Balanced by Eva

Balanced by Eva

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🌺 Yoga teacher, health coach, mom of 2 on a mission to empower fellow mothers 💕 Prioritize yourself guilt-free and enjoy nourishing meals without kitchen overwhelm 💚 Sharing honest and unfiltered experiences to inspire and motivate moms everywhere!

Photos from Balanced by Eva's post 02/09/2024

🌿 Dear August... You've been a Rollercoaster! 🌿

You've been nothing like we hoped and dreamed of since early spring. We planned to move into our new home in late June, giving us the entire summer to transform it into our dream haven. But the Universe had other plans for us. Signing the papers didn't happen until mid-August, and it was a wild ride until the very last minute—and even after, as the house was handed over in such a disgraceful state.

Now, as renovations move forward slowly but surely, we can start to see the light at the end of the tunnel. The first weekend of September, we're moving in—even if it means sleeping amongst all the boxes on the floor (which will most likely be the case), but I don’t care. After more than two months as guests at our in-laws, we just want to be in our own home. Finally, we'll have our own space, live on our own terms, and most importantly, start building that new, slower, calmer lifestyle, connected to each other and to nature.

August has brought us a whirlwind of emotions—despair, hopelessness, anxiety, hope, and excitement, all blended together. We’ve been looking forward to moving into this new house and starting a new lifestyle for so long, but these disappointments and frustrations have dampened our excitement.

This journey has been anything but smooth, but it's also reminded us of what truly matters. A slower, calmer lifestyle which is finally on the horizon. 🌱💕

So here's to new beginnings, even when they don’t arrive exactly as planned. 🕊️


Have you ever noticed how kind, compassionate, and supportive you are towards your kids and loved ones? Do you extend that same kindness to yourself? Are you as loving and understanding towards yourself as you are towards others?

For a long time, I wasn’t conscious of the thoughts I had about myself. With thousands of thoughts running through our minds daily, you might realize, as I did, that you are often unkind, unapologetic, and even mean to yourself. Thoughts like, “Why can’t I be as good as X, Y, or Z?”, “I’m such a bad mom for reacting that way,” or “Why didn’t I complete my to-do list? My time management is awful,” may sound familiar.

Motherhood is not easy. It’s a bloody difficult job that demands all of you and more. The pressure of excelling as a mother, managing a career, taking care of ourselves, and supporting our families creates unimaginable stress. Often, this pressure translates into unkind, unsupportive thoughts, and we beat ourselves up over every mistake. Does that sound familiar?

I've been there, and it caused tremendous sadness and tension. Becoming mindful of our thoughts is the first step to change. Pay attention to your thoughts and notice when you start beating yourself up.

Next, stop yourself when negative, unkind thoughts arise. Replace them with something positive, or congratulate yourself for something you did well that day. Positive affirmations can be very helpful.

Here are some of my favorite affirmations:
🌟 "I am doing my best, and that’s enough."
🌟 "I am a good mom, even on tough days."
🌟 "I deserve self-care and kindness."

Write these on a post-it note and leave it on the fridge door, at the back of your notebook, or your phone case. Choose a place where you can easily find them when you need a little love.

Which affirmation is your favorite?
Share with a fellow mama who needs to hear this today!


Feeling overwhelmed by all the parenting advice out there? Here's your reminder that you’re doing an amazing job, even on tough days. 🤗

There's no shortage of advice on how to be a better mother, which can create extra and unnecessary stress and pressure on us. Today, I'm here to cheer you on for all the hard and awesome work you're doing! 💖

Even if you didn't handle a situation the way you wanted, even if the house is a mess, or you raised your voice—it's okay. We all have difficult days, and sometimes situations don’t turn out the way we wish they had.

Motherhood, like anything else in life, is a learning process. Be gentle with yourself and let go of perfectionism. It's not easy, especially with the picture-perfect, half-true images we see day in and day out on social media or TV. True-life parenting has many more shades than the ones we see in movies or social media accounts. If we're not conscious about it, we can start setting unrealistic expectations for ourselves.

Stay real! Stay true to yourself and trust your own instincts.

Remember, you are a great mother, even on the days when you feel like you're doing a crappy job. 🌟

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Photos from Balanced by Eva's post 22/08/2024

🌸 Mama, I see you... 🌸

You're exhausted, constantly questioning yourself, doubting whether you're a good mother. You push harder, thinking that if you just do more, you'll finally be the mom you want to be. But somewhere along the way, you've forgotten about YOU. 💔

This never-ending cycle of giving, without replenishing, is leaving you depleted, stressed, and overwhelmed. And the more you push, the more distant that calm, patient, present mother you long to be feels. 😔

I completely understand because I've been there. I know that feeling of pouring from an empty cup, hoping that if you just push through, things will get better. But here’s the truth: the key to becoming the mom you want to be starts with YOU. You need to nurture your own emotional, mental, and physical well-being first. 🌱

✨ That's why I created something just for you: 7-Easy-Steps Self-Care Guide for Busy Moms ✨

This free eBook is designed to help you start the journey towards nurturing yourself. Implementing these simple self-care practices can help you recharge and reconnect with your inner strength, allowing you to show up as the best version of yourself for your family.

💖 **Why Self-Care Matters:**
- Boosts your mood and overall well-being
- Reduces stress and reactivity
- Helps you become a more patient and present mother

My deepest hope is that this eBook will guide you, inspire you, and remind you that taking care of yourself is not a luxury—it's a necessity. You deserve to feel supported, loved, and at peace.

👉 **Download your free copy today and start your self-care journey.

Let’s embrace self-care together and become the mothers we aspire to be. 🌸


✨ Being the same loving mum makes you special in ways that only your little ones can truly see. ✨

It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking we’re not enough as mothers. We compare ourselves to others who seem to have it all together, questioning if we’re doing enough or being enough. But the truth is, every mother’s journey is different, and every one of us has our own struggles.

As long as you treat your little ones with love, compassion, and empathy, you are doing a fantastic job. 💛 It doesn’t matter if your home is a bit messy, if your to-do list is unfinished, or if today didn’t go the way you planed. Mine hardly ever go like that. And it´s okay.

To the world, you might seem like just another mother. But to your child, you are their whole world. 🌍 And that’s a powerful realization. So today, give yourself the same kindness you so generously give to your kids. You are doing more than enough, and your love is what makes all the difference.

Take a moment today to remind yourself: you are enough. Drop a ❤️ if this message speaks to you.


Motherhood is a beautiful yet fleeting journey. As I reflect on my breastfeeding experience, I am filled with a mix of emotions. These days, I feel particularly nostalgic as I notice how much our youngest daughter has grown this summer. Her face is changing, and she's becoming a little lady before my very eyes.

Breastfeeding has taught me the importance of embracing the present moment with our little ones, even the challenging ones. Time flies by so fast, and if we’re not present—if we're constantly thinking about the next steps or just wanting the hard times to be over—we miss out on the beauty of these fleeting moments.

In my latest blog post, I share the raw and real journey of breastfeeding:

- The sleepless nights and endless days 💫

- The bouts of mastitis and feeling like a milking cow 💪

- The deep, nurturing connection that made it all worth it ❤️

✨ **Sneak Peek:**

"Breastfeeding isn’t always the serene experience often portrayed. My wardrobe was milk-stained for months during those first 6-8 months. Yet, it was a magical time for bonding that’s truly unique and empowering."

Breastfeeding marks the end of an era—a bittersweet reminder of how quickly time passes. Hold on to those precious moments of closeness and nurturing. Cherish every moment, mamas. 💖

Read the full story on my blog 👇 and reflect on the beauty of being present with our little ones, even during the challenging times. 🌟


After six intense months of ups and downs, we finally signed the contract on our dream home yesterday. 🏡✨

We discovered this house back in January, and it was love at first sight. The moment we stepped inside, we knew it was meant to be ours. Since then, we've been dreaming, planning, and waiting for this day.

However, the journey has been anything but smooth. The mortgage process with our bank was a nightmare. We were supposed to finalize everything two months ago, but problem after problem delayed the process. On top of that, we sold our old apartment on time, so we've been without a home since mid-June. 😓

Gratitude goes out to my in-laws for taking us in during this challenging time. While we’re beyond thankful, it’s been tough for everyone involved. There were moments of stress, helplessness, and even tears. But now, we can finally say: the house is ours. 🏡💕

In just about two weeks, after a few small refurbishments, we’ll be moving in. This marks a new chapter in our lives—a total lifestyle change as we leave the bustling city for a quiet neighborhood in a small town. We have longed for a slower pace, a life with less stress, and a deeper connection to nature for few years now. 🌱

Here’s to new beginnings and the peaceful, connected life we've been yearning for. 💚

Photos from Balanced by Eva's post 13/08/2024

If motherhood feels like a never-ending cycle of stress and fatigue 😩, it’s time for a change. Here’s how to start. 🌟

In the chaos of modern motherhood, many of us feel overloaded, overstimulated, and under immense pressure—from the world around us and from our own expectations. We're constantly battling guilt, questioning if we're good enough, and often putting ourselves last on the priority list. This cycle leaves us mentally, emotionally, and physically exhausted 🥱, with our nervous systems on overdrive. If left unaddressed, this chronic stress can lead to burnout, affecting our relationships, especially with our little ones 💔.

When we're drained, our patience wears thin, and we may snap or respond in ways that don't align with the loving mothers we strive to be. This vicious cycle can only be broken by changing how we treat ourselves. 💕

This 7-Step Self-Care Guide is designed to help you take those crucial first steps toward nurturing yourself from the inside out. Inside, you’ll find guided meditation 🧘‍♀️, a calming yoga class 🧘‍♂️, breathing exercises 🌬️, and other simple yet highly effective holistic tips that will help you rejuvenate your mind and body. With my guidance, you'll start to feel more energized, at peace, and connected with your children 🥰. Small, consistent changes can lead to profound transformations in your life and relationships. Let's start this journey together. 🌱

Ready to break the cycle of exhaustion? Download the guide today and start your journey to a more balanced, peaceful motherhood. 🌷

I have just created a MoM Community on my website where I will be sharing exclusive content with you. You can find the guide within the Members area. 🖥️

Click on the link below for your free copy! 🔗


Wondering how to keep the spark alive after kids? Discover why carving out couple time is key.

Parenthood can be all-consuming, leaving little time for anything else—especially your relationship. I’ve been there, feeling the strain as my focus shifted entirely to the kids. But here’s the thing: making time for your partner isn’t just a nice idea—it’s essential for a strong, happy family.

💖 In my latest blog post, I share:
🌟 The challenges of balancing couple time with parenting
🔋 Why quality time is crucial for your relationship and emotional well-being
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Practical steps to prioritize time together amidst the chaos

Rekindling the spark and making time for each other isn’t just about scheduling date nights. It's about nurturing the bond that first brought you together and creating a strong foundation for your family.

✨Remember this:
"Taking care of your relationship is taking care of your family. Plan just one hour this week for you and your partner—sometimes, that's all it takes to rekindle the connection."

Discover more about by reading the full story on the blog and learn how to keep your relationship thriving through the chaos of parenting. 💞✨

Read the full story here:


Wondering how to keep the spark alive after kids? Discover why carving out couple time is key.

Parenthood can be all-consuming, leaving little time for anything else—especially your relationship. I’ve been there, feeling the strain as my focus shifted entirely to the kids. But here’s the thing: making time for your partner isn’t just a nice idea—it’s essential for a strong, happy family.

💖 In my latest blog post, I share:
🌟 The challenges of balancing couple time with parenting
🔋 Why quality time is crucial for your relationship and emotional well-being
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Practical steps to prioritize time together amidst the chaos

Rekindling the spark and making time for each other isn’t just about scheduling date nights. It's about nurturing the bond that first brought you together and creating a strong foundation for your family.

✨Remember this:
"Taking care of your relationship is taking care of your family. Plan just one hour this week for you and your partner—sometimes, that's all it takes to rekindle the connection."

Discover more about by reading the full story on the blog and learn how to keep your relationship thriving through the chaos of parenting. 💞✨

Read the full story here:


"Wondering how to keep the spark alive after kids? Discover why carving out couple time is key."

Parenthood can be all-consuming, leaving little time for anything else—especially your relationship. I’ve been there, feeling the strain as my focus shifted entirely to the kids. But here’s the thing: making time for your partner isn’t just a nice idea—it’s essential for a strong, happy family.

💖 In my latest blog post, I share:

🌟 The challenges of balancing couple time with parenting
🔋 Why quality time is crucial for your relationship and emotional well-being
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Practical steps to prioritize time together amidst the chaos

Rekindling the spark and making time for each other isn’t just about scheduling date nights. It's about nurturing the bond that first brought you together and creating a strong foundation for your family.

✨Remember this:

"Taking care of your relationship is taking care of your family. Plan just one hour this week for you and your partner—sometimes, that's all it takes to rekindle the connection."

Discover more about by reading the full story on the blog and learn how to keep your relationship thriving through the chaos of parenting. 💞✨

Comment “PARTNER” and I send you the link to the blog post.
Or click the link below:


Motherhood is a beautiful journey, but it can also be incredibly overwhelming. The constant demands can leave you feeling overstimulated and stressed. This is why it's important for mothers to regulate their nervous systems.

Nervous System Regulation involves practices that help calm your body's stress response and bring you back to balance. When unregulated, we may experience:

😟 Persistent anxiety or worry
😠 Feeling constantly on edge or irritable
😴 Trouble sleeping or constant fatigue
🤕 Physical symptoms like headaches, muscle tension, or stomach issues
🤯 Difficulty focusing or feeling overwhelmed by simple tasks

The Impact on Motherhood: When overstimulated, it affects our ability to be present and patient with our children. We may snap more easily, struggle to enjoy moments, or feel guilty for not being the mother we want to be. Regulating your nervous system can transform these experiences, helping you feel more grounded and connected.

5 Easy Tips for Nervous System Regulation:

🌬️ Balanced Breathing: Deep breaths in for four, hold for four, exhale for four. Repeat for a few minutes to calm your mind.
🧘 10-15 Minutes of Yoga or Stretching: Gentle movement releases tension and promotes relaxation.
🌳 Spend Time in Nature: A walk in the park or by the beach can reset your stress levels.
📵 Digital Detox: Regular breaks from screens reduce sensory overload and help you reconnect with yourself and your family.
🙏 Practice Gratitude: Reflect daily on what you’re grateful for to foster a positive mindset.

Remember, taking time for yourself is not selfish; it's necessary. By nurturing your well-being, you're better equipped to nurture your family. 🌸💖 Follow me for more tips and support on your journey. Together, let's unlock the magic of motherhood. ✨

Photos from Balanced by Eva's post 08/08/2024

As I wrap up this beautiful yet challenging chapter of breastfeeding, I'm filled with mixed emotions. 🍼✨ It's truly the end of an era, and it's got me reflecting on every moment, even the hard ones, because they fly by so quickly.

"Breastfeeding is not just about milk, it's about love, connection, and nurturing a bond that lasts a lifetime."

It wasn't always the picturesque experience we often see. There were endless days after sleepless nights, with sick little ones clinging to me for comfort. Mastitis visited more times than I care to remember, leaving me feeling like a milking cow. I spent countless nights drenched in breastmilk, changing beddings, and enduring sore, hot, and bothered days. My wardrobe? Milk-stained for months during those first 6-8 months.

Yet, amidst the challenges, breastfeeding was a magical time. A time for bonding and connection that’s truly unique and empowering. The fact that we can nourish our babies with something our bodies create is nothing short of mind-blowing. 🤱💖

The end of breastfeeding marks the end of an era—a bittersweet reminder of how quickly time passes. Even in the midst of the difficult days, it's important to hold on to those precious moments of closeness and nurturing.

✨ Remember:
😴 The sleepless nights will eventually turn into peaceful rests.
🍼 The endless nursing sessions will become cherished memories of bonding and comfort.
💞 The challenges will fade, but the love and connection will remain.

To all the mamas out there on this journey, hold on to every moment. It might not always be easy, but it's a precious time you’ll look back on with gratitude. Remember, motherhood is a series of fleeting moments, each one worth cherishing. 🌸

What are some of your most cherished memories from your breastfeeding journey? Share your stories below! 👇


Years ago, I dreamed of having a Gilmore Girls relationship with my daughters. Here's what I've learned about making that dream a reality.

Motherhood is a journey, not a destination. It's the power of "yet"—just give your best, and you will succeed. 💖

For me, motherhood has been the biggest and most powerful self-development journey. I have a deep desire to become the parent I envision—patient, present, loving, and caring, with a deep, honest, and empowering relationship with my children.

The honest and open relationship between Lorelai and Rory in Gilmore Girls was my original inspiration. I always wanted that kind of relationship with my daughters. But what I learned on my motherhood journey is that it doesn’t just happen to us. We have to work for it—a lot.

This journey starts with presence and conscious choices about how we treat and raise our kids from the very beginning. It means:
- 📚 Reading books and sharing playtime together
- 🌟 Creating meaningful experiences
- 🌱 Leading by example instead of relying on the "digital babysitter" (TV, phone, tablet)

Most importantly, I've embraced the fact that I wasn't born with all the knowledge I need to be the parent I want to be. Instead of beating myself up for mistakes or missing skills, I've learned to embrace the power of "yet." I don’t know it YET, and that's okay.

Motherhood is an evolving journey. We learn and grow with our little ones. Each step we take helps us get closer to becoming the parents we aspire to be.

What lessons have you learned on your motherhood journey? Share your insights below! 👇

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Here are some realistic ways for you to reconnect with your social life and rediscover yourself beyond motherhood. These steps changed my life, and I hope they do the same for you.

Motherhood is a beautiful, transformative experience, but it can also be incredibly isolating. After becoming a mother, I felt my social life fade away, leaving me in a bubble with my daughter where the outside world seemed to cease to exist. Returning to work helped restore my social life naturally, but my second pregnancy, coupled with the pandemic, turned everything upside down. I disconnected from the outside world and stopped connecting with anyone apart from my closest family. This, combined with neglecting my own needs, led to burnout.

Healing from this burnout made me realize how much I missed being someone more than "just a mama." Here are the steps I took to rediscover myself:

👯‍♂️Connecting with My Best Friends Again: Distance didn’t matter; I reached out to friends living in other countries.

👭 Organizing Monthly Meetups with Local Friends: These meetups became a cherished tradition, providing regular, in-person connections.

🤝 Joining Facebook Groups: I found communities of other mamas around specific topics, which offered both support and new friendships.

🧘‍♀️Teaching Yoga: I started teaching yoga to private groups, combining my passion with social interaction.

🤗 Connecting at My Child’s Daycare: Building relationships with other parents at my child’s daycare created a supportive local network.

🌍 Joining an Expat Mums Group: In my city, the expat mums group became a lifeline, offering shared experiences and understanding.

🌟 Why This Matters 🌟
Rediscovering my social connections was crucial to my mental health and well-being. It reminded me that while motherhood is a significant part of who I am, it’s not all that I am.

How have you managed to reconnect with your social life after becoming a mother? Share your experiences and tips below. 🌸💕


Mamas, do you ever find yourself caught in the nightly tug-of-war between catching up on much-needed sleep and savoring those precious moments of alone time? 🌙 You’re not alone.

Dive into my latest blog post, "The Delicate Dance of Motherhood: Balancing Sleep and Me-Time," where I share the heartfelt journey of navigating this daily challenge.

✨ Exhaustion Meets Guilt: Motherhood is an all-encompassing role, often leaving us drained by the end of the day. Yet, when our little ones finally drift off, we’re faced with the guilt of wanting time for ourselves. It's a struggle many of us know too well.

💖 The Unseen Labor: Being a full time mom is a 24/7 job with no coffee breaks or lunch hours. From soothing cries to nursing tummy aches, our constant caregiving takes a toll on our mental and physical health.

💫 Embracing Self-Care: Society might make us feel guilty for craving alone time, but rest and self-care are necessities, not luxuries. A well-rested, mentally refreshed mother is far more equipped to handle the beautiful chaos of motherhood.

🔄 Finding Balance: Some nights, I choose sleep; other nights, I indulge in a book or a quiet moment. It’s about listening to our intuition and honoring our needs without judgment.

🌸 Join the Journey: Motherhood is a delicate dance of balancing our needs with those of our children. By embracing both rest and alone time, we can navigate this journey with grace and resilience.

Read the full post on the blog and let's remind each other that it's okay to prioritize our well-being. When mothers thrive, so do their families. 💪💕


🧡 With love and support, Eva

Photos from Balanced by Eva's post 31/07/2024

Looking back, I wish someone had told me these tips so I could have avoided burnout and embraced the joy of motherhood.

Motherhood today often feels like a constant race against time. We juggle countless roles and responsibilities, striving to meet society's expectations while placing even higher demands on ourselves. This relentless pursuit of perfection leaves us overstimulated, overwhelmed, and, sadly, often underrated.

As mothers, we frequently impose unrealistic expectations on ourselves, leading to chronic stress. From my own experience, I can attest that in trying to keep up, we push ourselves beyond our limits, ignore our intuition, and overlook our need for rest & nurture.

Here are five practical tips to help avoid exhaustion and reclaim your balance:

⚖️ Set Realistic Expectations: Accept that not every day will be perfect. Prioritize essential tasks and let go of the need for everything to be flawless.

📅 Create a Routine: Establishing a daily routine can help manage time effectively and provide a sense of stability for both you and your children.

💆‍♀️ Incorporate Self-Nurture Practices: Schedule daily activities that nurture your body, mind, and spirit. Even if it's just a few minutes of quiet time, a relaxing shower, or a short walk, make it a priority.

🙋‍♀️ Ask for Help: Don’t hesitate to ask for help from your partner, family, or friends. Sharing the load can significantly reduce your stress.

🧘‍♀️Practice Mindfulness: Incorporate mindfulness techniques, such as deep breathing or meditation, to help manage stress and stay present in the moment.

🔔 Reminder: It’s okay to not have everything under control. You are allowed to rest. You are allowed to ask for help. You are allowed to nurture yourself as you nurture others

How do you nurture yourself? Share in comments!

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