TEDx Youth Elsadat STEM
What's TED? TED is a non-profit organization that is devoted to the idea of spreading ideas. What's TEDx? TEDx, x=independently organized event.
The TED organization began in 1984 as a conference where “Technology, Entertainment and Design converged”. TED became known for it is short, powerful talks (18 minutes or less). TEDx follows the same format as a TED Talk. It is a local gathering where TED-like talks and presentations are shared with the community. What is TEDx Sadat? TEDx Sadat is a part of the global TED, a platform that organize
"Sometimes a journey makes itself necessary". _ Anne Carson
Anyone who will start and begin a new road and a new journey in his life must search for the obstacles he will face. He should try to solve and overcome them to be successful and to keep this journey full of great achievements and hard work.
Therefore, every person who wants to start a new journey and a new road must improve himself and do his best to impress people.
So, we - at TEDxYouth El-Sadat STEM follow these rules to be successful. We will do our best. Be waiting for many surprises and great work.
Stay tuned and see what's next.!
"Other things may change us, but we start and end with family". – Anthony Brandt.
Even though we've been gone for a long time, it was only to get us ready for the biggest opportunity yet to come. In order to bring our work out into the world, we need our family's support more than anything else right now. Now that we are back, we are eager as ever to put our efforts forward.
Since Eid Al-Adha is quickly approaching, we thought it would be appropriate to express our best wishes for your happiness and hopefully your forgiveness on that auspicious day.
Since then, we are hoping to find your help and your continued encouragement that will push us all through!
"Other things may change us, but we start and end with family". – Anthony Brandt.
على الرغم من غيابنا لفترة طويلة ، إلا أنه كان لإعدادنا لأكبر فرصة في طريقنا. علشان نظهر شغلنا إلى العالم ، محتاجين الدعم من عائلتنا أكتر من أي شيء آخر في الوقت الحالي. دلوقتي بما اننا رجعنا ، احنا حريصين أكثر من أي وقت فات على بذل جهودنا بأكمل وجه.
بما أن عيد الأضحى بيقرب بسرعة ، ف اعتقدنا أنه هيكون من المناسب التعبير عن تمنينا بسعادتكم و أن يهل عليكم العيد ب الخيرات و أن تُسامَحوا في الأيام الجاية.
و من ده ، نأمل اننا نلاقي مساعدتكم وتشجيعكم المستمر اللي هيدفعنا كلنا علشان نقوم بأحسن الأعمال!
TEDx Youth El-Sadat STEM Family wishes you a happy Eid Al-Fitr.🥳🥳🥳
Stay tuned for of what's coming as we are coming back greater than ever!
Happy Eid!
TEDx Youth El-Sadat STEM Family wishes you a good time during Ramadan Nights!
Ramadan Kareem✨🌙
Check your e-mails to be informed if accepted or not.✨
Thanks to everyone who filled the recruitment form.
Congratulation to those who were accepted.!🥳
Hard luck for the ones who got rejected.!! We hope to see you in the next season.!
For those who won, we are looking forward to seeing you in the interviews..♥️
6 hours left !
The countdown has been started !!
6 hours left for you to apply in the recruitment form to be part of our family ♥️✨
You will deal with many people in different fields. So, you will gain a lot of experience in many fields ♥️
Harry up to fill the form !! Don't miss this chance 😌
Our recruitment form:
In terms of our board,
We want to introduce you to two of the most productive committees: OC and Coaching ❤️
OCs are the people in charge of organizing everything, including events, sessions, and even certificates.
The role of an OC is primarily related to the event, including guiding the speakers, analyzing the audience if someone had a problem, and generating ideas for the event, such as games, souvenirs, and other items 🥺❤️
When it comes to coaching, we may say that this committee is the most significant on the day of the event.
Writing the speakers' scripts, instilling the necessary confidence in them, and monitoring their voice tone and body language to ensure they are top form ❤️
Those two committees are the event's primary poles, intending to obtain the most nuanced perspective possible.
So, here are the high boards for OC and coaching committee ✨
Fill out our recruitment form:
بما إننا بنتكلم عن التيم والـ Board بتاعتنا، حابين نقدم ليكم اتنين كوميتي في الحقيقة هما الاتنين أجمد من بعض كوميتي الـ OC و الـ Coaching ❤️
الـ OCs هما اللي مسئولين عن نظام كل اللي التيم بيقدمه، تنظيم أي Event، الـ sessions، حتى الشهادات كمان، هما اللي بيتحركوا مع أي اسبيكر جاي أو يتعاملوا مع اللي بيحضروا، بيقدروا كمان يخترعوا أفكار تخص اليوم من أوله لأخره زي الألعاب أو هدايا بسيطة للناس وحاجات كتير كتير 🥺❤️
أما كوميتي الـ Coaching فـ ببساطة دول الجنود المجهولين يوم الإيفينت، مسئولين عن إنهم يكتبوا ويحضروا الفقرات وإزاي الناس هنتكلم ويراقبوا الـ body language بتاعتهم ونبرة صوتهم ويشجعوهم ويمدوهم بالثقة الكافية إنهم يقفوا ويتكلموا ويعبروا عن نفسهم ❤️
في الحقيقة إن الاتنين كوميتي دول هما القطبين الأساسيين اللي أي إيفينت بيقوم عليهم، وعشان كدا لازم الـ board بتاعهم يكون جامد جدًا فـ حابين نعرفكم بيهم ✨
مستني إيه ؟ املى الفورم وخليك جزء مننا ❤️
2 days left? Seems like it.😌♥️
We have previously announced the recruitment form. During the recruitment season, many new members join our team, or should I say, our family. ✨
We all labor together as if we were one because, in the end, the event will be accomplished by the efforts of all of us. That is why the spirit of excellent relations is always present among us.♥️
Participating in such worthwhile work to accomplish something will provide you with a wealth of new experiences and allow you to meet new people, and make someone proud of you and what you have accomplished. 🥺♥️
Only two days remain until the form's deadline. Don't lose out on the opportunity to be a part of our family.✨
The recruitment form ♥️:
فاضل يومين ؟
دي شكلها بتقترب 😌❤️
فتحنا الريكروتمنت من فترة، وخلال الفترة دي هينضم ناس كتير للتيم بتاعنا لأ، المفروض نقول .. عيلتنا ✨
إحنا بنشتغل مع بعض كإننا شخص واحد؛ لإننا كلنا عندنا هدف واحد هيتعمل بمجهودنا كلنا، ودا سبب وجود الروح الحلوة بينا ❤️
وجودك معانا ومشاركتك لينا في العظمة اللي هتتعمل هتديك خبرات جديدة وتخليك تخرج للدنيا أكتر وتعرف ناس جديدة والأهم .. إنك هتبقى فخور بنفسك وبكل إنجاز هتعمله 🥺❤️
عشان كدا .. حبينا نقولك إن فاضل يومين بس والفورم تقفل، متضيعش الفرصة تكون واحد من العيلة الكبيرة ✨
فورم التقديم ♥️:
If we take the time to think about it, design can be found all around us in various forms. It is a very significant aspect of our lives, and it comes in a variety of forms, such as graphic design and video editing. ✨
Although graphic designers and video editors are two distinct professions, they have some similarities.
The skill of blending colors, lines, and shapes to create images is known as graphic design. On the other hand, video editing is the process of "creating" a video by merging pictures, colors, and other elements to create a narrative.
As a result, graphic design and video editing play a significant role in our lives. For example, when we market something, we may use them to draw people's attention by creating a beautiful design. ♥️
So, here are the High Boards for Graphic Design and Video Editing, who play an essential part in the team.✨
Fill out the form to be a part of our family ♥️:
لو فكرنا بعمق شوية في حياتنا واللي حواليها، هنلاقي التصاميم حرفيًا في كل حاجة حوالينا، المجال دا مهم جدًا في حياتنا، خصوصًا إنه ليه أنواع كتير زي الـ graphic desing وكمان الـ video editing ✨
أكيد الـ graphic designing والـ video editing يبانوا كـ حاجتين مختلفين عن بعض، بس هما فعلًا في الصميم يشبهوا لبعض في حاجات كتير بردو.
الـ graphic design متعلق بتكوين الصور عن طريق التكوين المبدأي للألوان والخيوط والأشكال، وفي نفس الوقت الـ video editing هو "تصميم" الفيديو عن طريق تكوين قصة باستخدام مجموعة صور وبالتالي مجموعة ألوان وهكذا.
ودا معناه إن الـ graphic design والـ video editing ليهم دور كبير في حياتنا، من خلالهم نقدر نجذب انتباه الناس بإننا نعمل تصميم جميل لما نحب نماركت لحاجة ❤️
وعشان كدا، حبينا نعرفكم بـ Graphic design و video editing High Board، اللي ليهم دور كبير وعظيم في التيم ✨
املى الفورم دي عشان تكون جزء مننا ❤️
متنساش الديدلاين يوم 7/1
Without the use of social media, you will never discover a successful individual or team. Social media now occupies such a large part of our lives that most of us spend more time on it than we do in real life.😂♥️
As a result, there are now more opportunities to advertise and share an idea or piece of art via various social media channels. ♥️
There are two primary ways to succeed on social media platforms :
-The first is to disseminate your ideas and let as many people know about your work and thoughts as possible.
-The second is to demonstrate that you are deserving of the concepts that are spread via your sharing and posts.
The marketing and content writing committees both do this. Both committees are regarded by some as works of art.
Content writing is the art of enticing readers to read the entire content and pique their interest in what you've written. On the other hand, marketing is the art of communicating with others and publicizing our team's work in the most effective way possible.♥️
These are the members of the board who will pave the road for the squad to rise and shine, revealing their identities to all.✨
The link for the form of recruitment:
من غير السوشيال ميديا، مكناش أبدًا هنقدر نكتشف أي نجاح سواء لشخص أو لتيم، السوشيال ميديا حاليًا بقت واخدة جزء كبير من حياتنا لدرجة إن معظمنا حرفيًا وقته فيها بقا أكتر من الحياة الواقعية نفسها 😂❤️
وعشان كدا، كل حاجة حرفيًا سواء فكرة أو عمل فني بقا بيتم الاعلان عنها على السوشيال ميديا عن طريق أكتر من channel كمان ❤️
وعشان المحتوى بتاعك ينجح ويكسر الدنيا عندك طريقين :
- الأول هو نشر أفكارك، وإنك تعرف أكبر عدد من الناس بفكرتك دي.
- التاني بقا هو إنك تثبت إنك تستحق تنشر الفكرة أصلًا ودا عن طريق كل حاجة بتشيرها وكل بوست بتكتبه.
كوميتي الـ Marketing and content writing اللي يعتبروا بيكملوا بعض وشغلهم شغل فني بحت بيشتغلوا على كتابة المحتوى اللي يشد المتابعين لينا وإنهم كمان يقرأوا الموضوع كله ويهتموا بيه ويتفاعلوا معاه كمان؛ لإن التسويق هو لغة وفن التواصل مع اللي حواليك وإن أفكار تيمك وشغلك يخرجوا للنور ❤️
وعشان كدا، حبينا نعرفكم بالـ Board بتاعنا، اللي هيمهدوا لينا الطريق عشان نبدأ ونكمل وننهي رحلتنا بسلام، وعشان نظهر أفكارنا للنور ✨
لينك التقديم للتيم:
Happy New Year 🥳
"Everything you do or say is public relations"
This sentence is very true. But there is a huge difference between that you are a person who has relations and that you know very well how to use these relations correctly and use your negotiation and persuasion skills properly, to be able to achieve the target that you want.♥️
Those who achieve these relations here are the monsters of the PR & FR. They represent the heart of the Team; Because they are responsible for all the details of any event that is done for us, from the place of this event, the Sponsors, the Catering who will be present, and all of the Speakers to the people who will come.
There are our high boards of PR & FR. We would like to tell the Board of these committees that you have all our gratitude, thanks, and love for every effort that will be made from now.✨♥️
" كل ما تفعل أو تقول هو علاقات عامة "
وفي الحقيقة الجملة دي صح جدًا، بس فرق شاسع بين إنك شخص عنده علاقات ومعارف وخلاص على كدا، وبين إنك عارف كويس أوي تستخدم الموضوع دا صح وتستخدم مهارات التفاوض والإقناع عندك بشكل سليم وتقدر تحقق بيها التارجت اللي انت عاوزه. ♥️
واللي بيحققوا الموضوع دا عندنا هما وحوش الـ PR & FR واللي بيمثلوا لينا قلب التيم؛ لإنهم مسئولين كل التفاصيل اللي تخص أي Event بيتعمل لينا من أول المكان اللي هيتعمل فيه مرورًا بالـ Sponsors و الـ Catering اللي هيكون موجود وكمان كل الـ Speakers اللي معانا لحد الناس نفسها اللي جاية كمان.
نحب نقول للـ Board بتاعت الكوميتي دي إن ليكم مننا كل الامتنان والشكر والحب على كل مجهود هيتعمل من دلوقتي. ✨♥️
وعشان تكونوا معانا املوا الفورم دي
مستنيينكم تكونوا جزء من تيمنا ✨♥️
"What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make."
Progress begins with change, and change begins with a difference. If a person wants to succeed, he must start with one step every day. But this step must be in the right direction.
We help you find your way. With just a few steps you take, we will create success together.♥️
So, we announce that we open the recruitment in TEDx Sadat, as we will do a lot during this season to benefit people with the information we have in various fields.
Recruitment is open for the following committees:
1- HR
2- OC
3- PR&FR
4- Marketing
5- Content Writing
6- Technical Support
7- Coaching
8- Graphic design
9- Video Editing
Fill out this form quickly to be a part of our team and benefit from the experiences of others, as we will do training courses for all the Committees.♥️
Deadline is 7/1/2022 at 11:59 PM
We are waiting for you to be a beautiful and a great part of our family.✨
"ما تفعله يحدث فرقًا، وعليك أن تقرر نوع الاختلاف الذي تريد فعله."
بداية التقدم هو التغيير ببساطة، وبداية التغيير لازم يكون باختلاف، ولو انت حابب تنجح جرَّب تبدأ بخطوة واحدة كل يوم، بس الأهم إن الخطوة دي تكون في الاتجاه الصح.
إحنا هنا عشان نساعد تلاقي طريقك، ومش بس كدا إحنا هنساعدك تلاقيه بخطوات قليلة كمان؛ عشان نحقق نجاحنا سوا. ♥️
وعشان كدا، إحنا جايين النهاردة نعلن عن فتح التقديم في TEDx Sadat، حقيقي عندنا كتير نقدمه في السيزون دا ليكم بمعلومات في مختلف المجالات.
التقديم مفتوح ليكم في:
1- HR
2- OC
3- PR&FR
4- Marketing
5- Content Writing
6- Technical Support
7- Coaching
8- Graphic Design
9- Video Editing
املوا هذه الفورم بسرعة عشان تكونوا جزء مننا، جزء من الرحلة، وعشان كمان نستفيد كلنا من خبرات بعض، وهيكون طبعًا في تدريب في كل كوميتي على شغله. ♥️
اخر موعد للتقديم7/1/2022 الساعة 11:59 مساءا
إحنا مستنيينكم تكونوا جزء جميل من عيلتنا، هتنورونا. ✨
“Train people well enough so they can leave. Treat them well enough so they don’t want to.”♥️
Human resource is a broad field that necessitates a diverse set of skills, including psychological understanding, body language awareness, and communication abilities. If this field did not exist, every company would crumble.
Because there will be a breakdown in communication among the workers. We'd like to thank our HR high board, as well as technical assistance, for their help in teaching the entire workforce and keeping track of who is working and who isn't.✨
Any successful and meaningful organization requires technical support. It's in charge of dealing with social networking site technical concerns as well as website design. Web design, data storage, and technical follow-up are only a few of the acts and functions performed.♥️
As a result, we'd like to introduce you to our unique high board, which will guide us hands down this difficult path.✨
درِّب الناس بما يكفي حتى يتمكنوا من المغادرة وعاملهم جيدًا حتى لا يريدوا ذلك ♥️
الموارد البشرية مجال واسع جدًا وبيحتاج مجموعة متنوعة من المهارات، بما فيهم الفهم النفسي، والوعي بلغة الجسد، وقدرات الاتصال.
لو المجال دا مكانش موجود حقيقي كانت كل الشركات أصحاب الكيانات انهارت؛ لإنه ببساطة كان هيبقى في انقطاع في التواصل بين العمال والإدارة.
وعشان كدا نحب نشكر الـ HR high board وكمان الـ Technical assistance اللي معانا على كل مجهود ومساعدة مبذولة عشان يعلموا التيم كله ويطمنوا على سير رحلتنا ومين مش بيعمل اللي عليه ويحاولوا يعالجوا الخلل دا ✨
وفي الحقيقة أي مكان ناجح بيحتاج وجود فيه كمان الـ technical support؛ عشان ببساطة هو اللي مسؤول عن التعامل مع الاهتمامات الفنية لمواقع الشبكات الاجتماعية وكمان تصميم مواقع الويب اللي تخص المكان.
تصميم الويب وتخزين البيانات والمتابعة الفنية في الحقيقة هي حاجات قليلة من اللي بيتعمل كمان ♥️
وعشان كل دا .. حابين نقدم ليكم board عالي وفريد ومميز من نوعه، واللي هيساعدونا إننا نمشي صح في الرحلة بتاعتنا ♥️
Waiting for the recruitment💖
-“Getting together is the beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success”.
One of the success factors of any idea or project is the right beginning. It is the beginning and the start that can make you confident that your goal is moving in the right direction, and most importantly, the start can be modeled by experienced enough people who will show you the right way and get you to your destiny peacefully♥️.
That’s why I am showing you our management board, who will start our road that we are all going to walk together, to understand the world around us seeing a clearer world. ✨
Waiting for all of you guys to share with us this lengthy road, and to even be a part of it. ✨♥️
- "أن نجتمع سويًا هو البداية، أن نبقى معًا هو التقدُّم، وأن نعمل معًا هو النجاح."
واحدة من أهم عوامل نجاح أي مشروع أو فكرة هي البداية الصح، البداية اللي تخليك مطمن إن هدفك بيمشي في مساره الصح، والأهم إن البداية دي تكون بتتمثل في ناس تعرف توريك الطريق صح، وتوصلك لوجهتك بشكل سليم ♥️
وعشان كدا حبينا نعرفكم على الـ Management Board بتوعنا، واللي هيبدأوا الرحلة اللي هنمشيها سوا عشان نفهم العالم حوالينا ونشوف الدنيا بشكل أوضح وأجمل ✨
مستنيينكم تشاركونا التجهيز للرحلة، وإنكم تكونوا جزء منها ✨♥️
Organizing a TEDx event is not just about achieving the best event that has been organized. A great event can be measured by the speakers of the event and how effective will the talks be on the audience. But, what is an event with the most perfect speakers but with no audience?!!
We need to reach as many people as possible, spreading knowledge and sharing life experiences. Making the world a better place starting with its people.
That’s why we are glad to announce that there is an Instagram page that you can follow us from, where we will reach you out with the newest updates.
This is the link of the page:
Guess the theme!
When thinking of success, we think of the future, mostly leaving the present as if it doesn’t exist. From every perspective, it can’t be right, because no future will be built without hard work.
Most organizations realize that it’s why they use mission and vision statements. But what are those?
A Mission Statement defines the organization’s goals, and approach to reach those objectives, while a Vision Statement describes the desired future position of the organization.
Cores of Mission and Vision Statements are often combined to view a statement of the organization's purposes, goals, and values.
Therefore, our mission and vision are depending on the mission of TED that which is to "spread ideas".
Our mission and vision are to hold events and educate people about seeking a deeper understanding of the world because we are welcoming people from every discipline and culture who want to understand deeper about the world.
" A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on" - John F Kennedy
If you are looking for a specific topic on the Internet, you can find a video of a TED talk, or they are labeled as TED (insert city) that talks about this topic. But now you might wonder what is the difference between TED and TEDx.
To know the difference between TED and TEDx, you should know what TED is.
TED is a non-profit organization that is devoted to the idea of spreading ideas. The TED organization began in 1984 as a conference where “Technology, Entertainment and Design converged”. TED became known for it is short, powerful talks (18 minutes or less).
The mission of TED is to spread ideas – it is a global community that welcomes people from every discipline and culture who seek a deeper understanding of the world.
After we knew what TED is, we will know the difference between TED and TEDx. TED and TEDx are similar in many ways, but they are different entities. Simply, TEDx, x=independently organized event. TEDx follows the same format as a TED Talk. The main difference between TED and TEDx is that TEDx is focused on a local, geographic area. It is a local gathering where TED-like talks and presentations are shared with the community.
After we told you about the difference between TED and TEDx, let's tell you what we are.
TEDx Sadat is a part of the global TED, a platform that organizes TEDx events in different places and about different topics. we are some high school students that we have a license from TED to hold events and educate people about seek a deeper understanding of the world.
So, you will benefit from our posts and learn about everything related to different topics about understanding the world from this page.
It's just a beginning.