Real Life Retreats

A retreat which gives you the tools to have your zen in real life!


The SESATIONAL Summer Challenge is coming . . . .

3 actions, three times a day for five days - can you handle it?

Hot on the heels of THE Spring Cleanse we are going to get into the sensation of summer!

IT'S FREE!!!!!

Who is the challenge for?

Anyone (open to the public as well as my group members and communities I am in) who wants:

3 actions, three times a day for five days - can you handle it?

If you are in give me a 💪💪💪 in the comments below and I will ensure you are invited to the group

It is SOOOOO easy most will not manage it . . .

It will however get you on track with your
Weight management
Clear and glowing skin
Increased vibrant energy

3 actions, three times a day for five days - can you handle it?


What’s wrong with you then Mish? Come, out with it!

OK. I have been told I have severe anaemia and vitamin D deficiency.

Why phrase it that way?
Because I only have it if I give energy to it. I don’t want it so I do not give it energy by saying I have it. I have been told that I have it and my body is communicating that it is not balanced, so I choose to redress the imbalance, not the “diagnosis”.

I was borderline for going in for an immediate blood transfusion and iv treatment.

The only reason the doctor didn’t prescribe it? ALL the other results came back perfectly normal.

Now, the allopathic doctor was a bit at a loss as to how I was so low in those two and not at all in any other tests.

Thankfully networking proved to be my salvation and Vicki Chisholm was able to explain why – total lack of joy.

Thankfully this has transpired over the last two years (my results were normal when I left Spain), so the inner work I need to do is not as great as it could have been.
How does severe anaemia and vitamin D feel for me?
Crushing and unexpected waves of fatigue, cognitive malfunction and a sensation of needing more green foods.
What does it mean in terms of healing? Allopathically a minimum of one year of medication. Holistically a detailed amount of inner child healing and play, really hearing my biggest cheerleader (whom I am blessed to have in my life now) and a few more days of reading before I start taking the known and trusted plant medicines which will help to absorb both.

Ah yes, and THE Spring Cleanse.
How does the cleanse help me?
Ever watch water try and go down a blocked pipe?
All the foods which we consume over the winter period, and indeed the past year if we don’t fast/detox or cleanse along the way, leave a kind of sludge in the intestines.
This makes absorbing nutrients difficult at best.
Enjoying a mono-diet for 21 days will remove most of the sludge – unblocking the pipes. So, the absorption ability of the intestine improves to optimum function and the “water” can run clear.

I intend to recover my energy and health as rapidly as having fun will allow and I intend to stop taking the medication as soon as possible.

Because in Ayurveda the very first principle is food is the first medicine.
If you are interested in the cleanse, in Ayurveda or self-health through food drop me a DM or a comment/emoji below and let’s talk.
Om namah shivaya.

Photo of me today feeling tired but happy and full of joy after a fabulous 121 with Sue Ellar


Are you celebrating your achievements?

Last week as I left Dublin I checked in with someone I had been working with – how are you getting on?

She is 1 month into 2 months of suggestions and tips – at the end of two months she decides what she would like to continue and what she is happy to let go.

She started with what she hadn’t yet done.

And THEN tells me about what she has tried, which is working as her skin is getting better, she is feeling better, the main symptom seems to be decreasing AND it is saving her money.

Why didn’t she lead with that?

Here’s why.

Last week you all saw me just delighted and full of beans.
Saturday I was revved up – cleaned the house, wrestled the laundry down to nothing, event went out for dinner.
Sunday, I crashed and burned, even had a good cry I was so low in energy.

I am unwell. I have an illness which gives me unexpected bouts of fatigue. I could have beaten myself up about it.

An Ayurvedic guide shouldn’t get sick right? No holistic worker should be unwell, right?

Well to my knowledge we are all still human!

The difference between the two situations?
In Ayurveda we are taught to CELEBRATE our achievements!!!
My client, and friend, was raised the same way I was – to only focus on what wasn’t achieved!!
In our society we only really have a sense of progress when we complete our tasks or lists, we are taught this is the way . . .

In Ayurveda we celebrate what we complete . . .
Are you stating the get the picture?
How we celebrate is up to us.

Me, I went right back to bed and read, disappearing into a world of fantasy and magic.
Another day I might go for a long walk, or play with my Lego, or colour something in.

But we do celebrate . . . and when I mentioned this to the beautiful soul I had been helping???
“I didn’t think of that!”

Today’s life tip – celebrate, you’ll notice the delight in life when you do . . .

So . . . ARE you CELEBRATING your achievements???

Photo is me ready to go out on Saturday - trust me, you didn't want to see how I looked yesterday . . . and anyway I forgot to take a photo 😍🥰😂😘

Photos from Real Life Retreats's post 23/02/2024

“Can you chew???”

This question was asked on a follow up call this morning.

Yesterday, as you may have spotted, I was in Dublin at Sarah's Amplify Live event.
We all came away with game plans and after actioning my social media plans this morning, I started on the biggest tip for all the entrepreneurs in the room = SELL.

If you work for yourself you are a sales person, no matter what your particular business!

So, I sent out some messages to three people I knew had been considering joining me on THE Spring Cleanse. Two were definite negatives (one has family coming over from Australia for a month and they will be off sightseeing and the other has recently started studying and has a test coming up when we will be cleansing. Yet the interest is still there and I will run a cleanse at least 3 more times this year so perhaps one of the others.

The third? She was ready to jump on a call today!!! I jumped!!!!!

There is resistance every time we are faced with doing something for ourselves – this is just a part of how our society works. Autonomous thinking is not overly promoted.

This resistance however almost made me laugh. Almost.

“I don’t know anything about Ayurveda Mise, so I don’t think I can do it”.

To which my response was
“Can you chew?”

I wasn’t being cheeky – I was asking honestly.

I was also extremely grateful.

See there is so much information in my head sometimes I forget it’s not in yours. If it was, I would be out of a job!

I was grateful because hadn’t made it clear.

You don’t need to know a THING.

IF you want the BEACH BODY
IF you WANT to FEEL full of ENERGY
IF you WANT your SKIN to GLOW
If you WANT to LOSE the winter SLUGGISHNESS

You don’t need to know Ayurveda – I already do.

I can explain the how of the outcomes above if you want me to, but these are the possibilities you should be prepared for – I mean, do you ask a mechanic how his tools work, or if they can do the job???

Click on the link in the comments below, I will send you the recipes, timetable and spice pack and we are set for the 7th when we start!

Can’t do the 7th?
I personally cleanse for 21 days; you can join me at any point along the way.

So ??? Do you need a call or are you going to join us and enjoy THE Spring Cleanse? Yes, we. My new client signed up and will be joining the others.

Why wouldn’t she . . . she can chew!

***Photo of me looking bewildered courtesy of , the speakers, team and attendees – I had no idea that is what I needed to be doing . . . it bloody worked!

For Sten & his family | Collctiv 12/02/2024

My darling HNC family,
I am going to, unashamedly, ask you to put your hands in your pockets again!
Friday was the most splendidly monumental moment of celebration.
It quickly transformed into miraculous action and energy.
Many posts have already shared what happened.
Many who were present are still in recovery from the shock of what they witnessed.
I myself will not be fully online for another few days, a minor illness leaves me fighting bouts of fatigue daily and the awards took my reserves so I need to recharge.
Yet for Sten André Rigedahl I have energy!
We have no idea how long his recovery will take.
He is in the best place for treatment and is still here thanks to the god like efforts of the doctors and CPR trained individuals in the room, the powerful healers he was surrounded by and the sheer rush of love and prayer from the entire group who were present, not to mention a shed load of crystals and mother nature herself (the venue is in the middle of a park).
Sten is going to need practical help and he is going to need it from now.
Cash is king! Knowing he can just recover without the pressure of racing back to work to cover the cost of living will be an immense relief and the easiest thing for us all to help with.
Just £10 from all of us would give him a huge space to breath and return to fully being Sten again.
Or whatever you can or feel you want to give.
I announced to the whole room I have no shame, when it comes to asking for the welfare of another I would go further and admit to being brazen.
So I respectfully request this one time more, please help Sten?
Thank you, I love you all

For Sten & his family | Collctiv Help Ashima collect for For Sten & his family. Pay using Apple Pay, Google Pay or your card details.


Did you know that an Ayurvedic consultation is a minimum of minutes?

That with me it is 60-90 minutes?

Did you know that we actually ask you QUESTIONS and LISTEN to your answer???

Yesterday I had cause to see the doctor - I wanted to confirm if I was entering the peri menopausal stage of my life (my periods are getting shorter)

My diagnosis was actually anaemia and vitamin D deficiency.

And that’s fine - I am a practitioner, not a goddess (yet), I am still fallible

What is not fine is the way I was spoken to, treated and made to feel

I was spoken to as if I had no intelligence!

I was treated like a child who was being told to finish their dinner!!

I was made to feel like my thoughts, opinions and wishes were unimportant and irrelevant!!!

The way the proposed treatment was dictated to me riled my inner Diva to the point where the doctor very quickly realised he had made an error and apologised for up setting me . . .


In Ayurveda we hear what you feel isn’t quite right
We discuss it with you
We invite you to explore the possible options
We suggest a management plan
We prescribe the plan with your input and interaction

That’s why I was upset - none of that happened

Wouldn’t all medical examinations/consultations be better if they were a little more Ayurvedic and a little less . . . insulting and repelling?

If you would love to know more about the gentle and delightful science of Ayurveda follow the link in the comments below . . . it’s for my FREE group where I share the love and wisdom unabashedly


Incurable diseases? Yes, I had three, apparently. 1 PCOD (polycystic ovarian disease), digestion malfunction, chronic sciatica
. . . Want to know what I did to get rid of them?

I ate.

I ate LOADS!

I ate loads of the right foods for ME?

Ayurveda is a life science based on the individual. YES, it is 5K+ years old (the legend says 10K but it was recorded 5K years ago), but it is still relevant and applicable today.


Food is the first medicine.

But not all foods are the right foods for all people.

I need foods high in natural sugars, long chain carbs, big amounts of it.

This is because my digestive system is metabolic . . . it doesn’t stop burning, working, processing. This is why I am always hungry.

Some people have catabolic systems, they need similar foods to me, smaller portions but more frequently consumed and very moist foods as they tend to dry out quickly - they retain nothing!

Some are anabolic - if they look at food they grow! Their system does nothing but build, nourish and repair constantly.

When we eat correctly for ourselves, health follows directly. It just does!

I nearly argued with the gynaecologist when they told me my ovaries were clear.
I remember the weird sensation of being able to sit still for the first time in 20 years.
I still love the lack of acid and horrific bloating from the malfunction of my digestive system - just happy to chow down these days!

Remember though, it has to be right for you! Not Sheila. Not Jasmine, Not Ricky. Not Junior.

Want to know more?

Have a good nosy through my group and page . . . tons of FREE, FREE, FREE tips, recipes and hacks to get you going with the most gentle and nourishing life science there is

Just click here and enjoy delighting in food and health again!

Ayurveda - don’t fight your nature, make it work for you


3 SPACES LEFT! We start on the 7th of March!! Are you going to be kind to yourself this year???

Early Bird offer closes noon on the 25th of January:

3 x 7 days cleanse @ Early bird £150 -

3 x 5 days cleanse @ Early bird £100 -

3 x 3 days cleanse @ Early bird £ 50 -

THE Spring Cleanse Q&A
Time: Feb 1, 2024 07:00 PM London
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 777 3144 8290
Passcode: 2Kt9t2 See less

THE Spring Cleanse Q&A
Time: Jan 25, 2024 09:00 AM London
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 782 5106 4664
Passcode: F2YmDq


You know I used to be 90 kilos, right?

I didn’t understand why . . . I didn’t eat very much and somehow I was ballooning day by day.

A comment on a post over the weekend reminded me how it happened and how Ayurveda helped me to find the peace I was searching for in weight and health maintenance.

“I am currently fasting 16-8 one meal a day mostly but I don’t have a big appetite so probably not eating enough not sure I could cope with a strict cleanse.”

I didn’t have a big appetite BECAUSE I wasn’t eating enough of the right foods.

I deprived myself to try and keep my weight under control and would then happily tuck into what society told me was healthy

Yet it was all increasing my mass, not decreasing it

Since learning Ayurveda I have helped many take control back over what we call weight
I have helped women lose 5 stone
I have helped women enjoy eating again
I have helped women delight in their unique appetite and subsequent menu plan

THE Spring Cleanse, or indeed any Ayurvedic cleanse, does mean you will need to eat

Depravation gives the body quite a strong signal of self loathing
Forcing yourself to eat food you do not enjoy is not a demonstration of self love
Ayurveda is about when and how, there is NO no!

Today’s live is about those who should not cleanse and why but in general THE Spring Cleanse is about celebration of self and self health

I eat more now than I ever did when I was 90 kilos . . . thanks to the gentle and incremental method of Ayurvedic science I won’t be putting those kilos back on

And my health is my own, truly

Want to know more?

Keep an eye out for the live, join me this Thursday for the free Q&A about the cleanse or, if you are hungry for health, join us for THE Spring Cleanse . . . All links are below (Early Bird discount closes midday Thursday 25th January)

Happy Monday everyone!

3 x 7 days cleanse @ Early bird £150 -
3 x 5 days cleanse @ Early bird £100 -
3 x 3 days cleanse @ Early bird £ 50 -

THE Spring Cleanse Q&A
Time: Jan 25, 2024 09:00 AM London
Join Zoom Meeting


Launching tomorrow . . .

Spring is the PERFECT time to deep cleanse the gut . . .

The microbes change and desire lighter foods, fresh greens and berries to detox the heavier foods from winter out of the body

This year I am leading THE Spring Cleanse

I have been doing this cleanse for 6 years now

The one year I DIDN'T do it . . . I got covid

You see, this is not ANY cleanse . . . This cleanse sets your digestive health up for THE YEAR!

As a practitioner I do it for 21 days

This is not recommended for those who do not live as I do

So I am offering 3/5/7 day packages

There are 9 spaces TOTAL

Included will be spice pack, recipes and ingredients

There is an early bird discount plus zoom meetings so I can answer your questions in full . . . I recommend joining if you are interested as this cleanse requires your dedication and discipline . . . if you want that sublime health result that is!

So keep an eye out for posts and stay cosy


It's not time yet, but it will be soon.

If you are interested in setting up your health FOR THE WHOLE YEAR . . .


Only 9 spaces available for THE Spring Cleanse . . . don't wait to let me know you are interested . . . just leave me a 💪 below and I will make sure you are invited to the zoom so you

Ayurveda - don't fight your nature, make it work for you!


Who am I to run a retreat?

For those of you who don’t know me I am Mise, 47 year old mixed origin Diva and it is from my past that I offer my hand to take you to your happy healthy harmonious ever after

I am the woman whose parents were not present from the age of 8
I am the woman who survived sexual assault
I am the woman who embraced and walked away from alcohol, caffeine and drug addiction
I am the woman who went through a complete nervous breakdown
I am the woman who endured an abusive relationship because I wanted someone to want me
I am the woman who was 90 kilos and growing

I am the woman who knew all along, deep in her heart, that there was more and I am the woman who found it

Now it’s your turn, I want to share it with you
You deserve to have the life you want, you deserve to know what I know

What DO you need to do?

Come and live with me!
Watch what I do
Take away only what you love
Work with me so you successfully implement your permanent life solution

Live in peace with your happy, healthy harmonious ever after

This is not just any retreat
You are living a real life
This is Real Life Retreats

Don’t fight your nature, make it work for you, whatever your experience
I did it, and look at where I started!

A truly transformative 5 night stay at the 5 star Yellowrush Lodge where everything is provided for you (literally - even your toothpaste!)

(First dates are 18th to 23rd February for discounted price of £1963 - includes full board including drinks and snacks, yoga, skin care products, personalised journal, meditation, photo shoot, takeaway, champagne breakfast, hot tub and much more)

Please DM to book!


I love giving testimonials. Coming from a customer service background and as an active consumer I feel they make the difference to understanding the value of the product or service on offer.

Jo Davis brings nothing but value to her Zumba classes. The feel good factor is sublime. Three classes in and the moves are becoming second nature. I find myself smiling and laughing with delight as we progress through the class and find myself somewhat astonished when we reach the end - it’s so much fun it seems to be over in seconds.

You work out as if you had spent all day in the gym, yet the fun is non stop, the music is energising and Jo herself gifts transformation with ease.

Just try it! Because, really, can you have too much fun in your life? Fun that helps your health and makes you feel fabulous?

Zumba with Jo - She’s the BEST!

ZumbaJo We take the "work" out of workout, by mixing low-intensity and high-intensity moves for an interval-


We don’t “weigh” anything in Ayurveda, not food and not you!

Instead we work with how you feel in your body and what the changing of the seasons is likely to bring for you

At Real Life Retreats you get experience what living Ayurvedically looks like for you, how it makes you FEEL in your body, and you get to take away the seasonal tips/hacks to implement permanent life solutions

No need to book retreat after retreat
No need to get back on a wagon you didn’t fall off
No need to return to the beginning and start again WITH ANYTHING

That’s because Real Life Retreats focuses on HARMONY instead of BALANCE

When you try to BALANCE your life you set yourself up to fail
There will always be times when one aspect needs to take priority over another and there can be no time constraint about it

When you HARMONISE your life you can relish the ebb and flow of it all, maintain your health AND never worry about your weight again

That’s because your weight will self regulate

I know because it’s what I have lived with for the last 6 years of living Ayurvedically

A truly transformative 5 night stay at the 5 star Yellowrush Lodge where everything is provided for you (literally - even your toothpaste!)

All you need to do is arrive?

Ready to bin the scales? DM me to reserve your space - only 3 available

Here’s to Real Life Retreats and goodbye to “weight”

(First dates are 18th to 23rd February for discounted price of £1963 - includes full board including drinks and snacks, yoga, skin care products, personalised journal, meditation, photo shoot, takeaway, champagne breakfast, hot tub and much more)



2024 has started and you are inundated with offers and insistent messages that you need to

And so on and so forth

In the back of your mind you feel like these are good ideas
There is another way . . .

Real Life Retreats

A try before you buy immersive Ayurvedic experience
All you need to do is . . . come and live with me
In a 5 star lodge with a hot tub, in stunning countryside (York)
All your skin care, nutrition, mindset, lifestyle and environmental requirements will be provided for
Even your takeaway options (yes, we are going to to that too - this is a REAL LIFE RETREAT)

Including massage, yoga, meditation, environmental and seasonal hacks in addition to the above, PLUS a personalised journal to record your key takeaways - this is ALL about YOU after all!

6 weeks post retreat support FREE (worth £300) working with me on your action plan to relish your permanent life solutions!
Have a look at the lodge, decide if you are worth investing in, imagine what your harmonised life would feel like
. . and then DM me to book

For £1963 your harmonious healthy happy ever after is just a message away


NB - 5% discount for HNC members
Full price after the BETA date will be £2468


Have difficulty with HIBERNATING???
Feel like activity is productivity?
We have been conditioned to feel this way!
Feeling the pressure yet?

They are all out there . . . telling you that the time is now!

A fresh start! A new year, a new you!! Beginning 2024 with a BANG!!!

I have to tell you there are at least 2 more months before that will be the case
Please don’t feel bad about it - do something about it . . . GENTLY, GRADUALLY, GLADLY
We have all been told that we need to feel the burn, no pain no gain, that we have to WORK for our achievements

But this is not the time for that

So what can YOU do?
Follow my posts for 21 days from the 1st of January, where I will share tiny snippets of wisdom to help - things you can do EASILY which foster the spirit of hibernation AND will feel like an activity so your conditioned brain cells feel satisfied

Or find a method that suits you . . . but please, my friend, I utterly and most sincerely encourage you for your own sake

Which isn’t now

Give yourself a break - learn to feel good when you HIBERNATE
With love, from my inner bear to yours

Lodge | Yellow Rush Lodges 13/12/2023

It is time . . .

If I wait until everything is perfect I will never get going . . .

So I will trust to MASSIVE IMPERFECT ACTION and that the women out there who are looking for this will find me

Real Life Retreats

I came up with the concept after attending retreats and seeing the lack of support and care after the event

Retreats are very much a bums on seats exercise for many (not all) who run them

I had also begun my path with Ayurveda and spotted a lack of breaking it down - so many of my colleagues love the antiquity of it all, but fail to see that it needs to be translated into todays world, which is very different to 10, 000 years ago

Since then I have bit by bit designed a retreat where I can combine both

I will roll details and information out about what you could expect on a retreat like this over the coming weeks as I intend to beta test the first one in February 2024

For now though I thank you for reading about this idea and if you feel an interest is sparked then please leave a comment below or invite other women you know who will feel aligned with the concept.

So it is time . . . I am ready to help you make that retreat life your forever treasure


PS - the Link? That is where 2-3 ladies will share the wisdom with me, in the stunning Yellow Rush Lodge!

Lodge | Yellow Rush Lodges Lodge - See what our lodge has to offer and how it can be the perfect fit for yourholiday adventure.


Full services available now in Mallorca - message for options and discounts

NEW - watch this space for UK retreats!!! Running from February onwards 🙏🏼🌈💜

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