

Kelluu produces continuous aerial inspection or surveillance as a service, using a unique lighter-than-air concept.


North Karelia is soon celebrating its regional day, making it the perfect time to discuss the security and development of our area with Minister of Defense Antti Häkkänen and Members of Parliament from the National Coalition Party. We believe that the physical world can now be transformed into digital knowledge, which can be processed and converted into national digital intelligence. Finland, and especially North Karelia, could be among the first in the world to achieve a digital twin transformation. This would provide a competitive advantage in environmental development and significantly enhance the security of our region. Additionally, persistent data gathering would benefit many authorities as well as the private sector. We also discussed accelerating the growth of New Defense startups through the Digital Defence Ecosystem. We thank the minister and the Members of Parliament for their visit and hope to see them again soon.


The morning calm.

If someone has ever wondered, what does it look like from the airships’s point of view during the flight, enjoy! This picture was taken by one of our autonomous airships during today's morning mission above Liperi, North Karelia. Piece of art, isn't it?


Kelluu was mentioned in a couple of news segments over the weekend. Both Finnish and Swedish highlighted the important issue of bark beetle infestation in Finnish forests.

Due to global warming, the number of spruce beetles has increased rapidly in Koli National Park, and some of you may have noticed the amount of dead trees in the area.

Fortunately, the University of Finland and the National Land Survey of Finland have been studying this problem. We have joined the battle and have been collecting data for the research team since 2023. With the help of AI, our data is used to detect the damages before they are noticeable to human senses and to monitor the affected areas.


Smart cities are built on smart data.

Cities are getting bigger, and they need proper planning. With the aid of urban digital twins, it is possible to have a comprehensive view of a city's dynamics and create plans in a virtual environment. An accurate 3D model of the city, combined with thermal and spectral data and aided by AI, creates a powerful tool for city developers.

Benefits of creating digital twins with Kelluu:
• Much higher resolution than satellites
• Much more efficient in larger areas than drones (12-hour flight time)
• Silent and emission-free flights
• Designed for Arctic conditions
• Complete data-as-a-service, including hardware, software, and secured data storage and management
• Integrations with GIS data


Kelluu begins operations in Sweden!

Kelluu, together with 13 other partners, is pioneering forest research in Sweden. The SingleTree project brings together experts from five countries who will work to optimize the forest value chain at the level of individual trees. The project will create new AI and remote sensing methods for monitoring forest conditions, adaptive forest management, smart logging solutions, and better tracking and prediction of wood quality. The goal is to help European forests adapt to climate change and support sustainable and precise forest management.

Kelluu will establish an airstation base in the winter and start operating in spring–summer 2025.


Dataset from Koli National Park is Available for Download!

Kelluu, in collaboration with the University of Eastern Finland and the National Land Survey of Finland, has released a dataset from the Koli area. The dataset was collected during 2022 and 2023 over an area of 1.3 km². Originally, the data was gathered to study forest damage and the impacts of bark beetles using airships for the first time. Such data has not been published on this scale before, and we hope that it will benefit research as well as a wide range of organizations across all sectors. The data has been published in Fairdata Etsin service, and you can find more detailed info about the data from the link below.

You can download the dataset at

Maanmittauslaitos - Lantmäteriverket


Kelluu and Terrafame Continue Partnership: Over 20 Terabytes of Data Collected with Emission-Free Airships

Terrafame, the world’s leader in low-carbon footprint battery chemical production, and Kelluu, an aerial data collection company, have signed a multi-year agreement to expand collaboration. The pilot phase has resulted in the creation of a digital twin of the industrial site, which will be regularly updated going forward. An up-to-date digital twin enables virtual development and real-time monitoring of the site.

The digital twin of the Terrafame industrial site is an exact replica of the actual area, continuously updated to reflect real-time conditions. Continuous updates to the digital twin allow for the analysis of data and the performance of simulations is if working directly with physical objects. Artificial intelligence is used to analyse large amounts of data, accelerating observations, risk identification, and decision-making. To date, over 20 terabytes of data have been collected from the 60 km2 site.

The digital twin and continuous monitoring of the site have enabled real-time data sharing and situational awareness among Terrafame's employees and stakeholders. The program can be used effortlessly in a browser and offers an accurate 3D model of the area, including spectral or thermal imaging data. From the digital twin, it is possible to monitor traffic flow, the volume of enrichment piles, emissions, and waste generated by the factory. The purpose of the partnership is to keep the area safe, efficient, and maintain Terrafame’s smallest carbon footprint in the market. The visual nature of the data allows for construction to be easily modelled years before the actual construction begins.

The partnership agreement means hiring additional staff for Kelluu to operate the airship fleet. One person has already been hired in Sotkamo, where Terrafame is located.


Kelluu released the Digital Twin of Koli National Park!

What is a digital twin, and what are its benefits? Now you have the opportunity to explore it yourself. Kelluu created a digital twin of Koli National Park to help the National Land Survey of Finland and the University of Eastern Finland in studying environmental impacts, managing natural resources more effectively, and implementing preventive measures against the spread of pests like bark beetles, which can cause significant damage to forests. We are also releasing this data for download. The first data set will be available on June 3rd on our website and social media platforms.

In the meantime, start exploring the digital twin:

Maanmittauslaitos - Lantmäteriverket


PRESS RELEASE: Kelluu creates a Digital twin of the Kontioniemi Area

The municipality of Kontiolahti and Kelluu, a company specialized in aerial data, are collaborating to create a digital twin of the Kontioniemi area. This digital twin will provide accurate data about the 1100-hectare area for future planning purposes. It allows virtual planning and development of the region.

Kelluu will operate over the Kontioniemi area during May and June. The airship, oval in shape with a reflective surface, is silent and emission-free, causing no noise or pollution. The airship is about 12 meters long and flies at an altitude of approximately 120 meters. The airship can stay airborne for over 12 hours and is monitored remotely. Kelluu has a permit from Traficom to fly over inhabited areas.

"Operating our AI-powered airships is safe, as evidenced by our good cooperation with authorities. We are currently conducting similar flights in the Joensuu area with impressive results," says Kelluu's commercial director Jiri Jormakka.

The digital twin, or digital copy, is a precise 3D model of the area, showing details like forest condition, topography, vegetation, and air quality.

"The digital twin helps better plan and utilize the Kontioniemi area. For example, it can enhance the year-round use of the biathlon stadium and make our municipality's land use planning more efficient. Additionally, it serves as a virtual presentation material for investors, tourists, and residents interested in the area," summarizes Marja-Liisa Sykkö, Kontiolahti's land use manager.


Jiri Jormakka
COO of Kelluu
[email protected]

Marja-Liisa Sykkö
Land Use Manager of the Municipality of Kontiolahti
[email protected]


How valuable do you find highly accurate environmental data for Finland? We posed this question to Juhani Damski, the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of the Environment, during his visit to our factory.

Photos from Kelluu's post 15/05/2024

Could Finland be the forerunner in environmental AI? We think so. Yesterday, we had the privilege of meeting the top officials of Finland's ministries. During their one and a half hour stay at our factory, we managed to give a glimpse of how we operate and had great discussions about start-ups in eastern Finland, funding, and changing the way aerial data collection is done for good. A big hand also to our partners from Saab, Digital Defense Ecosystem, and Redstone for adding more depth to our shared mission of making world-class innovations. We raised the question: what if we could make a digital copy of Finland with the most accurate data, in the most cost-effective way, without noise and emissions? Well, we are ready.


Kelluu's first dataset will be released for download! The data will be available on June 3rd on our website and social media platforms. The dataset is compiled from Koli National Park during 2022 and 2023, covering an area of approximately 1.3 km². We will release the datasets in collaboration with the National Land Survey of Finland - Maanmittauslaitos - Lantmäteriverket.

We are excited to contribute data to the research community, which marks a significant step as datasets like this have never been published for free use before. We hope that this data will advance algorithm development for the detection and monitoring of bark beetle damages. Additionally, the dataset may prove useful in other fields, such as film production as props or in the gaming industry.


We are attending to NORDEEP Summit, the first and only Deep Tech conference with a business focus in Northern Europe!

Humanity is facing big problems and we need to improve both scaling and commercialization of research to solve them. NORDEEP is all about connecting deep tech startups, investors, corporations, and key stakeholders for groundbreaking innovations and funding prospects all under one roof!

Come and meet us at: Södra Teatern, Stockholm on May 8th, 2024
More info:


Kelluu collaborates with the world's best and most innovative companies. For example, we are currently testing one of the world's top compact passive sensors in our airship. When the sensor is airborne, it significantly expands its sensing capabilities. Combined with our AI-powered airships, which are excellently suited for Arctic conditions, can stay airborne for over 12 hours, operate silently, and are emission-free, this partnership is one of the best possible.

For more information, read here:


Technology takes us far, but our people can take us anywhere.

Many of the things we are doing have not been done before. That's why we have to seek answers ourselves. Whether it's our airships, systems, or designs, we are consistently challenged to figure out ways to improve.

Problem-solving and innovation lie at the core of our company, complemented by a relentless drive to push boundaries. Everyone plays a vital role in the aerial monitoring revolution. We do our part, and together with our local and global partners, we deliver solutions that bring our vision to life: better societies with better data.

And for those who doubt our commitment to rolling up our sleeves, they are clearly mistaken 😀. No matter if it's freezing cold or scorchingly hot, we are committed to doing whatever is necessary to ensure the success of our projects. Even bringing office out into the chilly Finnish morning (-17 C) to make the flight happen.


Kelluu visited Canada with Team Finland!

The Team Finland network organized a Business Delegation visit to Nova Scotia and New Brunswick in Canada, led by Ville Tavio, Minister for Foreign Trade and Development. The focus sectors of this visit were green and effective forest management, digital forest solutions, training and education, foresting machinery, latest technology sawmill systems and bio economical solutions utilizing biomass.

- Kelluu's solutions are ideal for Canada's large, remote forest areas. For example, we offer technology for detecting and preventing forest fires, which are major challenges in every extensive forest area, costing tens of billions for forest owners and creating global emissions. We are also familiar with arctic circumstances, says Jiri, COO of Kelluu.

Nova Scotia and New Brunswick are known in Canada for their strong regional forest industry and private forest ownership. Some of the most engaged landowners and innovative forest industry sites in North America reside in the region.

Photograph: Business Finland


Today, we once again took our loved airship out for a walk in the pleasant frosty weather. Works like a charm.


If you really want to know what's happening at Kelluu, listen/watch this.

How was Kelluu born? Who are Kelluu's customers? And how does Kelluu help to build a digital twin of the real world?

Listen to or watch our CEO Janne and Burak Buyukdemir discuss the future of aerial data.




Thanks from the team Kelluu!


MEET FREDERICK WASSERMANN: “Engineers are trained to build, doctors to cure and I to win”

What do the German army, a French coffee factory and a Finnish airship company have in common? The answer is our Operations Manager Frederick Wassermann.



Yesterday, our Chief Operating Officer, Jiri Jormakka, had the opportunity to speak at webinar hosted by Traficom. The focus of the discussion was on exploring the new applications of 5G technology. Check out what advancements and benefits we, along with industry leaders like Nokia, ABB, and Bittium, are gaining thanks to 5G. Please note, the presentation is available exclusively in Finnish.

Visit the event page:

Big thanks to Liikenne- ja viestintävirasto Traficom


MEET MATTI VÄÄNÄNEN: Yoga, cycling and travel-loving technician

From a garage tinkerer to a global helicopter technician and now an airship technician at Kelluu, Matti Väänänen's career is a journey of constant reinvention. It's a reminder that with dedication and creativity, reinventing the wheel is not just a metaphor but a reality.

How do the sand dunes of Oman, Donauwörth, yoga, cross-country cycling and punk music relate to Matti? You'll know by reading the whole story.



NEWS: Kelluu joins the Digital Defence Ecosystem!

“We are excited to bring our lighter-than-air platform capability to Digital Defence Ecosystem. Finland's arctic environment brings unique challenges, that we have solved for autonomous perpetual aerial monitoring. The Finnish technology sector, especially in the wake of our nation's NATO membership, is at the forefront of digital defence solutions in the Arctic.” says Janne Hietala, CEO of Kelluu.



Our COO Jiri is speaking at the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry tomorrow about topic: Net zero forest data at scale using lighter than air technology.

For example Kelluu can detect forest problems like disease, pests, or drought early, allowing quick action to protect the forests. Plus, they're emission-free, making them greener than traditional planes or vehicles.

Here is event's schedule:

Unfortunately, it is no longer possible to register for the event, but we are happy to share thoughts with those who are present.


MEET LAURA TAHVANAINEN: The High-Flying Technician

A great team makes great things together. “I can't even begin to imagine what we could accomplish. But I do know that whatever it is, it doesn’t even exist yet,” Laura says.

Our team member Laura creates state-of-the-art airships, flies planes, and dreams about a farm and the perfect rutabaga pie. Finding a balance between ultramodern work and a down-to-earth lifestyle is easy in Joensuu.



Do you know what is cool? That we are hot... in the Startup100 - The hottest startups from Finland list.



REBUILD UKRAINE event starts today and we're joining in!

The Rebuild Ukraine Exhibition & Conference, in its second year in Warsaw, Poland, brings together Ukrainian authorities, local and international businesses, and financial institutions to collaborate on Ukraine's reconstruction.

How can we contribute to the rebuilding of Ukraine? Currently, Ukraine holds the unfortunate distinction of being the world's most heavily mined country, encompassing approximately 170,000 km² of land littered with mines and cluster munitions. Kelluu's technology allows safe detection of these mines from the air. A fleet of airships can cover vast expanses, providing high-resolution multi-spectral data. After making areas safe, the same data can be leveraged to create 3D models, facilitating utilization in architectural and infrastructure planning.

You can find us in pavilion 1 and 3 (stands: 1-A-28; 3-C-4; 3-C-2) with other Finnish participants.

Read more:


How is Kelluu revolutionizing aerial monitoring? And why are we the solution for future data collection.

We made a short video about it.

Key takeaways:
• Autonomous flying: no pilot required on site.
• Dual action: aerial monitoring and data collection during the same flight.
• Proven 12+ hours flight capability: enables monitoring of large areas.
• Zero emissions: contributes to a pollution-free industry.
• Silent: No noise pollution.
• Cloud-based data transfer: eliminates the need for physical data storage devices.
• 1px/1cm accuracy: provides highly accurate data, enhancing possibilities for all users.

Watch and enjoy!


We are attending to Slush on Friday. Let's meet!

We're diving headfirst into the event and we're eager to connect with visionary investors, startups, and industry trailblazers.

Slide into our DMs, give us a call, or shoot us an email if you want to know how airships are the solution for the entire air monitoring and data collection sector, and how we are creating digital twins of the world that are already benefiting our customers.

JANNE HIETALA, CEO, +358 40 831 4245, [email protected]
JIRI JORMAKKA, COO, +358 50 372 6578, [email protected]

Let's ignite conversations that could redefine our future!


Kelluu starts aerial monitoring over densely populated areas

Great news! Kelluu has been certified to operate in densely populated areas. In Finland, certifications are granted by Traficom. Our first client is the city of Joensuu and our first mission is to monitor and collect data from 7.5 km² area. You can see us operating in the Reijola-Niittylahti area.

Aerial monitoring and data collection enable cities to transition to virtual urban planning rapidly. While conducting aerial monitoring, we can also create precise 3D models of cities, making everything measurable. For instance, changes in the ground level, defining plot boundaries, thermal imaging, facade and road surface analyses, and traffic planning are now feasible in a purely digital format.

Kelluu is excellently suited for monitoring large areas in urban settings. We are almost silent and fly close to the target, which means we can obtain precise data from the area.

We sell information

Kelluu produces small, AI-controlled airships that can stay in the air (almost) permanently.

The airships are made from the most advanced materials on the market and can be loaded with 3 kilograms of any modern sensors. Then they continuously move or float in place, collect data and transfer it wherever needed.

Basically everything that is valuable to be checked from bird’s eye view can be checked better, faster, cheaper and smarter with Kelluu.

Where would you apply it?

Videos (show all)

Smart cities are built on smart data.Cities are getting bigger, and they need proper planning. With the aid of urban dig...
How valuable do you find highly accurate environmental data for Finland? We posed this question to Juhani Damski, the Pe...
Kelluu collaborates with the world's best and most innovative companies. For example, we are currently testing one of th...
Operational capability in every season. Welcome to Finland and the arctic. Autonomous flight at -33 Celsius (-27F). #kel...
Thanks from the team Kelluu!
How is Kelluu revolutionizing aerial monitoring? And why are we the solution for future data collection.We made a short ...
Maiden flight of the newest member of our fleet. This rookie is ready to collect some flight hours under it's belt. Gods...
Job done, Ship down
Point cloud model of a railway made from RGB photos.
Friday night fun 👍 #airships #airship #uav #uas
Good news! Our brand new airship Beta 1.2 has now flown its maiden flight. #airships #airship #UAV #UAS
Smooth landing ☀️ #airships #airship #UAV
