Molar academy
Molar academy is a professional academy for dental courses
🔥Basic and advanced oral surger course🔥
👌5 days with work Shops (Hand on patient)
في نهاية الكورس ده هتعرف تشتغل اي حالة تقابلك في عيادتك😉
* هنبدأ معاك من اول case selection مرورا بكل انواع ال Instruments و ال suturing techniques و ازاي تقرأ ال radiograph بما فيها ال CBCT و ال Impacted Third Molar
* كمان هتتعلم how to Design the flaps to maximize access and visualization
*و كمان هتعرف ازاي تقدر تعمل Management لمرضي hypertension و ال Diabetes و ال liver disease
* و كمان في Workshops هتشتغل فيها بنفسك علي ال flaps, suture
* و علشان الشغل علي ال patient هو المهم بالنسبه لكل دكتور ف هنحدد معاد في clinic و هنتقسم مجموعات و كل دكتور هيشتغل حالة بنفسه
و بعد الكورس هنفضل علي تواصل علشان نتابع معاك الي ممكن تقابلك في العيادة بتاعتك و المتابعة هتكون مع الدكتور محمد خشبة بنفسه
الكورس بيوفرلك شهادة معتمدة من ال ADA (American dental Association)
(جمعية طب الاسنان الامريكية)❤️❤️
بالاضافه للشهادة الي هتحصل عليها من Molar academy 😌
Dr. Mohamed khashaba🔥
🛑 Associate Professor of Oral and Maxillofacial surgery, Cairo university, faculty of dentistry
1-Quick review over the important anatomical structures related to oral surgery
2-Common and recent radiographic views: how to read normal anatomy, how to recognize abnormalities, and how to assess the surgical site for safe operation
3-Trouble shooting pain control problems in the dental office: local anaesthetic types, basic techniques and supplementary techniques
4-Preoperative, operative and postoperative management of medically compromised patients in dental office
5-Protocols for in-office management of specific medical emergencies in dentistry
6-Discussion of when to treat, when to refer a patient
7-Design the flap to maximize access, visualization and ensure proper uncomplicated healing
8-Suturing materials and suturing techniques
9- Surgical extractions and removal of remaining roots of single and multi-rooted teeth, teeth Sectioning and bone removal instruments and techniques
10-Impacted third molars; Classification, causes, complications & new management strategies
11-Surgical removal of impacted third molars
12-Management of other impactions than third molars
13-Surgical exposure of impacted teeth for orthodontic treatment
14-Prevention and Management of postoperative surgical complications
15-Nerve Injury and Nerve Repair: Statement of Timing Issues16-Step by step to reach diagnosis of oral pathologic conditions
17-Taking surgical biopsy from oral soft or hard tissue pathologic lesions
18-Surgical removal of oral soft or hard tissue pathologic lesions
19-Medical, dental and surgical treatment of oral infections and the proper use of antibiotics
20-Management of dento-alveolar trauma and familiarity with the management and treatment of Fractures of the jaws and facial skeleton
1-Different Surgical Flaps techniques (on animal tissues)
2-Perform all types of suturing (on animal tissues)
3-Inter maxillary fixation cast & wire
Hands on patients:
Extraction (1 case included in fees)❤️
* Duration: 5 days 🔥
Fees: special discount for early reservations 😉
Payment method :
-Vodafone Cash
-Etisalat Cash
For registration and more details: