Season Golf Academy

Season Golf Academy

Season Golf Academy (SGA) is a coaching program focusing exclusively on competitive players. SGA off

Golfaaja Sanna Nuutinen lyö itsensä maailman huipulle 09/02/2022

Sannan ja Evlin tuloksellinen yhteistyö jatkuu!

Golfaaja Sanna Nuutinen lyö itsensä maailman huipulle Evlin yhteistyö suomalaisen ammattigolfaaja Sanna Nuutisen kanssa jatkuu myös tulevina vuosina.

Suomen suurin sisäharjoittelukeskus avautuu Espoossa lauantaina - 21/10/2021

Season Golf Areena on viittä vaille valmis vastaanottamaan harjoittelijat. Tervetuloa! ⛳️

Suomen suurin sisäharjoittelukeskus avautuu Espoossa lauantaina - Season Golf Areena on miljoonaluokan investointi, joka tarjoaa golfarille ensiluokkaiset harjoitusolosuhteet.

Season Golf Areena aukeaa 23.10.2021 16/10/2021

SGA:n uuden kotipesän, Season Golf Areenan ovet avautuvat ensi lauantaina. Tervetuloa tutustumaan, treenaamaan ja hyödyntämään avajaisten pallotarjous! ⛳

Season Golf Areena aukeaa 23.10.2021 Season Golf Areena aukeaa 23.10.2021. Rekisteröidy järjestelmään.

SGA players college results from the past month - Season Golf Academy 07/10/2021

SGA players college results from the past month - Season Golf Academy The college golf season has been going on for over a month now. Kevin Jegers and Mattias Varjun are a part of the Middle State University golf team. Their team has scored 2nd and 3rd place from the past two tournaments. The JT Poston Invitational took place on 27-28th of September. MTSU golf team pl...

European Amateur & Boys' Team Championships, Division 2 - Season Golf Academy 11/08/2021

European Amateur & Boys' Team Championships, Division 2 - Season Golf Academy European Amateur & Boys’ Team Championships, Division 2 were held in Estonian Golf and Country Club on 7th to 10th of July. The Finnish teams won both in the Mens and Boys. SGA player Veikka Viskari was apart of the Boys’ team and AJ Lintunen apart of the Mens team. Mens team won Czech Republic ...

Niitvälja Karikas, Estonian Junior Open and Estonian Stroke Play Championships - Season Golf Academy 11/08/2021

Niitvälja Karikas, Estonian Junior Open and Estonian Stroke Play Championships - Season Golf Academy Niitvälja Golf hosted 3 main events in July: Niitvälja Karikas, Estonian Junior Open and Estonian Strokeplay Championships. Niitvälja Karikas took place on the 2nd-4th of July for the 29th time. 9 SGA players took part in it, Carl Hellat winning with a combined score of -3. Carl was the best in t...

Veikka Viskari third in Finnish championships in stokeplay boys under 18 - Season Golf Academy 03/07/2021

Veikka Viskari third in Finnish championships in stokeplay boys under 18 - Season Golf Academy The competition was played at Lakeside golf Pirunpelto. The course is a narrow woodland course which demands extreme accuracy. The use of a driver from the tee is courageous. Veikka has developed well the past years and we expect him to evolve to one of the best amateurs in Finland.

Great win for Kevin Jegers and the MTSU team - Season Golf Academy 03/05/2021

Kevin Jegers continued his strong performances in Conference USA Championships where his team got a well deserved win.

Great win for Kevin Jegers and the MTSU team - Season Golf Academy Kevin Jegers, a 20-year-old Estonian, is a freshman at The Middle Tennessee State University. Last week MTSU men’s team played the Conference USA Championships in Texarkana Country Club in Arkansas, where they got a well deserved WIN! The team played 3 individual rounds, Kevin scoring 76, 65 and 6...

Elite amateur Tyko Tuohimaa at the start of a new season - Season Golf Academy 02/05/2021

Tyko shares his thoughts after a three-week stretch of practice and tournaments in Spain.

Elite amateur Tyko Tuohimaa at the start of a new season - Season Golf Academy I have just returned home from a productive three-week stretch in Spain. I got in some much needed outdoor practice hours, practice rounds and 7 tournament rounds. In terms of tournament results, I did not perform quite as I had hoped. Considering, however, that I last competed in September, and pla...


Congrats Kevin, what a round! 👏👏👏

Kevin Jegers was on 🔥 today!!!

His 7-under par 65 is the third lowest round in Blue Raider history and the third lowest round in C-USA Championship history!



Isä pakotti Sanna Nuutisen golfkentälle 7-vuotiaana ja heppatytöstä kasvoi golfammattilainen, joka pelaa Euroopan kärjessä – haaveilee olympiamitalista sekä omasta postimerkistä 05/04/2021

Sanna Nuutinen uskaltaa tavoitella suuria. Lue, mitä Sanna kertoo tähänastisesta urastaan ja jatkotavoitteistaan sekä ajatuksistaan harjoitteluun ja pelaamiseen liittyen.

Isä pakotti Sanna Nuutisen golfkentälle 7-vuotiaana ja heppatytöstä kasvoi golfammattilainen, joka pelaa Euroopan kärjessä – haaveilee olympiamitalista sekä omasta postimerkistä Sanna Nuutinen pelaa ammattilaisena Euroopan huipulla ja treenaa täysiä työpäiviä. Hänellä on jo nyt palkintokaapissa kolme arvokisamitalia amatöörinä.

Good scores from SGA’s college players - Season Golf Academy 04/04/2021

SGA strongly encourages its young players to seek scholarships to the US, and has at the moment 6 players attending different colleges and universities there. Read the comments of two of our college players, Kevin Jegers and AJ Lintunen.

Good scores from SGA’s college players - Season Golf Academy Season Golf Academy strongly encourages its young players to seek scholarships to the US. At the moment SGA has 6 players attending different colleges and universities there. We believe that college golf is the best option for a young player both from the perspective of the sport and for other areas...

Solid pro debuts for Casper Simberg and Rasmus Karlsson - Season Golf Academy 20/03/2021

During SGA's three-week training camp in Spain, Casper Simberg and Rasmus Karlsson played their first competitions as pros. The results were excellent after a long indoor training period.

Solid pro debuts for Casper Simberg and Rasmus Karlsson - Season Golf Academy In March, seven SGA players and coach David da Silva spent three weeks of practice and competition in Spain. During that time, they participated in two events on the Toro Tour in Andalucia. In the first one of them at Valle Romano, Casper got off to a great start to his professional career by placin...

AJ Lintunen’s second college win this season - Season Golf Academy 17/03/2021

Read what AJ Lintunen tells about his victorious tournament and the impact of covid on the college golf season.

AJ Lintunen’s second college win this season - Season Golf Academy Last week was a good week for SGA’s AJ Lintunen. He is a part of the University of Tennessee Chattanooga team and this is his senior year. Playing the Sea Palms Invitational at St. Simon’s Island, Georgia the team placed 5th with AJ winning individually. This is his second win of the season. Rou...


TBT aurinkoinen ProAm-päivä Nordcenterissä viime kesänä ☀️

Tennesseen Antti-Jussi Lintuselle toinen voitto USA:n yliopistogolfissa - 08/03/2021

SGA:n Antti-Jussi Lintunen ylsi kauden toiseen voittoonsa USA:n yliopistoturnauksessa. Loistavaa AJ, onnittelemme!

Tennesseen Antti-Jussi Lintuselle toinen voitto USA:n yliopistogolfissa - Viime vuoden SM-lyöntipelin pronssimitalisti on joukkueensa ehdoton ykköstykki.

Kaksi maajoukkueen vakiokasvoa siirtyy ammattilaiseksi - 25/02/2021

Menestystä ammattilaisuralle Casper ja Rasmus!

Kaksi maajoukkueen vakiokasvoa siirtyy ammattilaiseksi - Season Golf Academy sai kaksi uutta ammattilaispelaajaa, kun Rasmus Karlsson ja Casper Simberg jatkavat uraansa ammattilaisina.

SGA and Niitvälja Golf join forces to develop Estonian golf - Season Golf Academy 08/02/2021

SGA has for the past five years been an important factor in the success of Estonia’s up-and-coming golfers. The co-operation is now expanding. Read more about the results accomplished so far and the goals of the deepening co-operation.

SGA and Niitvälja Golf join forces to develop Estonian golf - Season Golf Academy Oy Season Golf Ab’s Season Golf Academy (SGA) has for the past five years been an important factor in the success of Estonia’s up-and-coming golfers. Five juniors, Kevin Jegers, Carl Hellat, Mattias Varjun, Markus Varjun and Ralf Kivi, from the Niitvälja Golf Golf Club have been practicing in S...


Harvinainen mahdollisuus päästä treenaamaan huippupelaajan opastuksella! Sanna Nuutisen klinikat 21.1. alkaen. Osallistu yhteen tai useampaan harjoituskertaan.

Photos from Sanna Nuutinen's post 06/12/2020

Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Sanna! 😍
Attitude is everything.

Excellent results for SGA pro players in 2020 - Season Golf Academy 05/12/2020

In the 2020 season both SGA pro players Sanna Nuutinen and Lauri Ruuska improved their performances in all major categories and statistics compared to previous seasons. Check out their impressive track records.

Excellent results for SGA pro players in 2020 - Season Golf Academy The SGA program worked with two professional players, Sanna Nuutinen and Lauri Ruuska, all through the 2020 season. Both of them achieved excellent results and established themselves as leading players on the Tours they competed on. Both Sanna and Lauri improved their performances in all major categ...

Sanna Nuutinen made Finnish golf history - Season Golf Academy 30/11/2020

Sanna Nuutinen is very happy about her top 5 ranking in the LET order of merit 2020. Read more about her thoughts after the season final and her goals going forward.

Sanna Nuutinen made Finnish golf history - Season Golf Academy By finishing fourth in the final event of the Ladies European Tour (LET) in Malaga, SGA’s Sanna Nuutinen secured herself the 5th spot in the LET order of merit 2020. It is the best LET ranking any Finnish player has reached so far. The previous record was Minea Blomqvist-Kakko’s 7th place in 200...

Kausi 2020 huippumenestyksekäs SGA:n amatööripelaajille - Season Golf Academy 22/11/2020

Koronapandemian aiheuttamista haasteista huolimatta kausi 2020 oli SGA:lle sen viiden vuoden toimintahistorian menestyksekkäin. Lue päävalmentaja David da Silvan ajatuksia amatööripelaajiemme kaudesta.

Kausi 2020 huippumenestyksekäs SGA:n amatööripelaajille - Season Golf Academy Päättyneellä kaudella 2020 SGA:n eliittiamatöörit niittivät menestystä laajalla rintamalla. He voittivat yhteensä 11 mestaruutta Suomen ja Viron eri ikäluokkien kansallisissa mestaruuskilpailuissa ja saavuttivat erinomaisia tuloksia myös kansainvälisissä turnauksissa ja USA:n yliopistosa...

Lauri Ruuska tykittää itseään kohti uran seuraavaa askelta, joka oli lähellä onnistua jo tänä vuonna - 28/10/2020

Go, Lauri 🍀💪🔥

Lauri Ruuska tykittää itseään kohti uran seuraavaa askelta, joka oli lähellä onnistua jo tänä vuonna - Lauri Ruuska pelasi erinomaisen kauden Nordic Leaguessa. Seuraava askel ei jää kiinni ainakaan lyöntipituuksista.

Six SGA players in the European Amateur Championships - Season Golf Academy 28/09/2020

SGA had a strong representation in the European Amateur Championships in Switzerland. Check out our players' reflexions on the competition.

Six SGA players in the European Amateur Championships - Season Golf Academy European Amateur Championships 2020 were played on 22-25 Sept. at Zurich Golf Club, Switzerland. Due to the Covid-19 situation, the Finnish Golf Union did not send a team the Championships nor offer financial support for Finnish players to attend. With support of the SGA, their clubs and their famil...


Well done Sanna Nuutinen, shot 66, 68, 70 (-12) to place T3rd on Ladies European Tour Swiss Ladies Open her 2nd straight Top 3 finish, 7th in LET Rankings, 13th in Solheim Cup points, gotta rest,recover and keep going into next weeks event her 6th straight week.....congrats!

WIn for Sanna Nuutinen in LETAS in Switzerland - Season Golf Academy 06/09/2020

After previous week’s third place on LET, Sanna Nuutinen has won the the 2020 Flumserberg Ladies Open LETAS tournament in Switzerland. The excellent results this season have set Sanna’s goals even more clearly on women’s major tournaments, Olympics, and the LPGA Tour.

WIn for Sanna Nuutinen in LETAS in Switzerland - Season Golf Academy Sanna Nuutinen claimed her third career LETAS win at the 2020 Flumserberg Ladies Open in a sudden-death playoff against Norwegian Stina Resen, after the pair tied the regular competition at 12-under-par. “I hit the ball well all week. I hit almost every fairway and green, and this time not even a ...

Season Golfin harjoittelukeskuksen rakennustyöt käynnissä – valmista pitäisi tulla kesällä 2021 | GoGolf 03/09/2020

The construction work of Season Golf's new practice facility has begun. The doors should open in June next year unless the coronavirus causes surprises during construction. The current overpressure hall will serve next winter as usual. You can read more about the project from GoGolf's story (in Finnish):

Season Golfin harjoittelukeskuksen rakennustyöt käynnissä – valmista pitäisi tulla kesällä 2021 | GoGolf Season Golfin vanhan kuplahallin tilalle nousee ensi kesään mennessä uusi harjoittelukeskus. Se koostuu kiinteästä rakennuksesta ja ylipainehallista, jotka ovat yhteydessä toisiinsa. Alkuperäinen suunnitelma oli rakentaa paikalle pelkästään kiinteä halli, m***a suunnitelmaa hiottiin kusta...

Third podium of her career on LET for Sanna Nuutinen - Season Golf Academy 30/08/2020

Sanna Nuutinen's strong performances on Ladies European Tour continued with a third place finish at the Czech Ladies Open.

Third podium of her career on LET for Sanna Nuutinen - Season Golf Academy Sanna Nuutinen finished third in Czech Ladies Open, a Ladies European Tour tournament played at Berou Golf Club near Pargue on 28th – 30th August. With -12 she fell five shots behind of the Danish winner, Emily Kristine Pedersen. This result gave Sanna 12,000 euros of prize money, moved her up to ...

Ilari Saulo and Carl Hellat in a play-off for Finnish Amateur Championship - Season Golf Academy 10/08/2020

SGA's Ilari Saulo is the Finnish Amateur Champion 2020 after defeating his team mate Carl Hellat in an exiting play-off.

Ilari Saulo and Carl Hellat in a play-off for Finnish Amateur Championship - Season Golf Academy The 55th Finnish Amateur Championship, Erkko Trophy, took place in Tali golf in Helsinki. The tournament ended after exiting stages with the victory of SGA’s Ilari Saulo. He defeated his team mate Carl Hellat in the first play-off hole (18/par 5) by chipping in a handsome eagle. Both Ilari and Car...

Kim Koivu palasi takaisin David Silvan valmennukseen: "Pallon lyöminen on kaikessa yksinkertaisuudessa todella huonoa" | GoGolf 06/08/2020

Tervetuloa takaisin SGA:han Kim!

Kim Koivu palasi takaisin David Silvan valmennukseen: "Pallon lyöminen on kaikessa yksinkertaisuudessa todella huonoa" | GoGolf Kim Koivu yllätti vuosi sitten vaihtamalla valmentajaa. Hän pelasi David Silvan valmennuksessa viisi vuotta nousten European Tourille saakka, m***a viime kesänä hän kertoi lopettaneensa yhteistyön Silvan kanssa ja siirtyneensä Timo Rauhalan valmennukseen.

Carl Hellat on the podium and SGA Bombers to team win on Finnish Tour - Season Golf Academy 03/08/2020

Carl Hellat finished 3rd and the leading amateur on the fourth event of the Finnish Tour 2020 at Suur-Helsingin Golf.

Carl Hellat on the podium and SGA Bombers to team win on Finnish Tour - Season Golf Academy The fourth event of the Finnish Tour took place at Suur-Helsingin Golf on July 29.-31. Carl Hellat, an Estonian member of the SGA, performed excellent play to finish 3rd and the leading amateur with scores 69, 67, 71 (-6). With four other players, Kevin Jegers, Casper Simberg, Rasmus Karlsson and La...

Veikka Viskari the Finnish Match Play Campion for boys U18 - Season Golf Academy 26/07/2020

Veikka Viskari's excellent season continued as he won the Finnish Match Play Championship for boys U18.

Veikka Viskari the Finnish Match Play Campion for boys U18 - Season Golf Academy The Finnish junior match play championships were played on the Karelia Golf course in Kontioniemi on July 22-24. After three days of qualifying and actual matches, SGA’s Veikka Viskari was crowned champion in his series of boys U18. Veikka played solidly from the beginning, taking clear wins from ...

Rasmus Karlsson the Finnish Stroke Play Champion - Season Golf Academy 19/07/2020

After exciting final stages, Rasmus Karlsson took home the victory in the Finnish stroke play championships in Ruuhikoski.

Rasmus Karlsson the Finnish Stroke Play Champion - Season Golf Academy SGA’s Rasmus Karlsson took home the victory in the Finnish stroke play championships played in Ruuhikoski on July 15-18. The final stages of the competition were exciting as Rasmus first levelled the competition with Kullo Golf Club’s Alex Hietala by a magnificent birdie on the last hole. He the...

Ilari Saulo wins Match Play Championships to become the reigning Finnish Champion in both match and stroke plays - Season Golf Academy 04/07/2020

SGA amateur Ilari Saulo won the Finnish Match Play Championships played in Tammer-Golf on 1.-3.7.

Ilari Saulo wins Match Play Championships to become the reigning Finnish Champion in both match and stroke plays - Season Golf Academy SGA amateur Ilari Saulo conquered the first place in the Finnish Match Play Championships played in Tammer-Golf on 1.-3.7. On his way the championship he was able to beat Challenge Tour player Oliver Lindell among others. The final was an even match between Ilari and Jesse Waaralinna both playing ex...

Tule Nordcenteriin pelaamaan Season Golf Academyn valmennettavien kanssa! - Season Golf 25/06/2020

Tule Nordcenteriin pelaamaan Season Golf Academyn valmennettavien kanssa! - Season Golf Kuvassa Season Golf Academyn valmennettavia Nordcenterissä kesällä 2019. – Nyt sinulla on mahdollisuus pelata pro-am…

Kevin Jegers in the final of the Estonian Matchplay Open - Season Golf Academy 16/06/2020
After winning the Estonian stroke play title a couple of weeks earlier Keving Jegers reached the final in the Estonian Matchplay Open

Kevin Jegers in the final of the Estonian Matchplay Open - Season Golf Academy

Videos (show all)

Casper starting his second round in Estonian Amateur Open. Chilly day in Saare Golf with wind and some rain. After secon...
Love this tee shot at 18th hole at Made In Denmark, can’t hide, gotta pull the driver and stripe it.... solid play from ...
SGA indoor practice sessions with immediate visual, data and ball flight feedback.... gotta go with technology to push o...
Our Estonian SGA lads in last weekend, young Markus Varjun back to work on basics after his weeks practice and play outd...
Lauri driving onto back edge of par 4 13th green at 340yds, 2 putt birdie proved to be last of the final day, shot 71, 6...
Lauri another solid rd of 68 into T7th with 1rd to go in 4th and final Nordic League Winter Series tournament at Luminne...
1st Time I’ve ever seen our new SGA amateur lad Tyko in a golf tournament, big improvements coming, quality shot here in...
Final day prep at Luminne for Nordic League Winter Series last event....18 holes, some range work, Tyko got complete Tit...
