Relief Organization for South Sudan Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

To coordinate humanitarian assistance to save lives, restore dignity through psycho-socio rehabilita

Photos from Gambella Regional Gov’t  Press Secretariat Office's post 06/11/2023
Photos from UNHCR Ethiopia's post 19/10/2023
Photos from Refugees & Returnees Service - RRS's post 19/10/2023

The political mobilization carrying out by SPLM -IG to South Sudanese refugees in Benshangulgumuz region is the violation of 2018 Peace agreement and the same time undermine the Road Map.

SPLM -IG should Respect the UN Protocols and principles


Photos from Office of the First Vice President - Republic of South Sudan 's post 09/10/2023
Photos from Radio Miraya's post 04/10/2023

Food pouse has lifted by USAID.

This is to inform those who have access on social media communications that, the food distribution will be on October 9 Monday next week at Punyido two
And will follow at nguanyiel camp and Punyido one on Tuesday
Let us inform the people for stopping exodus.

Source world vision international



Congratulations to Hon. Angelina Teny for winning the trust of SPLM-IO leadership and the R-TGoNU .

Your capacity to serve the country has no doubt Congratulations once again


Congratulations to Cde Angelina Teny on her new appointment as the Minister of Interior.

You're the pillar of this Country, Congratulations once again.


Happy Ethiopian New Year
May almighty God feel all of you with unlimited joys, hope .

Photos from Cde. Puok Both Baluang's post 01/09/2023


Q&A: Machar's office responds to Minister Makuei

Puok Both Baluang is the Acting Press Secretary in the Office of the First Vice President and SPLM-IO leader Dr. Riek Machar.

Radio Tamazuj interviewed him to speak about plans for elections in December 2024. Puok also responded to a Tuesday statement by Information Minister and Government Spokesman Michael Makuei in which he said Dr. Machar is not under confinement in Juba and is free to travel.

Below are edited excerpts:

Q: Mr. Puok, Information Minister Michael Makuei has refuted the reports that First Vice President Riek Machar is confined in Juba. What is the status of Dr. Riek Machar?

A: Well, the communique of the IGAD Head of States and Government held in December 2020 was very clear. The IGAD communique confirms that Dr. Riek Machar is free and can travel without restrictions. This was after the peace talks and the signing of the revitalized peace agreement.

Q: But Dr. Machar has never left Juba since he returned to implement the peace agreement with President Salva Kiir. What justifies this?

A: Yes. In the last few months, there was a plan for a conference in Wau to find a solution to a disagreement over the relocation of the Wau county headquarters from Wau town to Baggari and Dr. Riek Machar was invited by the governor of Western Bahr el Ghazal State to travel to Wau and attend the meeting. Also, the governor extended the same invitation to the president to attend the same conference because it was a very important conference. As you know, there is still tension over the relocation of the county headquarters from Wau to Baggari.

So, when the state governor met the president to extend him the invitation, the president declined and said he would not be able to attend the conference and the president informed the governor that Dr. Riek Machar also cannot attend the conference in Wau because there are directives from IGAD that Machar is still under confinement.

The president did not tell us exactly whether there was another letter written by IGAD on the matter or it was just communicated verbally to him by IGAD. Since Minister Makuei, as a government spokesperson and a senior member of the SPLM party, said Dr. Machar is free, we believe that he is representing the ruling SPLM Party led by President Salva Kiir.

Q: But Minister Makuei confirmed that Dr. Machar is free to travel. Are you refuting his statement?

A: We welcome the statement made by Information Minister Makuei and for correcting what the president communicated recently to the governor of Western Bahr el Ghazal, Sarah Cleto. If Minister Makuei says Dr. Machar is free, we welcome it, and we think that it is a good move and this will consolidate peace and build trust between the two principals who are now implementing the revitalized peace agreement.

Q: Was there another invitation for a visit internally to Machar that was blocked by the government?

A: Well, Dr. Machar is not interested in paying visits to the states and counties right now due to the security reports we have been receiving. We think that the security arrangements should be implemented fully before Dr Machar can travel to the states and counties. During the opening of SPLM-IO offices in the states, we received reports of attacks and harassment against our members by security agents who are loyal to the SPLM Party. So for us not to risk the security of our members and the crowd of citizens who will be welcoming him, Dr. Machar decided not to visit those places to reduce the risks. So Dr. Machar is waiting for the security arrangements to be completed so that he can visit many areas within the country.

Q: Since Minister Makuei has confirmed that Dr. Machar is free, will the SPLM-IO now allow him to visit some states?

A: On the issue of visits to the states, hopefully, there will be some visits by the SPLM-IO leadership and we are working on registering our membership and opening our offices. We are planning to reach payams and counties, and hopefully, there will be civic and political space in the country. As the SPLM-IO, we are pushing for civic and political space in the country.

Q: What about trips outside South Sudan? We have never seen Dr. Machar travelling abroad to represent the government as the first vice president.

A: We have been receiving invitations for Dr. Machar to travel abroad and the most recent invitation was from Egypt. Dr. Machar was invited to travel and attend a conference there and after last year’s Governors’ Forum, there was another invitation extended to Dr. Machar by one of the West African countries to attend a meeting. But those invitations were not given the go-ahead, and the president’s office went silent. There was no response from the president because if a vice president or a minister is travelling, he or she first gets approval from the president.

Q: Now, is there a trip abroad by Machar awaiting approval by Kiir?

A: Yes. There is an invitation extended to Machar to travel abroad and we are still waiting for the office of the president to respond. We do not know if Dr. Machar will be allowed to travel. This will show if the SPLM and President Kiir have the political will to work with Machar as a peace partner or not.

Q: Apart from the invitations extended to Machar as SPLM-IO leader. What about official trips abroad? We have never seen Machar representing his boss in meetings abroad. What is the reason?

A: It is true that Dr. Machar has never been assigned to represent the president in meetings abroad, and I think there are many reasons for that. Sometimes we get surprised that some junior officials, in terms of protocol, are assigned to represent the president in summits and very important meetings abroad. As you know, Dr. Machar is the second person in the country in the hierarchy of the transitional government, and he is in charge of the governance cluster. We just saw it in the media recently when the president delegated his advisor, Benjamin Bol Mel, to represent him in a meeting in Addis Ababa and there were many meetings where the president delegated the minister of presidential affairs Dr. Barnaba Marial. Sometimes, the other vice presidents are delegated by the president to represent him abroad. We think that those plans to bypass the first vice president show that the president lacks the political will to build trust with Dr. Machar. He does not see Dr. Machar as a very important party to the peace process. So we can say that the SPLM Party knows the reasons why they are doing that.

Q: What is your plan for elections as the SPLM-IO? Are you prepared now to participate in general elections?

A: Well, when we talk about elections, there are prerequisites for free and fair elections to take place. We need the security arrangements to be implemented and when we say security arrangements, it does not mean only the graduation of the unified forces. There should be civic and political space as well as freedoms. Also, the system of governance has not yet been addressed besides the independent institutions. How can you hold elections without a permanent constitution? The constitution-making process has not yet started. A constitutional conference should be held so that we discuss the system of governance we want before elections, and there is a need for a population census that will inform the drawing of geographical constituencies.

Q: Don’t you think that the remaining 16 months are enough to implement the pending tasks of the peace agreement?

A: For the parties to work on a permanent constitution, they need 24 months, according to the experts and the extension of the transitional period was done based on the recommendation of the experts. Also, if there were political will, we would have implemented the issue of security arrangements, including the deployment of the unified forces. The other challenge is the lack of political space besides the repatriation of the refugees. We believe that the remaining period is not enough to implement the pending tasks that will qualify us to hold free and fair elections. Thank you.


Ethiopian government and UN

Photos from Relief Organization for South Sudan Addis Ababa, Ethiopia's post 15/08/2023


Our heartfelt appreciation go to Nuer Christian Churches, who willingly responded to the suffering of the South Sudanese Refugees who resided in Gambella Region.

May the Lord bless the hands who did this amazing response.



By James Gatdet Dak Lampuor


Video clips went viral recording (documenting) the SPLM-IO MPs walking out of the South Sudan's parliament on Friday, August 11, 2023, protesting the SPLM-IG's refusal to agree on sufficient increments of the salaries for civil servants, military and other organized forces. Read the attached document properly.

SPLM-IO wants sufficient higher salaries increment (Scenario 4, Model 3 or Option 3 in the attached document) for our suffering civil servants, military personnel and other organized forces. SPLM-IG rejects it, claiming that there is no money.

SPLM-IO wants the salary for bottom Grade 17, for example, to be increased from the current monthly salary of just 2,800 SSP (3 US dollars) to 53,000 SSP (50 US dollars) and so on up to the highest Grade 1, which currently gets only 19,000 SSP (19 US dollars) per month to be increased to 231,000 SSP (230 US dollars). SPLM-IG it, wanting Grade 17 to be increased only to 11,200 SSP (10 US dollars), or 400% only per month, and highest Grade 1 to 76,000 SSP (76 US dollars) only, saying no money.

Is it true that there is no money, or is it about mismanagement of lots of money?

This SPLM-IO's proposal is a commendable position for our people and for those who know their rights.



SDA- Gambella Region
to Nuer, Church leaders worldwide.
Read it!

To all Nuer leaders communities and Religious leaders.
Subject Appeals.
Dears leaders of communies and Religious.
Christians Greetings

Subject: Refugee food crisis in Tharpam - Itang

It is very dreadful seeing your beloved community people dying from hunger of foods. I have heard Nuer refugee in Tharpam are suffered from food shortage because UN did not provided food to them at least for three months - four months. Many of them are dying in the camps and from searching of foods outside of camps. Many women have died and left their children orphanages in the camps and still have no foods to eat, may follow their mothers in the graves soon.
As active citizens of the Nuers community, what should we do for those suffering Nuer refugees in the camp?

God has sent many children of Nuer community to many parts of the world and many of them are living near to UN Head Quarter in Geneva.

Appealing to the UN for the survival of the refugee suffering from hunger is not crime.

Next, it is our duty to safe the lives of our community people from starvation.

I personally appeal to all communities leaders and Religious to immediately come together to rescue our people suffering from food shortage.

Pr. Thokhat Nhial Lual
Gambella Ethiopia Field of SDA Church, President
Contact: +251911183732
Email: [email protected] thank you pr


Happy belated birthday to H.E FVP of RSS
You're a great man of this nation, the South Sudan we want will be seen through you and your committed comrades who struggling for it.
Wish you all the best on your birthday Sir

Photos from Relief Organization for South Sudan Addis Ababa, Ethiopia's post 29/07/2023

This is how South Sudanese Refugees survive in current situation of Food rations distribution changed from to , the food distribution delayed for two months.

The Security situation in Gambella added more suffering on Refugees.


Let the blood of our Patriots who sacrifice theirs lives for this country reunites us.
Happy 12th Anniversary to Republic of South Sudan,
Enjoy where you are, IDPs and Refugees in other Countries

Photos from Gambella Regional Gov’t  Press Secretariat Office's post 06/07/2023

We are struggling for the safety of South Sudanese Refugees.
We appreciate the efforts taken by and



An open letter to the Ethiopian Federal Government, Gambella Regional State Government, EHRC and The UNHCR

We the undersigned body of Nuer Community in Diaspora and Ethiopia are shocked by the horrific news of inhuman act and cold blooded murders committed against the South Sudanese Nuer Refugees in Gambella Regional State of Ethiopia.
The attack that happened in both Pignudo Refugees and Kule Refugees Camps were well planned by the Anywaa Extremist Criminals under Dhaldim (An Anywaa underground Secret Group) backed by the tribal leadership of Gambella Regional State.
On 20 June 2023, the Anywaa Extremists armed to the teeth attacked Refugees in Pignudo by throwing a hand Gr***de at a group of Refugees, comprising of children, women and men causing severe injuries to 9 of them, some of which are still in critical condition in a Gambella Hospital. This is a clear act of terrorism against unarmed Refugees who are under the protection of the Federal Government.
This was preceded, one week earlier, by cold blooded murder of three Nuer South Sudanese Refugees from Kule Camp and their three wheeler car (bajaj) driver, an Oromo ethnic group, along Abole-Kule Road in Itang Special Woreda (District).
The Nuer Community at large is condemning this killing of refugees by Anywaa extremist criminal and their tribal Regional Leadership that support the killing of innocent peoples in both Kule and Pignido refugees camps.
Here are some of the points we would like to bring to the attention of the Federal Ethiopian Government, the Gambella Regional State Government, the Ethiopian Human Right Commission (EHRC) and the UNHCR.
We request the UNHCR to condemn the killing and maiming of the Refugees, in the strongest terms possible and to protect and care for the live of South Sudanese refugees in Ethiopia and value their lives while taking the refugees laws seriously.
We call on the Ethiopian Federal Government to condemn the killing and maiming of the Refugees, investigate and hold the perpetrators accountable.
We also urge the Government to prevent any such occurrence in the future by protecting the refugees according to the Country’s and International Refugee Laws.
We are demanding the Gambella Regional Government to stop the killing of Refugees and failure to do so, would mean complicity in the crime and demand resignation of the Regional President, Ato Omot Ojula Obup to give way for new leadership who could stop the killing and control the Anywaa Extremists Criminals terrorizing the Region.
We are requesting the EHRC to involve in the protection of Human right in Gambella Regional State and to hold the perpetrator accountable.
We call for the arrest of Dr. Magn, the Leader of Dhaldim, the group behind Extremists and the organizer of the group, whose objectives is to get rid of the Nuer and the Highlanders (Ethiopians from the other Highland Region of Ethiopia) from Gambella. This need to be done before it gets too late, as things can get out of control quickly.
We call on the Refugees and returnees Services (RRS) of the Ethiopian Government to facilitate the release of 31 refugees detained in Pinyudo Refugees Camp for depending themselves against the attacks by these Anywaa Extremists Criminals.
Recently, our community sent a letter to H.E Prime Minister Abiy Ahimed to encourage the law enforcement, which is not respected by the Anywaa Community, to take action to bring the situation under control. Unfortunately we are not seeing any tangible measures taken to that effect and we once again call on the Prime Minister to order the Law enforcement Agencies to stop the current situation in Gambella Regional State.
We are keenly waiting for meaningful actions from the Federal Ethiopian Government that can restore the unity, peace and development in the Gambella Regional State.

Finally, we condemned the tribal leadership of Omot Ojulu Obup which allows the targeting of one Ethnic Group, including Refugees and interrupt their peace and progress without holding the perpetrator accountable; and we demand his stepping aside from the public offices before our community response to Anywaa style of killing.
Ato Omot’s Leadership has become a disaster to both, citizens and refugees in Gambella, as well as, Ethiopia as whole, since his coming to office four years ago.
Nuer Community in Ethiopia and Diaspora


Pugnido Refugees camp incident.

June 20/2023 was a world Refugees day, celebrated by all Refugees and the day where UNHCR celebrate the solidarity of those (Countries)who host the Refugees including Ethiopia.

Yesterday evening youth from Anyuak the host community of Gok woreda pugnido camps went to attack the Refugees in old camp of Nuer site. It happened they had thrown the bomb in the house where four students were in the house, they sustain minor injuries.

We appreciate the stands of RRS (Refugees and Returnee Services and UNHCR who provides all protection services to South Sudan Refugees in Ethiopia.

But the Anyuak must learn to lives in peace with these Refugees who spent most of their lives times in Pugnido.

Peace between host community and Refugees should be strength by as those are not enemies to each other at the very beginning.

Happy World Refugees Day to all Refugees.

May the Peace reign in Ethiopia



Three South Sudanese Refugees who resided in Nguenyyiel Refugees camp were killed today morning around Abol check point.

May theirs precious Souls Rest In Peace.


Dear all audience of this page

Relief Organization for South Sudan is the humanitarian wing of SPLM-IO, it's been permitted by the IGAD and Ethiopian authority to facilitate or coordinate the West Ethio-South Sudan corridor humanitarian services flows.

It's a always stands on international humanitarian principles of neutrality, and others important humanitarian protocols.

We're always neutral on any situation which brings the lives hard and we stands behind to support, makes the situation healthy for all to lives peace.

The Relief Organization for South Sudan Addis Ababa, Ethiopia still stands taller on humanitarian services coordinating to those who are suffering at home.

Country Director 's Office
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia




Pray for this family.

Why you killed MOTHER?
Why you killed Child?
Why you killed your NATION?
Civilians has nothing to do with your political blocking.

Ours prayers with Dok community.

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Monday 09:00 - 17:00
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