Launch Pad Finland

Launch Pad Finland

Network for young people´s internationalism.

Launch Pad Finland is a registered association, consisted of mentors, young adults and young people operating in Kainuu region, Finland. We are people who believe, that enthusiasm is the main driving force, and collaboration is a magical power to use to achieve goals. Launch Pad Finland (NGO) is developing a new service concept, that provides young people with new skills, genuine partnership networks locally and internationally, as well as new friends, active and meaningful leisure activities.

Photos from Kainuun liitto's post 03/06/2024
Photos from Youth in Action Finland's post 15/05/2024



Millaista on nuoren näkökulmasta osallistua esimerkiksi kainuulaisen päätöksenteon ja virkavalmistelun prosesseihin? Miten voimme edesauttaa nuorten näkymistä ja kuulumista niissä ja sitä, että nuorten näkökulma tulisi huomioitua oikea-aikaisesti ja vaikuttavasti? Entä mikä mahdollisesti estää nuoria vaikuttamasta paikallispolitiikan kautta? Tällaisia asioita on pohdittu Kainuun liiton Interreg Aurora minihankkeessa tänä keväänä.
Tule kuuntelemaan ja keskustelemaan tästä tärkeästä aiheesta hankkeen englanninkieliseen päätöswebinaariin 5.6. klo 14.


📖 About: The Training aims to train youth educators on how to use the CONFIDENT methodology and to be able to implement it with the groups of young people they work with. CONFIDENT Methodology aims to discover what exactly the impact of Social Media to the Mental Health of young people is.
🇲🇰 Where: Struga, North Macedonia
🗓 When: 14-21.5.2023
⌛️ Deadline for application: 20.4.2023
✅ Find out more and apply here:

🇪🇺 The project CONFIDENT is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union and implemented by organizations Backslash (Spain), Ampersand (N. Macedonia), and Connect International (Belgium).


Welcome! 💚

FEBRUARY 10-12, Save the date for SEED Online Hackathon for young social entrepreneurs.

Take advantage of best practices in social entrepreneurship from Finland, North Macedonia, Turkey and Spain. A great opportunity for hands on learning and momentum to launch your social project.

Registration opens January 23.

This project is funded by the European Commission Erasmus Plus Programme Finnish National Agency. 🇪🇺

With partners Strait Up Tarifa Nicea Kültür ve Eğitim Derneği Ampersand Launch Pad Finland


The ⭐ of the LPF's next generation Emma sends greetings from the peace of the countryside - this is the Finnish winter at it's best-
cold weather, white snow and glittering ice! ❄️☃️❄️


Warm Winter Wishes from one of LPF's founding father and mother, Jenni!
"Marriage, baby and own home. Tears of happiness and sorrow. Dogs running and cats purring. Some repair and housework. Thick or thin we stick together ❤️
Lots of love Jenni and family!"


Brainstorming on the creation of a social entrepreneurship board game 🔥

project in Kajaanin Ammattikorkeakoulu,


"More information about the + programme: Erasmus+ programme in Finland 2021-2027 | Finnish National Agency for Education 🇪🇺


Communication is the


"More information about the + programme: Erasmus+ programme in Finland 2021-2027 | Finnish National Agency for Education 🇪🇺

Photos from Strait Up Tarifa's post 01/12/2022


Communication is the


"More information about the + programme: Erasmus+ programme in Finland 2021-2027 | Finnish National Agency for Education 🇪🇺


Hello hello from the Project workshop nro 3, Gaming.
Even after the thorough search we could not find many-any educational games from the field of Social Entrepreneurship- that would also be fun, simple and playable, so we asked our heroes from to help us and 💥boom💥 we have the prototypes of two board games to develope further with them.
Kids are amazing! Fresh brains!
Tomorrow we learn about communication.


"More information about the + programme: Erasmus+ programme in Finland 2021-2027 | Finnish National Agency for Education 🇪🇺


workshop number 3 Gaming

Photos from Strait Up Tarifa's post 24/11/2022
Photos from Castillo de Guzmán El Bueno - Tarifa's post 24/11/2022



workshop in Tarifa, Spain.

Cooperation between Spain, North Macedonia, Turkey and Finland continues! Thanks to hospitable Spain for a productive working atmosphere.

Наталья Алава


"More information about the + programme: Erasmus+ programme in Finland 2021-2027 | Finnish National Agency for Education 🇪🇺

SEED 4th international training underway in Tarifa.

project completes its last phase on communication.

In Tarifa we will visit local social entrepreneurs, develop tools for our local workshops and refine our Ebook and Ecourse.

This project is funded by the European Commission Erasmus Plus Programme Finnish National Agency. 🇪🇺


greetings from both the LPF board meeting and the workshop planning meeting


Muistutuksena, että nyt olisi tarjolla kaksivuotinen toimikausi Barents Regional Youth Councilin jäsenenä ja varajäsenenä kahdelle aktiiviselle 18-28-vuotiaalle kainuulaiselle. BRYC on oivallinen paikka oppia, vaikuttaa ja verkostoitua!

Haku on auki 25.11. saakka ja ensimmäinen mahdollisuus osallistua käytännön toimintaan on jo joulukuussa.

Mukaan kannustetaan jo ennestään päätöksentekoon jossakin muodossa osallistuvia nuoria henkilöitä. Tutustu tarkempiin hakukriteereihin ja hakulomakkeeseen Kainuun liiton verkkosivuilla!

Kajaanin kaupunki - City of Kajaani Sotkamon kunta Kuhmon kaupunki Hyrynsalmen kunta Ristijärven kunta Suomussalmi kunta Puolangan Kunta Paltamon kunta Barents Regional Youth Council


workshops around


"More information about the + programme: Erasmus+ programme in Finland 2021-2027 | Finnish National Agency for Education 🇪🇺


workshops around
Method: Learning by Doing (the act or process of acquiring knowledge or skills by personal experience, experimentation and practical activities)


"More information about the + programme: Erasmus+ programme in Finland 2021-2027 | Finnish National Agency for Education 🇪🇺


"Social entrepreneurship is recognised as a force for change, all over the world and through a diversity of actors"
Big thanks to our volunteers at KAMK who helped us to make learning more fun after the saddest gonga line in the 🌍 🤣


"More information about the + programme: Erasmus+ programme in Finland 2021-2027 | Finnish National Agency for Education 🇪🇺


Greetings from the workshop number
2 with KAMK students🔥 nice discussions, heavy duty work and brainstorming and little Bazaar atmosphere with 4Ps of marketing - that we learned are 7☺️


Here is a bigger picture of the locations in Finland, North Macedonia, Turkiye and Spain.
Delegations are visiting at the moment.


"More information about the + programme: Erasmus+ programme in Finland 2021-2027 | Finnish National Agency for Education 🇪🇺


Launch Pad Finland will be very busy implementing Seed workshops at the local level.

Ampersand Strait Up Tarifa


Wow! Our plans for the workshops 1️⃣ and 2️⃣ got approval from KAMK teachers Linda and Rea! Thank you for the cooperation, inspiration, feedback and just being so nice! See you at the end of September 🍂🍁🐌

Photos from SEED:  old page of Social Entreprenurship for Education and Development's post 30/08/2022

Videos (show all)

Brainstorming on the creation of a social entrepreneurship board game 🔥#seed project in Kajaanin Ammattikorkeakoulu, #Ka...
Greetings from a #SEED workshop no1
Kosovo, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Ukraine, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Tunisia... LPF is happy to reach out for new cooperati...
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