Es Solleric de Felanitx, Xef.

Es Solleric de Felanitx, Xef.

Our dishes are made with ingredients from all over the world, mixed, and cooked here for you. Nostres plats son la fusio d'ingredients del mon, fet aqui


This Sat. And Sun. We ll do SUSHI in Portocolom @ wine fest and Fira Marinera see you there

Aquest dissabte i diumenge feim SUSHI a Portocolom al Wine fest i a sa Fira Marinera ens veim per alla



Si tot va be dijous dia 15/06 començam amb els sopars damunt la mar, una experiencia unica a Portocolom

If the weather let us next thursday 15/06 we'll start with our dinner experience at the sea in Portocolom

More info and Reserves/ bookings at
722 773320


Quan acabi es mal temps començam amb els nous sopars a la mar, a mes del servei de Xaf privat a ca vostra

When the storm ends, we ' ll stary with the dinners at the sea, and the private chef services at your home.

Xef Xavi Nicolau


Bones noves
Aquest estiu preparam unes experiencies gastronomiques damunt la mar. Prest mes noticies /
This summer we re setting up new gastro experiences at the sea. Soon more info

Videos (show all)

Aquets dissabte i diumenge farem SUSHI  per Portocolom #winefest i fira marinera vos hi esperam


Opening Hours

Tuesday 09:00 - 16:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 16:00
Thursday 09:00 - 16:00
Friday 09:00 - 16:00
Sunday 09:00 - 16:00