OceaniKa Glow

OceaniKa Glow

Psychic Service. Life & Self Mastery Mentor. Divine Wisdom Transmissions from Ascended Masters. Sa


New Moon in Aquarius (Feb24) brings mysteries and revelations for those who are prepared to embark on a new journey.
The Guide will present themselves to those who are ready to cross the veil of confusion and live on the other side, where the Mysteries of the Priestess will be revealed.
Learn to listen, read dreams, nature, and other beings to ride the big wave of revealation coming soon.


New moon December 12th, 2023.

The crystal clear moon.
The choice will be easier to make.

Take time out to reflect before taking back action.
Opportunity of Healing and overcoming limiting wounds.

In the new beginnings to be you are the Pioneer, the free thinker, the independent mind.

“I make decisions for myself.”

Because there is more clarity and connectivity in the relationship between you and your own Future Self.

Certain information will arrive crystal clear in terms of what it works for you, motivates you, inspires you, fires you up, and what it doesn’t.

Crystal clear will come things regarding the relationship in between you and this other thing connected to you:

-that other person, that astral ancestor (guide, deity, entity), that community you are connected to.

-this place you are living in, that one you are thinking/dreaming about, and/or this Higher Realm you are exploring deeply.

-your education and all those important things that you are learning at the moment. Wishing to get more educated in what specifically?

And the choice will be easier to make, independent, light and simple.

Where there were gaps before, there is now only a direct line of truthful and infallible impulse to know what is for you.

“I define my environment.”
Instead of allowing the environment to define you.

This is not a moment of adaptation, excessive adaptation will bring frustration.
It is a moment of independent thinking and acting with self confidence and motivation.

The Navigation System here is Your free Inner Flame.

Drink from the Flame.

One Love.
Una Familia.

Laroiê Mojubá🖤

Grateful Axé!🪽

-OceaniKa 🩵



A Loving Reminder 🩵

Right now there are Tibetan Buddhist monks in a temple in the Himalayas endlessly reciting mantras for the cessation of your suffering and for the flourishing of your happiness.

Someone you haven't met yet is already dreaming of adoring you.

Nuns in the Alps are in endless vigil, praying for the Holy Spirit to alight the hearts of all of God's children.

Someone wants to kiss you, to hold you, to make tea for you.

Someone in your orbit has something immensely valuable to give you — for free.

Thousands of people are in yoga classes right now intentionally sending light out from their heart chakras and wrapping it around the earth.

Millions of children are assuming that everything is amazing and will always be that way.

Someone is in profound pain, and a few months from now, they'll be thriving like never before. From where they are, they just can't see it.

Someone who is craving to be partnered, to be acknowledged, to arrive, will get precisely what they want — and even more. And because that gift will be so fantastical in its reach and sweetness, it will quite magically alter their memory of angsty longing and render it all "So worth the wait."

Someone has recently cracked open their joyous, genuine nature because they did the hard work of hauling years of oppression off of their psyche — this luminous juju is floating in the ether, and is accessible to you.

Someone just this second wished for world peace, in earnest.

Some civil servant is making sure that you get your mail, and your garbage is picked up, that the trains are running on time, and that you are generally safe.

Someone is dedicating their days to protecting your civil liberties and clean drinking water.

Someone is regaining their sanity.
Someone is coming back from the dead.
Someone is genuinely forgiving the seemingly unforgivable.
Someone is curing the incurable.

You. Me. Some. One. Now.

~ Danielle LaPorte via Sagrario Mendoza Pérez


New moon in Scorpio. Today.

Overcome that very private early childhood trauma that showed up during this lunar season.

Heal that distrust, drain that poison, and plant that new seed.

Pay attention to the enormous amount of fire energy contained in still waters, of primary, dark memories, crises, emotional pain, turbid and stagnant generated in the first years of your life.

It is there, in the intimate bond between your perinatal self and your mother.

Failed intimacy.
The emotional cold.

The absence of an empowered birth.

The distant mother.
Isolation in a crib.
Lack of breast milk on demand. The absence of the deep maternal gaze.

Armless cries enveloping like her womb, at all times.

Distancing with the warm, nourishing and protective Source.

So, disconnected from the Source, “what is the meaning of Life?”

Death Experience.

This new Moon today is the moment of apex and the fire can erupt like an erupting underwater volcano.
Watch your indiscriminate fire.

Use that fire as medicine of transformation for internal personal improvement work.

Observe those issues that you want to avoid, bury, hide deep down there.

Now is the time: Release, burn, forgive, HEAL.
Plant the seed of that work of improvement.

Remember that the Forces are also giving you courage, strength, dominance, strategy to manage what is not yours.

Remember that all this not only happens to you, you are not isolated or alone, you have a whole group around you that is going through the same forces of improvement.

Connect to the current of this Force.
You can do it in meditation, in prayer, in ceremony. You can do this by calling and contacting someone who can help you effectively. Don't disperse, don't waste your time and discriminate.

Take care of your Destiny, material and spiritual.

Moments of improvement like this contribute to your human excellence to be an Honorable Ancestor.

You are doing it very well.
Rest, sing and dance as a prayer.

One love
Una familia.

Laroyé! 🖤

Àṣẹ!!! 🙌🏾🐚


November post eclipses.


Held beneath the darkest, stagnant waters, we will inevitably be drinking their dark medicines that can both cloud our system and force us to work through the shadows to do purging work.

Pay close attention to all the negative energies that filter in trying to disturb our understanding.

Revelation of deceptions.

The water is contaminated, dense and does not flow.

But in that heavy density there is rebirth.

There you can see the deceptions and self-deceptions, that is where the ulterior motives are revealed, the lies told as truths, and the truths behind the pretensions.

Work inward and silently.

Be more responsible for your emotions, your mental health and your spirituality, inwardly.

These are moments to remain firm and rooted, because later lighter and more positive winds will arrive that can favor understanding in a movement of broadening consciousness.

And it will then be that action for a readjustment will be required.
One love
Una familia



To the other side of the Lunar Eclipse (Oct. 28th).
Still in a place in between.

Wanna work productively with current Astral Forces?
Then, Welcome to this space of Transmission!

Crossing these times to illuminate the trunk of mysteries and shadows.
You have now the power to decide, to decode, to redirect, and to act reborn.

Transformed in your re-empowered Mind.

The wise thing is to get out of the concept and take action toward the priority that you know can manifest.

The practical and rational mind requires a prior review, and a deep understanding of this idea that will be solved, eliminated, purified and transformed.

Try to focus correctly because what your mind feeds now will tend to last.

So be aware not to carry with you your limitations, your fears, your anxieties, your resistance, your procrastination…, for a whole new cycle.

Astral Forces are on your side providing the power of “surgical wisdom” within the mysteries of the unseen.

Enhancing those with psychic abilities, and specially those that have the appropriate respect to walk with forces of light in the dark realms.

We are crossing a very powerful mental portal of understanding the nitty-gritty of manifestation itself, of Creation itself, in a transformative way.

Pay close attention to the Resistance force between the arrival of the idea and your procrastination.

The moment when that force that pushes you back, the moment of breaking the most difficult barrier to overcome (the paradigm), is the moment of Resistance as Universal Law.

The Law of Resistance exists to gain momentum in self-improvement and in human evolution.

Climb the ladder of evolution, work hard and committed, to pass the test and get to the other side of the vicious cycle -To the other side of the Lunar Eclipse.

Only then do great ideas come, prosperity sets in, and your life expands in abundance.

One Love
Una Familia




Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu

We make a prayer today for all Beings but specially for all innocent children that might be suffering.
May all beings in all places, in all worlds, be experiencing joy and happiness, free from any type of suffering. No true or lasting happiness can come from causing unhappiness or suffering to others. No true or lasting freedom can come from depriving others of their freedom.
May all children be protected and safe under the nurturing mantle of Divine Mother.
We are all One Love.
We are all Una Sola Familia.




"We already are everything we would like to become.

Because your soul is strong and is aware of everything that happens in your Life.

How many pains that you cried that are the pains of the world.

How many pains that you already cried.

Your disillusion.

→The more disillusioned you are, the closer you will be to Reality.

The more disillusioned you are with the truths and lies of the world and of others, the closer you will be to your own Truth. ←

So cry, cry all you have to cry.

Cry the pains of your mother and your father.
Cry the pains of your grandparents and ancestors.

Shake yourself, get up, wake up and let your soul assume the networks of your Knowledge of your Existence."

Message transmitted by

One LoVE
One HeArt
UnA FamíliA


Àṣẹ Ahó OM 🙌🏽

–OceaniKa ★


After a so motherly master full moon in touchy matters such as family:
the one that is of blood and the one that not,
the ones that are family and the ones that are not,
the past in the present and the future for some.

We have ahead days to take decisions, make important changes.

Forces of courage and audacity to place the cards on the table and show what is to be done.

One HeArt
One LoVE
UnA FamiliA

Àṣẹ Ahó OM 🙌🏽

–OceaniKa ★


→ This is NOT a Transmission ←
-or probably it is-

This is the call of a Mother.

Such moments we sre living now!

The veils between the visible and invisible worlds almost completely disappear whether we are aware of it or not.

Samhain powers are here w forces of this Solar Eclipse in New Moon, and more... Much more.

All these Universes every single one of us can feel, and sometimes so hardly to express or share.

Beauty of Magic becomes tangible almost every second from the perspective of this third dimension, but at the same time all those shadows are filtered and make us writhe in pain and even leave our bodies in a state of deep purge.

A powerful and at the same time beautiful medicine moment for those who know how to navigate it.

Moment of great vulnerability, sensitivity and clarity.
-I am crying all the rivers and all the oceans of the cosmos-

It is the right time for those who always wanted to know more deeply their Astral Warriors, their ascended Ancestors, their guides, and together with them carry out the specific mission that concerns us now.

It is a deep cleaning of what we carried like a heavy burden, or like a medal, some even with pride, others without realizing it, holding the pull, all completely deceived, despite the appearances of enlightened beings.

I am talking about subtle but dark issues that are disguised as health or well-being, such as becoming obsessed with eating well, obsessing with going to the gym, with pretending to be something that one is not, with overprotecting children, or with neglecting children for dedicating themselves to "spiritual" issues, with dedicating oneself to others above oneself, or with doing inner work but not being able to support or thank the work of the one they call brother and who helped them grow so much.

A lot of looking at oneself navel... or on the contrary, having fallen into the "People pleaser" trap.

The lie that one can make it all alone, and then burned, overwhelmed.

The lie that our mind can hold just whatever thought or those trillion thoughts and it will be okay.

So many sisters in competition.
So many brothers deprived of the innate impulse to provide and protect.

So many loving "spiritual" beings projecting rejection, demanding or even ghosting.

In the end it is the same distortion.

The curse is blindness, self-deception, the isolation of individualism, lack of humility, honesty, lack of relaxation and vulnerability, lack of self-love, self-value, emotional and spiritual immaturity, lack of cooperation, lack of accepting the difference in the other, the pride, lack of sense of honor, lack of community, lack of humanity.

Curse of fear makes us selfish inhuman.

That curse is not ours, never been in our HeArts.

Time to heal it from our body Systems from our cells, from our neurones, from our DNA.

Time to purge out the sickness of duality, individualism, isolation, mind manipulation, extremes of power due to lack of it, patriarchal patterns, and surrender to this huge process of Truth for Humanity.

Truth and Honor for The Mothers gestating and nurturing the new humanity.

Remember We are The Village -and our children are in the center!- even though we are not physically together.

Remember we Are:

One LoVE 🟣
One HeArt 💜
Una maravillosa FamiliA 🟣

Àṣẹ Ahó OM Shiva-Shakti


Loving You All.
Holding myself and You All.
Blessings to You All.

Grateful always to my Direct Astral Ancestors 🕊️ that hold every moment in my path.
Without them I wouldn't be here.

Odò Ìyá Yemọja 🌊 M O T H E R


°•★. D € ∆ † H & € √ O \ μ † | O π .★•°

🍂 🤍 Los Abuelos Guían 🖤🍂
I can feel it in my body

Mighty moments of preparation to transit the Solar Eclipse (in scorpio) of October 25-26 -New Moon.

A closing cycle of a solution search process is being completed.
Process began 3 Moons ago when you started working Big Time on the transformation of something that is a "dark curse".

That "I'm done" thing related to abuse, pressure, control especially linked to relationships, alliances and contracts.

A definitive work of liberation from the oppression that was silently threatening, controlling or oppressing.

Great moment of empowerment of Values ​​and Justice.
→ Oxum & Xango ←

Analyze results and the reasons for the results working together with your Guides and Ancestors of the Astral.

Why did you make that decision?

Why did you have to go through that situation again?

How do you nurture everything that happens to you and triggers you?

The Astral Forces are helping you to thoroughly work on the Beginning of everything, the Origin.

→ Obaluaê & Nanã Boruké.
Meet the Astral Forces of the Great Grandpa and Grandma guiding you through this process of your soul.
Irradiation of Wisdom.
Throne of Evolution.
They are the most powerful loving Counsellors. Masters of the Sickness, the Purge, the Ends and the Beginnings. ←

Where is the origin of what you manifest in your life?

You are going to find yourself diving deep into your most turbid, dark and infernal inner waters:

there where the psychic manipulation resides, your taboos, your Sisyphus, the irresistible pain, the disease...
the dark, malicious, reactive questions, the provocation, the deception , the victim-oppressor relationship...
crude death in free fall towards the desolate void, terror, self-doubt.

Breathe, you're doing good.

Remember that this free fall is our invitation to the origin, to the root where the resolution of the conflict is found.

The key of the solution is related to YOUR POWER.

What is your power?

How far does your power go?

How do you exercise your power?

Where are you giving your power away?

Where do you have no power at all?
How do you deal with that?

We offer you the extreme of a huge overload of pressure in order to overcome, renew, and evolve.

After the intense internal process and duly completed, you will receive the gift of clarity of what brings imbalance, unhappiness, crisis.

Clarity of what's going on with you as an individual.

Clarity of what's going on with the Other.

Clarity of what's going on with you all as collective, as Humanity.

Even Clarity of what's actually going on with yours and other Worlds.

And most important, clarity of how to inhabit and transit through the darkest places of despair. Clarity of the Nature of the Dark Forces, Entities and masters of Light in the Dark Realm (Left line).
→ Papa Exú & Mama Pombagira ←

One LoVE 🟣
One HeArt 💜
Una FamiliA 🟣

Àṣẹ Ahó OM Shiva-Shakti


Remember always I am here for you to solve any questions you may have around this transmission, your particular inner process, rituals and magic to connect with your Astral Ancestors or to manifest certain outcome in your self mastery path.

Remember you are powerful in your humility, compassion and gratitude. 🙌🏽🕊️ Epa Babá Oxalá 🕊️

Odò Ìyá Yemọja 🌊
Infinite Gratitude, Mother 🙌🏽🌊🫧


•°★ Dare to Feel It All ★°•

Feel the Rage and the Fury?

What we already are for all eternal experience is Spirit.

What we practice being here is being Human Beings.

The experience here is that of the human condition at this given moment in humanity, a moment chosen by us and our spiritual team before passing through the sacred and biological portal that our Mother of Blood represents.

Human condition and spiritual condition complement each other to favor the cycles of evolution.

A personal work for a collective good.

To get here there was also human desire and passion.

To cross the portal to life under the light of Mother Earth, what we call "the ring of fire" there was also very powerful rage and focused stress to overcome the process of death and rebirth of the last push, the definitive contraction that propelled you out of the maternal womb, out of the birth canal.

And that was just the beginning and a great metaphor to understand how necessary it is to align with our wild side, our human animal condition, feeling without repression, desire, magnetism, passion, madness, fear, tedium...

The anger focused on intention helps us to overcome patterns of repetition and stagnation, to materialize, to carry out, to build, to let go, to cut, to definitively end something that we want to leave behind.

The Natural Forces teach us about the great Fortresses of Anger when we witness the tsunamis, the great forest fires, the tornadoes, the earthquakes, the devastating electrical storms.

And we, spirits incarnated in humans, are nothing more than ONE with all those Forces of Nature.

One LoVE 🟣
One HeArt 💜
Una FamiliA 🟣

Àṣẹ Ahó OM Shiva-Shakti


Grateful to the message and the inspiration of this Brother ↑


*°• D | § C ∆ R D •°*

Waning Moon, Moon of Elimination.

Moon exalted to cut with the sword of truth, love and creation what does not nurture the values of a new co-creation.

Loves, passions, creativity, abilities, gifts, manifestations...

How do you relate to them?

You know you have all the power. Do You?

Do you feel the weight of responsibility for all that magic of co-creating reality?

Now the Astral Forces are closing cycles related to the value that you give to yourself, with what you nourish yourself.

With a special awareness in everything that harms you.

What you do not co-create with the Forces they will anyway go through you with unusual intensity to stimulate the exit of the enchantment zone.

Feeling petrified in a given manifestation is symptom that you continue "enchanted" in patterns that should disappear.

"All the lambs in wolf's clothing will reveal themselves and all that is superfluous must dissipate."

Prepare to understand the end of a cycle.

Get ready to remove "expired items" stored in the pantry of the Temple of your life.

Observe, reflect and work.

What is running out of your pantry?
Put it back.

Do you have something in excess,
something is not serving you,
something you never use,
something is not fresh anymore,
something is not alive anymore,
something is not healthy,
or something you forgot is there?

What do you need for the new recipes Life wants you to cook in Your Pioneer Temple and for this Sacred Service?
Are you ready to meet those new ingredients?
Do You know where they are?

Open up new spaces.
Find the new ingredients for the new co-creation Call.

You are Serving from the Future to the Future in this Present moment.

Only what is valuable and useful to you will remain in the Temple of your Life.

Rest will be discarded.

One LoVE 🟣
One HeArt 💜
Una FamiliA 🟣

Àṣẹ Ahó OM Shakti


Grateful to all Yabás... Grateful to all my Astral Ancestors giving us all part of the Greatest Mystery we are living in through this transmission 🙏🏽💕


Blessed to have made part of this intimate gathering in the core of London.

Thanks for this magnificent Gift Paul Robinson brother of soul.

Thanks Ruth Patrizzi, Sister of all times, for opening your HeArt of Queen here in London for us to feel more at home than ever.

Thanks Lynn Saunders , Ancestral Sis, for all the wisdom.


Roaman and Antarma you are such a two brilliant genius of these times 🔥🙌🏽🔥

Infinite Gratitude.

Such an honour to be amongst You All.

Wiring and rewiring.

Weaving dreams into reality.

Happiness is priority.

One LoVE 🟣
One HeArt 💜
Una FamiliA 🟣

Àṣẹ Ahó OM Shakti

–OceaniKa ★


There is no greater joy than to feel Your HeArts connected to mine.

What I Am is because You (all) gave it to me.

I LoVE 🟣 YOU ALL Creative Healers, Powerful Warriors, my Wondrous Sisters and Brothers💜

Deep honor, deep Gratitude 🌷 🙌🏽 🌷

The Circle it opens but it never brakes!

One LoVE 🟣
One HeArt 💜
One FamilY 💫

–Oceanika ★

"There is no happiness like that of being loved by your fellow creatures, and feeling that your presence is an addition to their comfort."
Charlotte Brontë, Jane Eyre


So In Bliss to come back to my UK Familia after two long years of physical separation.

So In Joy to be Consecrating Sacred Medicines of the Forest with such a magnificent Powerful Circle of Light Warriors.

So in LoVE 🟣 to hold Ceremonial space with some of the leaders of this Re-Evolutionary Spiritual avant-garde of these Times when we choose to incarnate to serve the Humanity of the Future.

In the Path of humbly learning to be Human 🙌🏽⭐

Infinite LoVE and Gratitude 🌊🙏🏽🌊

★ Àyaba wo Ńlá Bùkún Òní àti Láíláí! Kíkí Yemọja! Odò Ìyá! ★

May the Great Mother Queen Bless us Today and Always! Hail Yemanjá!

Àṣẹ ★ Ahó ★ Saravá ★ OM

One LoVE 🟣
One HeArt 💜
One FamilY 💫



Transmission around Full Moon ⭕

Creative Power and Command.

From the Forces of the Astral, the Feminine receives in its maximum splendor the consciousness of the Masculine and reverberates until the end of the cycle.

Understanding of your Creative power in the world.

Responsibility for your reign.

As a Being and a Human you are the expression of the mystical and creative union of two primordial Forces Ying and Yang – Masculine and Feminine.

You are the third energy, the unique expression of creation, a new unique One, Created and Creator.

How does your inner child manifest, wounded or creative?

The following work is presented: bringing the ego to consciousness and illuminating the true self.

Consciousness and maturity of the self, of individual power, of its Creative and unique power.

Only you are capable of leaving your imprint.

Overflowing full moon of ancient memory is discovering in you who you are.

Diving towards the heart of the I Am:
the HeArt of Creativity.

The HeArt of Creativity is an experience of mystical union – heaven earth (masculine feminine).

The HeArt of the mystical union is an experience of Creativity.

"Who I am?" I am. YoSoY

You are the King and commander of your own life.

You are the consciousness of the Self and the manifestation of it.

Take responsibility for everything that surrounds you.

Define what you want and what you don't want.

Break barriers, paradigms and rebel with maturity.

Feed your creative spring generating magic, pleasure and play.

Investigate with your senses, they are the substance of your magic.

Put time to run in the fourth dimension and do what arouses your curiosity.

Concentrate more on the mystery than on the mastery.

Creativity is a Spiritual expression.

Some creative Affirmations:
I am a channel of Divine Creation.
God creates through me.
My creativity is a gift to God (from God)
I serve through my creativity.
My dreams come from God.
I am ready to experience my Creative Energy.
I am ready to use my Creative talents.

One LoVE 🟣
One HeArt 💜
One FamilY 💫

Àṣẹ ★ Ahó ★ Om



Transmission from the Astral Forces that accompany and guide us during this time of the waning moon.

Don't give up now.

Trust in the Ascended Ancestors that cross your body System, that crowned you in this lifetime with their blue print.

Enter our healing, purification and cleansing tune with resilience and daring.

You will be challenged to leave a comfort zone with moments of catharsis, enlightenment and understanding of what you need to let go of to close a personal small or large cycle.

We accompany you in the liberation towards the new that opens in your way.

You are an alchemist.

You have the ability to transmute energy together with our forces and heal.

You are going to live a regeneration after going through a very hard transition where you faced your fears to be condemned and conquered obstacles and challenges to grow stronger and more authentic.

Focus on the goals that are there when the mask dissolves and make progress on them.

You will be blessed by a driven strategy.

By doing your share of inner work you will be blessed to teach others and serve with your unique medicine and receive back an energetic exchange that will increase your abundance, stability and independence.

You will shed your light where other people need to take their masks off and show their real true genuine self so they can follow their abundant path from a genuine authentic place.

You are becoming an Spiritual Teacher, a Healer.

Bold moves are gonna pay off.

Don't give up now.

Keep unalterable Focus with Purpose 🏹 on your healing progress and goals as a Sacred Warrior.

We, your Ancestral Light Warriors and Guides hold your space.


One LoVE 🟣
One HeArt 💜
One FamilY 💫


Grateful to Father of the Wild, and Sacred Hunter, Oxóssi together with his Caboclos and Caboclas for this Transmission 🙏🏽🦅

Okê Arô! 🌿🏹
Okê Caboclo! 🪶🏹


Emotional Liberation.
Discovering our Future.
Meeting our Destiny.

Letting go of emotional attachments to free us from feelings that wrongly judge us and that limit us.

Releasing and healing connective channels towards an inner strength that led us to search for our authenticity.

Don't be afraid to the unknown or to the abyss.

If there is an abyss, the bridge happens.

On the other side there is instruction from the future to apply individually to your life purpose.

We also will bring you deep reflections on your personal perspective of freedom.

Allow your most transcendental, most different, most brilliant, most visionary side to be revealed.

You will be able to test each other's power of engagement relating to your communities.

Detach emotionally and study deeply what is given to you through Cosmic Vision.

Grateful for the Transmissions from the Ancestors ⭐🙌🏽⭐


One LoVE 🟣
One HeArt 💜
One FamilY 💫

Emotional Liberation Healing Mandala

