Learn Danish with Ease

Learn Danish with Ease

Learn Danish with Ease is inspiration and tailored tools to Master Basic Danish step by step.

Your Language Mood 22/08/2024


Nyd 13 minutter og 48 sekunder med min dygtige kollega Tina Bacher

Your Language Mood Dear Danish learner! Here's a video on what I call 'Your lanuage mood' - the feeling of everything is going great - or the opposite. If you would like a Dani...


Super G – grammatik med øvelser: Perfekt til at kickstarte din dansklæring

Anmeldelsen skrevet af en danskelev, der nu er 16 år, ikke opvokset i Danmark, men som bor her nu, og som jeg har haft glæden af, at følges med siden han var 13 år.

Skulle du, der læser med, ønske undervisning i dansk, eller kender du en der gør, så kontakt mig via [email protected] for at aftale en første gratis samtale – online – med plads til svar på alle slags spørgsmål samt tips til hvad et første eller næste skridt kan være på lær-danskrejsen.
Venlig hilsen Birgit Månestråle.

Bogen: Super G – grammatik med øvelser af Joanna Haskiel og Kirsa Freimann Olesen, udgivet på Alfabetas forlag, er opdelt i kapitler, der hver især fokuserer på en bestemt sproglig færdighed eller grammatisk regel for det danske sprog.

Hvert kapitel indeholder øvelser, der styrker forståelsen af det præsenterede materiale. Derudover tilbyder bogen rigeligt med praksisopgaver og interaktive elementer, der hjælper elever som mig med at anvende det, de har lært, i realistiske sammenhænge.

Øvelserne er varierede og afbalancerer repetition med nye udfordringer, hvilket holder motivationen oppe. Bogen er ikke kun fyldt med ord, men giver også en visuel tilgang. Illustrationerne er ikke kun dekorative, men også funktionelle, på grund af deres evne til at øge engagementet blandt opgaver, hjælpe med at forstå forskellige koncepter og grammatiske regler og sommetider fungere som opgaver.

Jeg synes, bogen er funktionelt meget tiltalende og let at dechifrere på sin måde, den bygger langsomt op på det du lærer undervejs og er godt delt op i kapitler. Jeg synes, det er en meget anvendelig bog for begyndere i dansk, og vil helt sikkert hjælpe dem med at lære de mest værdifulde og grundlæggende grammatiske regler og færdigheder.

Opgaverne er en måde at udfordre dig selv på og se, hvor meget du egentlig ved og forstår. Desværre fungerer dens styrke også som en svaghed. For mere avancerede danskelever vil denne bog ikke byde på meget på grund af dens begyndervenlighed. Jeg har personligt oplevet, at opgaverne i nogle kapitler er for nemme, og at der ikke er meget at lære i bestemte områder i de grammatiske regler. For eksempel fortæller nogle opgaver bare svarene ved dens lejlighedsvise hints, og vil gerne have du bare skriver det. Derfor mener jeg, at bogen til mit niveau var for nem, dog har jeg sikkert lært nogle regler jeg tidligere havde glemt eller aldrig hørt om før, og det er jeg glad for.

Danskniveauet var for lavt for mig, dog kunne jeg godt se niveauet passe for andre. Det er lidt vanskeligt at finde et godt medie i danskniveauet, da man skal kunne forstå og læse danske sætninger og have et godt ordforråd for at svare på opgaverne.
Jeg mener, at dem, der lige for noget tid siden er begyndt på at lære dansk, men stadig er begyndere i det, godt kunne være glade for denne bog. Det må være omkring A2 danskniveauet.

For at opsummere er Super G en velstruktureret lærebog, der effektivt guider nybegyndere gennem dansk sprog og grammatik. Bogen er opdelt i kapitler med øvelser, der styrker forståelsen og holder motivationen oppe. Selvom bogen kan være for simpel for mere avancerede elever, er den ideel for begyndere på A2-niveau, der ønsker en solid introduktion til dansk grammatik.

NB: Jeg, dansklæreren, måtte slå ordet: dechifrere op. Ifølge www.ordnet.dk betyder det ’at tyde’.

PD3 Guide - learndanishwithease 18/08/2024

Ask for the PD3 guide to attain a structure when you prepare to pass the PD3 exam.

Get your free copy via this link:

PD3 Guide - learndanishwithease Achieve PD3 success through self-study - discover this guide carefully crafted to support your Learn Danish with Ease journey.

PD3 Guide - learndanishwithease 13/08/2024

Are you aiming to prepare to pass PD3?

Say yes to:
Drejebog til PD3selvstuderende
if you want the 29-page
step-by-step guide to prepare with the aim of passing the exam, with the book: BLIV KLAR til prøve i dansk 3, as your base.

Like a workbook, where you tick off the tasks as you do them.

Get your copy via this link:

PD3 Guide - learndanishwithease Achieve PD3 success through self-study - discover this guide carefully crafted to support your Learn Danish with Ease journey.

Prøvedato, tilmelding og pris 10/08/2024

Are your aim to pass a Danish test this fall?

See how and when to enroll via this link:

Need help to prepare?
Feel free to reach out to me.
Let us begin with a first free online meeting to decide if we are a good match.

I wish you success on your learn-Danish journey.

Birgit Månestråle
tutor, Danish teacher a.m.
[email protected]

Prøvedato, tilmelding og pris Der er fire danskprøver. Prøverne bliver afholdt 2 gange om året. Tilmelding sker til prøveafholderen. Få mere at vide hos Styrelsen for International Rekruttering og Integration (SIRI).

Dansk intro: alfabetet - tale og skrift 08/08/2024

Øv udtale af det danske alfabet.

Lyt til David Jørgensen, Dansk Intro:

Dansk intro: alfabetet - tale og skrift Kender du bogstaverne på dansk? Test dig selv: https://forms.gle/rMZvHEB2aX7iv7vA7Alfabetet på dansk i tale og skrift. The Danish Alphabet spoken and written...

Vokalen Y 07/08/2024


Få hjælp til at udtale bogstavet y
ved at lytte til en cirka 3-minutters video lavet af Allan fra Dansk udtale:

Vokalen Y Interessant for folk med fx engelsk, urdu, thai og tagalog som modersmål

Summer Danish - learndanishwithease 24/07/2024

Newsletter = nyhedsbrev

In the latest newsletter
interesting details about Summer Danish is revealed.

If you want a copy, let me know via [email protected]

I wish you success on your learn-Danish journey.

Birgit Månestråle
Danish teacher a.m.

Summer Danish - learndanishwithease Summer Danish 20-minute clip cards allows you to adjust your learning experience to fit your schedule perfectly. Add as many clips as you like to make the most of the time you have available for learning.

Summer Danish - learndanishwithease 21/07/2024

Summer Danish
is still an option.

Bite sized lessons.

First meeting is free.

Suggest a time that suits you between 6 am and 8 pm Danish time/ ECT, Copenhagen via [email protected]

I wish you success with learning and mastering the beautiful Danish language!

Birgit Månestråle
tutor, Danish teacher a.m.

Summer Danish - learndanishwithease Summer Danish 20-minute clip cards allows you to adjust your learning experience to fit your schedule perfectly. Add as many clips as you like to make the most of the time you have available for learning.


Det er sket igen, at en elev bruger ordet 'fantastisk'.
Det glæder mig.

Her er alle ordene:
"Jeg havde min første dansktime online i aften med Birgit Månestråle. Det var fantastisk!"

Kære du, der læser med.
Vil du også opleve hvordan det er, at blive endnu bedre til dansk, sammen med mig?

Er dit svar ja, så lad os begynde med en gratis onlinesamtale for at lægge en plan for, hvordan du kan nå dit næste mål på din lær-danskrejse.

Jeg ønsker dig success med at mestre det danske sprog.

Birgit Månestråle
[email protected]


Get ahead this summer!

Ask for the free tip sheet with the focus to Master Basic Danish
by sending an email to
[email protected]

To your success with the Danish language!

Birgit Månestråle
tutor, Danish teacher a.m.


🇩🇰 Free trial lesson of Master Basic Danish 🇩🇰

Room for you and 7 other active Danish learners who are
- semi-beginners
- at the elementary level with Danish
- at the intermediate level with Danish

🕗 𝑾𝒆𝒅𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒅𝒂𝒚 July the 31st 2024 𝒂𝒕 8 𝑷𝑴 (20.00 E𝑪𝑻)

Enroll via [email protected]
at the latest July 24th.

👇Click on this link for more details:


Learn Danish - hands-on
this summer.

Connect to agree on a first free online conversation via [email protected]

Read more here: https://learndanishwithease.dk/summer-danish/

Learn with Birgit Månestråle
tutor, Danish teacher a.m.

Jeg ved en lærkerede - med tekst og klaver 13/06/2024

er en sang.

Det forlyder, at alle i Danmark kender sangen
"Jeg ved en lærkerede".

Hvis du vil have den genopfrisket, så se samt lyt med her:

Jeg ved en lærkerede - med tekst og klaver Det kendte og elskede vise "Jeg ved en lærkerede" med musik af Carl Nielsen og tekst af Harald Bergstedt. Teksten er på skærmen, så man kan synge med, og num...

Summer Danish - learndanishwithease 10/06/2024

2 weeks of intensive Summer Danish.

Would that be something for you?

Connect via [email protected] to agree on a first free online conversation to get answers to your questions + some tips on how to get the most out of your time and money invested + if this is for you, then set up a schedule that suits both of us in the time frame 6 am to 8 pm ECT, Copenhagen.

I wish you success with Danish.

Birgit Månestråle
tutor, Danish teacher a.m.

Summer Danish - learndanishwithease Summer Danish 20-minute clip cards allows you to adjust your learning experience to fit your schedule perfectly. Add as many clips as you like to make the most of the time you have available for learning.

Summer Danish - learndanishwithease 03/06/2024

What can you do with a flexible Summer-Danish-clipcard?

Anything of your interest.

For example:
- Talk about anything of your interest
- Read from a book
- Brush up on grammar
- Listen to podcast-episodes plus give a resume
- Read articles
- Revise parts of the Danish you have gone through before. For example at a language school
- Revise learn-Danish-books that you already have
- Go through some pages in my favorite learn-Danish book: På vej til dansk - trin for trin
- Practice. Communicate. Gain more and more confidence.

Consider what will be the best set-up for you:
10 lessons of 20 minutes
30 lessons of 20 minutes
60 lessons of 20 minutes.

If you're interested in a first free online conversation then suggest a time that suits you via email to [email protected]

Let us meet online for at first free conversation - so you can get answers to all your questions, some tips on how to learn (more) Danish, plus, if you decide to learn Danish this summer, then let us make a plan for what time and how often we shall meet.

You can choose Summer Danish lessons within the time frame 06.00-20.00, Danish time/ ECT, Copenhagen.
The free online meeting will last approximately 40 minutes.

I wish you success with Danish!

Birgit Månestråle
tutor, Danish teacher a.m.
[email protected]

Read more here:

Summer Danish - learndanishwithease Summer Danish 20-minute clip cards allows you to adjust your learning experience to fit your schedule perfectly. Add as many clips as you like to make the most of the time you have available for learning.


En god oplevelse.
I anledningen af kongens fødselsdag hejste min nabo Kurt flaget på vores fælles flagstang.
I dag mødtes han og jeg for sammen at lægge flaget pænt sammen, og i den anledning talte vi om flagdage.
Det førte til, at jeg 'tilfældigt' fandt ud af, at nu den 5. juni 2024 er det Grundlovens 175-års jubilæum, OG at der i den anledning er mange festlige aktiviteter.
Måske også noget for dig, der læser med her.



The mother of all success is practice!

Practice Danish this summer in bite sized lessons.
Choose 10, 30 or 60 lessons of 20 minutes.

Pick your favorite time between 6 am and 8 pm, Danish time/ ECT, Copenhagen, while space is still available.

Connect via [email protected] for more details.

I wish you success on your learn-Danish journey.

Birgit Månestråle
tutor, Danish teacher a.m.

Summer Danish - learndanishwithease 14/05/2024

10 lessons of Summer Danish
or 30 or 60...

What would it mean to you to become (even) better with the Danish language?

Take your first step TODAY
towards improving your Danish language skills THIS Summer.

BOOK A FREE pre-conversation to decide, if this is the right choice for you - and - to be sure, that your favorite time slot will be available between 6 am and 8 pm, Danish time, ECT, Copenhagen.

Connect via [email protected]

To your success with Danish!

Birgit Månestråle
tutor, Danish teacher a.m.

Summer Danish - learndanishwithease Summer Danish 20-minute clip cards allows you to adjust your learning experience to fit your schedule perfectly. Add as many clips as you like to make the most of the time you have available for learning.

The Numbers in Danish - from 0 to ∞ 11/05/2024

Lær tal med Mic.

Invest 17 minutes and 17 seconds in Mics video about numbers.

(Mic from Mic's languages):

The Numbers in Danish - from 0 to ∞ How to say the numbers in Danish?This video is about the cardinal (whole) numbers, and it covers the numbers from zero to a billion, as well as some daily si...

Summer Danish - learndanishwithease 10/05/2024

Take your first step TODAY
towards improving your Danish language skills THIS Summer.

BOOK A FREE pre-conversation to decide, if this is the right choice for you - and - to be sure, that your favorite time slot will be available between 6 am and 8 pm, Danish time, ECT, Copenhagen.

Connect via [email protected]

To your success with Danish!

Birgit Månestråle
tutor, Danish teacher a.m.

Summer Danish - learndanishwithease Summer Danish 20-minute clip cards allows you to adjust your learning experience to fit your schedule perfectly. Add as many clips as you like to make the most of the time you have available for learning.


🇩🇰 Free trial lesson of Master Basic Danish 🇩🇰

Room for you and 7 other active Danish learners who are
- semi-beginners
- at the elementary level with Danish
- at the intermediate level with Danish

🕗 𝑾𝒆𝒅𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒅𝒂𝒚 May the 22nd 2024 𝒂𝒕 8 𝑷𝑴 (20.00 E𝑪𝑻)

Enroll via [email protected]

👇Click on this link for more details:


Danish language learner:

Are you affected by this?

Not knowing the basics of the Danish language?

As an independent private tutor and Danish teacher I - again and again and again... meet with Danish learners (at my free online pre-conversations) who by a language school has been placed at a higher level... than they actually have achieved.

Firstly it may seen 'wonderful'. We all love to think that others think that we're good, ahead or up to a certain level or standard
with the Danish learners who approach me, it is a different scenario.

They struggle.
They think, that they are not good enough.
They think, that they will never learn the Danish language.

Often these Danish learners are also stressed as they HAVE to pass an exam SOON.

I of course do my very best to tailor the lessons and to support my students, but - if you - who reads this - is not under stress -then I highly recommend, that you invest in 20 weeks of focus to Master Basic Danish.

Because - like when a house is build: When you have a sound and stable foundation
you can build anything - and add on to - your foundation - as much as you like.

With certainty.
With confidence.
With Ease.

Are you a semi-beginner with Danish?
(You are a semi-beginner if you know Danish - but do not use what you know)
Or, are you at the elementary or intermediate level with the Danish language

THEN: Consider enrolling in module 1 of Master Basic Danish.

Begin with a free trial lesson either on May 8th or May 22nd 2024.

To your success with Danish!

Birgit Månetråle
tutor, Danish teacher a.m.
Connect via [email protected]


learn Danish with Ease?

it is not easy.

And, because it is not easy - (remember though that it is still doable)
it is a very wise decision
to learn the Danish language with ease.

If you want to get ideas on HOW to learn with EASE
then connect via [email protected]

One idea is
to focus on any form of Danish - every day - for 8 minutes.

Focus on Danish while you're doing other things:
- While you brush your teeths
- While you're waiting in line - in a shop or on the phone
- While you're moving from one place to another
- While you do everyday tasks.
You are invited
to join one or more free Danish Meet & Greet meetings, a free trial lesson of Master Basic Danish and/or to agree on a free online conversation - just for you - with me - to get more suggestions on HOW to learn the beautiful Danish language - with Ease.

I wish you success with (learning and improving) your Danish!

Birgit Månestråle
tutor, Danish teacher a.m.
Connect via [email protected]


Your next step towards mastering the Danish language could be
meet with other active Danish learners
a native Danish teacher
participating in the free online
Danish Meet & Greet meeting
Sunday the 5th of May 2024 from 8 pm, ECT, Copenhagen.

Read more here:

Enroll via [email protected]


or 24 hours before
to get the Zoomlink on which we meet.

To experience success with the Danish language it is a wise decision to take the next step.

Come join!

Birgit Månestråle
host, tutor, Danish teacher a.m.


Jeg taler dansk. Hvad med dig?
I speak Danish. What about you?

I'm a native Danish teacher and my passion is to tailor online Danish lessons. (Could be for you, too!)

I also suggest some of the Danish learners, who choose to learn the wonderful Danish language with me, to 'think thoughts that supports them' as for example:

Jeg taler dansk + I can do it.

Feel free to do an experiment to see if it works for you, too.

To your success with Danish!

Birgit Månestråle
tutor, Danish teacher a.m.
Connect via [email protected] should you
- want answers to questions you may have
- want to agree on a first free online conversation
- if you're ready to join a free trial lesson of Master Basic Danish.


🇩🇰 Free trial lesson of Master Basic Danish 🇩🇰

Room for you and 7 other active Danish learners who are
- semi-beginners
- at the elementary level with Danish
- at the intermediate level with Danish

🕗 𝑾𝒆𝒅𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒅𝒂𝒚 May the 8𝒕𝒉 2024 𝒂𝒕 8 𝑷𝑴 (20.00 E𝑪𝑻)

Enroll via [email protected]

👇Find the link to more details in the comments:


The Danish word 'hej'
is pronounced as the English word 'hi'
has the same meaning.

Ah! You DID know that.

Do you also know that amongst friends we say 'hej, hej' as for goodbye?

Well, we do.

SO: If you with confidence use 'hej' then you can open and close a conversation.


If you want to become even more confident with the Danish language - by practicing AND getting my feedback, then enroll in individual tailored for you online Danish lessons - or - choose group lessons of Master Basic Danish.

For more details please connect via [email protected]

To your success with Danish!

Birgit Månestråle
tutor, Danish teacher a.m.

Videos (show all)

Lots of possibilities for you to improve your Danish language skills:- Summer Danish- Danish Meet & Greet meetings - alw...
Danish special December offer.Get it already now.Connect via info@learndanishwithease.dkFor you who want tailored for yo...
20, 40 or 60 minutes of online Danish - tailored for you- in the morning- during the day- in the eveningEvery day.Every ...
Are youlooking for confidence with the Danish language?The more you focus on (and practice) to speak and understand the ...
Summer Danish:Learn Danish during the summer.Every day.Every other day.3 days a weekor, as it suits you.Begin with a fre...
Summer Danish:Learn Danish during the summer.Every day.Every other day.3 days a weekor, as it suits you.Begin with a fre...
Summer Danish:Learn Danish during the summer.Every day.Every other day.3 days a weekor, as it suits you.Begin with a fre...
Take your first step - or your next - towards reaching your goals with the Danish language.Connect via info@learndanishw...
Looking for hands-on-online-Danish lessons:Connect via info@learndanishwithease.dkVenlig hilsenBirgit Månestråletutor an...
Learn, use and master the Danish language in 2022.Hands-on online Danish lessons.First one is free.Interested?Connect vi...
Learn Danish with Ease!Join free lessons or buy individual or group lessons.Upcoming:Online trial lesson: Wednesday the ...
You are the most important factorwhen you want to learn, use and master the Danish language.I invite you to have me as y...