Dina Sadek-Life & Business Coach-Energy Expert

Dina Sadek-Life & Business Coach-Energy Expert

Business Coach.Meditation Teacher,Life Coach,Reiki Master,Energy & spiritual Healer.Public Speaker

Women Empowerment course product - Elevate Your Life 15/11/2023

Register now, Women Empowerment program. It’s a 4 week program.
Start date: Tuesday, January 16 at 7:30 p.m.
Once the group number is reached, registration will close. Details in link below.

Women Empowerment course product - Elevate Your Life ❤️Women empowerment course 💫How to change my beliefs through CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy). (exercises & engagement ). Moving from a Fixed Mindset/Growth Mindset, how to implement Cognitive Behavioral Therapy CBT in my daily life. 💫Understanding feminine energy and masculine energy an...

Photos from Dina Sadek-Life & Business Coach-Energy Expert's post 14/11/2023

Happy 1st Birthday sweet Pearl 😻 El 7enya w lazaza w Wesh el 7’er 3alya dayman🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
I Love u Pearl ❤️❤️❤️😘😘😘


Me, Pearl 😻 بنتي العقله& Kenny ابني الاهبل 🐶 🤣🤣🤣


تعينك علي البر ، وتدفعك الي الخير ، ولا تعايرك بالعيب ، ولا تدفعك الي الذنب ، ولا يكثرن الملام ، ولا يجدن الخصام ، ويفرحون لفرحك ، ويسعون لتخفيف ألمك ، بشاشة الوجه ، ولطف اللسان ، وسعة القلب ، وبسط اليد ، وكظم الغيظ ، وترك الكبر ، والبشاشة عند اللقاء ، والمصافحة بود وإخاء .


رحم الله من ظنّ بنا خيرًا وغفر الله لمن قال فينا ما ليس فينا


الرسول ﷺ أخبر عن المنافقين بخصال ليحذرنا منها، حتى نبتعد عنها، يقول ﷺ: آية المنافق ثلاث: إذا حدث كذب، وإذا وعد أخلف، وإذا اؤتمن خان يحذرنا من إخلاف الوعد، ومن الكذب في الحديث والأخبار، ومن الخيانة في الأمانة، وأنها من خصال أهل النفاق نعوذ بالله فيجب الحذر منها.

Photos from Dina Sadek-Life & Business Coach-Energy Expert's post 30/10/2023

🥳 🥳🥳 🎉🎉🎉🎉🐶🐶🐶💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻


Cease Fire Now in Gaza

Photos from Dina Sadek-Life & Business Coach-Energy Expert's post 21/10/2023

Don’t gain your worth from people or things, put it only with God. People change and things don’t last.
لا تكتسب قيمتك من الأشخاص أو الأشياء، ضعها في الله فقط. الناس يتغيرون والأشياء لا تدوم.


🔥🔥Competition Time 🔥🔥
✅Rules: Like & tag 5 of your friends on this post & previous one, follow page, Instagram page and YouTube channel. Inbox us why are u interested in jointing this program.
✅Visit website in the below link to watch free webinar, previous reviews video & agenda.
✅Subscribe to my YouTube channel
✅Instagram page
📣Transformational Signature Program consists of 8 weeks, it’s tailor made by me, starting 23rd of October online & 24th of October attending / offline with the below agenda:
✅Week 1- Moving from a Fixed Mindset/Growth Mindset, how to implement Cognitive Behavioral Therapy CBT in my daily life.
✅Week 2-Limiting Beliefs-the negative thoughts I have developed towards myself. Fear,Anger, Shame, Guilt etc…
✅Week 3-Limiting Beliefs-Familiar family patterns that we inherited. Understanding Relationships with my partner and the 4 attachments styles that affect my relationships.
✅Week 4- Limiting beliefs about Money & Money blockages and shadow work.
✅Week 5-How to let go of stress, anxiety & depression. 4 main chemicals in the body that I can stimulate naturally.
✅Week 6-How to achieve my goals ? Vision Board.Law of attraction, how it works and how I can attract the life I want. Power of my subconscious & Manifestation of dream house, relationship, money, job anything I want.
✅Week 7-How to balance Feminine energy & Masculine energy and how to let out our feminine energy. The ingredients to joy & happiness in life.
✅Week 8- How to cleanse your energy, understanding of 7 chakra’s. How to always have positive energy in your house and remove negative energy..What diseases are associated with which emotions.
Testimonials and how did this course change your life.
📣Payment options, credit card, Debit Card and Valu Installments.


📣10 winners will get 50% discount on my 8 week Transformational signature program.
✅Follow my Facebook and Instagram page and like & tag 5 of your friends on this post and like the previous one. Subscribe to my YouTube channel.


✅ Winners will be announced according to their answer to the below questionnaire, it’s one clear question only and not random to ensure that the one who wins already wanted to take the Transformational Program.
🔥I will be hosting the program online every week, starting Monday 30th of October through google meet.
🔥This Program works on all aspects of life mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.
🔥 you will pay 6k instead of 11 k🔥🔥🔥
💫Below is the link for all the details of the Transformational Program & the questionnaire.



سيحصل 10 فائزين على خصم 50% على برنامج بدايه لحياه جديده، الخاص بي لمدة 8 أسابيع.
✅تابع صفحتي على الفيسبوك والانستغرام و YouTubeو اعمل Tag إلى 5 من أصدقائك على هذا المنشور والسابق.

✅ سيتم الإعلان عن الفائزين بناءً على إجابتهم على الاستبيان أدناه، وهو سؤال واحد واضح فقط وليس عشوائيًا للتأكد من أن الفائز يريد بالفعل الاشتراك في البرنامج التحويلي.
🔥البرنامج سيبدأ و سأكون متواجداً كل أسبوع ابتداءً من يوم الاثنين 30 أكتوبر عبر google meet.
🔥يعمل هذا البرنامج على جميع جوانب الحياة عقليًا وعاطفيًا وجسديًا وروحيًا.
🔥هتدفع 6 الف بدلا من 11 الف🔥🔥🔥
💫أدناه الرابط الخاص بكافة تفاصيل البرنامج التحويلي والاستبيان.



Photos from Dina Sadek-Life & Business Coach-Energy Expert's post 20/09/2023

💫 You will learn how to heal through the practice of cognitive behavioural therapy in the program.
سوف تتعلم كيفية الشفاء من خلال ممارسة
العلاج السلوكي المعرفي
💫 You will practice how to let go of stress, anxiety and depression.
سوف تتدرب على كيفية التخلص من التوتر والقلق والاكتئاب
💫 How to set goals and achieve them.
كيفية تحديد الأهداف وتحقيقها
💫 How to let go of limiting beliefs
كيفية التخلص من المعتقدات المحدوده
💫 you will identify your blockages in life and heal then with several practices.
سوف تحدد العوائق التي تواجهك في الحياة وتشفى بعد ذلك من
خلال العديد من الممارسات
💫 Program targets mental, emotinal and physical health through knowledge and healing.
‎يستهدف البرنامج الصحة العقلية والعاطفية والجسدية من خلال المعرفة والشفاء.
📣Program is 8 weeks, online and offline.
📣Starting date 23rd of October.
📣This is my signature tailored program and is only available once every year.
📣For full details & to book your spot , visit website below. you can also watch free webinar, testimonials on previous rounds & read course content.
🔥Payment options : Debit and Credit card, wallet and Valu installments



📣Transformational Signature Program consists of 8 weeks, it’s tailor made by me, starting 3rd of October with the below agenda:
💫Please visit the link below & watch free Webinar & reviews on previous round.
✅Week 1- Moving from a Fixed Mindset/Growth Mindset, how to implement Cognitive Behavioral Therapy CBT in my daily life.
✅Week 2-Limiting Beliefs-the negative thoughts I have developed towards myself. Fear,Anger, Shame, Guilt etc…
✅Week 3-Limiting Beliefs-Familiar family patterns that we inherited. Understanding Relationships with my partner and the 4 attachments styles that affect my relationships.
✅Week 4- Limiting beliefs about Money & Money blockages and shadow work.
✅Week 5-How to let go of stress, anxiety & depression. 4 main chemicals in the body that I can stimulate naturally.
✅Week 6-How to achieve my goals ? Vision Board.Law of attraction, how it works and how I can attract the life I want. Power of my subconscious & Manifestation of dream house, relationship, money, job anything I want.
✅Week 7-How to balance Feminine energy & Masculine energy and how to let out our feminine energy. The ingredients to joy & happiness in life.
✅Week 8- How to cleanse your energy, understanding of 7 chakra’s. How to always have positive energy in your house and remove negative energy..What diseases are associated with which emotions.
Testimonials and how did this course change your life.
📣Payment options, credit card, Debit Card and Valu Installments.

Homepage - Elevate Your Life 01/09/2023

‎أكثر من 120 عميلًا و12000 ساعة تدريب وعلاج في❤️ عام ونصف.
‎ورش عمل/دورات وبرنامج تغير في كل جوانب❤️ الحياه،بيشتغل علي العقل و المشاعر و الروح و الجسد في العام السابق.
‎إطلاق الجولة الثانية من برنامج التغير في 3📣 اكتوبر .2023
‎قم بزيارة الموقع في السيرة الذاتية، واستمع إلى💫 الندوة المجانية شاهد تقيم الجولة السابقة، واقرأ محتوى الدورة
‎إذا كنت مستعدًا للتغيير، فاحجز مكالمة الاستكشاف المجانية معي مباشرةً من خلال رابط whatsapp
‎ المتوفر
💫امكان محدوده
Link for program 👇🏻

❤️120 + clients & 12,000 coaching and healing hours in a year and a half.
❤️5 workshops/courses and 1 transformational program that works on all aspects of life and works on mental, physical , emotional and spiritual angle in the past year.
📣launching second round for transformational program on 3rd of October . Very limited spots.
💫visit website in Bio, hear the free webinar and testimonials of previous round, read the course content.
🥰If you are ready for the change, book your free discovery call directly with me through the whatsapp link available.

Homepage - Elevate Your Life Full time access on all my courses The 8 Steps meditation and manifestation Technique Online Program An Online Self-Paced Guided Meditation & Manifestation Journey to Rewire your mind, Unlock Your Full Potential & Energize Your Spirit Enroll Now! The 8 Steps meditation and manifestation Technique On...


Watch now, free webinar on transforming your life on all aspects, link below.



💫I’m sure u had a quick answer for the first 2 questions and had more than one thing to add.
💫If you paused in the last question, maybe you need to rethink of how you are living your life, what’s your purpose, what are your goals, what makes u happy and are you taking actions towards it…


Free meditation for stress and anxiety relief.
Comment with a ❤️ to receive.


Transformational Program هل حابب في البدء في اتخاذ خطوات صغيرة من أجل تغير كامل في حياتك- 03/08/2023

Transformational Program هل حابب في البدء في اتخاذ خطوات صغيرة من أجل تغير كامل في حياتك-
شاهد هذا الفيديو و اشترك في قناتي

Transformational Program هل حابب في البدء في اتخاذ خطوات صغيرة من أجل تغير كامل في حياتك-


Pendulum Workshop
This workshop is mainly for people
💫Who wants to get rid of negative energy from their body, emotions & mind.
💫Who wants to get rid of any negative energy in their home
💫Want to heal their body from chronic or temporarily diseases & illness.
💫Learn how to place positive energy in all of the above.
You will learn :
💫 How to measure your overall health, each organ and how you can heal them.
💫Measure your stress levels and heal it.
💫Measuring each Chakra’s levels.
💫Cleansing your 7 Chakra’s from negative energy.
💫Charging your 7 Chakra’s with positive energy.
💫 Cleaning & Charing your Aura.
🌟Bonus : learn how to find any lost objects.
Date: 26th of July
Location: New Cairo
Fees:2,700 EGP
Limited spots
⭐️For beginners a clear quartz pendulum is great, please bring your own pendulum with you, if you don’t have one, I can guide you to a place where u will find an authentic one.
💫For details & bookings, please send a WhatsApp message or call 01025256522


احجز الان ،ورشة البندول
هذه الورشة مخصصة للأشخاص بشكل أساسي:
💫 من يريد التخلص من الطاقة السلبية من جسده وعواطفه وعقله.
💫 من يريد التخلص من أي طاقة سلبية في منزله
💫 يريدون شفاء أجسامهم من الأمراض المزمنة أو المؤقتة.
💫 تعرف على كيفية وضع الطاقة الإيجابية في كل ما سبق.
سوف تتعلم :
💫 كيف تقيس صحتك العامة ، كل عضو وكيف يمكنك علاجه.
💫 قم بقياس مستويات التوتر لديك وعلاجه.
💫قياس مستويات كل الشكرات .
💫 تطهير ال 7 شكرات من الطاقة السلبية.
💫 اشحن الـ 7 شكرات الخاصة بك بالطاقة الإيجابية.
💫 تنظيف الهالة الخاصة بك.
‏🌟Bonus: تعلم كيفية العثور على أي أشياء مفقودة.
الموقع: القاهرة الجديدة
أماكن محدودة
للتفاصيل والحجز ، يرجى إرسال رسالة WhatsApp أو الاتصال على 01025256522


How to build your own brand course :
Book Now
Dates : Monday 24th & Tuesday 25th of July
Location: New Cairo, 1st settlement.



📣How to create your own brand Course

You Will Learn Proven Personal branding Strategies:
💫How to create a personal branding vision for your life and business
💫How to identify the key factors that shape your image as a personal brand
💫How to enhance your credibility and become more visible as a personal brand.
💫How to position yourself as a personal branding industry expert.
💫Discover your “AUTHORITY AMPLIFIERS” to create your brand’s mission, vision, and values… and how to position them in your messaging to build a long-term connection with your audience.
💫Discover the key concepts of branding and positioning (and why the vast majority of people get it WRONG).
💫Find out how to create your brand’s “voice” so that you can upgrade it without losing your identity.
💫How to create a powerful personal branding vision for your life and business
💫How to skyrocket your credibility and become more visible at work and in your social circle.
💫How to be fully engaged and manage your energy more skillfully.
💫How to position yourself as an industry EXPERT.
💫How to define what differentiates you from the other individuals around you, your USP, unique selling point.
📣This course is ideal if
✅ you're a professional or a fresh graduate and you want to set yourself apart from your peers in the job market. You want to understand what a personal brand represents and how the personal branding process works for you.
✅you're an entrepreneur getting ready for a new venture and you need help to make sure that your interactions with potential customers generate business. You want to understand what a personal brand represents and how the process works for you.
✅and for anyone who wants to understand his unique strengths and wants to differentiate himself from other individuals as a brand.
📣Bonus : will teach you how to make ads on Facebook and Instagram.
* Who this course is for:
* Professionals
* Entrepreneurs
* Business owners
* Students and young graduates
* Suitable for both selling a product or a service also if you are branding yourself.

Dina Sadek-Life & Business Coach-Energy Expert Business Coach.Meditation Teacher,Life Coach,Reiki Master,Energy & spiritual Healer.Public Speaker


Celebrating my 3rd year on Facebook. Thank you for your continuing support. I could never have made it without you. 🙏🤗🎉


كل سنه و انتم طيبين ، Happy Eid Everyone 🐑❤️❤️😘😘

Photos from Dina Sadek-Life & Business Coach-Energy Expert's post 23/06/2023

❤️Women empowerment course
💫How to change my beliefs through CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy). (exercises & engagement )
💫Understanding feminine energy and masculine energy and main characteristics of a man and women.
💫Shadow work (exercises & engagement )
💫 How can I have self confidence, self love and self worth for my self.
🧘🏼‍♀️ Each session will end with a meditation according to the topic
💫Session duration 1.5 hour online Program is 4 weeks, every Tuesday starting July 11th till 1st of August.
📣 Special discounted price from today till 3rd of July.
Book now through this link
💫For more information, you can also book 20 mints discovery call from the book now button here or send a WhatsApp message to 01025256552.
💫 كيف أغير معتقداتي من خلال العلاج السلوكي المعرفي. (التدريبات والمشاركة)
💫 فهم الطاقة الأنثوية والطاقة الذكورية والخصائص الرئيسية للرجل والمرأة.
عمل الظل (التدريبات والمشاركة)
💫 كيف يمكنني الحصول على الثقة بالنفس وحب الذات وتقديرها لنفسي.
🧘🏼‍♀️ تنتهي كل جلسة بتأمل حسب الموضوع
💫 مدة الدورة 1.5 ساعة على الإنترنت البرنامج 4 أسابيع ، كل يوم ثلاثاء ابتداء من 11 يوليو حتى 1 أغسطس.
📣 أسعار مخفضة خاصة من اليوم حتى 3 يوليو .
احجز الآن من خلال هذا الرابط
لمزيد من المعلومات ، يمكنك أيضًا حجز مكالمة اكتشاف لمدة 20 دقيقة من زر الحجز الآن هنا أو إرسال رسالة WhatsApp إلى 01025256552.


💫يوم الاربعاء21st of June 8:00-9:00 pm بتوقيت مصر ، حيكون في محاضرة مجانية online عن Women Empowerment
💫أنا بقالي كثير بعمل research عن الستات و المشاكل الي بتقبلهم و محتاجين ايه في حياتهم والحلول ‏اللي تقدر تساعدهم‏ وسألت ستات كتير اوي‏ عن المشاكل الي بيمرو بيها بسبب المجتمع‏.
💫وحقول لك شوية أجوبة أنا اخذتها منهم
💫انه قد ايه احنا بنضحي في‏ حاجات كتير‏، ازي المجتمع ‏Judgmental علينا ، ‏إزاي ما بقاش على طولPeople Pleaser بقدر اعمل Healthy Boundaries للي حوليه
‏💫إزاي أقدر أتعامل مع المجتمع من غير ضغط أنا لازم تجوز وأشتغل و اكون أحسن ست في العالم‏ و بينسوا اني بني ادمه عايزه أعرف أعيش حياتي وانبسط بيها
💫تطوير الذات وحب النفس‏ وتقدير الذاتSelf Worth
‏💫إزاي أبقى عندي self confidence ‏و إزاي مبقاش Emotional زيادة بطريقة تتعبني
‏💫إزاي أقدر اكتشف my passion & talents و أقدر أحولها لحاجه مفيدة ف حياتي
‏💫كل ده و اكتر حنتكلم فيه في محاضرة يوم الأربعاء‏
- [x] 💫ابعتي اسمك و ال Email علي الينك ده علشان تحضري معنا المحضره


The highest vibration in the world is to feel loved, to give & receive love ❤️❤️❤️
It is the highest energy frequency on earth 🌍


اكتر جمله بتريحني ❤️🙏🏻



Acupressure is pressing with your fingers or an acupressure pen on certain areas in the body to stimulate body’s self healing abilities & promote blood circulation in your blocked meridian’s.
What can acupressure heal :
🌟Relieves all type of body pain & resets your whole body, reprograms your mind and regulates emotional imbalances & let’s go of stuck emotions. Detoxify’s your body from any toxins.Strengthen’s your immune system.
🌟Relief’s fear,anxiety,insomnia,sore throat, tongue ulcers, epilepsy, irregular heart beats, indigestion,removes toxins from the body.
🌟Calms the mind, chest pain, depression, relieves emotional imbalances, nausea, abdominal pain, menstrual cramps, relieves back pain, high blood pressure.
🌟Relieves fatigue, stomach disorder, strengthens immune system of the whole body.
🌟Improves concentration & memory.Relieves headaches, improves kidneys function, increases willpower, treats chronic phobia’s, insecurities, lack of confidence.
🌟Mental healing, reprogramming your mind, release mental stress & cultivate mental health, relieves stuck emotions, inflamed eyes, dizziness, mental agitation.
🌟Treats allergies, hot flushes, improves skin condition, relieves frontal headaches, constipation, relieves cramps from arthritis, relieves congestion.
🌟Reliefs stiff neck, neck pain, trauma, pain in the arm, relieves anger & sadness.
🌟Relieves tension in cheeks and chin area, red blotchy, acne skin condition.


رمضان كريم 🌙💕


هذا التأمل من أقوى أنواع التأمل المطهر للروح والعقل والجسد.
ستشعر بالطاقه و الحيويه , الرزق و الراحة النفسية والكثير من النعم الأخرى من خلال تأمل اسماء الله الحسنى لموازنة بوابات الطاقة ال ٧ شاكرات
هذا هو أحد أقوى أنواع التأمل لشفاء الجسم من الامراض وتعزيز طاقتك و التخلص من أي طاقة سلبية.
الثلاثاء 28 مارس @ 4:00 مساءً
الثلاثاء 4 أبريل @ 11:00 مساءً
الثلاثاء 11 أبريل @ 4:00 مساءً
الثلاثاء 18 أبريل @ 11:00 مساءً
Online on Zoom, Book Now
Fees :250 EGP per session
Also available on👇🏻
متاح الآن للشراء على موقع الويب الخاص بي
Fees : 465 EGP, full time access

Videos (show all)

‏🎉📣🔥It’s Competition Time 🔥
📣Transformational Signature Program consists of 8 weeks, it’s tailor made by me, starting 3rd of October with the below ...
Watch now, free webinar on transforming your life on all aspects, link below. https://letselevateyourlife.com/transforma...
ازي ابتدئ في تغير حياتي Baby steps ازي اعمل JournalingFor transformational programs,visit my website www.letselevateyour...
How to build your own brand course :Book Now Dates : Monday 24th & Tuesday 25th of July Location: New Cairo, 1st settlem...
💫يوم الاربعاء21st of June 8:00-9:00 pm بتوقيت مصر ، حيكون في محاضرة مجانية عن Women Empowerment💫أنا بقالي كثير بعمل rese...
