Healing Hearts: Abuse Prevention

Healing Hearts: Abuse Prevention

PREVENTION not just INTERVENTION Our audience are victims, survivors, abuser and others affected by such an environment.

We focus on EDUCATING, EMPOWERING, INSPIRING, ENCOURAGING AND SUPPORTING via interactive programs, 4 week workshops, 1-2 day seminars, annual retreats, panel discussions and other fun activities. We need venues to host workshops and investors to support these annual workshops.


Still advocating for self-healing and have NOT forgotten this page. As you move through your days, which quickly turn into years, reflect on how much toxic is in your life. Ask yourself if you're tired of being tired of it; and then take action. Positive actions. Start simple if you need to. Make your bed daily, switch when you do laundry or clean the house; or how about you simply do nothing for one single day!! Point is, switch that toxicity ingredient of 'ACCEPTING it' right on up. Do this monthly, weekly, or daily for one week and give yourself an honest face-to-face-mirror chat/evaluation of how that small shift has affected you. Have a great productive day.

Timeline photos 11/02/2017
Timeline photos 18/01/2017

Thanks Secrets2Success

5 Ways Narcissists Mess With Your Head, and How to Deal With Them 25/06/2016

5 Ways Narcissists Mess With Your Head, and How to Deal With Them Being in a relationship with a narcissist can be abusive and damaging. Familiarize yourself with the tools that narcissists use to bring you down to avoid ha...


Positive Bipolar Bear Spreading positivity for people who suffer from mental health issues or have been victims of any kind of abuse or domestic violence. U R NOT ALONE!

Timeline photos 16/09/2015

It took me a long time to 'WAKE UP" and realize there was a way out from the abusive relationship I was in. If you are in an abusive situation "WAKE UP" and know YOU'RE NOT ALONE and THERE IS HELP OUT THERE! If you're a survivor please inbox me your story or share it with me on our website in our VENT ROOM http://www.jenniferblueproject.com/the-vent-room/ You can share your story or if you just need to vent this a safe place to do so and know everything is confidential unless you give us permission to share your story!!

Know More 10/10/2014

Carolyn Hall

I asked the better question.

Mobile uploads 18/05/2014

Against all odds, both of these women survived gunshot wounds to the brain. One of them at the hands of the Taliban and one of them at the hands of a mentally ill mass-shooter. Malala Yousafzai and Gabrielle Giffords inspire and give me hope.

Via The Blue Street Journal


Shirleyalexis Author of Abandoned Child, Unbonded Heart Abandoned Child, Unbonded Heart by ShirleyAlexis JohnsonBrady, is published as part of The 90/10 Pro
