The future is already there

New achievements of the world


Towards net zero energy targets
EPSRC has funded a wide range of research into fields including:

whole energy systems
carbon capture and storage
offshore renewable energy
emerging solar technologies
hydrogen and alternative vectors.
Working across the breadth of UKRI, it focuses on:

discovering solutions to problems that we cannot yet solve
developing those technologies and solutions that are not yet ready
deploying at scale technologies and solutions.
Together, these are essential factors that must be addressed in order for the UK to meet its net-zero target to minimise climate change.


3D Drone Mapping and Hyperspectral Imaging
A key premise when wanting to understand the distribution of lithium-enriched geothermal waters is being able to accurately map alteration assemblages and fracture intensity surrounding fluid pathways. This can be done by using conventional mapping and analytical techniques. However, this can be time consuming and requires lengthy laboratory analyses to verify findings. Field areas in Cornwall can be challenging, and by utilising remote sensing technologies this can be done from a safe distance to make digital twins of the outcrop that be analysed from the office. Follow-up field verification can then be planned efficiently and with minimal risk to the field geologist.


Advancing technologies
Jeremy Silver, CEO, Digital Catapult, concluded: “After a year of working to understand the needs of the market and the opportunity of embedded security ‘by design’ in the development of more advanced digital technologies, it’s great to see this project launch into a new phase.

“This national programme will enable innovators to lead on solutions that are developed with digital security at the front of mind from the start.

“There are interesting challenges in getting this approach to security right, and we hope that this program will help address and overcome them.”


Geopolitical Intelligence
Not all threats to SMEs lie in the cyber realm. Events taking place worldwide can also have a serious impact on business operations. These can range from a typhoon in China that disrupts the global supply chain, through to the recent blockage of the Suez Canal, and on to the worrying staff shortages here in the UK that have resulted in empty supermarket shelves and long queues on the forecourts for petrol. Political activism has also increased due to various global issues and concerns such as climate change. In the UK, for example, environmental protesters have been organising successful and well-publicised demonstrations, leading to acute problems for many businesses.

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