BZN Lex International Lawyers

BZN Lex International Lawyers

Our Law Firm is conveniently located based in Alicante’s province, but operating throughout Spain.

BZN LEX INTERNATIONAL LAWYERS is an International Law Firm, firmly established in Alicante and Torrevieja (Spain) since 2004


BZN LEX important Announcement
“BZN LEX INTERNATIONAL LAWYERS” announces expansion to accommodate client’s growth: NEW Romanian market


Dear clients and readers,
Over the last few years, we have increasingly been engaged in several battles against the Spanish tax authorities, the “Agencia Tributaria, AEAT or Hacienda” as it is commonly known in Spanish. The majority of our clients are sole traders and/or S.L companies with long-established reputation or alternatively foreign individuals who have decided to settled in Spain. Should you wish to know more about the issue, please kindly read the third part of the full post by clicking the following link:

Finally, thank you very much for your attention, and in case you might have any question or doubt at all, regarding this or any other issue, please do not hesitate to contact us. We would like to stress the point that you will be in good hands, and you can be reassured that we will look after your interests in the most committed and professional way. We look forward to helping you and the benefit of our “know-how”. Kindest regards



APPEALS AGAINST A DECISION - BZN LEX INTERNATIONAL LAWYERS Appeals Against a Decision Rendered By the Spanish Tax Office: We have increasingly been engaged in several battles against the tax office.


Merry Christmas.Joyeux Noël! Feliz navidad! Христос се роди! С наступающим Рождеством! Καλά Χριστούγεννα!

A New Testimonial 26/07/2023

A New Testimonial We are so delighted to share with you that we have received a new testimonial just recently, from good clients.

Le droit naturel, une ressource pour notre temps: notre colloque à venir le 25 novembre 2023 à Paris - Le site des juristes pour l'enfance 12/07/2023

Le droit naturel, une ressource pour notre temps: notre colloque à venir le 25 novembre 2023 à Paris - Le site des juristes pour l'enfance Objet du colloque : offrir des pistes, pratiques, pour refonder le droit sur le juste, et avec lui redresser la société tout entière.


Dear clients,
Further to our last article regarding non-lucrative visa posted a few months ago, we are writing to give all our clients and readers some useful update, with regards to the advisable procedure and paperwork required.
First of all, we ought to inform you that the paperwork required has changed this year, compared to the paperwork & process put in place until 2022. The NON-LUCRATIVE VISA is applicable for non-working individuals (with a reliable, ongoing source of income and substantial savings) who wish to reside in Spain for more than 6 months. The Spanish Non-Lucrative Visa scheme is therefore ideal for instance, if you are retired or have passive incomes, (for example from a portfolio of properties or other investments). The Spanish Non-Lucrative Visa allows full time residency in Spain with an expectation of a minimum of 6 months residence maintained. This visa can be requested by third-country nationals who wish to reside in Spain without engaging in any work or professional activity, as indicated before. The Spanish Non-Lucrative Visa gives permission to reside in Spain for up to 5 years, providing ongoing eligibility requirements continue to be met. The TIE, in Spanish “tarjeta de identidad de extranjero” is the residency card that is issued. The TIE is initially valid for 1 year, to be renewed consequently after the 2º year, for a period of 2 years, and the final renewal for another 2 years more. When 5 years of full-time residency has been completed, permanent residency can be applied for.
I.- Non-Lucrative VISA General requirements
The application process must be initiated at your nearest Spanish Consulate, not in Spain. You can check through their website under which jurisdiction of the Consulate your place of residence is (proof of residence will be required: bank statements with the applicant's address, Council Tax, utility bills or similar).
1. The visa must be requested personally. The specific date and time of the appointment will be confirmed through email to you by the consulate. Applicants who do not intend to attend their appointment are kindly requested to cancel it as soon as possible. No applicant will be accepted without prior appointment, each appointment being only for one person, therefore, family members accompanying the applicant who wish to apply for a visa need to book an additional appointment. Remember that the Consulate General will not accept appointments that have not been requested in accordance with the aforementioned procedure.
2. SUBMISSION DEADLINE: The non-lucrative residence visa can be applied for up to 90 days before the desired date of entry into Spain. In the case of a positive answer, the applicant must collect personally their visa in Spain, within one month from the date of notification. Failure to do so, it will be understood that they have renounced the visa granted, and the procedure will be closed.
3. You’ll need a Public or private health insurance taken out by an insurance company authorised to operate in Spain. (we can recommend you a good competitive insurance company).
4. You’ll also need a Medical certificate, issued by a registered medical practitioner, no later than 3 months prior to the date of application, it must be formulated in the following terms or similarly. (Certificates issued in the United Kingdom must be accompanied by a sworn translation into Spanish).
5. Finally, sufficient Financial means are required to cover the living expenses and, where appropriate, those of their family members, for one year, in accordance with the IPREM (in spanish, “Indicador Público de Renta de Efectos Múltiples”). (for specific advice regarding this important financial issue, and in order to get a “fresh updated figure”, please do not hesitate to contact our firm privately, as the figures change every year, and by the time you might read this post, the information can vary).
This residence permit will be valid for 1 year for those cases whose residences of the national of the United Kingdom of which he is a relative do not reach 5 years and, therefore, the term “Temporary” will be entered in the field corresponding to the Type of Permit, and 10 years for those cases whose residences of the national of the United Kingdom of which he is a relative are older than 5 years and, therefore, in the field corresponding to the Type of Permit, the term “Permanent” shall be entered. After its validity, it must be automatically renewed in accordance with the legal provisions.
This information is NOT intended to serve as specific legal advice. While we try to make it as accurate and up-to-date as possible, we recommend double checking always with our firm as well as with the Consulate General before the actual submission of the application is made, just in case any possible change might be introduced to existing Schengen and national regulations. The last thing that you want to do is spend a lot of money only for your approval to end up being long drawn out process because of a poorly prepared application form. Similarly, you don’t want to commit to the expense of a visa application if you’re unlikely to get approved. For that reason, if you are unsure whether you qualify, or don’t understand the requirements and process, it’s advisable to hire the Legal Services of a Law Firm that does, to review your situation and advise you, before you commit to the costs of a Spanish Visa application.
Once that you compile the necessary paperwork, we would then be able to review everything with you in order to arrange an appointment at the Spanish Consulate in advance.
1.- Legal Report: We will study your case and we will prepare an accurate legal report for you.
2.- Application file: We will discuss everything professionally, carefully review and double check several times your file documents. We will help you fill out your application forms to be submitted at the Spanish consulate.
3.- We’ll help you manage your TIE card collection in Spain: once that you have been granted the VISA, we will arrange with you a visit to the Immigration office located in Alicante, in order to collect the cards, so you will be always accompanied/assisted by a professional.
4.- Follow up or further assistance: If the Foreign office might require you to provide any additional document or clarify any information, we will prepare and answer a formal request to the office on your behalf. (Formal appeals not included).
We hope you find this information useful. Remember that this is not intended to be specific legal advice, just a general overview. As independent lawyers, we can help you both by assisting you to all residency issues as well as to carry out a comprehensive background legal analysis on your consultation or problem, if required.
Should you be interested in receiving more specific information or simply get an independent 2º opinion, (either about this particular subject or any other), you can contact our firm several ways:
1. Call us or send us a WhatsApp now to (0034) 687 88 88 73.
2. You can also use our e-mail form at the top of the sidebar of your screen, or alternatively, you can send us e-mail to [email protected]
Our commitment, we’ll respond to your e-mail inquiry in less than 24 hours.
We are on social media. Follow us on:
A) facebook: BZN Lex International Lawyers@oscarricormorales7
b) twitter:
c) and
Finally, thank you very much for your attention, and in case you might have any question or doubt at all, again please do not hesitate to contact us. We would like to stress the point that you will be in good hands, and you can be reassured that we will look after your interests in the most committed and professional way.
We look forward to helping you and the benefit of our “know-how”.
Kindest regards

Mr Oscar Ricor
“NON-PRACTISING ENGLISH SOLICITOR IN ENGLAND AND WALES”, under the “Solicitors Regulation Authority” (SRA) SRA number 519196 and practicing Spanish Solicitor

Photos from BZN Lex International Lawyers's post 30/03/2023

Excellent news! Another great success achieved by “BZN LEX INTERNATIONAL SOLICITORS&ABOGADOS”.

COURT CASE WON! A landmark Court’s judgment rendered by the Torrevieja Court: We have managed to save our innocent client, from an unjust accusation of medical malpractice!

Dear clients and readers,

Have you been the victim of a gross medical negligence case or alternatively, have you been falsely accused of medical malpractice?

If the answer is affirmative, we hope you will find the information contained in this article useful.

In a nutshell, the attached Court’s ruling has confirmed that our client (a reputable Doctor) was falsely accused of gross medical negligence by a person who intended to claim more than 11.000 euros in damages.

Therefore, as you can very well imagine, our client was very worried as he runs a successful clinic in Torrevieja). After a fierce legal battle in court, we have managed to destroy all the false accusations made by the plaintiff, and win the case with costs.


Therefore, should you be affected by a similar problem (whether you might be a doctor or a patient), and you wish to know if your case is still eligible for a successful claim (or a feasible legal defense), please do not hesitate to contact our Firm for further advice. Please note the information provided in this article is of general interest only and is not to be construed or intended as substitute for professional individual legal advice. Likewise, due to confidential data protection, the personal identification details of the parties have been deleted in the judgment document. However, the court’s decision is totally genuine and real, and we can provide further details privately to anyone who might be interested in getting more information, upon request.


We hope this information is useful. As independent litigation lawyers, we can help you by assisting you with all kind of civil or criminal issues. Should you be interested in receiving more specific information,- (either about this particular subject or any other issue of law),- remember that you can contact our firm several ways:

1. Call us or send us a WhatsApp now to (0034) 687 88 88 73.
2. You can also use our e-mail form at the top of the sidebar of your screen, or alternatively, you can send us e-mail to [email protected]
Our commitment, we’ll respond to your e-mail inquiry in less than 24 hours.

We are on social media. Follow us on:
A) facebook: BZN Lex International Lawyers@oscarricormorales7
b) twitter:
c) and

Finally, thank you very much for your attention, and in case you might have any question or doubt at all, again please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be glad to help you!

We look forward to helping you and the benefit of our “know-how”.

Kindest regards

Mr Oscar Ricor

“NON-PRACTISING ENGLISH SOLICITOR IN ENGLAND AND WALES”, under the “Solicitors Regulation Authority” (SRA) SRA number 519196 and practicing Spanish Solicitor. BZN LEX INTERNATIONAL LAWYER



Dear clients and readers,

Have you just acquired a Property in Spain? Or do you already own a dwelling?

In the affirmative case, in order to be safe than sorry, we strongly advise you to you hire a comprehensive home insurance policy, as that will give you complete peace of mind, in the event of a possible claim.

Therefore, we would like, if we may,- to invite you to read the full post at the following link of our website:

We hope you'll find the information of your interest. Kind regards. Mr Oscar Ricor. Founder Solicitor at BZN LEX INTERNATIONAL LWYERS

La reunión del Embajador de Georgia con los representantes de la diხspora georgiana en España 15/02/2023

La reunión del Embajador de Georgia con los representantes de la diხspora georgiana en España El 4 de febrero el Embajador de Georgia Sr. Nikoloz Natbiladze tuvo reunion con los representantes de la diáspora georgiana en España en la Iglesia Ortodoxa Griega de Madrid. En la iglesia griega fue celebrada la misa por los padres Luca y Piros, representantes del patriarcado de la ig...

Oscar Ricor - Abogado - BZN Lex | LinkedIn 14/02/2023

Why Choose BZN LEX Solicitors?

We are a 100% independent legal firm based in Alicante, in the southeast of Spain and we offer comprehensive, professional legal services, locally and nationally, to both private individuals and businesses, who have legal interests in Spain (i.e. property conveyance, estate planning, inheritance, legal disputes, etc.)

We are totally committed to providing the very highest standards of customer service to all our clients. At BZN LEX INTERNATIONAL LAWYERS, we realize that everyone’s needs are different, so we tailor our approach to meet your individual needs, making it easy and stress-free, and providing the highest quality of advice and service. We pride ourselves on being approachable and down-to-earth. In fact, we are not afraid to take on challenging legal issues and make them easy for the client to comprehend and feel confident they will always be making informed decisions. We take our roles seriously and consider the issues surrounding elder law and ageing to be our life’s work.
Every client matters

When we say “every client matter,” we really mean it. The high level of service we provide to our clients is paramount to us. We understand that when people contact a solicitor they are often facing challenging life circumstances or going through significant life changes. Because we recognize the gravity of what is at stake for each client we meet with, every client that hires our attorneys receives personal attention and knows that we genuinely have their best interests at heart in whatever we recommend.

The last thing they need to deal with is unreturned calls, or having to repeat sensitive and personal information to different people. We don’t want to add more stress to an often already stressful time. We strive to ensure that the service we provide is first class, every time.

Our practice areas:

The areas of law in which we practice affect every aspect of our clients’ lives. Whether it involves property investment in Spain, your loved ones, or the financial legacy you’ve built from the ground up, we fully realize how important your issues are to you.

Any lawyer can fill in forms or rubbish “legal contracts” printed out from the internet or software, which are useless at the event of a dispute in court Our personal commitment to providing a white-glove experience to our clients mandates that every legal strategy we prepare will be customized to fit your unique circumstances. We will take the time necessary to meet with you, listen to your concerns, and help identify your goals. We will not provide you with canned documents or canned advice, and we will provide you with constant updates throughout the process so that you are always informed about the status of your case.

Our core values…

1. Custom-tailored client experience: To that end, we listen to our clients, understanding their needs and we tailor our approach to meet our clients’ individual needs and go out of our way to make things as stress-free as possible. and only then provide legal advice.

2. Expertise: We are experts in all main areas of law, providing the highest quality advice and service. We get results and deliver them in a professional, friendly and efficient manner.

3. Communication: This is key for us in order to maintain strong and trusted working relationships with our clients. From the first contact to the completion of the case, we ensure we have regular communication and updates with our clients which is professional, friendly and prompt.

4. Affordable: We are upfront and transparent about our fees from the outset. Where appropriate our fees are often fixed meaning there will be no hidden costs on completion of the case.

5. Innovation: We permanently monitor our performance and conduct regular reviews of our clients and procedures to refine and improve our standards of care. We are never complacent and we fully recognize the need for consistent improvement.

Hear from our clients.

Our clients say it best. If you are considering whether BZN INTERNATIONAL LAW FIRM is the right law firm for you, please don’t take our word for it, see our clients testimonials ( to hear about the client experience with us.

Contact Us for a Consultation: Our First Response Team

We hope you find this information useful. Remember that this is not intended to be specific legal advice, just a general overview. As independent lawyers, we can help you both by assisting you to all legal issues as well as to carry out a comprehensive background legal analysis on your consultation or problem, if required.

Should you be interested in receiving more specific information or simply get an independent 2º opinion, you can contact our firm several ways:

1).- Call us or send us a WhatsApp now to (0034) 687 88 88 73.

2).- You can also use our e-mail form at the top of the sidebar of your screen, or alternatively, you can send us e-mail to [email protected]

Our commitment, we’ll respond to your e-mail inquiry in less than 24 hours.

We are on social media. Follow us on:

a).- Facebook: BZN Lex International Lawyers@oscarricormorales7

b).- Twitter:

c).- and

Finally, thank you very much for your attention, and in case you might have any question or doubt at all, again please do not hesitate to contact us. We would like to stress the point that you will be in good hands, and you can be reassured that we will look after your interests in the most committed and professional way.

We look forward to helping you and the benefit of our “know-how”.

Kindest regards

Mr Oscar Ricor

“NON-PRACTISING ENGLISH SOLICITOR IN ENGLAND AND WALES”, under the “Solicitors Regulation Authority” (SRA) SRA number 519196 and practicing Spanish Solicitor

Oscar Ricor - Abogado - BZN Lex | LinkedIn As litigators Solicitors, We have been providing legal advice in the Costa Blanca for over 15 years, offering confidence, efficiency and peace of mind to all our clients. For any enquiry, please kindly visit our website Thank you very much for your attention....

COMMON SHARES 23/01/2023

Supreme Court’s decision analysis: DELIVERY OF THE LEGACY

Dear clients and readers,
In the sphere of company functioning and delivery of legacies, we are glad to share with you the recent landmark Judgment of the Spanish Supreme court nº 862/2021, of December 14. Which analyzes the position of the legatee of social shares, at the time prior to their delivery by the legal heir.

We kindly invite you to ead the full article in the following link of our website:

For further information, or tailored advice, please do not hesitate to contact us, and we'll be glad to be of assistance to you.

Mr. Oscar Ricor Morales. Co-Founder solicitor at BZN LEX INTERNATIONAL LAWYERS
“NON-PRACTISING ENGLISH SOLICITOR IN ENGLAND AND WALES”, under the “Solicitors Regulation Authority” (SRA) SRA number 519196 and practicing Spanish Solicitor.

COMMON SHARES Legacy of Common Shares in Spain: The Spanish Judgment of the Supreme Court, analyzes the position of the legatee of social shares.


Dear clients and friends,
The Spanish parliament has recently approved the NEW digital nomad visa and fiscal regime for startups via a new law to come into effect in January 2023, called Ley “Act” 28/2022.
For further information regarding this type of new visa, please visit our recent post:

Finally, thank you very much for your attention, and in case you might have any questions or doubts at all, again please do not hesitate to contact us. We would like to stress the point that you will be in good hands, and you can be reassured that we will look after your interests in the most committed and professional way.
We look forward to helping you and the benefit of our “know-how”.
Kindest regards

Mr Oscar Ricor
“NON-PRACTISING ENGLISH SOLICITOR IN ENGLAND AND WALES”, under the “Solicitors Regulation Authority” (SRA) SRA number 519196 and practising Spanish Solicitor


Wishing all our clients a very Merry Christmas.

Dear friends and clients,

We are grateful for all your support this year and we would like, If we may, - to wish all of you, especially those who will take the time to read this message, a most blessed new year 2023, with our best wishes of health, peace and prosperity for all.
May the good times and treasures of the present become the golden memories of tomorrow.
On the other hand, I am so glad to share with you that we have received in the following testimonials just recently – it’s always great to know we are doing a fine job and reassurance for you that our clients are in safe hands! Please see the link below:

Please stay safe and well! and we look forward to assisting many more clients navigate the legal process in Spain next year. Here to help when you need us, as always!
Kindest regards

Mr. Oscar Ricor Morales“NON-PRACTISING ENGLISH SOLICITOR IN ENGLAND AND WALES”, under the “Solicitors Regulation Authority” (SRA) SRA number 519196 and practicing Spanish Solicitor.



There is no better way to finish the year than winning a lawsuit.
THE FACTS OF THE CASE IN A NUTSHELL: “de mortius res nisi bene” (“you must always speak well of the dead”)

The facts of the case are as follows: Our client, (the defendant in the claim) – hired our professional services because her sister (the claimant in the case), has unlawfully contested his father’s Spanish will. (UK national).

For further information, please do not hesitate to visit the link in our website, containing the full article.

Thank you very much and we look forward to helping you.

Mr Oscar Ricor



Dear clients and readers,

Are you currently considering buying a property in Spain?

In the affirmative case, we hope you will find this article of your interest. Thank you very much for your attention.
kind regards.



Dear clients and readers,

Are you considering buying a property in Spain? Do you wish to avoid facing potential legal problems?

In the affirmative case, we are sure you will find this article of your interest. We regularly post in our website about the newest updates, articles, useful tips, and upcoming conferences and events. You’ll find it on the following link of our blog’s website:
Share your opinions
We would love for you to share your thoughts with us. Don’t hesitate to send us a private message through our website,
As independent dual Solicitors, we can help by assisting you with all your legal needs in Spain. Finally, thank you very much for your attention, and we look forward to helping you and the benefit of our “know-how”.
Kindest regards

Mr Oscar Ricor. Dual Solicitor.


Follow Us on Social Media – keep up to date with all BZN LEX INTERNATIONAL LAWYERS news

Keep up to date with all the BZN LEX INTERNATIONAL LAWYERS news, events and behind the scenes footage by following us on social media.
We regularly post in our website about the newest updates, articles, useful tips, and upcoming conferences and events. You’ll find us on the following link of our blog’s website:


We would love for you to share your thoughts with us. Don’t hesitate to send us a private message through our website, or alternatively you can post a comment in one of the social media platforms.

For instance, if you’re scrolling through Facebook, and you see our latest post. So, you find yourself being interested, and you want to learn more – write to us in a comment, and we’ll be glad to provide you with more information.


As independent dual Solicitors, we can help by assisting you with all your legal needs in Spain, as well as to carry out a comprehensive background legal analysis on your legal consultation or problem, if required.
Therefore, should you be interested in buying a property or simply get an independent 2º opinion, (either about any legal subject or problem), you can contact our firm several ways:

1. Call us or send us a WhatsApp now to (0034) 687 88 88 73.
2. You can also use our e-mail form at the top of the sidebar of your screen, or alternatively, you can send us e-mail to [email protected]
Our commitment, we’ll respond to your e-mail inquiry in less than 24 hours.
We are on social media. Follow us on:
A) facebook: BZN Lex International Lawyers@oscarricormorales7
b) twitter:
c) and

Finally, thank you very much for your attention, and in case you might have any question or doubt at all, again please do not hesitate to contact us. We would like to stress the point that you will be in good hands, and you can be reassured that we will look after your interests in the most committed and professional way.
We look forward to helping you and the benefit of our “know-how”.
Kindest regards
Mr Oscar Ricor
“NON-PRACTISING ENGLISH SOLICITOR IN ENGLAND AND WALES”, under the “Solicitors Regulation Authority” (SRA) SRA number 519196 and practicing Spanish Solicitor


Dear clients and Readers,

We would like-if we may, - to take this opportunity to wish you all a wonderful Christmas, and may the coming year be full of blessings for you; Thank you so much for your support and continuous trust. Kind testimonials like the one received below fill us with a lot of gratitude and a sense of true accomplishment.

Finally, we would like to invite you to read our recent posts and articles published in the following link of our website.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2022 to all!

Je vous souhaite un Noël et une nouvelle année remplie de bonheur, que la paix et la joie de cette fête soient avec vous tous les jours de cette nouvelle année ! Meilleurs Vœux !

En estas fiestas tan entrañables, es el momento oportuno para compartir nuestros mejores deseos de paz y bondad con todos nuestros clientes y amigos. ¡Felices Navidad y próspero año 2022!


Dear clients and readers,

We are writing to inform you that you can visit our recent legal posts in our website
Please kindly see the direct link to all the posts:

We look forward to helping you and the benefit of our “know-how”.

Mr Oscar Ricor “NON-PRACTISING ENGLISH SOLICITOR IN ENGLAND AND WALES”, under the “Solicitors Regulation Authority” (SRA) SRA number 519196 and practicing Spanish Solicitor.

BLOG - BZN LEX INTERNATIONAL LAWYERS BZN LEX is an English Speaking Law Firm. See below a range of legal articles and resources to help you better understand your situation and how we can help.

Our Mission Statement

BZN LEX is a reputable English Speaking law firm located in the city of Alicante and Torrevieja. Spain

Our Firm unites attorneys who are specialized in various fields of law, in particular family law, international and Spanish private law, real estate, contract law, company and business law, criminal law, transportation, civil liability and criminal, civil and administrative litigation, among others.

Please kindly visit our website for further information and advice. Thank you very much for your attention and we look forward to helping you.

Our Mission Statement:


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 19:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 19:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 19:00
Thursday 09:00 - 19:00
Friday 09:00 - 19:00