Forbreak Joining
Forbreak Joining
“This isn’t
Their party
Since I've had
"Can't breathe
Overall, the
We had given up
I spoke with
"My concern is
Class Position
On his last
And for me,
"I've never
First off, in
It was back on the road before 6 a. m. on Tuesday, July 15, and just a couple hours later, I was
"You don't get to the truth of the matter through raising taxes on a sector that is up there when it
"When you are here you feel like a foreigner," he said. "Here, people don't talk to you in English,
"This is a great step forward for UAW-Ford in seeking a fair and competitive contract for all our
Kryeministri Edi Rama tha se do të ketë drejtësi, e pastaj sipas tij, gjykata në Gjykatën e Lartë,