Videos by Quit Smoking Academy in Cuenca. The Quit Smoking Academy offers a turnkey business opportunity for start ups or existing businesses to learn how to become a professional quit smoking coach. A complete business administration is also included based upon years of experience.
AHORA es TÚ momento de dejar de fumar
¿Todavía no te has convencido de que AHORA es el momento de dejar de fumar?
La unica razon para dejar de fumar que funciona
Descubre la única razón verdadera para dejar de fumar para permitir un cambio permanente.
Solo el 10% de tu mente quiere dejar de fumar
Como usar la poderosa mente susconsciente de 90% para ayudarle a dejar de fumar
This 24 minute video explains how the Quit Smoking Academy helps their clients to make the necessary changes within their internal programming of the subconscious mind and permanently take back control of their lives.