Starfleet Command

Starfleet Command

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Starfleet Records. Vulcans and Starfleet.
Hybridization. Romantic relationships.
Thus, Vulcans and Humans (as well as Humans with other species) can have offspring without needing to manipulate their DNA since they are compatible species. One case of offspring between Vulcans and Humans and, their evolutionary cousins, the Romulans and Humans can be seen in the TNG episode "The Drumhead".
Star Trek
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Starfleet Records. Vulcans and Starfleet.
Hybridization. Romantic relationships.
Therefore, Vulcans and Humans (as well as Humans with other species) can have offspring without the need to manipulate their DNA since they are compatible species.
Sources: ENT; TOS; TNG; VOY; etc.
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Starfleet Records. Vulcans and Starfleet.
Hybridization. Romantic relationships.
If, for whatever reason, the female did not wish to go through with the marriage, then the ceremony of koon-ut-kal-if-fee ("marriage or challenge") is invoked. The male would fight for the right to keep his mate against a challenger of his choosing. The female became the property of the male who won the contest, unless he chose to free her. The koon-ut-kal-if-fee is a fight to the death.
Sources: TOS: "Amok Time"; SNW.
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Starfleet Records. Vulcans and Starfleet.
Hybridization. Romantic Relationships.
When Vulcan children came of age, sometimes after being betrothed to childhood mates at age seven, they underwent pon farr, the bond obligating them to go through full matrimonial rituals, cementing their relationship. This ritual did not, however, prevent Vulcans from having romantic relationships with other species.
Sources: TOS: "Amok Time"; ENT: "Breaking the Ice", "Bound"; VOY; etc.
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Star Trek. Live the experience.


Starfleet Records. Vulcans and Starfleet.
Hybridization. Romantic Relationships.
Vulcan heritage in Vulcan-human hybrids is dominant, with copper-based blood, pointed ears, and the full range of Vulcan abilities. Also, humans are compatible for descent with other species such as Klingos.
Source: VOY: "Barge Of The Dead"
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Star Trek. Live the experience.


Starfleet Records. Vulcans and Starfleet.
Hybridization. Romantic Relationships.
Vulcan heritage in Vulcan-human hybrids is dominant, with copper-based blood, pointed ears, and the full range of Vulcan abilities. Also, humans are compatible for descent with other species such as Klingons.
Source: VOY: "Caretaker I-II", "Barge Of The Dead"
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Starfleet Records. Vulcans and Starfleet.
Hybridization. Romantic relationships.
In 2230, it was discovered that this information from the Starfleet Records was incorrect. Spock was in fact born on Vulcan, the son of Sarek and Amanda Grayson.
Sources: ENT: "Terra Prime"; TOS: "Journey to Babel", "The Squire of Gothos"; Star Trek Beyond.
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Starfleet Records. Vulcans and Starfleet.
Hybridization. Romantic relationships.
In 2155, extremists on Terra Prime created a binary clone of T'Pol and Trip Tucker. The child, whom they named Elizabeth, was genetically flawed due to the method of her creation and died.
Source: ENT: "Demons", "Terra Prime".
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Starfleet Records. Vulcans and Starfleet.
Hybridization. Romantic relationships.
Vulcans and humans were unable to reproduce without medical intervention according to the medical knowledge of 2150.
During the episode, Phlox explained how he was able to figure out how to make it possible for many alien species to reproduce, including Vulcans and humans.
Sources: ENT: "E²", "Demons", "Terra Prime".
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Starfleet Records. Vulcans and Starfleet.
Physiology: Brain. Pon farr.
Approximately every seven years, though the timing is not exact because Vulcans could have sexual relations with partners like humans, adult Vulcans had to endure Pon farr, the period of frenzied mating, if it was not consummated before or when away from Vulcan.
Pon farr is the maximum time that Vulcan can go without sexual in*******se.
Pon farr is marked by intense emotions and primal urges (known as plak tow, or "blood fever") that can kill the Vulcan if not satisfied. Physiological symptoms include elevated dopamine levels and fever. For such an orderly and quietly sober society, the madness that accompanies the outbreak of Pon farr was an inevitable evil.
Sources: ENT: "Bounty", "In a Mirror, Darkly"; TOS: "Amok Time"; VOY: "Blood Fever".
Star Trek
Star Trek. Live the experience.


Starfleet Records. Vulcans and Starfleet.
Physiology: Brain. Pon farr.
Approximately every seven years, though the timing is not exact because Vulcans could have sexual relations with partners like humans, adult Vulcans had to endure Pon farr, the period of frenzied mating, if it was not consummated before or when away from Vulcan.
Pon farr is the maximum time that Vulcans can go without sexual in*******se.
Pon farr is marked by intense emotions and primal urges (known as plak tow, or "blood fever") that can kill the Vulcan if not satisfied. Physiological symptoms include elevated dopamine levels and fever. For such an orderly and quietly sober society, the madness that accompanies the outbreak of Pon farr was an inevitable evil.
Sources: ENT: "Bounty", "In a Mirror, Darkly"; TOS: "Amok Time"; VOY: "Blood Fever".


Starfleet Records. Vulcans and Starfleet.
Physiology: Brain.
Although Vulcans do not generally allow themselves to experience strong emotions uncontrolled, they can sense them in others.
Source: ENT: "Fallen Hero."
Vulcans are capable of synaptic pattern shifting, or the transfer of consciousness from one individual to another.
Sources: Star Trek III: The Search for Spock; DS9: "The Passenger."
The psychosuppression system responsible for Vulcan emotion suppression is located in the mesiofrontal cortex.
Source: VOY: "Meld."
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Starfleet Records. Vulcans and Starfleet.
Physiology: Brain.
Another psionic ability of the Vulcan race is telepathic suggestion or compulsion, performed consciously by Spock.
Sources: TOS: "The Dagger of the Mind", "A Taste of Armageddon", "The Glory of Omega".
Source: Star Trek V: The Final Frontier.
Source: VOY: "Repression".
Source: ENT: "In a Mirror, Darkly".
And unconsciously performed by Sarek.
Source: TNG: "Sarek".
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Star Trek. Live the experience.


Starfleet Records. Vulcans and Starfleet.
Physiology: Brain.
The strongest minds are capable of non-contact telepathic projections and scanning, usually at short distances, but sometimes even at interstellar distances.
Sources: TOS: "The Devil in the Dark", "The Omega Glory"; VOY: "Random Thoughts", "Prey"; TOS: "The Immunity Syndrome"; Star Trek: The Motion Picture; DIS: "Lethe".
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Starfleet Records. Vulcans and Starfleet.
Physiology: Brain.
The most famous aspect of the Vulcan brain is inherent telepathic abilities, such as mind-meld. Vulcans are natural tactile telepaths. Although considerable training is required to utilize this ability to its fullest (such as performing the fal-tor-pan), simpler contacts do not require concentration, training, or even conscious awareness of the act.
Source: Star Trek saga and VOY: "Blood Fever."
Vulcans call the focal points of the brain's bioelectric field qui'lari.
Source: DS9: "The Muse"
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Starfleet Records. Vulcans and Starfleet.
Physiology: Brain.
The substance trellium-D acts as a neurotoxin to Vulcans, destroying the neural pathways that controlled their emotions. Treatment must be administered quickly after exposure; otherwise the damage is irreversible.
Source: ENT: "Impulse."
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Starfleet Records. Vulcans and Starfleet.
Physiology: Brain.
This trance could be self-induced and gave the physical appearance of being near death. It is similar, in principle, to Vulcan neuropressure techniques that can be used to relax the mind and body.
Sources: TOS: "By Any Other Name"; VOY: "Riddles"; ENT: "The Xindi", etc.
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Starfleet Records. Vulcans and Starfleet.
Physiology: Brain.
However, Vulcans have certain levels of pain that they cannot suppress, forcing them to endure the experience.
Source: VOY: "Resistance"; etc.
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Star Trek. Live the experience.


Starfleet Records. Vulcans and Starfleet.
Physiology: Brain.
Vulcans learned to gain conscious control of many of these functions, allowing them to regulate their bodies largely through sheer force of will. When injured, a Vulcan could enter a trance-like state, using this ability to focus all of their energy on repairing the injury.
Source: TOS: "A Private Little War."
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Starfleet Records. Vulcans and Starfleet.
Physiology: Brain.
Unlike most humanoid species, traumatic memories are not only psychologically disturbing to Vulcans, but have physical consequences as well. The Vulcan brain, by reordering neural pathways, can literally lobotomize itself.
Source: VOY: "Flashback."
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