

Learn how to motivate your self alone.


Every morning when you open your eyes, take a moment for yourself to reflect on all that you are and all you are becoming.�-�Take a moment to meditate and connect with your inner most self and take a moment to think about your vision for your life and what you are creating.�-�Take a moment to feel grateful and feel a deep sense of love and peace knowing that you are alive and that you get to experience this day matter what it brings!�-�Take a moment to smile and accept yourself for all your little quirks and things which make you weird and make you, YOU!�-�Take a moment to just think about what you are going to do when you jump out of bed and what you are going to bring to the world that only you can share and deliver!�-�Take a moment to visualize and truly feel what it would be like to live your dream and what emotions you would feel and experiences you would have when you make it!�-�Take a moment to make a promise to yourself that you will be at your best today and give it your best and when you close your eyes in the same spot in the evening you would have moved so much closer to your grand vision for your life.�-�Every Morning that our eyes open to a new day is a blessing and those first few moments, thoughts and emotions belong to you and your beautiful vision for life!��- Joe

Originally Written by Joe Duncan


Law 4: Always say less than necessary.

"The more you say, the more likely you are to say something foolish."


Sanadkan Milaadiga ah ee tagay 2022, wuxuu ahaa sanad saamayn badan oo taban iyo mid toganba ii lahaa waxaanse markaan dib u milicsaday ogaaday casharro muhiim ah..

Waxaan ka bartay waxyaabo aad u badan balse inta ugu muhiimsan ee xasuusta igu leh waa kuwan;

1. Waxa aan ogaaday In Naftaada aad adiga kaligaa kamasuultahay oo aad meelsare gaarsiin kartid sidookale aad meel hoosane dhigi kartid oo ay tahay kolba meesha aad is dhigto uun. ( Lax waliba meeshay is dhigto ayaa lagu gawracaa).

2. Waxaan ogaaday In waxyaabaha ama shaqooyinka fud-fudud iyo iska raaxaysiga ama fadhi wax kuraadinta oo aad kadoor bido shaqooyinka ad-adag iyo rafaadka ay tusaale u tahay hanyaridaada.
Sidookalena waxyaabaha fudfudud ee funny-ga ah oo loo ordaa ay calaamad u tahay kuwa guuldaraystay ee caajislowyaasha ah.

3. Waxaan ogaaday in hal xaraf ama hal camal oo aad u yar oo aad si maalinle ah u sameysid inay Naftaada kor u qaadi karto iyo inay sanadka dhamaadkiisa guulwayn kuunoqon doonto. Taas badalkeedana hal caado ama hal percent 1% oo kali ah oo aad si maalinle ah hoos u dhac u sameyso iyadna ay sanadka dhamaadkiisa kutusin doonto inaad fashilmatay.


5. Waxaan bartay in Hadii aad aragto adiga oo ay dadka dhan ku collaysteen ama ay gadaashaa kahadlaan oo wax kaa sheegaan in aad hal talaabo oo harumar ah aad horey u dhaaftay iyaga.

6. Waxaan ogaaday ku cel-celinta hal SHAY adiga oo raba inaad heshid natiijo cusub iyo Isbeddel balse maalinwalba sameeya caadooyin iskumid ah inay kamidtahay bislaansho la'aanta caqliyeed ee aad leedahay.

7. Waxaan ogaaday In hadii aad Yeelato HAMI & HANSARE oo aad dajisato AH-DAAF kadibna aad ku dadaasho Joogtaysona gaadhidooda adigoo wakhti cayiman raba inaad ku gaadho hadafkaas in aad gaadhi karto lkn waxaa u fure ah;
1. In aad Alle isku xidho.
2. Qorshayso
3. Joogtayso
4. RajoWanaagsan lahaatid
5. Sabir iyo Adkaysi iwm.

8. Waxaan ogaaday in dadka aad maalinwalba wakhtiga ugu badax laqaadato ay hadii ay xun yihiina saamayn taban kugu yeeshaan hadii ay wanaagsan yihiina mid wanaagsan.

9. Waxaan ogaaday hadal yarida iyo iska warhayntu ay kaa dhigi karto mid bulshada ku leh Saamayn wanaagsan iyo Ixtiraam.

10. Ugu dambayn waxaan ogaaday " In ay ka fiican-tahay in aad Isbeddel samaysid goor dambe oo aad rafaaday wakhtina kaatagay in aadan waxba samaynin oo aadan Isbeddelna keenin."

Qodobkeed kaheshay?

Adiguna bal nala wadaag....

Bashir A/..


Dear friend/friends

In the year 2023 Don't just be a Baker, be The Baker everyone seeks for.

✓ Don't just be a Makeup artist, be The Makeup artist everyone seeks for.

✓ Don't just be a Teacher, be The Teacher everyone loves to learn from.

✓ Don't just be a Chorister, be The Chorister everyone loves to watch.

✓ Don't just be a Student, be The Student everyone seeks for.

✓ Don't just be a Nurse, be The Nurse everyone seeks for.

You are where you are today as a result of the extent to which you have grown & developed yourself yesterday. If you want a better YOU, then you must invest in the present YOU. Whatever you find your hands doing, thrive to be the best in it. Excellence should be your pursuit.

The world is your parish it will respond to the Value you bring.



11 Leadership Lessons from" The Leader in you"-Dale Carnegie

1. Talk less, listen more.
People will pay attention to what you say, just because of your position. The leader’s job is to pay attention to what other people say, especially those who think their views don’t count. Show you’re listening by acting on what people tell you, and gain their trust by giving them the credit.

2. Don’t step in with solutions too quickly.
No-one learns anything new if you keep doing what you already know how to do, and don’t allow others to try. Anyway, they may find a different, or better way, and if not… mistakes are valuable too.

3. Be authentic.
Be authentic, passionate, even emotional, about what you believe in. Share your vision and live your values. The personal is more engaging, even inspiring, than the process.

4. Don’t ‘dis’ downwards.
Once a decision is made by the Board, or the leadership team, it’s yours even if you argued against it during discussions. Your job as leader is to get others to believe in, and work towards, a shared goal, not to divide opinion or loyalties.

5. I’m OK: You’re OK.
Start from the position that everyone is doing the best they can, then look for ways to support and encourage them – which is so much more rewarding than finding fault.

6. Don’t be the smartest person in the room.
Being a leader does not mean knowing more than anyone else. Recognise, encourage and promote others as experts. Give them the trust and autonomy to be creative and do excellent work, defined in their terms. You simply provide the direction, so that this excellent work contributes to a shared purpose.

7. Sense of purpose.
Your team know what they do and how to do it, but you can make a big difference by sharing a strong sense of why they’re doing it and where it’s heading. Help them develop a broad understanding of the team’s purpose, and faith in how their role contributes to the whole. (Remember the floor-sweeper at NASA?)

8. Being right isn’t enough.
A great idea is of no consequence unless you can convince others to believe it too, and then persuade them to help you make your idea a reality. The best way to do this is to make the idea theirs.

9. Focus on a few things.
Focusing on the things that really matter and where you can make a difference. There may be a hundred different distractions and demands on your time and a hundred ways you could respond, but it’s the dozen carefully chosen actions that deliver the results.

10. Get out and about.
Get out and about and in the work. It’s hard to retain that sense of what the job’s really about when you are sitting.



Succeeding as an entrepreneur requires decisions and determination-total, unwavering commitment.
To keep Faith with thise commitment, you have to develop and embrace attitudes, habits and behaviours that are markedly different from most of the people you have known.

You have to cut down on time spent with people who are not supportive of your entrepreneurial ambitions.
Time spent hanging around fearful people, doubtful people, sceptical people can impair your ability to succeed.

Dan Kennedy

