Microbiología USFQ
Instituto de Microbiología de la Universidad San Francisco de Quito Las infecciones son una de las principales causas de morbilidad y mortalidad en Ecuador.
El Instituto de Microbiología de la Universidad San Francisco de Quito USFQ se dedica a la investigación y educación en relación a enfermedades tropicales. Ecuador tiene altos índices de deforestación y una rápida colonización de áreas naturales, por lo que es particularmente vulnerable a epidemias de enfermedades tropicales. Los costos económicos y sociales de estas enfermedades es alto.
A microbiome transplant could help people with bacterial vaginosis : Short Wave Humans rely on our symbiotic relationship with good microbes—in the gut, the skin and ... the va**na. Fatima Aysha Hussain studies what makes a healthy va**nal microbiome. She talks to host Emily Kwong about her long-term transplant study that asks the question: Can one va**na help another through...
Don't just blame rat fleas. Lice may have helped spread 'black death' plague The mystery: How did bubonic plague spread so rapidly? Could rat fleas have done it all? A new study points the finger at lice as possible accomplices.
Transferencia horizontal de Genes de microbios en Algas
Household immunity and individual risk of infection with dengue virus in a prospective, longitudinal cohort study - Nature Microbiology Herd immunity to dengue acts at the household level according to a longitudinal, multigenerational cohort study.
https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abo5590 #:~:text=RNA%20viruses%20are%20notorious%20for,and%20diversity%20in%20the%20environment.
There’s more to RNA viruses than diseases A simple, pervasive biological entity in the ocean sheds light on evolution
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El Instituto de Microbiología de la USFQ les desea Felices Fiestas 🎄Ascarbi Biosystems
This is how the world finally ends the HIV/AIDS pandemic Putting the specific needs of individuals and communities at the heart of HIV/AIDS care, by harnessing behavioural science, is key to building on the progress already been made.
Thanks, Neanderthals: How our ancient relatives could help find new antibiotics : Short Wave Antibiotics have changed the world. They've made it possible to treat diseases that used to mean anything from discomfort to death. But no new classes of antibiotics have made it to the market since the 1980s. What if humans' closest, ancient relatives held the answer to antibiotic resistance? Some....
How the current bird flu strain evolved to be so deadly Genetic changes to avian influenza viruses have led to spread among many wild species, creating an uncontrollable global outbreak.
Nobel Prize goes to scientists who made mRNA COVID vaccines possible Hungarian-born biochemist Katalin Karikó and American immunologist Drew Weissman found that a chemical change to genetic code called mRNA eliminated a problematic side effect when used in vaccines.
Transposable elements: McClintock’s legacy revisited - Nature Reviews Genetics Commemorating the 40th anniversary of Barbara McClintock’s Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for her discovery of transposable elements, Cédric Feschotte reflects on McClintock’s life and legacy and how her work has shaped and defined the field of genetics.
Recurring UTIs: The infection we keep secretly getting : Short Wave Have frequent, burning p*e? Cramping or the urge to p*e even though you just went? If you haven't yet, you probably will eventually—along with an estimated 60% of women and 10% of men. That's the large slice of the population that experiences a urinary tract infections (UTI) at least once. Many pe...
'Sp*edboat epidemiology': How smallpox was eradicated one person at a time : Short Wave Smallpox is a deadly virus. At one point, it killed almost 1 in 3 people who had it. Almost 300 million of those deaths were in the 20th century alone. It was extremely painful, highly contagious and many people thought it would be impossible to get wipe out—until it was. On May 8, 1980. the 33rd ...
The gut microbiome defines social group membership in honey bee colonies Sharing gut bacteria provides the ticket for hive membership in honey bees.
Predatory journals entrap unsuspecting scientists. Here’s how universities can support researchers Training from institutions on publishing norms could help to thwart predatory publishers.
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