Red Tea Detox

Red Tea Detox

Red Tea Detox is unique ‘red’ herbal tea, and cleanser that is designed to detoxify the body and help shed pounds quickly and safely


Ever feel ashamed and frustrated by the weight you've gained because your body no longer works like it used to years ago? And no matter which time-tested techniques you try, you just can't get rid of pounds and pounds of stubborn excess fat?

You are disappointed, ashamed and more alone than you've ever been...feeling absolutely helpless.

That can all change thanks to the discovery of this delicious African tea that detoxes your body, making it possible to burn fat quickly and easily, without feeling hungry.


Red tea, or rooibos, is growing in popularity in the United States as an herbal drink. Combined with a healthy diet, red tea may help you lose weight. Red tea is not a true "tea." It is an herbal drink made from the rooibos plant native to South Africa. The people of South Africa have used this tea as a treatment for inflammation and stomach ailments like colic in babies, and it's rich in antioxidants that help prevent cell damage caused by free radicals in the body.

Red tea is gaining much popularity as a potential weight loss supplement. It has long been used as a digestive aid, but recent studies have established positive connections between red tea and weight loss as well. It has both fat-burning and antioxidant properties, which means it can help you lose weight without making you prone to disease.
Red tea is so called because the leaves are only slightly fermented, retaining much of their color. However, it is not known whether red tea and weight loss drugs can be safely taken together. If you are taking any medications, consult your doctor before taking red tea. Here is the basic information on red tea and weight loss, how it works, and how to choose the right products.


Red tea is not technically a tea because it does not come from Camellia sinensis plant. Red tea comes from a a shrub that is a member of the legume family and is indigenous to the Cedarberg Mountains in South Africa. According to the "Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine," red tea is not as bitter as green tea. Red tea also offers many of the same health benefits associated with green tea, including antioxidant and cancer fighting properties.


So, ask yourself this:

Can you devote 14 days to cleanse away your unwanted pounds?
Imagine the confidence you'll feel from walking into work wearing those jeans you haven't been able to zip up since your wedding.

Imagine the joy of seeing your spouse look at you the way he/she did so many years ago.

Imagine your excitement when just 14 short days from now, you step on your scale, look down, and see that you're much lighter and fitter!

And it was all so easy!

All you did was drink this delicious red tea. Plus, you still got to enjoy delicious meals and even exercised a bit less, not more!


Red tea is good for the skin and can help improve the appearance. The presence of zinc, long touted for the treatment of acne and related skin conditions, makes red tea a smart element for skin care. Red tea powder can even be applied directly to the skin to sooth skin irritations.


Red tea is an ideal beverage, as it can be sipped hot or cold. Cold red tea is refreshing, while hot red tea is soothing. The absence of caffeine in red tea makes it a wonderful bed-time beverage that can aid those with insomnia and calm an irritated throat. Cold red tea can quench summer thirst while offering the benefits of hydration and antioxidants, which are known to slow aging and boost the immune system for greater protection against colds and/or illnesses.


Just think for a second... where would you be if you had the fat-burning support of this mysterious tea?

Would it save your sanity? Your health?
Or even your relationship with loved ones?
This is truly a life - changer.
