REHAmable, S.L.

REHAmable, S.L.

DÄZ REHA ist die unabhängige und doch maximal integrierte physiotherapeutische Reha-Abteilung des Deutschen Ärzte Zentrums.

Willkommen bei REHAmable, S.L.,
Ihrem Zentrum für Physio- und Sporttherapie in Playa de las Américas. Sie finden unsere Praxis im Deutschen Ärzte Zentrum in Playa de Las Americas. Wir behandeln und begleiten Menschen mit
und inneren Erkrankungen
im Rahmen unserer medizinischen Rehabilitation. Menschen, die sich vor Störungen des Bewegun


Janosch hat ein Herz für DÄZ REHA


Männer aufgepasst: Alles, was Sie über die Prostata wissen möchten und wie Sie Erkrankungen vorbeugen können, erfahren Sie beim 13. Kölner Patiententag am 3. November!


Me encanta!

Kurzfristig haben wir uns entschlossen, eine Weltkarriere mit verbundener Tournee zu starten. Diese beginnt am 13.4.2023 in Puerto de la Cruz auf Teneriffa. Tickets gibt es unter Weitere Termine folgen zeitnah in den nächsten Jahren.
Nun aber erstmal 13. und 14.4.2023 ab 20 Uhr auf Teneriffa. Olé!


Good news!






Dear clients!
After 15 years of your confidence in our work, after 15 years of being in contact with nice and very interesting people all over the world, after 15 years productive and supporting collaboration with the administration of the Parque Santiago 3, we are very sad to inform you, that the Physiotherapie has to leave the beautyfull location in PARQUE SANTIAGO 3. Further on You will find us in our rooms in the GERMAN MEDICAL CENTER , also situated in Playa de las Americas. Just call us +34 676 727 192 for appointments.


Silke + Christof Walter


Suche dringend Literatur oder Videos zum Thema" Methodische Reihe: Senioren lernen Schwimmen"".
Hat da jemand was für mich?


Janosch ist auch in der Transkei angekommen. Denke, das wird ihn freuen.

The joy of reading

I've been reading with my son since he's a few months old. He loves it. There were times were he was not keen to read for a few weeks or months, but he always comes back after a while to indulge in books. In times when he doesn't want to read the books I just ask him, but never push or force him.

In Germany apparently most of the kids can read and write when they come to school. I guess largely due to their parents pushing the words into their kids after they're tired coming home from work.

When I read with my son I occasionally ask him to read one or two words, just to stimulate him a bit. He usually wants me to stop pushing him and just to keep on reading the story.

This morning on the way to school he took his favourite German book in the car and suddenly started reading while I was driving. What a joy!

He is learning the phonetics in his Montessori school and just puts them in a row. Without me pushing him! I played table soccer with him yesterday late. Enjoying time with him after a busy day at work.

I guess we should be enjoying more time with our kids! Playing and laughing. The school should supply them with the tools to learn to develop themselves. No need for parents to force themselves to get as much knowledge as possible in their kids and beeing stressed if other kids are being more advanced in the same age group.

I hope that I understand this Montessori concept a bit without reading a lot about it. I do trust in it and I do trust in Nomonde to deliver it!!


Tolles Projekt!

We had some heavy winds with rain in the past days. Not a real drama, but enough to feels a bit uncomfortable for us weather-spoiled people living in the former Transkei.

Worrying is, that the school attendance is very poor during or after rainy days! All our kids were recruited from the proximity of the school. To my knowledge not a single kid has to cross a river. All kids walk only a few minutes or will be fetched by a car close to their home.

I remember tougher times from me going to school in Germany. The weather is aweful almost the whole year. Rain or snow, or even worst the mix of both creating a snow mud along the way to school. We had to walk about 20 minutes. That is not very far, but long enough to be frozen, wet and not feeling your fingers and toes anymore.

In many poor countries, especially in Africa, pupils have to walk for hours in the mornings and afternoons to reach their school !!!

So where does this rain lethargy arises from ?

Often the electricity is gone in heavy rain and wind. So boiling water to wash in the morning becomes a bit of a mission. And it requires a bit of planing to provide your kids with dry and fresh clothing in the morning, but it is not a Mission Impossible !

Please parents, this is your part you have to play in the education of your kids !

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Avda. V Centenario
Playa De Las Americas

Horario de Apertura

Lunes 09:00 - 18:00
Martes 09:00 - 18:00
Miércoles 09:00 - 18:00
Jueves 09:00 - 18:00
Viernes 09:00 - 18:00

Otros clínicas en Playa de Las Americas (mostrar todas)
GAESCentrosAuditivos GAESCentrosAuditivos
Avenida Suecia 11
Playa De Las Américas, 38650

Dr. Chaoky Especialista en Pediatría - Colegiado 383802484 Dr. Chaoky Especialista en Pediatría - Colegiado 383802484
Avenida RAFAEL PUIG LLUVINA, 17. Bungallow 18D
Playa De Las Américas, 38650

Pediatra colegiado en el sur de tenerife