

Menopause mentor for perimenopause, menopause, post menopause - specialising in hormone yoga


Are you a SUPER SMELLER? We have a heightened sense of smell compared to the average person. Some super smellers may be more sensitive to pleasant smells, while others may be more affected by unpleasant odours. Yes i can sniff out a dog s**t from miles away (handy with 5 dogs)

Everyday I sink my nose into this Rose & it literally transports me to my childhood …happy memories of when I used to steal roses from gardens & make rose perfume with my friends.

Another super smeller sign was a child I collected rubbers (a big thing in the 80s until they killed a couple of kids then got banned) I would sit and count them every night sniffing as i counted each one.

In later years the sniffing took me in a whole different direction but that’s another story….😳

Are you a SUPER smeller do share?

Photos from Kategardnerlife's post 02/09/2024

New Moon in Virgo 🌙 A good time to get back into some kind of routine & back into our self love & care practices that may have slipped over summer!

Today I sent out my September Newsletter …sharing summer musings 👇

✔️How my back pain has led to a change of direction for my yoga & some big revelations 😊
✔️Nourishing my You Tube Channel with lots of NEW pre recorded classes to try!
✔️New Tuesday night (6pm Uk/7pm Es) & Friday am (9.30am uk/10.30am Es)
✔️50% off of Live online class bundle 4 classes for €10

I’ll link all in stories & add to my link-tree too so you can read & maybe subscribe 😜 big love 🌙

Photos from Kategardnerlife's post 26/08/2024

Let’s talk BRAIN FOG yes is another symptom of perimenopause - post menopause & it’s not an easy one to navigate!

Everyday I do specific breathing practices to boost my brain, I take supplements to boost the grey matter & I use essential oils - here are my 3 fave brain boosting babies!

✅ Rosemary supports cognitive function & memory and increases blood flow to the brain!

✅Peppermint stimulates & invigorates the brain & helps with mental clarity (think shot of espresso for the brain great for mid afternoon slump)

✅ Lemon is uplifting and refreshing and helps with ficus & concentration

Inhale diffuse 5 drops or each or use in body oil massage into spine shoulders and back if neck for a brain BOOST!

If you want to learn more or get started on this oily journey know I am here. I am slowly re entering this world in my own authentic way love like minded peeps to brain 🧠 storm with!

Let me know your fave brain fog oils there are LOTS more!!!


If you would have told me 10 years ago that I would be rocking these babies I would have laughed in your face!

But after being pulled over five times on the gravel, losing my footing because my meno clumsy is off the scale!

Nursing back pain because of my shoe choices / choosing fashion over sensibility!

Now I am rocking these babies…..yes ill have my pretty shoes in my bag for special occasions but for hikes & walks it’s these!

Giving less s**ts putting comfort & back health first….learning to love these ugly shoes!!!


Full moon feels…..🌕
Bergamot the oil of self acceptance to help us release stagnant feelings & let go of limiting beliefs, this oil awakens the soul to hope & offers us courage to share our inner self.

Ylang ylang the oil of the inner child connecting us to the leo heart energy. Always coming back to the heart and connecting to our intuition is how we can heal both personal and collective trauma. This oil allows us to connect to our heart knowing!

Vetiver the oil of centering and descent help us with this powerful Uranus in ta**us energy by helping us become more rooted in nature. This oil helps is to ground and connect to our roots and go deep into the core of what’s important.

I am feeling back into the world of oils not sure how & where it’s all flowing but looking for like minded souls to co create with me…..


Accept what is. Let go of what was. And have the faith in what will be.

Tomorrow is full moon & i’ve been pondering what i need to release….as tonight we sharing wisdom at a full moon women’s circle.

This is what i’m releasing this month….

It’s circa a year ago today that i fell out with my stepdad & Ive realized I’ve been carrying the toxicity of his cruel words.

‘Your mother died worrying about you!’ Doesn’t every mother always worry?

I let that one GO now and remember her telling me how proud she was that i had done the work to become who I am now!

For my own healing I have to appreciate his traumas & the painful wounds he has buried so deep he has to soothe with alcohol for years & years.

Trying to learn from the physical holdings of pain that are so deeply help
in our muscles & fascia is not an easy one but realizing if these lessons aren’t learn they will continue.

Yesterday I could feel tears popping out of my eyes as my physio tried to release the contractions in my back. Telling me my spine is not normal & wanting to scream at him just fkin fix me then!

No one can fix us we can only fix ourselves.

The frustration of not really knowing where my physical pain is coming from or what is causing it has got me down but i’m shifting that mindset and taking it as a learning now!

The acceptance that healing is painful, the realization that you have to do the fkin work & constantly be peeling back the layers of the onion on every level and letting go!

One of the best things about growing older & wiser is having patience & space to allow the unraveling & healing to happen so you can slowly let go of the pain.


Today is a the peak of the powerful lions gate 888 portal, a time to connect to your hearts desire & manifest the abundance you deserve!

Here are two beautiful doterra oils to help you connect to this spiritual energy!

1. Citrus twist (a blend)
✔️wild orange the oil of abundance
✔️ginger the oil of empowerment
✔️litsea the oil of MANIFESTATION

Geranium the oil of love & trust because we need to trust in love now more than ever!!

Breathe them in, connect to nature and allow the magic to flow…

If you resonate & want to know more about these amazing high vibe essential & I am here and present to work with like minded passionate people 🙏

Photos from Kategardnerlife's post 26/07/2024

It’s BOGO day (but one get one free) on doterra today & for next few days & guess what …..align & arise the yummy yoga oils are included!

I just bought citrus twist to get align FREE….

I’ve uploaded the catalogue in my oily group on fb and i’ll tag in stories too!

Freebie Friyay gifts!!!


What lights you up & makes you happy & brings you JOY? ☀️

Last weekends Capricorn full moon felt pretty powerful for me & it made it clear what i need more of & what needs to GO!!!

I need more Freedom & less responsibility!

I chose this life because that’s what I wanted…yet I find myself working hard & on a constant wheel of promotion & uploading videos & being online - this was not the fkin plan!! Even studying Spanish feels like a boring chore & I don’t want to do it!

So I’ve decided to stop teaching online classes (this week last week) I have cancelled Spanish post this course & have some time to just kick back & see with no obligations.

The urge to be FREE can be so strong during perimenopause - post menopause. When the light fades & the joy goes & something feels like a chore you HAVE to pivot, make the change & shake it up!

Who feels this too - pop in the comments if you do 👇



Is toxic skincare you are using daily disrupting your hormones & making your perimenopause - menopause symptoms much WORSE?

Many products are actually mimicking your bodies natural estrogen & entering your cells causing a whole host of icky symptoms - look up Xenoestrogens yuk 🤮

I recently purchased some expensive products thinking they would be full of good stuff …which I have since scanned on YUKA and realised known hormone disrupters!

Join my for this LIVE this Wednesday night Class on the nourish to flourish fb group where i’ll be sharing some of the worse chemicals & teaching how to make your own products that are easy natural & cost effective!

I’ll teach you how to make an …

1. Oil based cleanser
2. A luxury face oil
3 A natural body butter

I’ll also suggest a few clean brands that you can purchase if you don’t want to make your own

Mums this class is very valid for your teenage daughters let’s teach them this stuff young!

Start checking your products today i’ll link how in stories

Join Nourish to flourish on

Wednesday Night LIVE
8pm Spain (CET)
7pm Uk (Gmt)

Bring your notebook for recipes & join me here pop questions below 🫶

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Photos from Kategardnerlife's post 21/07/2024

I truly love helping women through perimenopause & beyond! Here is a lovely client testimonial I wanted to share ❤️

Menopause Coaching really does make me so happy. Helping women find balance & overcome obstacles through these often choppy waters.

Listening & encouraging & helping them find the answers within & trust their deep wisdom.

My approach of coaching incorporates all I have learned as a mentor & menopause coach. I also weave in the yoga mindfulness & breathing techniques that have proved effective in 14 years of yoga teaching.

I weave in my hormone knowledge as a hormone yoga therapy teacher that is extensive as well as my specialist knowledge of specific practices for symptoms that I have learned through menopause yoga.

I also incorporate with my skills as a birth doula of active listening & supporting & caring for women so they feel held during this life transition.

I had a tough perimenopause with years of confusion & loneliness and I don’t want other women to feel like that. it is my mission to help other women feel empowered & find the positive too! 🫶

Every session is unique & tailored for YOU. Let’s connect drop me a comment or a dm ❤️

I am offering Free 30 minute connection sessions in July so let’s connect 🫶

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To Hrt or Not To Hrt that is the question…

Ok i’ve always trusted my body and said NO to hormones, yes my perimenopause was a s**t show.

But it was all wrapped up with grief & loss with a sprinkling of 2020 added in for good measure….who knows where one ended & the other began.

One thing is for sure I have got to know the deepest darkest depths of me & for the same reason I stopped taking prozac (20 years ago) I wanted to feel it & live it all!

As a post menopausal women the stormy ups & downs of peri have definitely passed I have a new normal. I’m not same as i was at 40 - I am more sensitive my sleep is delicate, I can’t shop for 10 hours straight these days (2 & i’m done) but i’m good…

However, for the last 5 months i’ve had bad achey low back that makes me feel 90 & is even impeding my teaching (plus i can’t lift my little dogs without groaning)

I’ve had & am still having lots of tests which so far are all good….my estrodial is low (natural estrogen) , my thyroid is good my bones are good I had a dxa to look at - this week i’m having my progesterone & testosterone checked.

also having physio!! Yes this all costs €€€ I know many don’t have!

Once I have all these results I will make an informed decision on HRT because I will not suffer…..because no women should suffer EVER.

Yoga & living naturally can sync with modern medicine so that we live our best lives! and I will do what I need to feel the best version of me!

As a menopause coach it is my job to support listen & help women make informed choices & feel empowered whatever their decision.

What are you thoughts on HRT? love to hear! ❤️


Women’s Full Moon 🌕circle this Saturday in Pedralba

We have a couple of spaces remaining comment or dm if you want to know more or come along or attend future gatherings

You can also join online live if you are not in Valencia

Kate 🫶


Being a women over 50 is a gift 🎁 that many don’t get to experience. Yet the narrative is so fkin negative & I’m so bored of it!

Here are 10 happy facts for those of you in your 40s scared of getting here! 🥰

✔️SUCCESS 80% of forbes successful women are over 50
✔️WISE WOMAN - We get more wisdom & care less about what people think
✔️LIFE EXPECTANCY we are living longer - Between 1970 and 2023, life expectancy at birth increased from just over 77 years to nearly 85 years for women
✔️SMART We are experienced and educated - more of us are college graduates than previous generations

✔️SEXY - Yes sometimes libido drops but for some it ramps up! Half of women in their 50s report continued sexual activity,
✔️CLARITY We get clearer on what we want
✔️PLEASING We stop people pleasing
✔️WHAT MATTERS We realize who & what is important
✔️SELF KNOWLEDGE We get to know and accept all aspects of ourselves & embrace the shadow
✔️LISTEN We listen more & stop pushing!

I’m sure i’ve forgot loads pop in comments let’s spread the positive perimenopause / post menopause vibes!!!


I have been thinking for a while now about doterra & how I want to move forward.

I needed to step away from being the oily lady & focus back on my yoga.

I needed to re connect about what I liked about doterra & what I was no longer willing to do.

I also had to really connect back to my own WHY?

Sometimes we need space & distance to think. Im not going to lie….Some of aspects of the business reminded me of my sales days….I am not going back there ever!

So I’m going to do doterra my way! Showing up in a fun way making blends that I love & sharing the wisdom so have from my heart.

What I have realized is….

✔️I love the oils they 💯 work
✔️They have helped me with my hormones so much (I am 51 post menopause have minimal symptoms vs everyone I know! )
✔️I use them from the moment I wake up until i go to sleep
✔️I love making face oils, creams & potions & want to do more of that!
✔️I have been taking the supplements for 6 years and the more i learn about health the more I realize the ingredients really are next level!
✔️My yoga clients love them & they add a different dimension to my classes!

I have decided I want to start to create a community of like minded women who want to start this journey with me & do it in an un pushy fun way!

Comment or dm if you are curious & want to chat let’s see where this goes ….. ❤️

Photos from Kategardnerlife's post 07/07/2024

Nourish to Flourish our unique 21 day program is NOW available for you to purchase as a pre recorded course in a beautiful e book 👇

This Ayurvedic inspired course empowers peri to post-menopausal woman through nourishing practises & I created this program lots of love ❤️

✔️Nourishing rather than eliminating foods (our view is you will feel so good unhealthy will drop away)
✔️offering safe, loving container with many ways to connect & many modes of healing
✔️practical self-care tools to weave into your daily life over duration of the program
✔️2 teachers for price of x 1
✔️40 years + experience between us
✔️Combining Hatha, yin, restorative, menopause yoga, Kundalini yoga, Kundalini Kriya Kundadance
✔️Menopause Tips & menopause yoga (great for perimenopause - post menopause!)
✔️Ayurvedic gentle cleansing practices for you to integrate into your daily routine
✔️Self-care practices
✔️Powerful Weekly Womb activation.

Dm or comment for more information and I’ll send to you today ❤️

Photos from Kategardnerlife's post 01/07/2024

Grief, Loss, Love & light…. In the last 10 years i’ve lost my sister, my mum, my two aunties, my two uncles & my cousin!

That’s a lot of grief & loss to process….

last February when i was on the metro visiting Valencia. I got a message out of the blue from my half sister Dee (we have the same father) We had connected in my early 20s but life got in the way….

She said she was in Thailand doing yoga & I kept popping into her head. We spoke & got on great then met in the June here in Valencia & she has been over to see me 4 times since (and is coming back in September) She loves it here almost as much we we do!!!

She is a warrior, an adventurer & we have lots in common & we are both crazy dog women!

I’m very grateful we have re connected & I have back in my life - we have had such a lovely time my heart feels happy & full ❤️


Spring Yoga SALE
Early Morning yoga
Thursday & Sunday Chill

And …
Calling mamas NEW School
run friendly Thursday 9.30 uk (10.30 Spain) 60 minute class on Thursday! ☀️

✅Basic plan
1 hour of live yoga per week for €14.99 (£12.99) You can attend 1 X 60 minute or 2 x 30 minute sessions!!

✅Premium Package
6 Classes & unlimited library access 50+ classes to watch at your leisure
€34.99 (£29.99)

Book monthly package below ⬇️


Every week a new theme this weeks theme love & trust ❤️


Uk Online Yoga schedule here (Spain +1 hour)

NEW School run friendly 9.30 uk (10.30 Spain) 60 minute class on Thursday for you mamas 🙊

Monthly packages here ⬇️


Each week we explore a theme this weeks it’s love & trust ❤️

Kate ❤️

Nourish to Flourish Spring Cleanse starts 25th March 29/02/2024

Me Talking about upcoming Spring 21 Nourish to Flourish

what it is, what’s is not….last day of early bird 🦅

Email arriving in inbox (from kategardnerlife if your a subscriber)

learn more & join here or dm/comment & join fb community Nourish to Flourish 108⬇️



Nourish to Flourish Spring Cleanse starts 25th March Nourish to Flourish 21 day program starts 25th March. We aim to empower the peri to post-menopausal woman through nourishing practises and loving community....

February Moon Circle 25/02/2024

Last night Naomi & I shared such a beautiful full moon gathering. Here is a little 3 minute clip for you! 🌕

These are such potent & powerful medicine to bring women together to share & release.

Last nights format;
✔️Essential oils
✔️Brahmari to open up throat chakra
✔️Sharing & releasing
✔️Fists of anger to let go
✔️kirtan Kriya to honor the cycle of life & death
✔️Womb awakening
✔️Manta last night om gum fans latte namaha to clear blockages
✔️Yoga nidra we shared beautiful SURRENDER
✔️Adi shakti mantra to honour the divine feminine

Yes we cover a lot & it’s FREE women were blown away, for some this was their first experience - our next one is on 25th March register & join!

comment or dm for link to register


February Moon Circle We start with sharing which is never recorded hence recording a bit odd we hope you can join next month

Photos from Kategardnerlife's post 22/02/2024

I have thought about writing this for a while….it’s a long one!

Yesterday my niece sent me a letter my late mum had sent my late sister apologizing for how she had treated her & been a s**t mum (my sister was raised by my grandparents as my mum chose my dad over her and left her when she was very young).

It bought back memories of all the letters my mum had written me (she was good at that) after she had screamed at me she would always cry & write a letter. She would scream ‘I was a hateful little child that no one would ever love me’ (often) The pattern
= Abuse, tears (hers not mine I was so shut down never cried) then a letter stuffed under my bedroom door saying she was sorry.

I’ve had so much therapy (I would be dead if it were not for yoga which literally saved me & therapy) to heal from the abuse & trauma of my childhood. I was never ever put first ….that’s a fact!

I came behind men & often drink too…..even when she died there was nothing left for me …no note no special attention.

I sat with everyone rifling through her trinkets asking for pieces of jewellery as keepsakes.

Mum had a flat in hackney which she said would be mine if she died but that was sold when she moved to France & married my stepdad.

Last year I plucked up courage to ask my stepdad about a will…what would happen if he died would his 2 kids get left everything (not that there is much …but it’s the principle) as no one has ever talked to me about it. He was so nasty & toxic and said that him & mum had told his kids all will be split 3 ways in event of death. No one had even told me that….so it was yet another example of me NEVER being put first …or considered.

I’m writing this because I want to let it go …..& say it does not matter if you are NEVER put first as a child the important thing is that YOU put yourself first, that you do the inner work & that you do the healing & face the demons that they NEVER had the courage to do & move forward!!

I am happy & proud of who the woman I have become & am happy in my life ❤️


Welcome to come try a class FREE! ⬇️

Monday, Wednesday & Friday
Early morning 7am Uk (8am Spain)
30 minute grounding energizing flow

Tuesday & Sunday Menopause yoga
Tuesday strength building sunday more chilled vibes!

Thursday night restorative & nidra a complete reset!



10 things you might not know about me some random Monday facts!! 🙈⬇️

1.I was born in Hackney (before it was a cool place to live)
2. I have always loved animals as a kid I was obsessed I had all kinds!
3. As a child I loved contemporary dance & used to go to the place in Euston (It was like fame)
4. I was a dancer & Pr in a club in Magaluf when i was 16! 🙈
5. I went to live in New York when I was 18 / returned home at 19 (by then I was a big party girl)
6. I discovered yoga at the height of my party vibes & heavy drug use (one of the reasons I liked it was it made me feel high!)
7. I went back to college at 19 (to get my a levels)
8. I graduated from uni at 23 with a degree in European history & French
9. I worked in media for years, I was a researcher, media planner/buyer then I moved to sales!
10. I trained to be a yoga teacher at 36 (I also trained as a pilates teacher but i don’t teach it these days)

Thanks for being here I would love you to share a random fact in comments ⬇️



Valentines Newsletter sent today ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Check junk if you’ve not received it please subscribe at the bottom of homepage & comment or dm i’ll re send it to you ⬇️


Photos from Kategardnerlife's post 14/02/2024

I’m not really one for Valentines shenanigans ….so this valentine’s I’m sharing something cute & furry with you instead ❤️

Dogs are pure love and they bring joy so much joy and crazy into our lives everyday!

Ever since I was a very small child i’ve had a special place in my heart for dogs they are angels & teach us humans so much!!!

Comment if your a dog lover what your dogs bring into your life & have taught you ❤️ ❤ ❤️

Photos from Kategardnerlife's post 12/02/2024

Sometimes just spending quality time with friends is all the therapy you need….

Thankyou to Naomi for coming to visit ❤️

So excited about our next in Spring & co creating & enjoying the process!


Let’s talk about aging!!! Aging with grace was one of the themes on our recent 21 day nourish to flourish & reading through some of the feedback one lovely participant said…

‘Aging is something i really struggle with at the moment, I’m feeling invisible & tired. So to remind myself of the privilege of growing old gracefully is very important on a daily basis’

Aging & feeling invisible is part of getting older (sorry but it’s true) Accepting we are not going to look the same as we did 25 years are ago. Being comfortable to show up as we are with no make up & scruffy hair takes courage.

But here’s the thing…as we change physically, we grow so much inside & become so much more connected to who we really are & our innate intuition.

I spent my 30s feeling so insecure about my looks. I worked in an industry where youth was revered & I never felt good enough.

Thank god at 50 I’m comfortable in this skin of mine & grateful to be healthy & alive!

Our next 21 Day program starts 18th March early bird available learn more in bio & stay updated over


The Perimenopause/menopause transition can take so many forms.

We are all so different & we will all experience this natural journey differently. It’s not linear it changes & shifts throughout the years.

Yes bring forgetful, clumsiness, weird itchy ears & skin & even getting reid electric shocks are ALL symptoms! 🙈

Some of us notice anxiety as a first symptom, some of us changes in our periods. Some of us are waking all night with night sweats!

The more I learn the clearer this becomes. Some women sail through it ‘what’s the fuss about’ others have 30 hot flushes a day & are struggling with crippling anxiety.

3 key factors have popped into my mind lately;

✔️Women need to share more & learn from each other & accept this will happen to us all in some way
✔️See Menopause is a wake up call to address what is no longer working
✔️Take this time to prioritize YOU & put yourself first

If you are struggling reach out & your welcome to come try a FREE menopause yoga class (next class Sunday) dm for link

If your in Valencia we have a menopause meet up on 23rd at 12 in the city it’s free come join us!

Videos (show all)

Spring Yoga SALE Early Morning yoga Thursday & Sunday Chill And …Calling mamas NEW Schoolrun friendly Thursday 9.30 uk (...
Menopause yoga for strength & empowerment & low mood a little sample 1 minute mash up of the class! This yoga for women ...
Struggling with perimenopause/menopause/post menopause Anxiety/overwhelm 🙈Come try my FREE menopause yoga class this Sun...
Before & After hair @dgestilistassalon my hairdresser is Aleksandra she works magic on my hair ❤️🎄#newhairstyle #goodhai...
7 Day Living Your Yoga Challenge starts next Monday 20th November - 30 minutes of yoga at 7am 🧘‍♀️Finding the spiritual ...
Yoga Chill is the class you don’t realise you need until you do it! Here is a little sample for you!Think dark cozy room...
