Ro Kiniviliame Kiliraki

Ro Kiniviliame Kiliraki

A proud son of Naitasiri | Former SODELPA Member of Parliament, 2014 - 2018.


I have reached 500 followers! Thank you for your continued support. I could not have done it without each of you. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿค—๐ŸŽ‰

5 years since... 25/07/2023

5 years since... 16 new items ยท Memory by Kiniviliame Kiliraki


Define 'lotu' and 'vanua' ? Can the 'lotu' take you to heaven ? Can the 'vanua' take you to heaven ? Big NO. Reconcile first...'lotu' to the 'vanua'...'vanua' to the 'lotu' here on earth.


We must move on with confidence having faith in the system that is in place. Changes will come as a prerequiste to progress.


Wishing you all a prosperous 2023, Fiji.


Your future destiny is decided today. Vote right young people.

As a political party, SODELPA recognizes the role and power of our young people. We urge all young people to get registered and ensure that their vote is counted for a future that is debt-free and not burdensome; to be part of the movement to bring about change in our great nation.

We have been left out for far too long โ€“ Fiji yearns for change. It is time for change!
