Kapital Snow

Kapital Snow

Splitboard & Snowboard kauppa Suomi


Some of that sweet arctic Finnish Lapland pow ❄️

Photos from Kapital Snow's post 09/02/2022

Hox Ylläs ja viikot 7. & 8. Mahdollisuus Pallaksen splitboard koeajoon ja/tai vuokralle. Mestoilla lautoja pituuksilla 147, 152, 155. Mallit Epiphany, Hedonist ja Zeitgeist. Siteet, skinit ja sauvat mukana. Mahdollisuus myös opastettuun touriin lähituntureissa.

Yo Ylläs during weeks 7. and 8. Possibilty to test ride and/rent Pallas splitboards in lengths 147,152,155. Full sets including bindings, skins and poles. Some free slots with small group guided tours to close by fells.

Photos from Kapital Snow's post 31/01/2022

So. About today. Some super fresh weather ( zero wind and -28c/-18.4f) on the fells of Ylläs.

Pallas Hedonist Splitboard does it's magic 👌

Also visible were some Aurora Borealis. Check pic 2 🌌


It is always a good time to go on top of a fell with a Splitboard. The Hedonist 152 Freeride splitboard matches well to the beauty of arctic views 😍

Photos from Kapital Snow's post 23/01/2022

women's splitboards are now available at Helsinki downtown in store locates at Runeberginkatu 35 💯 all sizes and models (at least until sold out).

Zeitgeist 151 and 155 for that surfy ride

Epiphany 147, 151, 155 when in need of trusty all weather workhorse for anything backcountry can dish out

Hedonist 152 to enable full on Freeride experience

Pair these boards up with or bindings and for top off the shelf package.

Sets along with crampons and telescopic / z poles available from the shreddingtonsnow kamppi store and our web kapitalsnow.fi


Nyt saatavilla rajoitettu erä.

Mimmien Pallas Splitboard Spark RnD ARC siteillä. Mikä dekeistä olisi sun valinta? Zeitgeist - Epiphany - Hedonist

Women specific Pallas Splitboard and Spark RnD bindings? Which would be your pick? Zeitgeist - Epiphany - Hedonist + Spark Arcs 👌🏼


That was an epic trip. Still waiting for the snow dumps to bring moar snow but we did a solid tour today to scout a bit how it looks in the closest fells.

The tour was super nice and this pic of Janne shredding the back country in ski mode just somehow nails the spirit 👌


Is there a "Homer Simpson drooling" emoji by default?



Dark start. Most likely different dark start then what .podcast means but a dark start still. After work action checking some local skins tracks in the fells of Finnish Lapland. Sweet as always. We might still recommend to watch out for sharks, plenty of them still lurking around hunting for board edges and bases 🦈

Photos from Kapital Snow's post 28/11/2021

It's pretty cool to set up a new splitboard. It is still pretty cool after setting up a lot of these splitboard sets. Can't remember how many but enough that it goes for m muscle memory. Today I got to setup my own board with new skins for next week's trip to Finnish Lapland.

This set is
Scratch 161 splitboard, and
Explorer 2022 model bindings

I'm also packing union crampons and z-poles.


Polar night 🌑Here we go again. Snow pack is improving day by day and at the same time sun vanishes. There's something special in our arctic conditions 🎿🏂


Call of the wild, or is it in our case call of the back country splitboarding 👹

So much looking forward to hitting the ascents and descents 🎿🏂🌨️


We've now updated the web shop with first batch of Pallas splitboards that are confirmed to be arriving to our stock soon. Full sets with board, skins, bindings available 👌🇫🇮 Board sizes ranging from 147 to 155, bindings S to L all available


Have you tried out the splitboard set builder at our store kapitalsnow.fi? Create your own set out of essential components that ensure you have everything you need for the specific setup. Board, skins, bindings and required other parts such as interface parts are all listed so you don't need to worry about missing something. And then there's the options for compacting poles and crampons 👌


Kausi avattu. Mukavaa toimintaa ja kelit tuntui ihan jo talvisilta. Tuulta kun oli kuten asiaan kuuluu 🇫🇮 huoltotietä malttoi nousta, maastossa vielä sen verran ohut kerros ettei kannata vielä sinne intoilla.

Season opener. As good as it gets and conditions were very much like Finnish winter on fells, including wind.


Kauanko malttaa vielä ennenkuin käy skinnailemassa? Dumppia lupailee lähipäivinä ❄️💯🥽

We're wondering how we can hold back before going splitboardng ❄️💯😎


Oh yes. Splitboard Dream build configurator is online. Now you can create your own set with options. Version 1.0 Includes most of the upcoming gear that is expected to start hitting the storage by late October.

All the pre-configured sets include all of the components needed for a complete set. As an option there's telescopic poles and soon we'll add snow safety equipment sets too ❄️
All sets include free assembly and 10% discount 👌

We do not open pre-orders for the sets but instead we wait for confirmed deliveries (due to all the delays and uncertainty) so we can ensure smooth and successful experience with getting your gear.

Link in bio


Kuin kaksi sPathron Scratch splitboadia. Tämä kaksikko on Pyhällä tulevan viikon ja vapaita aikoja vuokralle löytyy vielä.


No appointments or deliveries on week 8. Because snowboarding.

Web store open 24/7 with some gear for this season still available. Splitboards, skins, backcountry kits, tools, hats etc


Back country Splitboarding gear overview.

- Normal backpack or a jetforce powered avalanche backpack. It varies based on terrain and conditions which backpack is used.
- Avy gear. Shower, probe and beacon
- Helmet, goggles and lenses for different lighting
- Map
- Telescopic poles with powder baskets
- main headlamp and spare headlamp. Both are rechargeable
- Strapy straps
- Water and Snacks
- Thermos bottle for warm water / coffee
- Kuksa = coffee mug thingy. A de facto piece of gear for wilderness activities in Finland
- Spare glove
- Spark R&D backcountry kit (essential spare parts for bindings)
- Spark R&D backcountry tool
- First aid kit and thermal blanket
- Warm clothing. Packability is a nice feature
- Spare Kapital Snow buff
- Contour skins
- Borealis Koi Splitboard
- Spark R&D Arc Splitboard bindings

Depending on the trip some of the stuff is not always packed and sometimes there's more gear added. Such things might be a gas cooker and field meals, battery packs, tent, sleeping bag 😛

Also an essential piece of equipment is understanding the conditions each time you head out. Check for local avalanche info and/or ask local backcountry community for insights .


The call of backcountry 🏔️


Wake up early, sneak out, get moving and reach this view before the village comes to life 🎿 Continued moving from here, had a cup of coffee at a remote hut and then it was time for some snowboard powder turns🏂
Ajoissa hereille, livahdat ulos ja liikkeelle skinnaten. Tällaiset maisemat ja muut vasta heräilee 🎿 Jatkoin matkaa tästä, kahvit termarista tuvalla ja parit puuterikurvit lumilaudalla päälle 🏂

Photos from Kapital Snow's post 17/01/2021

Quite a splitboard package and some serious eye candy. Pallas Hedonist 152 + Spark Arc bindings + Contour skins.


Melkein rikollisen hieno päivä paikallisella mäellä 👌kevyttä skinnailua ylös ja alas sekä snoukaten että down skinnaten 😃 Alla Borealis Koi 156 split Contourin sknieillä ja Sparkin Arc siteillä 🥰

Outrageously great splitboarding morning at the local hill. Borealis Koi 156 Split, Spark Arc bindings and Contour skins 👌Split touring, snowboarding and down skinning 😎


Good ascents and good descents 👌


Pyritään toimimaan mahdollisimman vastuullisesti ja kestävästi. Kotimaan kuljetukset on Postin green (hiilineutraaleja) kuljetuksia. Samoin useat ulkomailta tulevat lähetykset on jo alalla vakiona hiilineutraaleja tai muuten päästökompensoituja. Pakkauksissa käytetään materiaalit uusiksi parhaamme mukaan. Kuvassa EU alueelta saapunut pahvipakkaus joka (jatkettiin ja parannettiin tuosta vielä vielä toisella pahvipakkauksella) jatkaa matkaansa Lappiin kyydissään Splitboard 🍃
Tuemme myös / toimintaa ❄️


Good morning. Early tour to fire watch cottage on top of Valtavaara ☕

Photos from Kapital Snow's post 02/01/2021

Morning out splitboarding and skitouring. Conditions have been pretty foggy but not too cold so it makes the trips feel a bit different when you cannot see around and in some cases cannot even see the slope well. Also snow cover is a bit shallow which keeps you close to resort slopes (or resorts / slopes not yet opened) which offer a possibility for ride down ⚪❄️🎿🏂⛷️🇫🇮


Above the arctic circle. Ascent and descent in darkness 👌


Nyt ei maisemia liikaa ihailla, kun puskee kunnon sinkkiä. Olosuhteet ollut joko whiteout tai ihan totaali whiteout. Rinteessä saanut päivänvalossakin laskea rinnevaloja seuraillen, lähinnä jotta aivot tajuaa mihin suuntaan on alas 😆🏂❄️⚪


Demosetti pohjoisen kierrokselle Neljä erilaista splitboardia ja yksi long board. Näitä on mahdollista koeajaa tulevilla viikoilla Ylläksellä ja Rukalla. Ota yhteyttä ja kysy aikoja.

Our demo fleet for coming weeks Northern tour. Ylläs and Ruka are specific locations. Contact us for session info.


Mahdollisuuksia Splitboardin kokeilemiseen / demoon Ylläs 28.12-1.1. ja Ruka 2.1-4.1. Löytyy Pathronin splitlautoja Scratch 161 ja Carbon Powder 165 sekä Pallaksen Epiphany 151 ja Zeitgeist 151. Julkiset ryhmäkeikat on Covidin takia jäissä m***a pienelle porukalle tai yksilöille voidaan järjestää. Ota yhteyttä YV, Whatsapp tai meili. Yhteystiedot löytyy biosta.


Ja saatiin vihdoin kiinni onnellinen lautasetin uusi omistaja. Meni kyllä todella tarpeeseen, pakattu ja lähtee lauta ja siteet kohti uutta kotia 🎅❄️🎄🧧 Hyvää Joulua 🎁


Lumilauta-aiheinen Joululahja sitä tarvitsevalle 🎄🧧

Joulu lähenee ja monessa taloudessa varat voivat olla tiukilla, m***a tarvetta olisi uudelle lumilaudalle. Me haluamme olla ilahduttamassa yhtä tukea tarvitsevaa harrastajaa lahjoittamalla Pathron lumilaudan ja siteet. Kenelle sinä siis lahjoittaisit tämän setin? 🏂

Kaikenikäiset laskijat on potentiaalisia ehdokkaita. Katsotaan sitten yhdessä sopiva lumilautasetti Pathronin koko valikoimasta.

Jotta ilmoitus saa näkyvyyttä ja löydämme oikean henkilön, tägääthän muutaman kaverin ilmoitukseen ja jaa ilmoitusta. Kerro Yv:llä ehdokkaasi ja perustelut miksi ehdottamasi henkilö olisi oikea lahjan vastaanottaja.

Etsintä jatkuu 20.12 saakka, laitetaan hyvä kiertämään


Pathron Missile longboard. 173 centimeters of powder goodness. Pair it with Pathron XT bindings and you're all set for going big and having a blast 🏄
Available in our store, link in bio


Lunta ei ole maastossa vielä ihan maksimisti m***a sen ei anneta haitata. Aina voi kevyen splitti-tourin tehdä 🇫🇮🎿👍

Nordics have not yet received a deep snow cover but that doesn't stop the crew form going out for splitboard tours 🇫🇮🎿👍


In the nordics you experience also days like this. When taking this picture clock must have been somewhere around two o'clock in the afternoon and sun is already settling. Crisp weather with little to no wind. Beautiful winter nature. Silence ❄️ Let's remember to appreciate and stay amazed by this planet. Also check out and

📸 .hoo


"I mean it's perfectly cool and ok with snowshoes. But you know, uh, maybe you could check with someone if you can borrow a splitboard set for tomorrow's trip"


Black Fridayna kaikesta 10% alennus koodilla WINTERISBEST verkkokaupastamme kapitalsnow.fi. Nyt siis mahdollisuus lunastaa esim. takamaaston kausikortti eli splitboard-paketti todella mukavaan hintaan. Nämä on muutenkin todella suosittuja, joten älä missaa tätä mahdollisuutta. Tsekkaa myös lumilautavalikoima, todella asiallista all-mountain ja puuterilautaa tarjolla.

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