Dr. Maha Nazmy

Dr. Maha Nazmy

Dr. Maha is a Dermatologist, Venereologist and a Sterility doctor with a Masters Degree from Ain Shams University.

Services that Dr. Maha provides:

1) Treatment of different dermatological cases.

2) Laser Hair removal.

3) Treatment of Acne scars, and old scars.

4) Botox for wrinkles.

5) Fillers for face, hands and neck.

6) Mesotherapy for falling hair and rejuvenation of skin.

7) Skin resurfacing with crystals.

8) Treatment of stretch marks by the latest Carboxy gun.

Photos from Dr. Maha Nazmy's post 22/10/2023

Before and After- 6 sessions hair mesotherapy.

Photos from Dr. Maha Nazmy's post 26/02/2021

Treatment of a case of severe chemical burn on face by fractional laser and medical treatment..for 4 weeks ..علاج حاله حرق كيميائي بالوجه بجلسات فراكشنال ..الصوره قبل وبعد


Before and after tt with sessions of fractional laser 5 sessions ..and medical tt of severe case of acne vulgaris ..علاج حاله حب شباب بجلسات ليزر ٥ جلسات وعلاج دوائي قبل وبعد العلاج



Opening Hours

Monday 00:00 - 14:00
Tuesday 00:00 - 14:00
Wednesday 00:00 - 15:00
Thursday 00:00 - 03:00