The Dalia Wellness

The Dalia Wellness

We are empowering caregivers & individuals on their wellness journey.

At The Dalia Wellness, we're dedicated to guiding you on your path to wellness and balance, even in the midst of caregiving responsibilities. Our program is tailored to those who want to live a healthier lifestyle while taking care of loved ones.

Photos from The Dalia Wellness's post 25/10/2023

Affirmation is the key to self-encouragement and motivation on your journey. Repeat these
positive affirmations to yourself

Feel free to contact us at: 01275512555


Meditation is your passport to a calmer mind and a more balanced life.
1. Find Your Space: Choose a quiet, serene spot.
2. Get Comfortable: Sit or lie down comfortably.
3. Observe Your Thoughts: Witness your thoughts without judgment.
4. Practice Patience: Start short, extend gradually.

Embrace transformation. Meditation leads to clarity and calmness.

Feel free to contact us at: 01275512555


It's never too late to reignite your passions. Say goodbye to "it's too late, I'm too old" and start living your dreams.
Cherish each moment, keep moving, and limit TV time. Explore new hobbies, listen to music, and stimulate your mind. Meditate, write, and let your calm mind guide you to solutions.
Each day is a chance to find purpose, no matter your age.

Feel free to contact us at 01275512555

Photos from The Dalia Wellness's post 04/10/2023

Repeat these positive affirmations to yourself for encouragement and motivation on your journey. You are not alone, and you are making a difference.
1.I am aware that feeling guilt is irrational.
2.I accept the changes in my loved ones that are out of my control.
3.Make your faith bigger than your fear.

Feel free to contact us at 01275512555


Check out our services and call us for more information or if you have any questions. We're here to help!

Contact us at 01275512555

Photos from The Dalia Wellness's post 25/09/2023

Prioritizing self-care is essential for your well-being, and it also enables you to care better for your loved ones who depend on you.
Here are three simple tips:

Feel free to contact us at 01275512555


On September 21st, we come together for World Alzheimer's Day.
These days may seem ordinary, but they hold extraordinary power.
In a world that sometimes misunderstands, let's show compassion and understanding to those affected, and their caregivers.
Alzheimer's is not about forgetfulness; it's a battle that requires our collective empathy, compassion, understanding and strength.

Drop any questions you might have in the comments or in the DM.
Feel free to contact us at 01275512555


Once I started to challenge these myths and replace them with more positive beliefs, my life started to improve dramatically, and I understood the fine line between living & Living.
If you're struggling with any limiting beliefs, I encourage you to watch my video and learn how to bust them once and for all.

Drop any questions you might have in the comments or in the DM.
Feel free to contact us at 01275512555


Being a caregiver comes with its challenges, and we're here to help address some
common questions you might have.

Drop any questions you might have in the
comments or in the DM.
Feel free to contact us at 01275512555


Simple changes can make a big difference in preventing falls.
Here are some tips for making your home safer for seniors.

For inquiries, Feel free to contact us at 01275512555

Photos from The Dalia Wellness's post 06/09/2023

Caring for your loved ones is a precious journey filled with moments of connection and shared joy.
To enhance these moments, we're here to share a range of stimulating activities that can truly light up their days!

For inquiries, feel free to contact us at


Discover the small signs of dementia that can change everything for your loved one.
An early diagnosis can bring comfort and insight to their journey.
Watch todays video to learn more!

For inquiries, feel free to contact us at: 01275512555


At The Dalia Wellness, we offer personalized home visits designed to empower caregivers like you.
Through our basic yet effective mind and body advice, we're elevating the care you provide and bringing happiness to your loved ones.
Caregivers deserve more, and that's what we're here for – offering relief from burnout and practical assistance, all within the comfort of your home.

For inquiries, feel free to contact us at 01275512555


The quality of life for our loved ones in need is often forgotten. At The Dalia Wellness, we rekindle their interests, enable them to enjoy life from home, and Support caregivers, we're here for both of you.
Navigating together, we will be the helping hand, the steady leg, the attentive ear, the watchful eyes. Ensuring they're truly Living, not just living.

Watch the story of The Dalia Wellness!


"Father hates the nurse, but she's the only one we can find."

We find hope and strength in shared experiences. Do you relate?
Stay Tuned for Our Journey Unveiled.


"We just found out my Grandma has dementia; we thought it was just old age."

We find hope and strength in shared experiences. Do you relate?
Stay Tuned for Our Journey Unveiled.


"He's sick of all types of foods. He basically stopped eating and only wants to eat sweet."

We find hope and strength in shared experiences. Do you relate?

Stay Tuned for Our Journey Unveiled!

Timeline photos 16/01/2022

كتير مننا بينسى صحته وعافيته مع مرور الوقت. أحيانا ننساها لأيام شهور وأحيانا سنين. ولأننا بنبقى عارفين كويس احساسنا كان عامل ازاي وإحنا كويسين، بنقضي حياتنا واحنا بنحلم بالأيام اللى عشناها قبل كده، وبنتكلم عنها كأنها حاجة لا يمكن نرجعها لأنها انتهت لمجرد إننا كبرنا. لكن لو إنت بتقرا المقال ده فده معناه إنك جاهز تبدأ أو على الأقل جاهز تفكر إنك تبدأ رحلة العودة لصحتك.

أكتب المزيد في منشور مدونتي هنا

إذا كان دا له صدى عندك ، ممكن تسجل في القائمة البريدية لداليا ويلنس وحنبعت ليك بين الحين والآخر معلومات حول كيفية الاعتناء بنفسك ، أثناء الاهتمام بالآخرين.


# selfcare # caregiving مننا بينسى صحته وعافيته مع مرور الوقت. أحيانا ننساها لأيام شهور وأحيانا سنين. ولأننا


Many of us lose track of our health and wellness as we advance in life. Sometimes we part from it for days, sometimes months and more likely for years. Since we know the sweet feeling of your vibrant self, we strive through life dreaming of the days we once had it. We talk about it as something that we cannot bring back and that it has gone with our younger unburdened self.

But if you are reading this article you are probably ready to restart -or play with the idea of starting- your journey and own your comeback to your wellbeing state. I write more in my blog post here []

If this resonates with you, sign up for The Dalia Wellness mailing list and every now again we will send you information on how to care for yourself, while caring for others.


Timeline photos 11/01/2022

في اول ايام 2022 ، بأتمنى لكم سنه سعيده وفيها بركه و سكينه. أي بدايات بتبقي مصحوبه بامل ويقين ان التغير ممكن يكون ، وبيبقي عندنا طاقه بتحفزنا نبتدي سكه جديده في أي موضوع احنا عايزين نغيره. السنه دي انا كنت مبسوطه اوي علشان افتكرت قد ايه انا اتغيرت في الأربع سنين اللي فاتوا. التغير دهكان نتيجه لتغيري لشغلي وبدايه العمل الخاص بي. التغير خلاني اواجه مخاوفي وافهم نفسي اكتر وايه اللي بيسعدني واحب اقضي اغلبيه يومي وانا باعمله. وده كان في ظل دعمي لعائلتي في رعاية والدي الحبيب واللي بركتهم معايا دايما. في بداية العام كان كلي شعور بالنعيم والحب والصفاء والسعادة لمشواري وانا محاطه بأشخاص محبين وملهمين وداعمين. مشوار خلي خطاي ثابته وبسيطه بتعبر عن رائي بصدق. احساسي بالذنب والقلق و الخوف قل ولما بحسهم باعرف اخرج نفسي منهم بسرعه.

انا لسه بابني طريقي وانا عارفه انه عمره ما حيخلص لأنه كله طموح و رغبه في المساعده بطريقه اقوي واعمق.

السنه دي واعده نفسي ان واثق في تدابير الكون و استمتع بالمشوار.

لو الكلام ده له صدى عندك وحاسس انك عايز/ه تبدأ/ي مشوارك ومحتاج دعم ومساحه امنه تعبر عن احتياجاتك وتبدأ التغير في وسط حياتنا الصاخبه واللي مليئه بالمسؤوليات والضغوط النفسيه علشان تبقي سعيد، ادخل علي موقع

وحدد ميعاد لمكالمة هاتفيه او مقابله شخصيه لمده ساعة واحدة ممكن تبقي بدايه لمشوارك وتبدأ التغير اللي وعدت نفسك بيه.

Timeline photos 11/01/2022

In the few first days of 2022 I am wishing you a truly blessed 2022. Any beginning, whether it is a year, a month, a new moon has an initiation energy feel, and are usually a good time to motivate ourselves to a new start.

This year I was overwhelmed with happiness because looking back on the past 4 years I could see a lot of personal transformation. It was four years ago that I left my corporate job and started my own thing, I faced so many personal fears and challenges that came along with this change while supporting my family in caring for my beloved father.

At the start of the year I only felt bliss, love and much more serenity and happiness to who I am. I am surrounded with loving, inspiring and supportive people, I have become a more genuine communicator, speaking my truth with compassion. Feelings of guilt and worry are less my norm, they still hover but do not stay long. Many myths were broken, and my walk is a more relaxed, and assured one.

My path is still unfolding and I am truly grateful to my journey and I know that it is an ongoing process that never ends. My mantras for this year are to enjoy the process and trust the process I will use them interchangeably.

If this resonates with you and you are feeling stuck as I was and you need to feel the freedom of being you, the fresh air of a new start, and you need support, a safe space, and an accountability system along the way in the midst of your chaotic life, and career.

Reach out, go to my website

and schedule a call.

The one-hour conversation is a gratitude call and you will feel free to create a program together that will make 2022 the start of your comeback journey to your own self.


How dalia wellness will help you

ازاى شراكتك مع داليا ولنس ممكن تساعدك


في بحث اتعمل لمعرفة ”مكونات“ الناس ذوي الأعمار الطويلة، وطريقة حياتهم. البحث سمى المنطق اللي الأشخاص دول عايشين فيها بالمنطقة الزرقاء. مصطلح المنطقة الزرقا اتعرف للمرة الأولى عن طريق عالم الأوبئة الايطالي جياني بيس وعالم الديموغرافيا البلجيكي مايكل بولين واللى كانوا بيبحثوا في معدلات الوفاة في سردينيا في أوائل القرن الواحد والعشرين، وقدروا إنهم يعلموا المناطق ذات العمر الطويل باللون الأزرق، واللى كانوا خمس مناطق هما: نيكويا في كوستاريكا، سردينيا في إيطاليا، أيكاريا في اليونان، أوكيناوا في اليابان، ولوما ليندا في كاليفورنيا. المناطق الزرقاء موجودة في أماكن متفرقة في العالم ومفيش بينهم أي شىء مشترك من حيث الموقع، ولكن
الخصائص السلوكية الرئيسية

اعرف اي هي الخصائص دي من المدونه

إذا كنت عايز/ه تعرف تطبق ده ازاي في حياتك اثناء اهتمامك
بالاخرين سجل في القائمه البريديه ل
The Dalia Wellness
وسنقوم بين الحين والآخر بارسال معلومات حول كيفية
الاعتناء بنفسك ، أثناء الاهتمام بالآخرين.


The term Blue Zone first originated with the Italian epidemiologist Gianni Pes and the Belgian demographer Michel Poulain, who were investigating rates of mortality in Sardinia. Marking regions of high longevity in blue in the early 2000s. There are five blue zone areas which are: Nicoya in Costa Rica, Sardinia in Italy, Ikaria in Greece, Okinawa in Japan and Loma Linda in California.
This research guides us to a new way of living, I write more in my blog post here

If this resonates with you, sign up for The Dalia Wellness mailing list and every now again we will send you information on how to care for yourself, while caring for others.


كل ما زادت التحديات الى بتواجهها، زادت الدروس اللى بتتعلمها. دروس ملهاش علاقة بالناس حواليك، ولا باللي إنت بتعمله. الدروس دي عنك إنت وعن الأشياء اللى المفروض تعملها علشان تتغير، بحيث تكون الحياة مركزة عليك وإنت بتمارس مسؤولياتك. لازم تتعلم ازاي تدي الأولوية لنفسك وصحتك في نفس الوقت اللى بتدي فيه اهتمام للناس اللى حواليك. اهتم بحياتك، لأنك مهم.

لو محتاج تعرف طرق وافكار حول كيفية الاهتمام بصحتك وكيفية استعادة حيويتك ، سجل اسمك في البريد الخاص ب
The Dalia Wellness
وسنرسل لك بين الحين والآخر معلومات حول كيفية الاعتناء بنفسك ، أثناء الاهتمام للاخرين.


You need to learn how to be mindful in giving priority to yourself and your wellbeing while caring for everyone around you. So Mind Your Age because you matter!

If you want to learn tips and get support to learn how to be mindful with your health and restore your wellbeing, sign up for The Dalia Wellness mailing list and every now again we will send you information on how to care for yourself, while caring for others.


كل واحد فينا موجود في الحياة علشان يوصل رسالة، وكلنا مصدر الهام للناس اللى حوالينا بشكل ما لأننا جزء من كل يوم وعنصر مهم في أحداثه. خلال حياتنا، ظروفنا بتتغير، ومع الوقت و تغير الظروف، التحديات بتكتر: زي تربية أطفالك، أو رعاية أهلك، أو تحقيق نفسك في وظيفتك .. أيا كانت الظروف.

وجودنا مهم؛ فمينفعش نخلي الحياة تعدي و إحنا مشغولين، وننسى نفسنا في وسط زحمة الظروف.

لوعايز تعرف اكتر ، سجل في القائمة البريدية لداليا ويلنس وسوف نرسل لك بين الحين والآخر معلومات حول كيفية الاعتناء بنفسك ، أثناء الاهتمام بالآخرين.

Videos (show all)

It's never too late to reignite your passions. Say goodbye to "it's too late, I'm too old" and start living your dreams....
Check out our services and call us for more information or if you have any questions. We're here to help!Contact us at 0...
On September 21st, we come together for World Alzheimer's Day. These days may seem ordinary, but they hold extraordinary...
Once I started to challenge these myths and replace them with more positive beliefs, my life started to improve dramatic...
Simple changes can make a big difference
Discover the small signs of dementia that can change everything for your loved one.An early diagnosis can bring comfort ...
Stresses Around Body Perception in Your Journey Health and Wellness التوتر المتعلق برؤيتك لجسمك فى رحلتك للصحة والعافية ...


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday 09:00 - 17:00