍♀️
Remember to Play 🌟
This is a reminder I like to give my students regularly. We can get so bogged down in daily adult life, having to be serious and ‘grown up’ all the time. I want to give you the permission to play and have a bit of fun. Let go of your inhibitions. Allow yourself to….
Be silly
Try something new
Be curious
See the world with wonder
Loosen up
Laugh or giggle
Let’s try it together on the mat this week.
Johanna 🙏
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This week’s theme 🌱
Accept the Discomfort 🧘‍♀️
It doesn’t feel good in the moment and it’s very hard to do, but it is ultimately an act of self care. This is about allowing yourself to feel all of your feelings, even the uncomfortable ones.
It goes without saying that it is important to do the things you love and that bring you joy. That was after all what last week’s messaging was. But life throws things your way and we will all experience discomfort and pain that is completely out of our control. It is part of the human journey.
The thing with discomfort is that the more you resist it the more you will feel it. Instead, try to slow down and let yourself feel it. Invite the sensations to be as they are without trying to change them in any way. Observe without judgement. Breath along with the discomfort.
Experiencing your pain or discomfort from a safe and comforting place can help you gradually reduce it. Let’s practice this together on our mats this week.
Side note: Your mental and physical health are important. If you are experiencing pain and discomfort that persists or refuses to ease off then this is your invitation to go speak to someone. You are worth it 🫶
Johanna 🙏
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Are you looking for more yoga in the area, particularly on a Thursday morning? I can highly recommend this class with it's beautiful balance of Yin & Yang yoga. You get to move, flow, and sweat as well as rest deeply in therapeutic poses. I walk out feeling open, energised and refreshed. Yes, yoga teachers need to attend class too 😉 You can join at any time. Check out their page or click on the link below for more info and simply reach out to Linda to book your place. Maybe see you there ❤
Please note that the class is taught in Danish.
Have a beautiful weekend ❤
Johanna 🙏

la yoga Brings you to reality


This week’s theme 🧘‍♀️
Serve yourself first ❤️
Sound selfish? It’s not. If you’ve ever been on an airplane you know the instruction to put your own oxygen mask on first. It’s simple, if you don’t have oxygen you will not be able to help others.
I felt this was a lovely first theme to carry with us as we enter this next season of yoga together. It is your reminder and invitation to do what serves you so that you can better serve those around you. Taking time out for your yoga practice is a great start.
In life, if your cup is always running low, ask yourself what will nourish and feed your soul. What fills YOUR cup?
On your yoga mat make sure to listen to and feel your body. Don’t let your ego get in the way in the process. Modify your practice if needed so that it is serving you. The awesome thing about yoga is that you don’t have to be the best in the room. You can just be you and work with what you’ve got on the day. Want to do strong? Then go strong! Need to back off a little? That is also ok. Let the practice be your safe space so that you can feel replenished and energised to better deal with all the stuff life will throw your way.
Can’t wait to see you!
Johanna 🙏

One week to go 🧘 06/08/2024

One week to go 🧘 -

One week to go 🧘 Classes start back next week! It’s time to get back on your mat, are you looking forward to it? It’s always hard to leave summer and holidays behind, but getting back into routines feels sooo good for your body, mind, and soul 🥰


Pregnancy yoga classes start back up in a week and there are still spaces. Not pregnant? Feel free to share this info with your pregnant loved ones 🫶🧘🪷
Connect with your baby, other moms-to-be, and prepare for your birth. There is so much I can say about the benefits of attending a yoga class in pregnancy, the list is endless. Yoga helps increase your overall strength, flexibility and well-being by employing postures that are specifically altered for expectant mothers. You will learn to breathe more intentionally and focus your attention inwardly using meditation and sounding techniques. Through pregnancy yoga you can reduce inflammation in the joints, lower back pain, fatigue, and digestion problems. This practise also physically and mentally helps you prepare for the birth.
All classes end with a long relaxation which helps promote recovery and restful sleep.
Booking is essential as spaces are limited. Get in touch today to secure your place or head over to the website for more information; www.letsyoga.dk.
Johanna 🙏


I hope you have all had a lovely summer ☀️
Classes start back in a week! It’s time to get back on your mat, are you looking forward to it? It’s always hard to leave summer and holidays behind, but getting back into routines feels sooo good for your body, mind, and soul 🥰
I posted about daytime classes a month ago. Some changes have been made and this is the new, updated info 🪷
As most of you know we are renovating our roof this autumn and daytime classes will have to move to a different location in the meantime. I have found a cosy space just around the corner; , Natur Synergi, Søborg Hovedgade 38. The space is a bit smaller than my own, but has a lot of heart and as usual booking is essential. Signing up for a package deal will guarantee you a spot, but it is ok to pay as you go or use a class card (provided a space is available).
Evening classes will be held in the usual space, but please excuse the mess outside and make sure to be mindful of where you step on your way in.
All evening classes are full with the exception of Pregnancy Yoga so feel free to let your expecting friends know that there is a class for them right here in Dyssegård.
If you are signed up for a package deal and already now know that there are classes you cannot attend please send me a message with the dates so that I can make a note of them.
Can't wait to see you 🪷
Johanna 🙏


This week’s theme 🧘‍♀️
Reconnect with yourself 🌟
Is your body missing movement this summer holiday?
Are you breathing meaningfully and deeply?
Have you asked yourself what brings you joy in your life?
This is your invitation to really feel your body, notice your breath, and connect with your true self. This is your opportunity to stop and reflect with an intention to listen to your own desires so that you can live in a way that feels meaningful and genuine.
I hope you will leave your practice feeling empowered and happier, with a sense of freedom.
There is still time to sign up for a class or workshop this week:
Monday - Yin & Yang Workshop 18 to 21
Tuesday - Beginners Yoga 20 to 21
Wednesday - Flow Yoga 18 to 19.30
Send a message to join me 🤗
Johanna 🙏
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Join me......hopefully in the garden 🌳
🌸 Simply send a message to book 🪷
Johanna 🙏


Are you enjoying summer but missing yoga? 🧘 - https://mailchi.mp/6a20fb410427/fancy-some-yoga-next-week


Early Summer Yoga Theme 🧘‍♀️
Peace ☮︎
This will be our theme for summer classes & workshops over the next 2 weeks. My son was very keen on helping me decide the class themes and this one was his idea. Of course I loved it 💕
June is busy for many. As the month comes to an end and we enter July life starts to slow down a bit for a lot of us. It is a time to find some peace within and take a break (or mini breaks) from the hustle and bustle of day to day life. A lot of you will be on your summer holidays soon, and even if you have another month or so until you officially take your vacation, you can still enjoy more calm in the weeks ahead. Allow yourself to take more opportunities to hit the pause button and fill your cup as much as possible. Carve out time in your schedule to just be, breathe, lower your shoulders, enjoy time in nature, relax, and restore. 
You are worth it 🫶
There is still time to sign up for today's Mother and Baby Yoga class from 10 to 11.30 (taught inside) and tonight’s Yin & Yang Workshop from 18 to 21. The forecast looks amazing so we will be outside for a lot of the practice this evening 🌳☀️
Send a message to [email protected] if you want to join us for either class.
Tomorrow's beginner's class at 20 is full, but get in touch if you would like to put your name on the waiting list 🪷
Johanna 🙏
Photo by

Photos from Let's Yoga Denmark's post 21/06/2024

We've had a lovely Spring season of yoga together and this morning we were lucky enough to greet the sun in the garden for our practice ☀️🙏
The regular class schedule will resume in August, but there is still yoga to be enjoyed during the summer. Treat yourself!
🪷 You are worth it 🫶
Gift yourself a whole evening of Yin & Yang Yoga. It will be like a mini retreat🌸There are 3 separate workshops and one of them is this coming Monday, the 24th from 18 to 21. There is still time to sign up. Simply send a message to [email protected].
What is Yin?
Yin yoga focuses on the deep and dense tissues of the body. Each pose will be held for up to 5 minutes, allowing you to release and let go in order to go deeper and build up more flexibility. In Yin you will be encouraged to be mindful and aware of the breath, any sensations, and thoughts that may arise in the practice. Words that are associated with Yin are stillness, softness, internal, and passive.
What is Yang?
Yang yoga focuses on the muscles and blood. Poses are linked together in a flowing sequence, building both strength and stamina. In Yang you will be encouraged to link the breath to movement, seamlessly transitioning from one pose to the next, pausing from time to time to hold a dynamic pose for up to 5 breaths. Words that are associated with Yang are flow, warming, external, and active.
See you on the mat (hopefully in the garden).
Johanna 🙏


There is still time to sign up for summer classes ☀️
Gift yourself with yoga, you are worth it 🧘
Just send a message to [email protected] 🫶
Johanna 🙏


This week’s theme 🧘‍♀️
Celebrate the Sun ☀️
Scandinavians are already pretty skilled at worshipping the sun which doesn’t come as a surprise. Living in this part of the world with its long and dark winters teaches you to appreciate the energy that the sun brings with it in the summer months. I for one am loving the long nights.
Thursday brings us the summer solstice which marks the longest day of the year here in the Northern hemisphere. Summer is here and there are more long, warm, and sunny days ahead. But it is also a reminder that after today the days will gradually shorten and nights will get longer as a continuation of the cycle of constant change. More reason to full heartedly celebrate the light.
The sun will be our inspiration for the yoga classes this week and I am hoping to be able to teach outside as much as the weather gods will allow. Let’s honour our Mother Earth and the sun’s blessing of warmth as we re-charge, energise, and radiate together in our practice.
Johanna 🙏


Summer Classes & Workshops: Untitled - https://mailchi.mp/59763c2cbeb8/summer-yoga-classes-workshops


With this workshop we welcome the longest day of the year 🌅
This workshop is open to all levels, including teens, pregnant and postnatal women.
Yoga Nidra, a Sanskrit term meaning yogic sleep, is a deep relaxation technique and form of meditation. Once students are settled comfortably in Savasana you will be invited to set a Sankalpa, or positive intention. From there I will be guiding you on a journey of breath awareness and rotation of consciousness through the whole body, helping you to turn your awareness inwardly. When the body is in deep relaxation, we will work with opposite sensations as well as a guided visualisation.
We will spend some time outside if the weather allows, make sure to dress in layers.
Potential benefits of Yoga Nidra:
Promotes calmness of the mind
Helps to relax and rejuvenate the body
Can soothe the nervous system
Can reduce fatigue
Can strengthen immunity
Can improve quality of sleep
Can reduce pain
Can boost concentration level
Can support brain function and promote creativity
Send an email to [email protected] to book 🪷
Price: 400 kr
Homemade, organic plantbased drink & snack included
Namaste, Johanna 🙏


This week’s theme 🧘‍♀️
Happy Feet 👣
Full disclosure: I have been having some issues with my feet lately. I’ve never had pain in my feet so it is a very new experience for me. Luckily I am getting to the bottom of why this is happening and optimistic that with specific care they will get better. It will take time, I will have to be patient, and stick to routines to help them heal & get stronger.
With this new experience I am humbled and increasingly aware of how important the well-being of our feet is. We spend so much time on them! We need to treat them with love and be grateful for all they do for us throughout the day.
Our focus this week will be on treating our lovely feet and bringing our awareness to their significance in our daily lives 💖
Johanna 🙏


This week’s theme 🧘‍♀️
Be Human 🫶
What does it mean to be human? To me it is this beautiful, but oftentimes quite messy experience that we all share on this journey called life.
As humans we all experience love, heartbreak, happiness, sadness, worry, loss, grief, and extreme joy (etc etc etc). We all go through ups and downs.
We are all a little broken (that is after all how the light gets through). We all have something to offer. None of us are perfect (and that’s ok).
Many people focus on what makes us different, but what would the world look like if we redirected our attention to what makes us similar? When we play the ’them vs. us’ game we alienate ourselves from each other when we could come together. We usually have more in common than we may think.
Showing kindness to another human is one of the most beautiful things you can do because we never really know what the other person is going through.
Johanna 🙏


and I received another beautiful and heartwarming testimonial for our Back to Nature Retreat. Rosie has effortlessly captured the essence of what we are striving to create on these retreats 🌸
Thank you Rosie 🫶
Our next one is from 12-15th of September. We are inviting you to invest in yourself. Gift yourself this act of kindness & self devotion. YOU are worth it 💗
Yesterday a student asked me how broken you have to be to attend. We will receive you as you are with open and loving arms.
Read more about the retreat in my pinned post and get in touch if you need to discuss or if you feel a strong calling to book a place. And remember sharing is caring 🪷
Johanna & Idaira 🙏


Summer is just around the corner ☀️ The regular schedule will be on hold from late June, but there is still the opportunity to continue to deepen your yoga practice this summer. I invite you to treat yourself to one or more of my summer pop-up classes and/or workshops in June & July 🪷 We will practice outside when possible 🌳 All classes are on a first-come-first-served basis. Some classes fill up fast, so get in touch today at [email protected] to book or if you have any questions.
There will be more information about autumn classes soon.....watch this space 🫶
Johanna 🙏


This week’s theme 🧘‍♀️
Take responsibility 🌸
Yoga teaches us to take responsibility which can help us feel more empowered.
When you attend a yoga class you may put a lot of the responsibility on me, the yoga teacher. And yes, I do have a responsibility to provide an informed and safe space for all my students. But the student too has a responsibility for their own practice. The responsibility between a teacher and student is always shared.
Take control of your yoga practice, take control of your life, and empower yourself! The great thing about yoga is that what we learn on our yoga mat can pretty much always be taken off our yoga mat and into daily life.
Make sure to take care of your needs. When do you need to go a little deeper or stronger and when do you need to slow down and rest?
Can you take what you learn on your yoga mat and bring it with you into daily life? Are there things you can do to be healthier physically, mentally and emotionally?
Take responsibility for your actions, own up instead of making excuses or blaming others (when they truly are not to blame).
When a conflict/accident/event has arisen, acknowledge the shared responsibility you and the other party have.
Allow mistakes to be an opportunity to learn and grow.
Be the change you want to see in the world.
Incorporate a daily practice of a self-check-in, self-recognition, and self-inquiry.
With practice you can become more empowered and feel (at least in my case) a whole lot lighter.
Johanna 🙏


and I recently received this beautiful testimonial from one of our Back to Nature retreaters. We are grateful for the kind words from Anna and wanted to share them with you 🌸
There is still space in our September retreat. Get in touch today if you are interested or would like to discuss.
Pssst...we are also running a retreat in May 🌱
Idaira and I look forward to welcoming you 🫶
Namaste, Johanna 🙏


🧘 Summer Yoga & Retreat Info Newsletter 🌱 - https://mailchi.mp/4267b3902a27/summer-yoga-retreat-info-12691695


This week’s theme 🧘‍♀️
Embrace Nature 🌳
It’s that time of year again when we can finally enjoy our classes in my beautiful secluded garden ❤️ After a quick look at this coming week’s weather forecast it looks like most classes can be held outside! It might be slightly windy some of the days, but I think we can make it work 😊
When living in a country like Denmark spring/summer feels like a huge blessing after the long, dark and cold winter. Let’s use our senses to enjoy and embrace the feeling of nature on our skin, in our ears, our eyes, and our nose. Nature is giving us a taste of summer.
Johanna 🙏


This week’s theme 🧘‍♀️
Be like The Dandelion 💛
Just a w**d? I have a new appreciation for these lovely little flowers. They are kind of unpopular, but it wasn’t always that way. They used to be quite well regarded.
Dandelions are a wonder.
They have been used throughout the ages for their healing properties.
They are beautiful and highly recognisable.
They brought us joy in our childhood. Who hasn’t blown on the mature dandelion's spherical ball with soft white hair-like follicles and watched the seeds soar through the air?
They are good for your lawn, fertilising the grass.
They are edible, full of health benefits and vitamins. They are so nutritious that one might even call them a super food.
They are masters of survival, can handle harsh growing conditions, and can quite literally flourish just about anywhere.
What does this have to do with yoga and this week’s theme?
You can be resilient like the dandelion, you can feed the souls of those around you, you are beautiful, you can bring joy into the world, you can grow and flourish even in difficult circumstances.
You are a wonder 🌱
Johanna 🙏


This week’s theme 🧘‍♀️
Cultivating Love 💗
Attending a yoga class is in and of itself an act of self-love. You intentionally carve out time for yourself to step away from your busy daily life to feed your body, mind, and soul.
You are worthy of being loved, by yourself and others 🫶
When you join a yoga class this week listen to what your body needs and honour that. Lovingly accept your body and give it the opportunity to heal and grow as you move through your practice, and choose self-love over ego. Open your heart to create space, vulnerability, and openness. Give yourself permission to allow love deep into your heart center, peeling away the layers that block your heart to free yourself from negative emotions that do not serve you. Let love radiate from your heart centre into your whole being 💓
Then take that love with you into the world and sprinkle that s**t everywhere 💖
Johanna 🙏
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Videos (show all)

Send a message if you have questions or would like to book a class or workshop next week 🫶☀️🌸.........#yoga #yogadyssegå...
There are still 2 spaces left in our Back to Nature Retreat in April. This 17th century farmhouse in Southern Sweden awa...
Just back from a trip to Billund, the home of Lego. Did you know that Lego is a combination of 2 Danish words? 'Lege' (p...
This week’s theme 🧘‍♀️.Creating Space 🌌.Do you always (or almost always) feel more open by the time you get to the end o...
This week’s theme🧘‍♀️.Bloom when you are ready🌱.Subtle changes are happening all around us, all the time. They are also ...
This week’s theme 🧘‍♀️.Movement is Medicine 💫.Movement has always been a huge part of my life. When I'm not moving regul...
🥰 Only a week to go for Family Yoga Workshops! 🤸.There's still time to book or put your name on the waiting list, simply...
Look what I picked up in France 😍 It sounds even better in real life and will be featured in this week's classes during ...
Visited the most magical forest today, imagine if we could always practice with this real life symphony in the backgroun...


Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 22:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 22:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 22:00
Thursday 08:00 - 22:00
Friday 08:00 - 22:00
Saturday 08:00 - 22:00