Dr. Abdalla Mousa clinic عياده دكتور عبدالله موسي استشاري النساء و التوليد, 6 October City Videos

Videos by Dr. Abdalla Mousa clinic عياده دكتور عبدالله موسي استشاري النساء و التوليد in 6 October City. •متابعه الحمل و الحمل الحرج و و الاورام النسائيه و متخصص في حالات المشيمه المتقدمه

Other Dr. Abdalla Mousa clinic عياده دكتور عبدالله موسي استشاري النساء و التوليد videos

The Ten Commandments of pregnancy 🤰👶👼 1. Drink plenty of fluids 💧🚰🍹 Staying well hydrated is of great value , whether you drink water or milk or juice or soup .. Also limit your caffeine intake to 100-200mg per day ( max two mugs of instant coffee ) ☕🍫🥤 & no cinnamon (or cinnabon😉) 2. Sleep well , in a comfortable position Avoid lying on your back, after 20 weeks as it may reduce the blood flow to your baby 3. Avoid smoking , second hand smoking and alcohol 🍸🍷🤨🚬 4. Eat Healthy & exercise regularly 😷🚴‍♀️🤸‍♀️ choose wholegrain whenever possible 🌾 Fruits and veggies are daily routine, at least 5 portions of different fruit & vegetables every day🍎🍌🍉🥑🍅🥒🥬🥦🥕 Daily proteins & dairy products 🥛🐄🍖🐔🥩 Fish 2-3 times per week ( Omega 3 ) 🐟🎣 Eat fresh food rather than processed You do not need extra calories during the first 6 months , It is only in the last 12 weeks that you need an extra 200 calories a day ( two slices of bread). 🍞 No dieting to lose weight 🤰🆓️ 5. Avoid undercooked food 🍣 most raw sushi, ripened soft cheese ( blue cheese Camembert, Brie ), hard 🧀 varieties ( Cheddar, cottage cheese , processed cheese are Safe )🙆‍♀️ avoid eating pâté & Liver Drink only pasteurised milk 6. Chill 😎🤗 Try yoga 🧘‍♀️ meditation , massage 💆‍♀️ Enjoy long walks with the hubby ❤ 👫 Walking 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week is great to boost your mood (endorphins)😀 But avoid saunas, jacuzzis, hot tubs , steam rooms , piercing and tattoos during pregnancy.. also no hair dye in the first 4 months 7. If you ever crave something odd like toothpaste, dirt or clay. 🙄🤭 Please don't 🙏🙅‍♀️ Also notify your obgyn, 👨‍⚕️ it's linked to iron deficiency . 8. When it comes to exposure to chemicals, through over-the-counter medicines & cosmetics 💄avoid those with

حركه الجنبن في الاسبوع ٢٨ مصوره ب رنين مغناطيسي
***حركه الجنين في الاسبوع ال٢٨ مصوره ب رنين مغنطيسي سبحان الله علي نشاط البيبي 🤣🤯 مشروع اعداد بطل اوليمبي يبدأ من داخل الرحم 🤣🤦‍♂️🤣🤣🤦‍♂️

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