Josa Consulting

Josa Consulting

At JoSa Consulting , we connect African businesses with Finnish/Nordic Businesses. Our aim is to imp



As the world continues to recover from the disruptions of the COVID-19 pandemic, coping mechanisms such as increased use of virtual workspace, online marketplaces and e-governance have become the norm. While this presents opportunities to revamp economies and streamline public service delivery, it may also heighten exposure to cyber-crime.

In Africa, many countries have seen a rise in reports of digital threats and malicious cyber activities. The results include sabotaged public infrastructure, losses from digital fraud and illicit financial flows, and national security breaches involving espionage and intelligence theft by militant groups.

Addressing these vulnerabilities requires a greater commitment to cybersecurity. This requires enforceable policy safeguards, risk prevention and management approaches, along with technologies and infrastructure that can protect each country's cyber environment, as well as individual and corporate end-user assets.

An INTERPOL assessment of the impact of COVID-19 on cyber-crime has shown a significant target shift from individuals and small businesses to major corporations, governments and critical infrastructure.

In one four-month period (January to April) some 907,000 spam messages, 737 incidents related to malware and 48,000 malicious URLs – all related to COVID-19 – were detected by one of Interpol's private sector partners.

Join us for the webinar on November 23rd, 2021 at 1 PM GMT ( 2 PM EET )

The Webinar will include a wide range of cybersecurity insights on how you as a person or company are being tracked online and how hackers are making huge profits on cyber-crime. How easy is it to take control over your digital identity or company data?

You'll deepen your knowledge on how cyber-criminals are working and their mindset and how we can help you to make your Business secure and compliance.

On the Webinar, John Samuel, Mikael Zaman Rodin and Professor Dr. Touhid will explain in detail how cyber-threats can impact businesses, consumers, and Government.

Click the link on the bio and register for the webinar.



As the world continues to recover from the disruptions of the COVID-19 pandemic, coping mechanisms such as increased use of virtual workspace, online marketplaces and e-governance have become the norm. While this presents opportunities to revamp economies and streamline public service delivery, it may also heighten exposure to cyber-crime.

In Africa, many countries have seen a rise in reports of digital threats and malicious cyber activities. The results include sabotaged public infrastructure, losses from digital fraud and illicit financial flows, and national security breaches involving espionage and intelligence theft by militant groups.

Addressing these vulnerabilities requires a greater commitment to cybersecurity. This requires enforceable policy safeguards, risk prevention and management approaches, along with technologies and infrastructure that can protect each country's cyber environment, as well as individual and corporate end-user assets.

An INTERPOL assessment of the impact of COVID-19 on cyber-crime has shown a significant target shift from individuals and small businesses to major corporations, governments and critical infrastructure.

With organizations and businesses rapidly deploying remote systems and networks to support staff working from home, criminals are also taking advantage of increased security vulnerabilities to steal data, generate profits and cause disruption.

In one four-month period (January to April) some 907,000 spam messages, 737 incidents related to malware and 48,000 malicious URLs – all related to COVID-19 – were detected by one of Interpol's private sector partners.

Join us for the webinar on November 23rd, 2021 at 1 PM GMT ( 2 PM EET )

The Webinar will include a wide range of cybersecurity insights on how you as a person or company are being tracked online and how hackers are making huge profits on cyber-crime. How easy is it to take control over your digital identity or company data?

You'll deepen your knowledge on how cyber-criminals are working and their mindset and how we can help you to make your Business secure and compliance.

On the Webinar, John Samuel, Mikael Zaman Rodin and Professor Dr. Touhid will explain in detail how cyber-threats can impact businesses, consumers, and Government.

Click the link below and register for the webinar.

Registration is FREE


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Nigeria has the largest population in the ECOWAS region, with nearly 200 million inhabitants in 2019 (more than two-thirds of the region’s population), growing at 2.6% per annum. Despite the country’s demographic dividend and huge economic potential, social conditions have barely improved over the past decade.

GDP per capita stood at USD 5,286 (PPP) declining by 6.8% from 2014. The Human Development Index (HDI) which measures the average progress in key dimensions of human development (health, education, and income) puts the country in the low human development category (ranking 158 out of 188 countries). With population growth exceeding economic growth, it is expected that GDP per capita will continue to decline in the medium-term

Poverty levels are also elevated, with almost half of the population (53.5%) estimated to live below $1.90 a day. According to the National Bureau of Statistics, the unemployment rate increased from 16.5% in 2017 to 23.1% in 2018, with the labor force growing at around 4.5% over the same period.

Nigeria is the region’s biggest economy accounting for almost two-thirds of regional GDP. In 2019, its economy strengthened to an estimated growth rate of 2.3%, up from 1.9% in 2018. The growth upturn is on the back of the strong performance of the service and industry sectors. The upsurge in mining activities was largely boosted by a rebound in commodity prices while the service sector was driven by construction and ICT.Inflation The medium-term growth outlook is positive; as economic growth is projected to increase by 2.5% in 2019. The pace of growth is highly dependent on the favorable outlook of oil prices, agriculture and oil production, and the implementation of reforms under the Economic Recovery and Growth Plan.

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Hello beautiful people,


Africa Day is intended to celebrate and acknowledge the successes of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU now the AU) from its creation on May 25, 1963, in the fight against colonialism and apartheid, as well as the progress that Africa has made while reflecting upon the common challenges that the continent faces in a global environment.

The annual commemoration of Africa Day marks the founding of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) in 1963.
This year’s Africa Month is celebrated under the theme: “The year of Arts, Culture and Heritage: in the year of Charlotte Maxeke”.


Agriculture as a focus in Africa

Agriculture in Africa has a massive social and economic footprint. More than 60 percent of the population of sub-Saharan Africa is smallholder farmers, and about 23 percent of sub-Saharan Africa’s GDP comes from agriculture. Yet, Africa’s full agricultural potential remains untapped.

In a recent analysis, we determined that Africa could produce two to three times more cereals and grains, which would add 20 percent more cereals and grains to the current worldwide 2.6 billion tons of output. Similar increases could be seen in the production of horticulture crops and livestock .( Lutz Goedde, Amandla Ooko-Ombaka, and Gillian Pais ).

Recently, Africa's agricultural production, aggregate, and per capita, has increased. But most production growth came from region extension, rather than growth in total factor efficiency or expanded use of modern inputs. As a result, while development has recently increased, sustainability and international competitiveness lag behind.

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Finland's Africa Strategy

In 2021, Finland will draw up an Africa strategy with the goal of developing Finland’s ties with African countries.

The strategy is shared by the entire central government and its preparations are lead by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.

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Investment opportunities in Africa

To answer the question of “what are the opportunities for investors in Africa?” the number of opportunities emerging in the region, as over the decades, Africa has explored great depth for its rise in growth of investment and economic opportunities.

Upon exploring, it is found that the region offers greater returns on investment than most other emerging economies. Moreover, we cannot call it the body of solitary performance as there are 54 distinct economies in the continent.

Each state weighs with opportunities and challenges significant to their economics and operating environments, which are two vital ingredients for investment. The economies of Africa support their nations. The world is investing in the region for natural resources, low-cost labor and skills.

There are some untapped investment opportunities for international investors.

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Happy Valentine's day to you all.

Remember to spread the love and shine the lights of love to everyone around you and to the world.

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Are you still having doubts about doing business in Africa ? 🤩

Numbers don't lie . 👌🏿

Contact our sales team today at +358408187876 and let's take your business to Africa 🌍

The time to invest in Africa was yesterday best time is now .

Click on our bio for more details

" Africa is the future of business ".



Africa’s renewable energy resource development depends on two factors i.e., economy and social environment. As the economy increases it will help in the development of renewable energy resources. According to the 2019 report Africa’s production of renewable energy was 12.6 GW. Now a day’s African citizens are using 95% of biomass energy to fulfill their household needs. They are using biomass to fulfill their daily needs as well as for domestic purposes. It is expected that the CAGR of Africa will increase to 6% at the end of 2026. Africa has also made a remarkable development in hydro-power and still, they are working on it.

Their hydro-power contributes to 68% of the regional market. Solar power resources are also increasing day by day in this region because they have a sufficient amount of sunlight. Their resources can produce 1100 gigawatts of solar energy. They have the capacity to increase this energy by 373 megawatts.
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Benefits of Sustainability Development Growth in Africa:

Sub-Saharan Africa is rising sharply over the last ten years and has seen some traction in the increasing rate of human growth. The continent has yet to embark upon a sustainable development course that will help both women and men over the long term with its restricted economic diversification, continued inequality, high unemployment, and environmental degradation.

The Financial growth of Africa:
Africa has a 4.6 percent average annual GDP growth over the 2000 and 2016 period, the second largest region in the world. The actual GDP in Africa is expected to grow annually at 3.9 percent for the current five-year period up to 2022. However, better employment, sustainable growth, and the reduction of inequalities should be at the forefront of growth policy to improve welfare and boost industrialization.

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Free Trade Zones in Africa and Benefits

The free trade zone is the area where different goods and products are landed, stored for future use, manufacture, and exported. It is considered a special economic zone. These areas are made on the land which has qualities of trading. For example, these zones are mostly created near airports, seaports, and national frontiers. These zones are also called foreign trade zones because the foreign exchange of goods is being made through these zones.

Benefits of free trade zones

Free trade zones are beneficial for every country. Through these zones, the exchange of goods between countries is being made easy. The taxes on the goods will be reduced. They also reduce the customs duties and the taxes required for registering the business. These all are the common benefits that every country is getting through these zones.

African Free Trade Zone (AFTZ)

Higher authorities of Africa including Southern African Development Community (SADC), the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) and the East African Community (EAC) announces African free trade zone on 22 October 2008. It is also called as African Free Trade Area. In June 2015 the idea was given that a type of free trade zone will be made consisting of all 55 states of Africa by 2017 and it will be named as Continental Free Trade Area (AFCFTA). In this, approximately 1.2 billion people will take part. But at that time, the agreement was made by only 44 countries. In 2019 the rest of the 10 countries also made an agreement.

Nigeria is also playing an important role in free trade zones. There are about 17 free trade zones in Nigeria that are currently active. Some these are Nigeria Aviation Handling Company (NAHCO), Nigeria International Commerce City (Eko Atlantic), Snake Island Integrated Free Zone, Tomaro Industrial Park, Ogun Guangdong Free Trade Zone, and Lagos Free Trade Zone. All the 17 free trade zones are licensed and proved by the authority. Nigeria is developing its free trade zones day by day. Many goods are being exported, stored and manufactured here and playing role in increasing the economy of the country.

Ghana is also playing a leading role in AFCFTA. African union has nominated it as the secretariat of the AFCFTA. Its free trade zones were established in 1995 and from then it is working on it to develop and increase their free trade zones. It is playing several roles some of them are giving the license, observing them before granting them license, to maintain the balance, checking the activities of free trade zones, keep the record and data of everything.

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Reasons why it is time for the Nordics to do Business in Africa.

The relationship between Norway and Africa is deepening: Norway is growing in trade with African countries, with just 50% growth in 2018. Norway has recently set up a permanent mission to the African union. Norwegian Premier Erne Solberg was on his third visit to an African country this February after his travel to South Africa and Angola at the 32nd AU Summit in Ethiopia. The business and policy managers of Africa are improving ties with Norway in the African Union and on more wide-ranging fronts.

Norwegian prime minister Erna Solberg and Ghanaian president Nana Akufo-Addo co-chair the Advocacy Group of Eminent Persons for the U.N. SDGs, and she stated, “by joining forces to achieve our goals, we can turn hope into reality – leaving no one behind.”

In context ,discussions at the recent 2019 Nordic-African Business Summit Expected prospects in fields that are mutually beneficial to both sides, from renewable energies and Agri-tech to marine finance and production. At the summit, Norway's Foreign Minister Ine Marie Eriksen Søreide reflects on ways where both sides will prosper together and promote the transition to Africa's green economy. Invites African countries to grow blue economies, to abolish unnecessary subsidies and to reduce trade barriers.

I see below as the most attractive industries where Nordic investments will flourish sustainably together because of their competitive advantage and the opportunity benefits.

Blue Economy: a quick adaptation to the modern frontier of the Nordic and African revival:

Africa's fisheries market has over 12.3 million workers, and is a prime blue-economy example of commercial activity in and around the rivers, reservoirs and myriad water bodies. The continent, which sits between two oceans, is blessed with 38 out of 54 coastal nations, with 90% of trade in Africa by sea. Blue fishing is also a possible response to challenges to food protection that Africans under-nourished by 220 million can face, and the African Union considers blue economy a New Frontier of an African renaissance.

Because of its centrality to the northern economies, the blue economy was a poorly exploited region for Norwegian and northern companies to add to the markets in Africa. " It is predicted that by 2030, the ocean economy would more than double its share in the world economy. Norwegian businesses are well positioned to make major contributions to the growth of the blue economy in African countries with their experience and skills," says Ine Marie Eriksen Søreide, Norway's foreign minister. "But in order to do this it is necessary for us to manage the seas carefully and guarantee good health.

For 2023, the blue economy of the African Union is identified as the priority activities of agriculture, sea and lake transport, seabed extraction, coastal tourism and tidal energy production. Although these practices are an extra source of income for African economies, Nordic countries will provide experience and critical advice on the dangers of deforestation, over-exploitation and water conservation.

Several African countries were invited to an international ocean conference on 23-24 October this year. In order to help us find ways for safe, secure and efficient waters, Nordic businesses and decision makers of Africa will work together. The AU's list of blue economy goals should clearly be addressed by Nordic businesses looking at the blue frontier of Africa.

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The management and staffs of Josa Consulting will like to wish you all a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New year in advance.


Africa is one of the fastest-growing consumer markets in the world. Household consumption has increased even faster than its gross domestic product (GDP) in recent years—and that average annual GDP growth has consistently outpaced the global average. In light of the increasing affluence, population growth, urbanization rates, and rapid spread of access to the internet and mobile phones on the continent, Africa’s emerging economies present exciting opportunities for expansion in retail and distribution.

In fact, consumer expenditure on the continent has grown at a compound annual rate of 3.9 percent since 2010 and reached $1.4 trillion in 2015. This figure is expected to reach $2.1 trillion by 2025, and $2.5 trillion by 2030. Also, in 2030, if the Continental Free Trade Area (CFTA) is properly implemented, a single continental market for goods and services will be operational, offering corporations different points of entry to the continent and a potential market of 1.7 billion people.

Studies have shown that African consumers are savvy and brand loyal. Local vendors are entrepreneurial and present key assets for distribution chains. At the same time, the vast majority of consumer spending on the continent currently takes place in informal, roadside markets, even in those countries with the most well-developed retail and distribution markets. This disconnect signals enormous potential for growth as African consumers shift from the informal toward more formal forms of consumption—including shopping malls, supermarkets, and eventually even e-commerce—a process that is already underway in all but the most fragile and underdeveloped countries.

Even relatively frontier markets are receiving increasing attention from foreign investors, who consider factors such as favorability of the tax and regulatory environment, the stability of the political system, access to human and financial capital, and proximity to key markets. For example, when recent challenges increased the level of country risk in Nigeria, the largest African economy and historically common West African target of foreign investors, many companies looked to Ghana to establish their regional hub of operations, as its healthy business climate is bolstered by a stable, civilian-led democratic regime and increasingly peaceful neighborhood.

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Africa was never asleep , it was silently rejuvenating , replenishing to flourish and the time has come to shake the entire continent that people may look up to Africa as the future of mankind and the train is moving already . Don't be left behind.

Africa is not poor , only the people managing it are but the time for change has begun.

As the oil boom in West Africa swells, many international businesses are making a beeline for the West coast of Africa where many new business and investments opportunities are providing excellent return on investments as well as profitable trading opportunities. We bring you an analysis of the latest developments in the West African markets...
There are several export opportunities that West Africa offers to international businesses. As a result, the West African region is being taken seriously by many international businesses.

If you look at Europe, it is forecasted that the continent will have zero per cent economic growth over the next two years. If you look at the United States, it is quite clear from the data that is coming out that the US economy is soft and the world’s biggest consumer market, is going to slow global exports and trade volumes.

On the other hand, Europe, traditionally a significant export market, is going to bring new challenges because people are going to start buying cheaper products to compensate for their weakening spending power.

In Africa, on the other hand, there is a new economic growth happening. In Cameroon, for instance, during 2009 when the global financial crisis hit, imports into the country actually increased.

Moreover, there is an oil boom happening on the west coast of Africa. There is also a commodity boom that is developing where primary goods are being exported out of the continent, mostly into India and China. All these developments, coupled with the democratic dividend, make doing business with West African countries a win-win proposition.

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