Organic Farm Tenerife

Tienda Ecologica

Abrimos de 12:00 a 21:30

THE GREEN FARMERS es una tienda ecológica ubicada en Tenerife, Los Cristianos, donde nos ofrecen la posibilidad de una dieta sana y productos veganos y para celiacos a todos los residentes y visitantes de la isla. Desde cereales como la quínoa, el amaranto o el bulgur; pasando por productos veganos como el tofu, el seitán o el tempeh; galletas, pastas y demás para celiacos; y variedad de hortaliza



Timeline photos 29/09/2016

Quinoa Or Quinoa (quechua kínua or kinuwa), Chenopodium Quinoa, is a pseudocereal belonging to the subfamily chenopodioideae of the amarantáceas. Its cultivation is produced from ancient times in the Andes of what is now known as Bolivia and Peru. It also occurs in Ecuador, Colombia, Chile and Argentina, as well as in the United States.
The Quinoa is rich in protein, contains all the essential amino acids. Gluten Free, suitable for celiac. Source of Omega 3, for the heart, insomnia, stress.. etc. And Rich in magnesium, for problems of bones and athletes.

La quinua o quinoa (del quechua kínua o kinuwa ), Chenopodium quinoa, es un pseudocereal perteneciente a la subfamilia Chenopodioideae de las amarantáceas. Su cultivo se produce desde tiempos antiguos en los Andes de lo que se conoce actualmente como Bolivia y Perú. También se produce en Ecuador, Colombia, Argentina y Chile, así como en Estados Unidos.

La Quinoa es rica en proteínas,contiene todos los aminoácidos esenciales. Sin gluten,apta para celíacos. Fuente de Omega 3,para el corazón,insomnio,estrés..etc. Y rica en magnesio,para problemas de huesos y deportistas.

Timeline photos 28/09/2016

The rice flour is an ideal replacement of wheat flour and which they can consume without danger people celiacas since it does not contain gluten. It maintains the same nutritional properties of the wheat added with the properties of the rice. This flour is used to prepare lots of dishes, especially breads, cookies, masses, tamales, tortillas, pasta, the spring rolls, to thicken sauces, broths, and so on and so forth.
In the green farmers you can find rice flour, rice flour and integral. In addition we also have flour of peas, chickpeas and lentils. Visit us!

La harina de arroz es un sustituto ideal de la harina de trigo y la cual pueden consumir sin peligro las personas celiacas ya que no contiene gluten. Mantiene las mismas propiedades nutricionales del trigo adicionadas con las propiedades del arroz. Esta harina se utiliza para prepara infinidad de platillos, en especial panes, galletas, masas, tamales, tortillas, pasta, los rollitos primavera, para espesar salsas, caldos, etcétera.

En The Green Farmers podéis encontrar harina de arroz, y harina de arroz integral. Además también tenemos harina de guisantes, de garbanzos y de lentejas. ¡Visítanos!

Timeline photos 25/09/2016

The spelt is a variety of wheat that is grown for approximately 7.000 years, both being cultivated in ancient China as in ancient Egypt. In fact, for example in ancient China was common not only their use as food, but it was also used as an ingredient in the manufacture of beer.
Benefits of spelt
The spelt stands out above all for being a variety of wheat crop is ideal for the ecological, resulting mainly in that the majority of products of spelt that we found on the market at the moment come from organic farming / Agriculture.
From a nutritional point of view is a cereal extremely rich in protein (contains 8 Essential Amino Acids), minerals (as phosphorus, iron, and magnesium) and vitamins (especially b vitamins, Vitamin E and beta-carotene).
Is also notable for its high fiber content, what we are dealing with a proper cereal in case of constipation. Thanks to this nutritional benefit also becomes a cereal ideal for slimming diets.
In the green farmers we have bio, spelt spelt flakes, snacks of spelt, spelt flour and much more. Come visit us!

La espelta es una variedad de trigo que se cultiva desde hace unos 7.000 años aproximadamente, siendo cultivada tanto en la antigua China como en el Antiguo Egipto. De hecho, por ejemplo en la antigua China era común no solo su consumo como alimento, sino también era utilizada como ingrediente en la fabricación de cerveza.

Beneficios de la espelta

La espelta destaca sobretodo por ser una variedad de trigo ideal para el cultivo ecológico, lo que se traduce principalmente en que la mayoría de productos de espelta que encontramos actualmente en el mercado proceden de agricultura/cultivo ecológicos.

Desde un punto de vista nutricional es un cereal sumamente rico en proteínas (contiene 8 aminoácidos esenciales), minerales (como el fósforo, hierro y magnesio) y vitaminas (especialmente vitaminas del grupo B, vitamina E y betacarotenos).

También destaca por su alto contenido en fibra, lo que nos encontramos ante un cereal adecuado en caso de estreñimiento. Gracias a este beneficio nutricional también se convierte en un cereal ideal para dietas de adelgazamiento.

En The Green Farmers disponemos de Espelta Bio, Copos de espelta, Snacks de espelta, Harina de espelta y mucho mas. ¡Ven a visitarnos!

Photos from Organic Farm Tenerife's post 24/09/2016

The Locust Bean is the fruit of the tree, of the carob tree ceratonia siliqua l., a native of the Mediterranean which can reach up to ten metres high and other two meters in diameter. The Fruit of the carob tree, which does not start to give up that has at least 8 years, it's a pod of dark brown that can reach up to thirty centimeters long and in its interior keeps the seeds.
Although the carob is a legume, its most common use in the kitchen is in dust (Carob) as a substitute for chocolate in desserts and candy.
For what is good the carob
Algarrobacombate the action of free radicals
Reduces the levels of glucose in the blood
It helps to regulate the intestinal transit fighting constipation
Watch our cardiovascular system
Balances the ph of the blood
Food is an energy
Strengthens our bones and teeth
Avoid the formation of blood clots
Combat the tiredness and weakness
Helps to maintain in good condition the view
For the smooth functioning of the immune system
Locust Beans, take care of our skin, hair and nails
Facilitates cognitive functions, such as learning
Prevents birth defects during pregnancy
Benefits Our intestinal flora
Remains stable heart rate and blood pressure
Improves muscle tone and the neural
Stimulates the secretion of milk
Protects the walls of the blood vessels
Improves the memory
Prevents the formation of stones or kidney stones
Help the functioning of the prostate gland
Delays the aging and the onset of degenerative diseases
The Carob promotes the formation of red blood cells, helping to prevent anemia.
Reduces the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome
It is an excellent food for the stages of growth, pregnancy and breast-feeding, as well as for people who are into sports, or they have high physical and mental demands.
In the green farmers we have carob with which you can make great cakes, muffins... etc.


The Phon is a cereal of the same gender that the millet (DIGITARIA SSP. ). Its cultivation is widespread in Africa being the basis of the diet of many countries of the continent. Is regarded as the best-tasting cereal that exists.
His protein is rich in the amino acid methionine and sulfur cystine and also in other amino acids such as phenylalanine. However, as well as other cereals, are poor in lysine which makes the protein of the phon does not have a high biological value but when combined with vegetables that are rich in lysine and poor in methionine, compliment giving rise to a protein of High Nutritional quality. The phon contains more vitamins and minerals that other cereals such as rice highlighting their contribution of vitamins B1, b2 and minerals like calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, manganese and zinc. The Phon is a cereal very low in fat.
Ways of taking phon
In Grain: it can be used in salads. You can add to stews especially the vegetables or prepare dishes are similar to those who prepare it with rice but his cooking time can be something bigger. Just like the millet blends very well with the quinoa. You can also use his puréed and flour or corn in bakery, bakery, smoothies, juices, paps... to cook the phon gets to boil 2 parts water with salt and when break to boil add 1 part of Phon (previously washed) and the fire goes out and cover for 5 minutes for the phon she's hydrated.
In Flour: in pastry is used to make products without egg binder for his ability.
Benefits of phon
Hair, skin and nails: they are high in sulfur amino acid methionine and cystine does that could be used to improve the state of hair, skin and nails because these amino acids are part of these bodily structures.
Anemia: for their contribution in iron helps to fight it
Cramps and muscle aches: by their content in magnesium and calcium prevents cramps and enhances muscle recovery. Highly recommended for athletes for this and for being a food very energetic and low in fat.
Osteoporosis: the contribution of calcium and phosphorus is important to delay the onset of osteoporosis, particularly in women with menopause.
Hypothyroidism: its high levels of phenylalanine makes it ideal to complement hypopigmentation diets since the phenylalanine is a precursor of thyroid hormones
Constipation: their high fiber content favors the intestinal transit.
Vegetarian and vegan diets: His protein intake of vitamins and minerals makes it ideal for these diets since it has nutritional value higher than other cereals
Diabetes: their high fiber content and low glycemic index (contains carbohydrate absorption of slow) make it a food very good for diabetics as it helps maintain stable levels of glucose in the blood.
Diet of pregnant women or nursing mothers and children: their nutritional supplement very well the needs of women in these stages of life.
Diets Celiac and gluten intolerant: the phon is gluten-FREE
It is important to consume phon from organic to avoid the use of pollutants or genetically modified organisms.


Photos from Organic Farm Tenerife's post 17/09/2016

We already have Jasmine Tea!
The Jasmine comes from the Chinese region of the Himalayas. It is a plant known for centuries for its sweet smell that becomes intense during the night. The scientific name of the plant is jasminum officinale and there are more than 200 different varieties of Jasmine flowers scattered all over the world.
The Jasmine Tea provides many benefits, among which are:
* It's antioxidant
* helps to lose weight
* helps to eliminate the cholesterol
* it relieves the stress and tension
* regulates the production of insulin
* and it is believed that help women to increase your libido and to calm the menstrual cramps
As you can see, take a cup of Jasmine Tea a day, in the long run we can bring great benefits. If you are interested in to check their results, in the green farmers already you can get your Jasmine Tea. See you there!

Photos from Organic Farm Tenerife's post 14/09/2016

We have arrived the delicious protein bars of gofio!


Ahora en nuestra tienda puedes encargar tu Menú semanal con comida natural y vegana. En este vídeo podéis ver todas las comidas y su precio. ¡Te esperamos!

thefarmers,los cristianos,tienda comida ecologica los cristianos - Green Farmers 18/08/2016

Our website is still in maintenance but in it you can go watching many of the products that we have in our store

thefarmers,los cristianos,tienda comida ecologica los cristianos - Green Farmers

Timeline photos 17/08/2016

The Ginger is an aromatic plant that has been the protagonist of numerous scientific studies thanks to its healthy and curative effects.
This tuber is an underground rhizome that has a spicy flavor, the meat is covered in a brown leather. Not only is it a plant sensational as medicine, it is also a very ingredient used in the gastronomy.
Traditionally, the ginger has been and is one of the most popular plants in traditional Chinese medicine; this is due to the fact that it is a natural anti-inflammatory that helps us to combat respiratory diseases, as well as osteoarthritis and digestive problems.
Then we'll tell you some of the benefits of Ginger:
* Natural remedy infallible
* helps to fight the stress
* fight against aging cell
* Anti-inflammatory effects
* help to improve the migraines
* effective against the menstrual cramps
* beneficial against cancer of the ovaries
* relieves gastrointestinal discomfort
* effective against dizziness and nausea
* helps the immune system
The Ginger can be found both in fresh, dry as dust.
The most common form of finding it and consume it is through infusions. To be able to make a preparation of ginger, it is best to use a liter of water for every piece of root. When the water is boiling, then we can incorporate the ginger and we will leave it at around 3 OR 4 minutes to take all the flavor. Later if you wish, you can place a little bit of honey to sweeten, lemon, Orange, or even a little bit of chamomile for another flavor.

El jengibre es una planta aromática que ha sido la protagonista de numerosos estudios científicos gracias a sus efectos saludables y curativos.

Este tubérculo es un rizoma subterráneo que tiene un sabor picante, la carne está cubierta de una piel marrón. No sólo es una planta sensacional como medicina, también es un ingrediente muy utilizado en la gastronomía.

Tradicionalmente, el jengibre ha sido y es una de las plantas más populares en la medicina tradicional china; esto es debido a que se trata de un anti inflamatorio natural que nos ayuda a combatir enfermedades respiratorias, así como artrosis y problemas digestivos.

A continuación os contamos algunos de los beneficios del jengibre:

* Remedio natural infalible

* Ayuda a combatir el estrés

* Lucha contra el envejecimiento celular

* Efectos anti inflamatorios

* Ayuda a mejorar las migrañas

* Eficaz contra los dolores menstruales

* Beneficioso contra el cáncer de ovarios

* Alivia el malestar gastrointestinal

* Eficaz contra mareos y nauseas

* Ayuda al sistema inmunológico

El jengibre puede ser encontrado tanto en fresco, seco como en polvo.

La forma más habitual de encontrarlo y consumirlo es a través de infusiones. Para poder hacer una preparación de jengibre, lo mejor es hacer uso de un litro de agua por cada trozo de raíz. Cuando el agua esté hirviendo, entonces podemos incorporar el jengibre y lo dejaremos alrededor de 3 o 4 minutos para que tome todo el sabor. Posteriormente si lo deseas, puedes colocar un poco de miel para endulzar, limón, naranja o incluso un poco de manzanilla para darle otro sabor.

Timeline photos 17/08/2016

Curcuma longa, de nombre común cúrcuma, es una planta herbácea de la familia de las zingiberáceas nativa del suroeste de la India.

La cúrcuma es una especie con muchas propiedades y entre ellas destacan que:

* Reduce la acidez de estómago

* Evita los gases

* Tiene múltiples beneficios para el hígado

* Es un buen remedio para aliviar la artritis

* Es un antidepresivo natural

* Ayuda a reducir el colesterol por lo que es buena contra las enfermedades cardiovasculares

* Aumenta las defensas

* Se puede usar como remedio natural para problemas respiratorios

* Es antimicrobiana

* Regula los ciclos menstruales

Están son solo algunas de las muchas propiedades que esta estupenda especie nos aporta. En The Green Farmers podréis encontrar tanto cúrcuma en polvo como fresca. ¡Te esperamos!

Timeline photos 17/08/2016

Photos from Organic Farm Tenerife's post 12/08/2016
Photos from Organic Farm Tenerife's post 31/07/2016

¡Tés, especias e inciensos!

Photos from Organic Farm Tenerife's post 18/07/2016

¡Cajas de fruta y verdura ecológica de temporada a domicilio!

Timeline photos 16/07/2016

Curcuma Longa, common name turmeric, is a herbaceous perennial plant of the family of zingiberáceas native to the southwest of India.
Turmeric is a species with many properties and among them are:
* reduces the acidity of stomach
* avoids the gases
* has multiple benefits for the liver
* It's a good remedy to ease the arthritis
* is a natural antidepressant
* helps to reduce cholesterol by what is good against cardiovascular diseases
* enhances the defenses
* can be used as a natural remedy for respiratory problems
* It's antimicrobial
* regulates the menstrual cycles
They are just some of the many properties that this wonderful species brings us. In the green farmers you can find both turmeric powder as fresh. We are waiting for you!

Curcuma longa, de nombre común cúrcuma, es una planta herbácea de la familia de las zingiberáceas nativa del suroeste de la India.

La cúrcuma es una especie con muchas propiedades y entre ellas destacan que:

* Reduce la acidez de estómago

* Evita los gases

* Tiene múltiples beneficios para el hígado

* Es un buen remedio para aliviar la artritis

* Es un antidepresivo natural

* Ayuda a reducir el colesterol por lo que es buena contra las enfermedades cardiovasculares

* Aumenta las defensas

* Se puede usar como remedio natural para problemas respiratorios

* Es antimicrobiana

* Regula los ciclos menstruales

Están son solo algunas de las muchas propiedades que esta estupenda especie nos aporta. En The Green Farmers podréis encontrar tanto cúrcuma en polvo como fresca. ¡Te esperamos!

Timeline photos 14/07/2016

Green Beer!

¡Cerveza ecológica!

Timeline photos 13/07/2016

Variety of species!

¡Variedad de especies!

Photos from Organic Farm Tenerife's post 13/07/2016

Cosmetics, incense, oils, soaps, shampoos and creams bio!

Photos from Organic Farm Tenerife's post 13/07/2016

Chocolates Vegans!

Photos from Organic Farm Tenerife's post 11/07/2016

We have arrived the chocolates vegans and now we also have organic cosmetics, essential oils bio, incense bio and shampoo bio!!

Tienda Green Farmers Tenerife 10/07/2016
Photos from Organic Farm Tenerife's post 08/07/2016

Ya nos han llegado las máquinas para hacer zumos, tofu, deshidratados, germinados...etc. Además tenemos tofu y germinados caseros y en la tienda a partir de ahora nuestros clientes podrán prepararse sus propios zumos en la zona que hemos habilitado para ello. ¡Os esperamos!

Photos from Organic Farm Tenerife's post 06/07/2016

En The Green Farmers ya disponemos de variedad de especies y tés. Entre ellos tenemos:

● Té de cerezas

● Té de canela

● Pimienta de Jamaica en grano

● Ras el hanout

● Pimentón ahumado

● Pimentón picante

● Especias Cajun

● Curry de Madras

● Especias cous-cous

● Garam Masala

● Jengibre molido

● Té adelgazante

● Té de arándanos

● Especias mojo picón

● Té de mil flores

● Mezcla de cinco pimientas

● Pimentón dulce de la vera

● Pimentón agridulce

● Sazonador de Kebab

● Curry rojo

● Mezcla de cinco especias chinas

● Especias africanas

● Especias reunidas molidas

● Sal de ajo

● Té Oolong

● Té blanco de china Pai Mu Tan

● Té de caramelo

● Té de frambuesa

● Té de frutas del bosque

● Té moruno

● Té de naranja

● Té negro

● Té pakistaní

● Té de piña

● Té rojo Yunnan Pu Erh

● Té rojo Rooibos

● Té de vainilla

● Té verde Special Gunpower

● Té verde Sencha

● Té verde Templo del cielo

● Tandori Masala


¡¡Les avisamos de que a partir de la próxima semana cambiaremos nuestro horario y abriremos de 12:00 a 21:30. Gracias por su atención!!

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