Voice for the voiceless - Fiji

Voice for animals who need help
We help find loving homes for animals


Happy Tuesday


Will arrive soon along with many other pet products and toys


The Cat Named Carrot


Just an afternoon at the spa. Listen to that purr! 🐈💕😹 Subscribe to our Youtube where you will be notified anytime new video is posted. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrHXnwcgGzuGRJqdtlUMk1A

If you are new here Carrot is 9 month old girl that my daughters were surprised with in June. They gave her the name Carrot. Last year we lost our cat Bailey No Ordinary Cat who has his own best seller book that came out last Spring. Check it out here. He is just like Carrot. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07HB9XSK9?ref=dbs_p2d_P_W_popup_yes_prime_T1

Cats of Instagram

Scary Mommy
The Dodo


In the NOW

The whole family of baby puppers was completely covered in tar, with only their eyes free to move


NTD Television

Food brings everyone together😊😍

Credit: Jukin Media

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Happy Sunday


Fat Cat Art

Antarctic unknown species: Cat Penguins are Cleo & Momo of 2 Chaos Cats , Fat Leopard Seal is Zarathustra the Cat, Wondering Cat Albatross is DB the Cat, both of Fat Cat Art 🐧😻❄️ Today is 200 anniversary of the Antarctica discovery! Today cats rediscovered it again 😻 Narration by BBC and Питер Дайсон (Peter Dyson)


Petition: Punish teenagers that chopped puppy’s ears off and posed for photos!


yousign.org The photos attached to this campaign have received a lot of attention on social media. Virtually, you could not have scrolled on every platform available and no...


Can someone please help or know of any vet in sigatoka? This case was brought to us but since we are in Suva and currently do not have a vet we couldn't be of much help and animal clinics in western didn't provide good response.



When your dog can type faster than you. 🐶


Please give your Pets time to adjust to the new environment


Enjoy your lunch time 😁


Good morning 🤣😂


So our topic this week is HONEY BEES AND HONEYS. We know our main focus is on the well being of cats and dogs but we all love honey and deserve to know how our honey is made.

Bees are flying insects closely related to wasps and ants, known for their role in pollination and for producing honey and beeswax. In a bee hive colony, are three types of bees which are queen, drone and the workers. Each colony has only one queen who's job is to lay eggs and preside over the hive. During her lifetime, the queen bee only mates once but as she does, she mates with several drones at that time. Queens are developed from larvae selected by worker bees and specially fed royal jelly in order to become sexually mature to replace the former queen bee.

Worker bees are female but are not capable of reproducing. They do all the work in the hive, and they control most of what goes on inside. Their jobs include housekeeping, feeding the queen, drones and larvae, collecting the pollen and nectar, and making the wax whilst; A drone is a male honey bee whom unlike the queen and female worker bees, do not have stingers and gather neither nectar nor pollen. A drone's primary role is to mate with an unfertilized queen.

Now let's discuss about honeys and bee farming. There is a common misconception that honey, aka bee vomit, is vegan-friendly, but is it? Honey, beeswax, bee pollen, royal jelly (bee milk), propolis, and bee venom - are all products of intensive labor from hardworking animals.

Bees feed on pollen, but honey is their single source of food during poorer weather and winter months, which contains essential nutrients intended for them. In order to fill their stomachs, honey bees will visit up to 1,500 flowers to collect enough nectar. When returning to the hive, the bee, along with other 'house bees', will regurgitate and chew the nectar, in a process that results in honey. Each bee produces just a twelfth of a teaspoon of honey in his/her lifetime - and every ounce is fundamental to the hive.

In a bee farm, usually these bees undergo cruelty by beekeepers/ farmers. Some of these cruelties are :

1) in a hive inside the bee farm, Beekepers clip the queen bees' wings to prevent them from leaving the hive and producing a new colony elsewhere - which would slash productivity and profit. Queen bees are also often artificially inseminated

2) Farmers are known to replace the honey they remove from a hive with a sugar substitute, which is substantially worse for the bees' health. The cheap sugar replacer lacks the nutrients, fats, and vitamins that honey has. This unethical practice prompts the worker bees to overwork themselves in order to replace the honey they have lost.

3) during the honey removal process, many bees die after stinging the farmers

4) farmers destroy the entire hive after harvesting all the honey in order to keep the cost low. During this process, many bees are injured as they try to escape, they are either killed or have their wings and legs torn apart

5) honey bees are bred in order to increase population and this can lead to high die-offs and diseases associated with stress, pesticide poisoning, inadequate forage and poor nutrition. These diseases can easily spread to other pollinators that we and the other animals rely on. Due to mass breeding of honey bees, there has been a decline in native bumblebee and various bird species world wide.

Honey is definitely not vegan and bees do not deserve to be exploited, they deserve to keep the reward to their hardwork. We have no right to burn down or destroy their colony for just a little bit of sweetness.


Do you have a meow meow or woof woof? If yes, show us your fur babies pictures below


So one of our team members saw this post but when we went to search for this post to talk with the guy, we couldn't find the post

Please please please if you have a pet, do not give it away just because you have adopted / brought a new one. Just because you have a new pet doesn't mean you abandon your old pet. They are living things they have souls and feelings too they are not toys or clothes that you give them away when it becomes old

Stop being so heartless if you can't look after more than one pet then don't adopt a new one.

I'm sure a man wouldn't give away his oldest child after his wife gives birth to a new baby. So treat your pets the same way like your own blood your own child. Love and protect your furbaby don't abandon him



Evil Kitty

Goodnight everyone

Buy more chips, Karen.


PASH - Pacific Animal Shelter & Hospital - Fiji

We have had several dogs in the past few weeks come to us for severe poisoning after being bathed for flea and tick with the chemical shown below. Luckily they all survived, but that was only after emergency treatment and hospitalization at PASH. The active ingredient in this chemical is DIAZINON. Diazinon has been banned in many countries as it is a known carcinogen. Please do not put this chemical on your pets.


Looking for people to join our team. Will choose suitable one or two whom we think will be active in the page and main chat room


Sign The Petition: Don’t Let Australia Poison And Kill Millions Of Stray Cats!

thepetitionsite.com The government's cruel plan includes airdropping poisoned sausages for these cats to eat & painfully die.


Willing to recruit 1 or 2 new members to our team. If you are interested please comment below or inbox us. At the end of the week we will choose one or 2 people from those interested

Remember we are an online community for now until we find a big land to build our future goals on.
We provide awareness on cats and dogs wellness
We provide homemade healthy foods to fur parents for their fur babies (haven't start yet)
We help people in getting their pets or stray animals into being adopted
We help in fundraising and collecting donations for the needy animals at animal clinics

If you want to join our team, you need to be active in our main chat room in messenger. Participate in posts, providing awareness and messaging.
Also respect that everything is done through the page until our sanctuary is made which may take some time


Jukin Media

Baby Elephant Bath Time🐘


It can be really tempting to share your food with your dog especially when he/ she is giving you the puppy eyes. Like who could resist those eyes and you'd most probably end up feeding him your food which he shouldn't be eating. Some foods that are made for us humans, can be toxic/poisonous to dogs so please be mindful of the ingredients in your food before feeding your dog. There are some human food which can be shared with dogs but there are also some food which should never be fed to dogs as it can be life threatening. Below we will discuss some most dangerous foods for dogs which they should be kept away from

1) chocolates - there's a compound named theobromine present in chocolates which is similar to caffeine and acts as stimulant. it can cause detrimental effects on the heart, nervous system and kidneys.

2) caffeine - this is very similar to theobromine and is very toxic to dogs which causes caffeine poisoning. Some signs of caffeine poisoning are rapid breathing, heart palpitations, and muscle tremors. Please keep your dog's away from caffeine beverages

3) onions - causes dehydration and gastrointestinal issues and is very toxic to dogs since it can destroy a dog's red cell causing it to become anemic.

4) grapes and raisins - can cause kidney failure. If you think, that your dog has eaten grapes please take him to the vet immediately.

5) avocados - contains persin which can cause diarrhea and vomiting in dogs

6) alcohol - causes alcohol toxicity. Though this is not rare as dogs are not drawn towards alcoholic beverages but sometimes accidents can happen. Some symptoms of alcohol toxicity in dogs are Depression or lethargy, Incoordination, Drooling, Vomiting or retching, Weakness, Collapse, Decreased respiratory rate, Hypoglycemia, Hypotension, Hypothermia and even DEATH.

7) corn on the cob - can lead to intestinal blockage which may make your dog very sick. Always remove the corns out of the cob before feeding them

8) cooked bones - Cooked bones are more brittle and prone to splintering into sharp shards that can be harmful to your dog. The hazards of cooked bones include choking and puncture wounds to the dog’s digestive tract, which can also kill. The best alternative is to feed them raw bones which are a good source of calcium, phosphorus, and other minerals.

9) dairy products - some dogs are lactose intolerant so please be mindful when feeding them milk, cheese, ice-cream and so on

10) Xylitol - is an artificial sweetener usually found in chewing gum which can be lethal to dogs. it can cause severe hypoglycemia, along with symptoms like vomiting and seizures. Always check your dogs treats to ensure it contains no Xylitol before feeding him. Peanut butter which is considered safe for dogs and given to dogs as a treat sometimes also contains Xylitol. So always go through all the available brands and make sure the peanut butter contains 0 Xylitol.

11) salty foods - can be detrimental to your dog’s health. A hefty dose of salt can cause tremors, a spike in body temperature, seizures, and even death. Dogs with heart conditions should never be given salty snacks and also avoid putting salt in their homemade food.


Did you know that The National Retail Federation reports that $1.7 billion will be spent on pets this Valentine's Day season, which averages out to about $12.21 per pet owner. Pet spending for Valentine's Day has gone up significantly in the past decade, with $400 million spent on pets for Valentine's Day in 2010.

Who else is going to spend this loving day with their fur babies?


Happy valentines from our team to the fur babies and their parents ❤️😍♥️💕💖💞🌹💋🐱🐈🐶🐕😻


Please comment below if you're interested in providing your pets with a much healthier home made food

We just want to know the average numbers so that we can start with this initiative soon. We will most probably provide homemade food 7 days a week


Cats Are So Awesome


We are planning on talking on different topics every week to aware the pet parents and public. Our topics would be based on animals rights, breeding, health issues, medications such as deworm vaccine etc.

Give us a positive feedback below if you wish us to start on this

Also, we have also decided to start preparing homemade dog and cat foods which can be sold to those interested and willing to buy for their pets. Now when we buy commercial foods, we don't know how many percentage of what ingredients is really in the packaged food but making a healthy and balanced homemade meal will ensure that your pets get the nutrients and protein they need.
If we do start on with this, the cat meal would be $2 (small container) and dog meal would be $4-6 (2 takeaway container full)

We will mostly be providing the meal during dinner time of your pets. But we haven't started this yet but hope to soon after discussing further with all the team members

If you think, that you want your pets to be able to have the opportunity of a fully balanced homemade meal, please give us a positive comment below for our teams



PASH - Pacific Animal Shelter & Hospital - Fiji


The histopathology results are back, and Shadow has been diagnosed with Canine Transmissible Venereal Tumor (TVT). These tumours are transplanted from dog to dog by direct contact with the mass - one of the reasons we urge all owners to desex their pets. While the lesions most commonly affect the genitalia of dogs, occasionally other areas of the body such as the skin, are affected. This disease is treatable with chemotherapy, and the prognosis for total remission is generally good, unless there is metastatic involvement/spread (occurs in about 5% of cases). The rate of tumour regression varies, so Shadow may have a long road to recovery.

All in all, this is relatively good news! We have started his chemotherapy treatment he will need weekly, and we will monitor his progress. His secondary skin infection is improving, and he prefers to spend most of his time in the garden.

Thanks for all your support for Shadow!


Who said animals did not have feelings? We all do and we all deserve to be loved and cared for. Please respect and love each other not just humans but animals too. Just because they can't talk doesn't mean they have to be treated any different.


Could someone please adopt, this handsome boy and give him a home?

Meet Bruno
Bruno has been at PASH since June of last year - that’s 244 days! He’s about 8 years old, LOVES people - all people - short, tall, young and old! Now Bruno only has one eye and so he gets passed over for “perfect” dogs. However, Bruno is PERFECT too! All he dreams of is his very own person or people to love in a new home. Now…there is one thing about Bruno you need to know…he does not like male dogs and will start a fight. Girls are different - he does like them! In his perfect world, he would be an only dog and get ALL the attention or maybe share his life with a lady dog. If you have room in your heart and home for a “perfect” dog with just one eye, please come and meet Bruno.
He’s a beautiful chocolate color, smart, medium size and makes a mean face if a stranger comes by (until he kisses them) He deserves a home of his own and he’s waited a very long time……


Voice for the voiceless - Fiji


If instead of that little girl, a puppy was thrown in the garbage many people would have just ignored it and let it die

We may be superior because we can talk but the animals are way better than us and have a bigger heart


Share pictures of your cat with us 🙀🐈🐱😹😻😼😸😽



Topic: dog fleas

The dog flea is a species of flea that lives as an ectoparasite on a wide variety of mammals, particularly the domestic dog and cat.
There are several stages to the flea life cycle: egg, larva, pupa (cocoon) and adult. The length of time it takes to complete this cycle varies depending upon the environmental conditions, such as temperature, humidity and the availability of a nourishing host. The life cycle can take anywhere from two weeks to a year.
The adult female flea typically lives for several days to weeks on its host. During this time period, she will suck the animal’s blood two to three times and lay 20 to 30 eggs each day. She may lay several hundred eggs over her life span. These eggs fall off of the pet and into the yard, bedding, carpet and wherever else the animal spends time.
If enough fleas infest the host, the host animal can lose enough blood to become anemic. Small puppies and weak or sickly dogs are especially at risk. If not treated soon, a dog can die or suffer medical complications as a result of anemia.

To prevent a dog from catching fleas, it's best to get him deflead through medication which needs to be applied on your dog every 21-60 days. There are deflea shampoos sold in supermarkets as well which is very good for treating fleas.

The best home remedy for removing flea off your dog is Apple cider vinegar. Fleas do not like the smell of vinegar and would try to escape. Mix vinegar with water in a spray bottle and then spray it on your pets fur, leaving it for 20 minutes before brushing his coat off with a flea comb. Please note this method only removes all the fleas off your pets fur, it does not entirely kill the fleas thus the best remedy is spot on treatment which are ointment kind that is applied on your pets neck and easily available at your nearest veterinary clinic.

It is essential to keep your dog deflead to protect him from catching any fleas which may lead to anemia, serious medical condition or even death.

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