Daria Tataj

I help leaders build innovation communities through Network Thinking™: my approach helps work acro


Irena Huml Profesor .akademia.nauk. Ikona polskiej historii sztuki. Autorka pojęcia . Odkryła wielu artystów, w tym . Moja mentorka, promotorka przewodu doktorskiego, przyjaciółka. Zapraszam Cię na film „Piękno zaklęte w przedmiotach” zrobiony o Niej przez Jej Wnuka. Premiera w kinie Iluzjon w Warszawie 7-mego grudnia. https://www.facebook.com/events/4261345533988089/?acontext=%7B%22source%22%3A%2229%22%2C%22ref_notif_type%22%3A%22plan_user_invited%22%2C%22action_history%22%3A%22null%22%7D¬if_id=1638205346303205¬if_t=plan_user_invited&ref=notif.


Start your day with a prayer.


The world in a waiting mode. ❤️


Good morning


My congratulations to , the newly appointed Mayor of Lisbon are on the way! It was a privilege to work for Carlos when he was the EU Commissioner for . Together with my fenomenal colleagues at we laid foundations for evidence-based policies which began to disrupt . See today . I’m sure will thrive under Carlos’s leadership. What do you thunk ?


Mój klucz do zawodowego sukcesu nazywam inteligencją sieci. Oznacza to, że nigdy nie przestaję otaczać się ludźmi, którzy są kreatywni, innowacyjni i przedsiębiorczy oraz cenią we mnie tę trochę idealistyczną „misyjność” czyli wewnętrzny kompas, który podpowiada mi czy moja walka ma sens. Jedyna rada jaką mam dla Ciebie, to unikaj toksycznego szefa/szefowej i „nielotów”, czyli ludzi, których ego jest większe niż ich wyobraźnia. W cyfrowej gospodarce zawsze warto mieć odwagę być samej sobie szefową…. SPOTIFY https://spoti.fi/39p1v5a
Google Podcast https://bit.ly/3lJoJbV
Apple Podcast https://apple.co/3tW4cod
FORBES https://bit.ly/3lOD9rj
PODTAIL https://lnkd.in/epfhHZBe


na : „Zapraszam do posłuchania rozmowy z DARIA TATAJ, PhD w podcaście Forbes Women Polska. Mówi o sprawach trudnych ale ważnych dla rozwoju zawodowego, zwłaszcza kobiet.
✔️obala kilka mitów na temat networkingu
✔️tłumaczy o co naprawdę chodzi w mentoringu
Bardzo polecam ta rozmowę na linii Warszawa- Barcelona!🎧 wszystkie odcinki w otwartym dostępie tu:

SPOTIFY https://spoti.fi/39p1v5a
Google Podcast https://bit.ly/3lJoJbV
Apple Podcast https://apple.co/3tW4cod
FORBES https://bit.ly/3lOD9rj
PODTAIL https://lnkd.in/epfhHZBe


Do not miss next week at or LIVE transmission at . ❤️


My favourite ._


First time I cried listening to .
Thanks ._


My Polish garden is most beautiful in the Fall.


Focus of mind is important. As I’m preparing for the launch of Network IQ Masterclass at tomorrow, I search for inner clarity on my purpose. What is that we are trying to accomplish? What is my purpose? What really matters? Great to know all places are filled up and looking forward to meeting both startup founders, entrepreneurship educators and tech transfer professionals. They come from 10 universities across Europe which are part of consortium funded by . Innovating how entrepreneurs are educated to innovate is key for the . Especially post-COVID, we should consolidate learning and build the capacity of universitirs and education at large to better prepare young people for the world of complexities and tremendous opportunities for a more sustainable, fair and happy future.

Photos from Daria Tataj's post 03/10/2021

made me feel proud to see for the first time a woman orchestra director on the National Opera stage in Warsaw. Bravo .kluczynska 👌👌👌👌👌 I recommended , a beautiful ballet based originally on the classical romantic Byron play with music by Adam, which opens this year season, to all my friends with kids. Watching the performance with my daughter, I enjoyed as much seeing her face expression as the ballet. Be aware though - “Very traditional” - she said 😂😂😂. Sometimes, I like when we leave aside experimentation and innovation and just come back to the basics of decorative, sensual, academic approach to art. Thanks to all friends and my daughters who inspire me to bring more music into my life 😘😘




Moja pierwsza podróż służbowa od czasu wybuchu pandemii to . Na zaproszenie Pana Prezydenta Konrada Fijołka biorę udział w konferencji organizowanej przez Urban Lab Rzeszów czyli laboratorium innowacji społecznych zorganizowane przez Urząd Miasta by włączyć mieszkańców w procesy wdrażania strategii .

Wczoraj przy kolacji dyskutowaliśmy nad strategią zrównoważonego rozwoju oraz rozwojem firm technologicznych w dolinie lotniczej, z których słynie rzeszowski ekosystem.

Na dzisiaj przygotowałam wystąpienie na temat ekosystemów innowacji, inteligencji sieci i polityki Unii Europejskiej dotyczącej cyfryzacji, przemysłu 4.0 i zrównoważonego rozwoju, którą od ponad dekady współtworzę jako doradca Komisji Europejskiej.

Konferencja jest dostępna online. Więcej stronie urzędu.


Beautiful things happen in calm minds


“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” - Margaret Mead

TOP 100 Mujeres Líderes en España Vital Voices

Timeline photos 10/03/2021

“Take criticism seriously, but not personally. If there is truth or merit in the criticism, try to learn from it. Otherwise, let it roll right off you.” - Hillary Clinton

TOP 100 Mujeres Líderes en España Vital Voices


It’s your responsibility as a business leader to show your people your humanity.

The people you are leading have great expectations from you and, at times, it’s almost as if they forget you are human.

This has very likely to do with how you communicate. Communication has the power to make or break a company. Its morale, its loyalty, its talent retention, and much more.

Communicate with empathy on a human-to-human level and they’ll give you more trust and better performance.

Through proper communication, there is enormous potential to inspire people and strengthen bonds and loyalties within the company.

Unfortunately, this is the No.1 skill with which leaders struggle the most, especially in a digital environment.

This is why on Wednesday, March 17th I’ll be hosting a webinar at Tataj Innovation on “Digital Communication” - how to master online and direct communication to develop trust-based relationships.

Register here and join the conversation: https://tatajinnovation.hubspotpagebuilder.com/webinar-registration?utm_source=hootsuite&utm_medium=&utm_term=&utm_content=&utm_campaign=

I’ll see you there!

Timeline photos 08/03/2021

“In the future, there will be no female leaders. There will just be leaders.” - Sheryl Sanberg

Happy Women's Day!

Webinar Registration 05/03/2021

Ultimately, the CEO’s job is to give energy, empowerment, and vision to the organization.

There is one skill that, if mastered, allows you to do it in the best way possible.

It’s communication. Do you agree?

Bring your thoughts on my next webinar on Wednesday, March 17th at 4pm CET // 10am EDT.

You can register here: https://tatajinnovation.hubspotpagebuilder.com/webinar-registration?utm_source=hootsuite&utm_medium=&utm_term=&utm_content=&utm_campaign=

Webinar Registration Diverse teams work better when people have high Network IQ. In the Network IQ webinars, Daria Tataj coaches how to invest in strategic networking to improve results for leaders and teams across organizations. 


If you want to get the most and best out of your small team you need to learn how to share.

Our research at Tataj Innovation shows that, even among very advanced and networked organizations, what’s most often lacking is the habit to share.

Share knowledge, resources, insights and tools to improve everyones’ work and accelerate speed.

The sharing economy revolution has shown us how much value was laying around us unutilized and today these companies are amongst the most valuable in the world.

What impact would a ‘sharing mentality’ have in your organization?

Do you have a process to ensure your team is sharing resources? What does it look like?


“I do not try to dance better than anyone else. I only try to dance better than myself.” - Arianna Huffington

Vital Voices

Timeline photos 03/03/2021

Leadership communication has gained an additional level of complexity due to the pandemic.

Before, it was mainly setting up strategies, as well as culture and people decisions.

Now you also need to help people maintain morale, be resilient and prepared for the uncertainties ahead.

All of this in a digital environment.

Do you feel 100% comfortable communicating digitally? Or do you rather struggle in managing a remote workforce?

In any case, I invite you to join our discussion on the future of Digital Communication Wednesday, March 17th at 4pm CET // 10am EDT.

You can register here: https://tatajinnovation.hubspotpagebuilder.com/webinar-registration?utm_source=hootsuite&utm_medium=&utm_term=&utm_content=&utm_campaign=

See you there!

Timeline photos 26/02/2021

You’re full of ambition but also full of anxiety because you will be entering the job market at a difficult moment. This is dedicated to all MBA students and Executives students.

For many years, I was teaching in different MBA programs for students and Executives so I remember very well what it means to be a student.

When I left academia, I decided to go into several different experiences. The financial industry, the public sector, social innovation, starting a foundation empowering young women leaders to reach out for their dreams.

But when I put all my experience together I believe that what matters is how we connect to other people. Only by connecting with others, we have the opportunity to better understand who we are and where we want to go.

You never know who is the person that will change your path forever, and you are not supposed to. So, my best advice for you going into the job market today is to focus on building relationships.

Never underestimate the power of knowing new people. Explore, experiment, and do not be afraid to ask for help, for guidance and to show your vulnerabilities.

Someone will be there to support you and guide you through your path.

Timeline photos 24/02/2021

The best kind of insurance against disruption in your career, your future, and your life.

A long time ago I thought my life would be a linear path toward one specific career but life had a different path for me, as it has for many. I’ve been a researcher, a businesswoman, and now I’m an entrepreneur.

Change is a fact of life and, with new exponential technologies approaching ever faster, disruption will be a constant for most of us in the future.

So what can we do to ensure that, no matter the external circumstances, we’ll be ready to face what’s coming?

Investing in our network.

It means investing in relationships, your global value chain, a web of connections, people that know your value and trust you.

The network becomes your system, a safety net that will allow you to be resilient and, if possible, leverage disruption to your benefit.

Do you agree?

Timeline photos 23/02/2021

If you want to get things done, progress in your career, fundraise, develop new projects within a company, you need to connect to decision-makers.

You know Lean Startup, Agile, the Business Model Canvas, and many other frameworks that help you apply what you know into a business. But you are missing something.

All these tools are great, but they do not help you reach those who can really open doors for you and transform your project into the next big thing.

To scale your impact, you need to know how to build, maintain and orchestrate your networks. Building your networks does not mean connecting to random people on social media, introducing yourself coldly to pitch your product.

It means having a strategic approach to networking. You need to start influencing the ecosystem around you before you can successfully go and ask for an endorsement, for support, or money.

How to do it?

1. Define your Purpose clearly;
2. Look for people that are aligned to that purpose and develop strong ties with them;
3. Identify the Key Communities that you can start influencing through the power of your shared Purpose.

Would you add anything?


You have a growth strategy for your business, OKRs, KPIs, and internal responsibilities to report on these. But you do not have a Network Strategy, you do not know how to relate this strategy to your broader market ecosystem.

If this is NOT your case, then congratulations. You’re part of a small percentage of business leaders (CEOs, BD Managers and Directors) that will grow a resilient business.

If this is true for you, then it’s a sign that you might be exposed to future shocks. Either external (e.g global pandemics, climate disruption, etc.) or internal.

Translating your growth strategy into a Network Strategy is a way to secure your long-term success developing trust-based relationships with your market ecosystem, improve innovation and become more resilient in the long term.

Timeline photos 20/02/2021

To succeed in life, work or business you better have strong roots.

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